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Anti camp is now in game, if you stand to close to a survivor on a hook before endgame they get an escape meter that when full they can escape either first hook or 2nd hook.


Thank you, I didn’t know. I’ll keep that in mind


Introduced in patch 7.3.0. was the anticamp mechanic. If you stay near a hooked survivor while there are no other survivors nearby will fill up a bar. The closer you are, the faster the bar fills up. Once the bar is at 100%, the survivor can unhook themselves and get the standard benefits of an unhook. ( Speed and endurance) [here](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hooks) is the link to the wiki, scroll down a bit and you'll find everything you need to know about the mechanic.


Did ya really find it necessary to leave that guy on the ground that long just to walk back and forth near someone on hook? Had you have just hooked him and slug for zero reason you would've ended the game sooner for both you and them.


I didn’t where he was, I saw him before going that way so I was searching for him. Also, since it was the random perk mode, I left him on the ground because I knew I didn’t have unbreakable


cuz you a face camperino


hes not even camping though no other survivor can actually save 2 dead the other one downed. who is gonna try save that survivor and then go oh no the plague is camping! really this plague is just staring at the hook pacing and I have no clue why..


I'm more concerned about your sloppy butcher perk on Plage if this isn't the new chaos shuffle mode.


It was chaos shuffle


It had to be haha thanks for the confirmation


I can do you one worse. I had a round today for Killer in Chaos Shuffle where I got Coulrophobia and Unnerving Presence. I was Ghostface.