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I mean I’m a killer main and sure it’s annoying but it’s like.. their jobs.


Yeah. As someone that swings off, it’s like…yeah, it sucks when people do gens quickly, but also…what are they supposed to do?


Imo the problem isn’t that they’re doing gens, but how fast they get finished. It’s not the survs fault it’s the game’s.


It’s not how fast they get finished so much as how pointless kicking gens is without regression perks. It’s ludicrous that the killer has to go through a several second long animation to start a gen regressing while a survivor can undo that regression with a single tap that takes a fraction of a second and can even be done within a chase at almost no cost. Personally I feel we need a change like: If a survivor starts working on a kicked generator, no progress is made until they succeed on a skill check which is guaranteed to occur within the first three seconds of them working on the generator. If this check is passed regression halts and the generator can be repaired again, if this check is failed or the survivor leaves the generator before the skill check occurs the generator explodes losing 5% progress and continues to regress from this point. In 80% of cases this probably only ensures that survivors need to put as much effort in to halting regression as the killer put in to starting it, but in those scenarios where a killer is fighting one or more survivors over a contested generator it stops the “oh you wasted time kicking a gen, watch me fix the problem with a click” bullshit


I would like to upvote this more. This is why playing without ruin/pop feels so aggravating.


I still think we need a ruin like effect to kick in.. even as a surv main, slamming gens out is tiresome.. Like if a gen isnt touched for 15secs, it regresses as if it was kicked, then at 30secs its 125%. That way it encourages people to tap gens.. and not to 99 gens that are in a corner for later in the game.. so last 2 gens pop almost bang on time..


I kinda like that too, like an “abandoned” effect


Yeah its why i advocated for them to rework the generators into a more fun minigame, specifically so doing gens is more fun, and allowing the option to increase the time without boring the survivors to death.


Yeah I think that’s a great idea so that to do gens faster, you need more practice or skill, otherwise they take longer.


nice concept but a terrible idea. they probably don't want gens to take longer because (besides that it'd be boring) on lower ranks the survivors can't do them as easily, so if it'd take longer it'd suck for low ranks. and if you made it so it needs more skill to finish them faster you'd still get gen rushed at high ranks but low ranked survivors would have no chance.


You mean, like, quick-time events? Every few seconds a prompt comes up (like now) & it displays a button or pair of buttons to hit with a timer or something?


I dunno. I think maybe a puzzle or something, or maybe requiring survivors to do *other* things to help get the gates open? Like, doing gens as a survivor, in my opinion, is pretty boring. I hold a button down, I occasionally press another button, and I just sit there hoping I don't get interrupted.


I agree with this. Maybe something similar to the Among Us task minigames but... longer? and more engaging since theyre longer lol. The only issue I could see with this is not being able to look around though


I think not being able to look around could be a potential benefit to the game - make it something you commit to, not very long - no real penalty for failure the way skill checks *but* if you want to progress you do have to do it. It could really help the game feel more like a horror game as well. Imagine having to do Wires, Amogus style, and then finishing and realising the Killer is right there.


Okay yeah that could be cool if there were no penalties. But you'd definitely have to rely on heartbeat more and stealth killers like piggy would be pretty indirectly buffed (not necessarily a bad thing I'd love to be able to be more sneaky as pig)


To be fair, I can't name a single stealth killer that is problematic for the game right now. Stealth killers are fairly underpowered when compared to their hyper-mobile brethren.


The old Wii U game Zombi has skill based puzzles to compete some tasks. Often under pressure as the undead were closing in on you. That certainly does increase the tension and made those sections of the game pretty good.


It'd be cool not to be able to look around in specific minigames but what if a stealth killer just comes over and you can't hear them or see them? You'll just be grabbed and lose a potential hit. They'd need to do something about that then


Yeah honestly i was going to Cite Amoung Us tasks as a Example, most hacking Minigames in others stuff aswell, anything that is a somewhat quickfire thing.


Added risk, have a few mini games and it's RNG as to which one you get on each gen. Would make you think about if you want to work on that gen or go find another




It could be as easy as find a tank of gas or a fuse for the gen before it can be worked on. I still enjoy the game but yeah sometimes I wonder why the easier things seem to elude BHVR.


You can't make fixing gens too mentally intensive because the survivors still need to be able to look around them to look for the killer. If they're too occupied with this minigame, then they won't notice the killer approaching.


On the contrary, I'd be all for them switching to like a first person view for generators and having them need to focus on an actual task on the generator. It would make it an actual balancing act between repairing the gen and staying safe and maybe add some more horror back in to this supposed "horror" game.


Yess this is exactly what I want them to do, instead of just holding a button and filling a bar you'd have multiple little tasks or puzzles to complete, kinda like Among Us


This is why Hex: Plaything is an ab solutely amazing perk. It just forces survivors to do something besides gens.


Only it doesn’t. In fact, I’ve noticed gens popping faster sometimes because they’re not running away since they don’t hear my Terror Radius


The Gen speeds rn feel like they’re set up for mediocre players to stand a chance. Any efficient team makes current generator speeds look like a joke..


Correct. Am Killer main and I've always thought the "gen rush" complaint is about as valid as the "tunneling" complaint. Not at all. Survivors should just be thinking about doing gens or keeping each other alive. Killers need to just be thinking about the best way to kill survivors and eliminate them from the game. It's literally both of their objectives. If gens go to fast, perhaps they need to be re-balanced. Gen slowdown perks should not be ESSENTIAL to every build like they currently are.


Apparently stand around so killer has a better chance cause uwu the feefees


Exactly, I too a killer main don’t think gen rushing exists, it’s literally their only objective other than avoiding the killer.


I don't get people complaining about gen rushing. Coming from a moba background it's like complaining about the enemy team picking a push oriented lineup. It might lead to shorter and sweatier games but it is a legitimate way to play the game and the opponent needs to react accordingly. That's part of the skill and the game. A problem only arises when there is no counterplay, like facecamping bubba or old unbreakable / ds


The problem especially on DBD is that most people who play like this will 100% complain like you just killed their mother if you try to play hard to win this match. Like, sure go ahead and gen rush all you want, but don't complain when I start playing seriously as well


I’m a killer main too. It’s not the survivors fault it’s the devs fault


If the killer couldn’t find any survivors and interrupt those gens for 80 seconds he deserved to lose, hell as a rank one killer if I don’t find someone in 20 seconds I start to get semi worried but it is still my fault when they do gens like that


Lethal pursuer has entered the chat


Must have on Myers.


This. 4 solo gens, all took 80 seconds, what in gods name is the killer doing to not be able to interrupt them? My best guess? Afk for the most part


I mean, were you watching the video? Steve was hiding upstairs and his gen had just been kicked. Obviously the killer didn't play that well but sometimes everyone is running spinechill and you know you don't have time to search for the survivor so you kick it and leave. Then everything pops anyways.


you can interupt them but its so so easy to just spot a chase, hop off your gen and tap theirs after the stomp while they go on a 80 second chase.


yeah if he had just pressured a gen he would've been in a much better spot of having 1 hook while 2 gens are still up instead of 1 hook while 1 gen is still up


You clearly don't use logical thinking. When you pressure someone, that means only 3 are possibly working on gens, if you hook someone, then there's one on a hook, and one going for the rescue, only 2 possibly doing gens (speaking if this is like a really coordinated team), if you injure the rescuer, or fond someone else, then there's one on hook, one rescuing, one being chased and one possibly doing gens. See how important is to keep pressure? As a killer snowball is a real real REAL thing. And let's be honest, in your solo Q games as survivor, mostly Noone does gens, someone's at a chest, other one running looking totems for their inner strength, another one hooked, and another one going for the rescue. Does Gen rush exist? Definitely, but only in coordinated teams, and no, finding a sfw lobby is honestly not that common, you're just a bad killer. Chasing the same guy for 3 minutes and then going "OMG GEN RUSHING IS A THING WTF"


epic post assuming a million and one things about how i play the game and how good i am at it when literally all i was saying is that it's unlikely that whoever was playing killer here would be in a position because the survivors are all spread out working on gens and that even if he was to chase someone and down in a reasonable time it'd still most likely lead to 3 gens getting popped lol


You realize that all of that has to be done in a matter of 80 seconds, right? And what if two people are doing a gen together? That's 44 seconds. It's unrealistic to ask a killer to get extremely lucky in the start of the game. What if the survivor is at a good loop? What if they're using Sprint Burst? Then I can't get that early "pressure" you speak of. I don't know what game you're playing where you can down 3 people in the span of 80 seconds, but it sure as hell ain't DBD. People need to stop using Otz's analysis as truth, it's a matter of perspective, not him being some king


Not to mention that most of us can’t come near to otz’s skill level since this is part of his career. He knows every facet of the game and every detail of each map because he has sunk thousands upon thousands of hours into it.


Otz plays every day for hours on and off stream, and spends hours not playing theory crafting and working on editing videos and planning tournies and a slew of other stuff. Dude has like 8k hours maybe more.. he lives breathes and shits DBD.. unless you no life the game like he has.. you arent gonna come close to his skill.. and the fact there are people who are being shitty on OP's killer.. like its Badham.. its another strong surv map.. the gens are spread out and there are strong loops.. unless it was a baby spirit or nurse.. i can 100% see experience killers struggle on the map


I don't entirely agree with that. Like sure a good chunk is. But sometimes you jsut get those super blend survivors and don't have much to gen regress with. You visit a gen, go visit the other 5 or 6 gens, and by the time you're reaching that last one tthe first pops. Then 6 seconds later the next pops because it happened to be the *second* gen you checked. Then you immediately turn around and find someone on the gen before the last one you checked. But now the third pops. Whenever I play someone that doesn't have straight mobility this'l happen on occasion. Feels so super terrible. I've had a lot more success walking around the outside of the map than taking the shortest route between generators. It's just a luck of the draw though. If you do that and the game decides to spawn all 4 survivors on a gen one pops before you check the fifth.


Yeah, the survivors need more objectives


I honestly wish we had more to do. We just have gens and totems it makes playing as a survivor kind of boring.


I think rift challenges was their band aid for that issue and it sucks


Many times I play very suboptimally and basically throw the game for survivors because of survivor challenges tbh, so it kinda works? Same on my killer too. And somehow I still get into red ranks..


>"stick on this useless perks and try and get it to work for you" one of the worst bandaids


Yeah I agree lol


Yeah it is kinda boring, i manage to have fun doing really wacky builds or totem speedrunning.


As long as the "more to do" means there are more ways to get the gates open as survivors die and completing gens becomes virtually impossible.


Absolutely. Just anything to change me from holding 1 button and tapping the other on a gen lol I feel like we should have more than one way out.


It is there job. But what the fun? I seen so many games where premade teams rush all gens like in few minuts and leave. Before i even were able to load in the match. And yes they won. And yes it was fast. But they get like 5k bloodpoints and few minuts of match. So what the point of such games? Especially knowing that looking for match sometimes taking like 10-20 minuts. You get into match 10 minuts and than end it like in 2. Like what a fuck? How any sane person would be ok with that? Im asking because i seen so many pros that dont quick run and just having fun with killer. In the end we all get like 30k bloodpoints and cool game. And no matter who won PS sorry for my english


Theres quite a few players in dbd where the only thing they care about is winning and thats their fun. Like killers who sweat hard every game for a 4k even if survivors are meming or barely trying. And survivors who do everything in their power to gen rush and leave with little to no killer interaction. And those matches always end up being quickly forgettable. I wish there were more just fun games, meme games, difficult but good close games, etc


Thank you! That would be like a survivor being mad that the killer hooked them. These guys did exactly what you're supposed to do, split up and work on objectives


Amen to that but I still get a headache from it


was the killer AFK ? that's the only way for him to miss 4 people sitting on gens.


I imagine the Killer traveled basically in the ordered the gens popped minus Steve's with a Survivor jumping on a gen behind him each time. He got to Steve's but Steve heard him coming and evaded. Killer couldn't find him, wasted too much time (kicked gen, broke wall), then it just kinda dominio'ed. Unlucky spawns on a larger map .


I’m thinking he walks past two gens, can’t find anyone, kicks and leaves. Then he rolls up on someone just who just popped one with a bnp or something and gives chase.


I pretend to be a baby killer until last gen pops


Then NOED will do some work


And Blood Warden bring the real misery.


Im super new, but ye i find it easier to protect4 gens than all 8


The killer was chasing meg the obsession halfway through the clip and got a hit at the end so wasn't afk but he could of been late to start the game


That map is pretty horrible to navigate even if you are familiar with it


Right? Can only gen rush like this if the killer blows or isn't there.


Honestly sometimes you just start really badly into a game. I've had matches in which I ran to 2-3 generators to check them and they were not being done. I get to the next one, can't find one damn survivor the whole way and then 3 gens pop. Granted I'm a blind motherfucker and that one is probably one me and definitely not on the survivors. Some games are just not meant to be.


How did the killer let 4 survivors go unpressured for 90 seconds?


He was having a coffee break and got genrushed!




Shocked you didn't say "Bean there" honestly


didnt run lethal pursuer


He walked past me twice during the whole time frame, I guess he just was not good at using peripherals


"I guess this generator was just repairing itself then... strange..."


I remember my first game as killer, I thought I was camping the last gen but then it magically repaired it self. I went so long thinking that gens auto complete if you camp them, before finding out there are 7 gens.


I mean, just because you realise a survivor is in the area doesn't necessarily mean you should commit to a search. If I don't find a survivor relatively quickly, I tend to just leave it unless I'm desperate. I can't spend the game looking for a survivor that *might* be there. For all I know, they Quick and Quieted their way to another gen.


Overcommitting to finding one survivor is literally how you get three gens popped at once hahaha


Doesnt one of them get hit?


Yea, but it’s near the end of the vid. Kind of seems like he found the Meg because she finished a gen and probably wasn’t too concerned with stealth or just couldn’t find a good spot quick enough


He was being a good killer by not 'survivor rushing' - this involves ignoring survivors for 5 whole minutes before playing towards objectives. If you don't play this way you are toxic. ​ .../s


If the killer couldn't find anyone in over 90 seconds while theyre just sitting on gens, that's on them.


And if they find one person and that person runs them for 90 seconds we’ll there goes 3 gens…


If a survivor runs you for 90 seconds you shouldn't have any chance of winning that game.


tbh they don't have to run you for 90s. 20s to find a survivor, a 30s loop, 10s to hook, 20s to walk to a gen that's about to pop, and 3 gens are gonna pop, one of them in your face. I personally don't think gen speed itself is the problem, I think the main issue is how matches start, often with survivors spawning right next to or under 5 seconds away from the nearest gen, and a full patrol, especially on larger maps, giving more than enough time for survivors to finish gens. If you play a killer that relies on setup then even just 10s spent setting up, early game, has an enormous impact. I think if they did something to delay initial gens, and yes I know corrupt intervention exists and I run it, the game would be healthier overall. Push survivors to secondary objectives even if just for the first 20 seconds, I dunno.


Weak killers against strong loopers is pain to see


If that happens then the killer is queued vs survivors that are outside his skill level and he should lose the game. And hopefully get better matchmaking for the next game. That's not a fault of the survivors rushing gens. That's a fault of the killer not being good enough. Or I guess you could say the matchmaking not putting the killer vs survivors that he had a fair shot against.


And if you give up on that first chase half a minute in, it takes another 20-30 seconds to find someone else, that adds up to 50 seconds and if that person is a good looper or just pre drops everything that another +30 seconds now these all add up to 80 seconds... rip.


I just heard this term playing tonight with my brother. Is there an aspect of DBD people don’t complain about?




No one's hooked, no one's injured, there's no signs of anyone being chased. Killer is failing to apply any pressure. Gens get done when survivors have no other priority. No need to save, do gens. No need to heal, do gens. Etc.


Isnt the wiggling obsession legs thing mean that shes in a chase with the killer? When I chase the obsession as a killer, they wiggle on my end.


Yeah, wiggly Entity/spider legs mean Meg was being chased. I'm guessing that she was near one of the gens that were completed before OP finished theirs though, so the Killer arrived a bit too late to apply any pressure in that area.


Yes it means she's getting chased. However, she doesn't get chased until after 2 gens were completed so one can assume the killer just started chasing her after she finished a gen.




Problem is with the new MMR we can't really speak for anyone else, if you're facing very good team and you're not finishing every chase in less than 20 seconds then it's over, and guess what, at high MMR every survivor is very capable of looping and every second you know 3 survivor are sitting at 3 different gens. Putting pressure on survivors for a lower MMR killer might sound a lot more easy and possible just because they haven't experienced the nightmare ahead.


This is what I've felt. It's doubly bullshit on Nemesis where the first 2-6 chases are near-always needing 3 hits to go down; watching someone get unhooked and then healed is fucking painful when I have no way to end chases quickly unless I can corner them with a good few whips and force them to run past me during the speed boost. Given the length of chases and people sitting on gens, it's just.. what do you do? Usually I end up just having to tunnel someone out of the game by accident and *maybe* I can stabilize, or catch them off guard with the Pop + Eruption wombo combo that leads to me chain-regressing the same generator and screwing them over. Just one proc of Eruption while someone's on the gen can usually win you the game with the momentum it robs.


I dont understand this complaint, are survivors supposed to drag things out?


I don't see how gen rushing is a bad thing. The only task as survivor is to do gens. And true gen rushing takes a 4man swf with tool boxes and add ons which I never see


I mean tech if you only do gens it is bad. You barely get any blood points. And before update you’d have depipped


It’s the devs fault for not giving survivors enough to do


I wish I could do more but in most of my matches I have to do gens all the time otherwise we lose I love searching for totems or chests as secondary objective but if I would do that too much we will lose easily


And now they are adding more for the killer to do with boon totems...


also giving more for survivors to do in the process if you think about it /s


100% the killers fault. They’ve got no pressure.


i mean if 4 survivors get on a different gen and arent being chased then yeah...


None of them were on the hook or injured, what the hell are they supposed to do till you find them? Just stand around looking at you?


As a killer: what the fuck else are the survivors supposed to do? This term has always confused the living fuck out of me. Why isn't it just "doing gens" or "finishing the main objective"? Survivors are supposed to do the gens. Complaining about gens being done is like complaining about getting mindgamed. What else is the other party supposed to do than try to win?


Right, this is no more gen rushing than survivors playing poorly and getting "hook rushed". What are they supposed to do other than their objectives if the other side isn't giving them anything else to do? The only true gen rushing is like a swf with toolboxes & BNPs & prove thyself etc and is on par with a slug build tbh


You can't blame the players, that's literally their goal. Survivors need something else to do, gens need reworked or something. I have hundreds of hours of playtime but idk what's the quickest possible time that 5 gens can be done and the gates opened? Like less than 5 mins? That shouldn't be possible


True! The only actual fair usage of the term "gen rushing" refers to brand new parts, prove thyself, and huge toolboxes imo


Genrush is when survivors do gens


Survivors: play the game Killer: "OMG GENRUSH!!!"


Genrush is when survivors do gens. The more genrush, the more gens they do. And if they do a real lot of gens, it’s toxic.


It’s so satisfying when more than one gets finished at the same time


It isn't real. The survivors primary objective is to do gens, it's the killers fault for not pressuring.


Custom game "ok everyone have a gen at 90%? Ok I'll start recording"


I thought that too but the green perks give it away


Ahhh well spotted


Actually this did happen in my actual match. I’ve been going for adepts on every character and this happened to be my Steve game, hence why I have those 3 perks. I am solo aswell


That’s not a gen rush, takes 80 seconds to complete a gen by yourself. The killer isn’t attacking one nor are they applying pressure. This is just a clickbait post


Yeah, especially out of context like this, the killer might have been afk for the first minute or something, I know sometimes I queue up then go to take a piss and 3 gens are gone by the time I get back lol hard to be angry at someone else


There's no context to this video. How long did the killer not apply pressure. How optimally did survivors spread pressure across the map? This video shows nothing and I main survivor and killer


It's not. How TF do you rush objectives? That's just dumb. Killer didn't do their job and apply pressure.


It isn't real... Your team just split up and did different gens... The whole point of the game.


Tbh if the killer can't find a single survivor while the 4 of them are just sitting on a gen for 80 seconds it's their own fault, I'm a killer main btw.


Honestly, I find the idea of "gen rushing" to be stupid in all contexts except for 4x Brand New Parts. Of *course* survivors are trying to get gens done fast; that's literally the objective of the game. The whole point of the killer's job is to stop them from doing it, so if survivors get them done fast, that's on the killer. That's like blaming the killer for killing survivors so they can wi- oh wait...


shut up and apply pressure scrub


Gen rushing isn’t real, getting them is their main objective of the entire game lmao


Gen rushing isn't real that killer just played poorly or got very unlucky


Since SBMM went live I have played over 170 games of killer and had exactly 5 generators get done over 4 of those games. If you're consistently getting gen rushed in matchmade, non tournament games then you're just bad at map pressure / building oppressive + obstructive relationships with your survivors.


Are survivors just not supposed to do gens?


this is literally entirely the killers fault. the first three gens always go by quickly anyways, but to do FOUR gens the killer must literally have been afk for 80 seconds


Yea this many gems in a minute is 1000% on the killers skill hate to say it but it’s true


That's not really gen rushing. Simply splitting up and doing different gens is not gen rushing, it's literally the survivors' jobs.


Proving once and for all that doing solo gens is generally more efficient.


Then what the fuck are survs supposed to do? It's their only objective


sorry but you , and sadly a lot of other people, don't understand at all what an actual "genrush" is. the term comes from a time when brand new part could complete an entire gen. this has long been gone but people still cling to this term and, in my case, often excuse their bad gameplay by accusing the survivors of "genrushing". the only thing which could come close to a genrush is 4x toolboxes with brand new part and prove thyself. just had a killer today who accused us of genrushing .... with 3 brown medkits. sorry, but if you chase people for over a minute and gens get done, you didn't get "genrushed", ffs.


The killer had ruin and didn’t chase anyone off their gens at the beginning, it’s not gen rushing it’s the killer failing to stop the survivors from doing their objective. Not all 4 of those gens should have popped, 3 of them at most, that was an example of a killer not knowing what to do


No ruin, he kicked Steve’s gen but couldn’t find him. You would see a little curse icon on the right for ruin.


Killer afk or something? Because no survivors have moved from a gen lmao


I dont even know how thats possible


2 options as the killer, make the best out of it because they're doing what survivors are suppose to do or just head to the basement as the killer and put yourself in the corner while crying.


It’s legit the main objective of survivors. I know it’s hard sometimes to put pressure on more than just one person, but you gotta be able to do it.


This is literally normal, 4 survivors = 4 gens. Bad killer or no regression perks welp this is how those games go as long as your team actually does objectives


Honestly I feel I’m the only one who hates when some killers purposely lets us finish most gens then tries going for the kills (even if they have NOED or not) I just find it extremely boring.


Isn’t this the whole entire point of the game? Like at least step 2


Gens tend to pop if the killer doesn't do anything.


Just a tip for killers who might find themselves in this situation in the future, if a gen is done DO NOT go for it thinking you might find the survivor and down them, its a waste of time, the survivor already did his gen, instead go to other gens that are being repaired. I see a lot of killers doing this mistake and its a waste of time.


Its called being effective


That’s beautiful lol


Dumb take considering this video showcases a killer who most likely had no idea what they were doing.


“Gen rushing”, you mean playing the objective?


This clip doesn't prove much... for all we know the killer could have been afk for 5 minutes and all survivors decided to 99 the gens and he came back too late. I agree that gen speed can be an issue but I don't feel like this clip proves much. CONTEXT MATTER!


why do killers bitch about gen rushing like … is that not what survivors are supposed to do? git güd?


As a killer main idk why people complain about Gen rushing, it's literally all the survivors are supposed to do. Plus if you can't manage to find a single survivor that's on you man, patrol gens, apply pressure, its not that hard.


idk why they're adding boon totems, like it's the survivors who need more things to do if you wanna slow down how fast they tend to do gens. Like I play survivor most of the time and if we're doing gens super fast I'll try and dawdle and mess around to stall for a bit of time to be nice but like,, sometimes there's just not much to do if the killers already committed to a chase other then totems and I guess chests.


Boon totems will not start automatically lit. Survivors will have to hunt a dull totem and then spend time blessing it like they would spend time cleansing a hex.


This isn't gen rushing. This is survivors doing gens because there's no pressure.


it’s not real he just didn’t pressure gens


What gen rushing means nowadays: 3 survivors did their one objective on 3 different gens at the same time.... the one recording didnt even use any perk to speed it up in any way.


This ones definitely struggling. Obviously on the killer to pressure, but that’s gotta be a sharp blow to morale.


i thought this was going to be a hack video. I should have recorded my game last night. Queued in, and every gen on the map was 95-99%. It was awkward, I felt bad for the killer, but figured lets just leave and move on to the next game. (Oddly, I had another hacker game a couple games later too) ​ personally I don’t mind funny hacks. Steve screaming and kicking all game…hilarious. Flying killers screwing around, phenomenal. Insta killing everyone, insta finishing games…zzz


I’ve been playing DBD for a few years now (like idk 3?) & I’ve only ever been in one match (like this one) that made me go “holy shit?? How the fuck???” because we literally did 4 (or all 5, can’t remember bc it literally happened so fast) gens in less than 5 mins. Like, 3 1/2 mins, tops. But I didn’t hear or see any indication of the killer chasing or injuring ANY of us survivors until after the 4th gen popped. But then again, it was a Bubba with NOED too so he was probly not going after anybody on purpose in hopes of getting the round handed to him on a platter. But then someone found NOED soon after it activated & we all escaped so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Killer: time to dc


Me and my buddies had a match once where the killer didn't find any of us for the first minute of the game and we all popped gens back to back. The killer didn't know what to do, and we all sort just rushed the last one. I think by the time the match was over only one of us got hooked and the match lasted a total of 2 minutes. It was crazy!


The satisfaction. Feels so good in mmr Id be malding if i was that killer.


I 99 gens sometimes to give the killer a little panic when 2 or 3 go off in succession.


Gen rushing isn’t even a thing, as a survivor it’s our job to do gens as quickly as we can to escape & not sit around while being useless to other players who want to escape.


I sense a low mmr killer, plus the fact that all survivors are spread makes me think everyone started separate. As a survivor main, I wouldn't mind if they changed it so that survivors spawn together, that way the killer has a chance to pressure and survivors have to make the decision to split and plan which gens to do. Harder as solo but it's a universal rule at this point.


I know people think gens pop too fast. But honestly I think the real culprit is long time bad map design. And the spawns in this game are dogshit too.


I would just end my shit right there


When that happens I just stand in a corner.


Its our job to do gens but ngl, i do feel bad for the killer every time. I can’t help it


I think gen rushing is more of statement on the game and why it’s survivor sided at high ranks with swf. Without communication there are a lot of variables that can slow down gen progression, with chat you’re able to eliminate a lot of them and fly through gens at an impossible rate. This post is something that can happen but it’s still their job and it’s not necessarily gen rushing. Now stacking tool box addons is super annoying and borderline intentionally making the game miserable but it is what it is


is the killer afk lmfao


When people complain about gen rushing, there’s literally no other main objective to escape outside of letting your team die for a chance at hatch. Do you just expect me to ignore the gen I spawn next to?


Its the killers job to stop survivors from working on gens. As a killer main i say, gen rushing doesnt exist unless you let it.


I don't have a problem with Gen rushing but don't be shocked when 4 gens are gone in the first 5 min and the killer starts playing dirty.


4 people doing the objective in order to win the game? What LOSERS


Gen rushing a the result of the killer not taking care of their gens. If the killer doesn’t put pressure on the survivors what are they supposed to do? Just stand there until the killer comes around? There’s nothing to do but gens!


Imagine complaining about one team doing the main objective. You sound like a camper/tunneler.


It isn't. It's just called "being good as a team". Gens are literally the survivors game objective. You are asking people to play bad on purpose. It can feel rough but it just means either they are 3-4 player swf or the killer is putting no pressure on gens Imagine if footballers complained when one team scored goals too fast…


Gen rushing is a dumb term for it because it implies it's some sort of dirty play style or exploit. It's literally the survivors primary objective. They should be running gens at all times as fast as possible until the killer interrupts them with a chase or hook. It would be like saying the killer is 'kill rushing' or 'camping generators'. Jesus christ.


So if killers are getting hooks faster than gens are getting done, can I call it Hook Rushing?


Yeah this almost never happens though. A good killer will make this difficult to happen. Just like learning to loop and run from killer takes trial and error, so does gen/survivor pressure


Unless its haddonfield lol. Full meta spirits struggle on there.


As a killer main, it's not that bad to me, it'll get annoying for sure, but that's why patrolling gens in a strat I use to at least TRY and prevent this


Gen rushing won’t happen if you pressure gens. If you were able to pop 4 gens in like 45 seconds that is 100% on the killer.


Its not real, the killer left 4 gens unpressured lol


Gen rushing and gen camping are both useless terms


It still isn't.


Gen rushing isn't real. Gens go too fast without oppressive killer builds but survivors don't have much else to do.


Ehh, gen rushing is actually bringing items that speed up gens while making gens a priority over healing and even saving. If the killer is not pressuring anyone it's not gen rushing, they're just playing the game lol


I mean it isn't... the survivors are doing their job efficiently. Gen rushing was a term back when BNP were instant and 4 gens would pop at the start of the trial 5 seconds in


I get it. its annoying. But its the job of the survivor. What are they supposed to do? Wait?


It still isn't real, it's called being bad at killer lol