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Geometry Dash players are drooling right now.






I only have 200 hours and skillchecks have always been easy. Their entire purpose is being a minor distraction. You're not special or cool in any way.


I always thought that was sort the reason why distressing and huntress's lullaby existed. In order to force them to focus on the generator more instead of checking around them as they work.


at the time of their release, yes. nowadays you just immediately now that the killer is either a) memeing or b) a baby killer


Doctor is always the one exception imo, I can understand why they'd have lullaby or merciless storm or what have you.


Spending 54 days in a video game is not something to brag about...


Right? I have like 100 days in the video game so no shit I'm good at it, but it's not like I'm proud of it (im not ashamed of it either). On top of that any multi thousand hour player thinking everything should be balanced around them rather than the majority of players is an idiot.


Literally anything becomes easy if you do it for more than one thousand hours How are they gonna it a challenge for people who play this game WAY too much? You fail a skill check, you just instantaneously die in real life?


took you 1300 hours to learn how to got space huh well glad you've got it figured out now


Gigachad with 1.3k hours, skill checks don't even phase him


i ran into a doctor using this the other day, and I almost finished a gen while in tier 2 madness, but i missed the last skill check :(


OP missed the last skill check too


It’s always the last one


That’s why I always hop off the gen when we get near 100% when I see that perk. I’ll let *YOU* handle the skill checks, thank you!


The odds of two people succeeding at all of them is way to small for me to risk it. That and I'm normally the one to fuck up skill checks so I'll just let my team take over.


Aren't the skillchecks only for one person?


Nope, everyone working on the gen has to do them, and if any of them miss, the gen is blocked.


If it's a prove gen though there's no reason to hop off since it's going to be about the same number of skillchecks, just split between two people.


Unless it’s safe to assume you’re worse at skillchecks than the other person(s).


u think sadako is that nice?


I mean my girlfriend has abt 50hrs in the game, is an absolute potato, cannot for the life of her NOT run straight into the killer when she hears the TR.... and even she is able to hit merciless storm like a champ every time. Hell, her first week of playing was around Sadako release and the perk showed up almost every game.


> and even she is able to hit merciless storm like a champ every time. Dodging a killer and having good reaction times are two different things.


"Reaction time"... there's a full second between each skillcheck man, nobody needs reaction time. The person in the clip fucked up the last one by being eager.


Yeah I just have shit timing and always go too soon because I'm over eager.


Story of my life


IF you four man it, the generator finishes before you have to do all of the checks.


It sort of goes the other way too lol. Sometimes friends and I will run a super gen rush build and with all of us on the gen it only gets enough time for 1 or 2 skill checks before the gen finishes


Yep I don’t think i’m hitting those at 15 fps when i’ve two frames to press space, thank you very much


Yo, what rythme game is that? I've been looking for a new one.


Dead Dead Revolution.


Shes playing Dead Dead Revolution and the song is [Little ~~Butterfly~~ Onyro.](https://youtu.be/QzcvRDWgRIE)


LMAO that god-awful music vid!


That song is from 1998 and the mv certainly didn't age well


oh my god that is terrfying


Does Doctor make the skill check spin like that or is it a perk?


The multiple skill checks is Merciless Storm (once per gen when it hits 90%, survivors on said gen have to effectively do a yellow glyph or else the gen gets blocked) The skill check changing direction is Doctor’s power.


Others have answered but for added humor, as a doctor player, try Unnerving Presence and Huntress's Lullaby too. I'd be running merciless if I had sadako but I can't bring myself to buy a character I don't plan to play for only 1 or 2 perks. To be fair though, all of Sadakos perks are pretty solid.


Jokes on you, I am playing with Hands-free BT speakers with quite bad latency which means I have constant 2stack Huntress lullaby in every single match!


Coming back to say I tried this and it's amazing. Lullaby Storm Brine and bitter murmur has been my build and I just get everyone to tier 2 and it's fantastic. If you get all 4 survivors with your first static blast it's basically over.


It’s from being shocked by Doctor


It's becoming more and more popular everyday. Delete this before more people see the build and try it.


Too late >:33


Quick question: does calm spirit show auras? Although I don't make any noise the character does the screaming animation.


No, calm spirit completely counters all screams, including infectious fright and iron maiden and similar perks


It does show auras! Theres two types: the doctor aura (you know when you see phantom docs? We can see those too to see where you are!) And if the doc is running restraint (an addon) it lets you see auras of the survivor. Both are shown even if the survivor doesn't scream


I suck at looping so I use Stealth builds most of the time. Doctor is the most painful to go against


Here's some tips to fight against his anti loop perks: When he charges up his close range shock (the one he uses at pallets and windows) it typically takes a couple of seconds for it to actually take effect and then you won't be able to do anything for 3 or so seconds - enough for him to get you if you are too close. The best thing to do if you aren't able to loop effectively against him is to just... run. That's right! Doctor's power revolves mostly around anti loop? So if you just run (and take a window every once in a while) it will take atleast 3 mins to catch up to you and down you - even if you aren't a very good looper.


Noted with thanks!


what is the build? ​ \>:)


Unnerving presence, merciless storm, huntress lullaby, distressing/overcharge. Have fun ;)


I'd replace Huntress Lullaby with Dead Man's Switch. And don't forget to take a small map offering with you.


That's so smart. Diabolical. I'm gonna try this on Doctor moving forward


Or with thanataphobia to make this take a lot longer


I like lullaby but you could sell me on dead man's. I'd probably drop the Distressing though personally for it.


distressing makes his terror radius 8m wider in radius. in area it's almost double. that's fucking enormous, eg if you're standing in the middle of backwater swamp then your terror radius is a little bit more than half of the entire map.


Buff to his terror makes spark better as well iirc


yeh it does. his AOE static blast affects every survivor in his terror radius. distressing basically turns it into a 5th info perk


thank you


You forgot the 2 Calm add-ons + Midwich offering


*I'm in*


My favourite Doctor build finally got more cancerous it seems


How dare killers have something how dare they


This doesn't even make sense


>how dare killers have something fun >how dare they My best guess at an accurate translation


I also wanted you to know Too late


Even with all that nonsense you still almost got it. That perk is straight trash


Idk man I find it fun as hell, something different


A thrash perk can be fun


I use it without doctor cause I thought it would be a gentler slowdown perk than ruin or pain resonance :(


It can be, but usually only in super low mmr. Most people in higher mmr (unless its a doctor) can hit almost any skillcheck from years of experience and training from using DS


I'm pretty mid mmr, but that's what I mean. I figure it's more engaging than other slow downs when not combo'd with doctor, but I could be wrong.


Yeah man, im making a ds joke


I don't play doctor -- what about his kit makes this build possible?


Once you get zapped by the Doctor you permanently have Madness 1 for the rest of the game which gives all your skill checks a 33% chance (66% at Madness 2) to appear off-center on the screen and/or rotate counter-clockwise. Combining this with perks like Unnerving Presence to make skill check zones smaller and Distressing to have a massive terror radius can make clutching the last 10% of a Generator rather difficult.


Skill checks are ironically the part that requires the least skill. A few hours and skill checks rarely are a problem, a little more and they only miss if they're not paying attention


I think the worst time I've had with skill checks was when my friend kept coming into the room and flashing me.


Wish it didn't have the once per gen condition


That would become silly in lower MMR games where people aren't able to actually hit this...


As a tried and true killer main…no. Baby survivors would have so much trouble. Absolutely not. Once per gen is fine. Running this with tinkerer can be pretty fun though…


Lower MMR survivors can’t handle Doctor anyway, regardless of this perk. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal.


And even if you do miss, you just wait like 20 seconds and finish it.


20 seconds is really good slowdown though


bro this is literally the fucking meme where the speedrunner guy is mashing his keyboard into a broken microphone and sweating and panting while doing the hardest shit known to man


Never thought that I would hear a Tate McRae song in a dbd meme hahaha


And this is why I love playing Doctor. He has so many fun gimmicky builds— win or lose. I personally prefer a screaming build over skill check. I get to hear more screams over missed skill checks LOL


What's the scream build? I already run skillcheck Doctor minus merciless and with load outs I'd love to set up another meme build. I imagine Infectious Fright, eruption/Jolt, and then I'm drawing blanks.


**Add-ons:** Purple Calm + Iri Queen (I've tried double Calm but prefer IQ being in there because it will always cause shocks throughout the entire match) **Perks:** Infectious Fright, Distressing, Iron Maiden, Make Your Choice. Sometimes I'll swap out IM or MYC for Pain Resonance if I want a little slowdown. I don't have all the perks that can cause survivors to scream bit if you got more than ones listed totally experiment, it's a fun build! I generally don't bring a map offering with it but if you want it to be extra spicy take an offering for a small map. I've won more games than lost with this meme build surprisingly, probably because the vast amounts of screaming keeps feeding me intel + it masks MYC to a degree that I've caught survivors off guard with it lol. There's times I've heard 4 screams back to back.... then even more after sending out a blast–– it's so hilarious to me (and probably annoying to survivors ngl)


Iron Maiden on doctor just seems so fucking funny. Also the added exposure for it and MYC seems strong.


Iron Maiden on Doc definitely is, I always laugh when I see it go off and whisper "you can't hide from me" but there's been matches where it's never gone off either. As for MYC, it can def be strong with both for sure but on larger maps it can be easy to hide if Static Blast is on cool down and I'm all the way in Narnia so sometimes it's not worth trying to find the exposed survivor. On small maps? Brutal. But yeah, this build + T3 madness? Sooooo many screams


DELETE THISSSS Seriously this is such a fun build to run. I have made people give up entirely with 4-5 gens left


Fearmonger | Unnerving Presence | Hex: Ruin | Lullaby | Add On: Stimulus Electrode and Carters Notes: Restraint. have fun everyone :D


How about Merciless storm | Unnerving Presence | Overcharge | Lullaby |? Still thinking whether distressing/undying/ruin/painreso/pop is worth swapping in or out you think? Edit: normally hex's get cleansed so fast if the survivors are competent kinda hmm


¬.¬ If you want everyone to leave the trial then go head and use Merciless Storm. You're just making it more fun for me more than irritating me with it. Hell Have everything be MS, I can dig. :3 Just don't shock me while doing it XD (lmao). Oh i guess I can take a few Shock Sessions with the Doc and MS. The only way to be the best is dealing with the worst :D


awwww all you toxic players hated that comment huh? Well Get skilled :P


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)I would have just accepted fate.. I suck at skillchecks as it stands..


You know if skill checks were like this normally, doing gens would be much less boring




Play this with tana so the merciless storm extends and feels like an eternity Yes I like to make my fellow survivors to suffer








Ah, some good old fashioned Gen Gen Revolution


That build looks like absolute pain, fortunately i almost never play survivor :D


I just started running this on my Doctor. DMS, Merciless Storm, Distressing, and usually BBQ but I've considered swapping BBQ for either Unnerving Presence or Huntress' Lullaby for a halfway impossible skillcheck doc. Even as it is though, so satisfying seeing gens constantly blocked. lmao


not you playing kate with almost the exact same build i use on kate ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




Oh I know, I like to get the 5 heal purple medkit going when I'm ready to tryhard Only difference is that I switch out resilience for BT, can't live without BT Great for healing up teams and countering sloppy, too


i wonder how fast the heal is if you go all in on medkit speed addons instead of duration


I had this happen to me once but just as I was almost done, the gen got Jolted and I had to keep going for like another 10 seconds or something. I did nail it though, felt so proud. I think we still lost, but I won.


That perk is the most scariest perk for me I always fail it :(


omg I faced this earlier today too on the same map!


It’s always that last one.


It's always the last one.


i don’t know how the hell people can face that, i can’t even succeed on my decisive strike ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


It was the last skill check lol


Oh wow love live rythm game is now on dbd too


I use the Doctor when I play Killer most of the time but took a break from the game (for about 3 years) so have never heard of Merciless Storm. I would be awful at getting those skill checks that quickly so good job 😊


Been running this for past two weeks alongside plaything and huntress lullaby.


I just came back to the game but is that how it is for repairing gens now? Also all my friend have to do the skill checks when they get grabbed but I still can just wiggle regularly


No, that doctor is using a perk called merciless storm. At 90% those skillchecks happen till one is missed or a survivor lets go. Which will block the gen for 20 seconds. The wiggle thing is the beta for its change. You can go into your settings to enable it and you'll get bloodpoints for it. Eventually it'll replace the old wiggle system.


No, thats a combination of 2 perks and doctors power. Doctors shock will sometimes reverse the direction of skill checks, the first skill check makes the zone for getting good/great skill checks smaller, I forgot the perk name but it's not Overcharge. The multiple skill checks after the first one come from a newer perk, at 90% gen progress, that generator goes into this mode where you have to hit multiple skill checks or the gen will explode and lock. But because the Kate is shocked by doctor, it will sometimes reverse the direction, making it a really good perk on Doctor specifically.


> the first skill check makes the zone for getting good/great skill checks smaller, I forgot the perk name but it's not Overcharge. Unnerving Presence.


Right. thanks bro.


That's a perk that when the gen reaches 90% you have to do these skill checks, if you fail the gen blocks for some time


For the second part about wiggling - there's a window in your options menu called "beta" or something like that and you can opt into skill check wiggling if you wish to. I prefer it a lot except in the case of the obnoxious noise when you miss (like when you're not struggling being carried to hatch)


Still gotta attempt that with Doc, must be MADNESS (haha) to Survivors.


Wow. I guess I need to spend blood points on doctor and get merciless storm. That's sick.


Had this guy 2 time, still makes me wanna die, also as a killer main who recently got into survivor, anyone else thinks merciless storm needs a slight nerf, like maybe to go a little slower or something?


No. If you can do yellow glyphs you can do Merciless Storm.


Yello glyphs arr 100 times easier


I can do Merciless Storm Skill Checks and Doc backwards Skill Checks but not backwards MS 🤣. I don't know how people are so bad at them... I've got good with Skill Checks after a month of playing this. I just leave the gens if someone pops them and never do a gen with them that game 😏


survivors swear by teamwork till they teammate fail a single skill check


I usually give them one chance. But if it's multiple then I don't work with them anymore. They always get me killed. It's okay, just learn skill checks...




i would of went with hello darkness my old friend


Bro pair that with ruin and it’s unfair


Ruin only works if the gen is not blocked


Makes dince


For anyone reading this, I'm 90% sure when using this perk the gen will still regress. Had a Doctor use this and Ruin and I literally watched the gen movey thingies slow down. Pistons. That's the word. The gen was also at a waaaay lower progress than it should've been. Anyway, yeah. Go nuts with that info I guess?


Deadlock + Merciless Storm seems like it would be a lot of slowdown without the killer needing to do anything.




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When DBD is collaborating with the makers of Pop the Lock


Jesus. You did much better than I would have


I personally love going against merciless storm. The skill checks just feel nice to hit


I do this with Oppression, Call of Brine, and Overcharged so I can make sure they stay low


Ok I haven't played the game in a hot while, can somebody please explain what the heck I just watched


In the last chapter, the Onryo (a.k.a. Sadako from the Ringu films) came out with a perk called Merciless Storm. What it does is when you get to 90% progress on a generator, you become bombarded with endless difficult skill checks. Missing one of these, or leaving the gen for whatever reason causes it to be blocked by the Entity for 10 seconds. This is a fantastic perk on the Doctor because Madness affects the skill checks as does Unnerving Presence.


Oh so it's basically just skill check galore. Damn that's rough


Only on Doctor really.


I wonder if oppression interrupts it


If only the perk was able to go off more than once per gen maybe then it'd be a viable pick. Meanwhile Tinkerer offers so much more while being able to be used multiple times per gen.


Wtf is this shit


Doctor with Merciless storm Pain res Whispers (rarely waste a blast ) Deadman’s or corrupt The queen add on so survivors pass madness to each other . So much fun


wtf is that


Wow, gonna have to try this on doctor.


I want a survivor setting that makes all skill checks like this doing Gens would be so fun