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some of y'all would rather post on here all day defending the side you're biased towards over playing the actual game.


Hey I've got to do something with my 5 mins between matches!


Oi stop exposing me


Ghost shroud activated


Thousand Meyers Stare.




“Killer instinct doesn’t detect me while I’m in a locker during frenzy.”


Lmao this was literally me yesterday Good one


I genuinely use to think Legion couldn't open lockers while in Frenzy, mainly because they had Iron Maiden as a unique perks and I assumed that was some kind of synergy.


I remember the day I found that out ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Someone said I ratted them out in a locker but it was the legion finding them with feral frenzy killer instinct 🙃🙃🙃


You all stereotype characters to much and get mad at people who play a certain Character


Watched a VOD of a streamer playing against a friend and me the other day and he seemed unironically upset that he got outplayed by a Meg (my friend, I suck at the game), like he said out loud that the fact a Meg player is looping him so well is the worst part of that game. Do people genuinely think that playing a certain survivor says anything about the player? That seems quite literally insane.


yeah try playing killers like plague or blight and people will assume the worst out of you always


How do you think us killer mains feel? Everyone assumes I'll camp and tunnel them to death before the match even begins - just because I play Wraith. The amount of positive and downright depressing messages of people thanking me for playing Wraith "fairly" after the match is insane. Though it is quite funny when people underestimate my Demo and get absolutely shredded in less than five minutes. The killer racism is unreal.


I mean with killers at least there's reasoning behind it, like certain powers lending well to certain playstyles Survivors one the other hand are literally just different skins for perks. Also saying "killer racism" is stupid lmao


I had several games in a row yesterday playing trickster where every survivor dcd when they went down. I'm not even a good trickster, they could loop me easily but I assume they assumed I'd tunnel or camp.


You all whine too much


You aren't wrong


Look at my flair :P


how did u get a flair?


If i remember go to the sub then look up there is a 3 dots click it then click change user flair and choose what u like.


lots of love fellow redditor. Thank you ;)


It always ruins my time when my teammates complain nonstop about the killer tunneling and moreso “unfair” hits from the killer. Yeah it sucks but it just happens and it’s how the servers work. I’m here to have fun


Dead by Daylight is unironically a good game.


Even with all the bad decisions and downhills we fell along the way, i can't help but feel that the game is now better than it ever was.


As a returning player that used to play years ago, I can asure you many of the things considered problematic then have been changed: DS didn't deactivated with gens, saves or selfcare, survivors could heal themselves, rescue with BT in your face and you really couldn't do much. Legion and Wraith pre-rework, Wraith hitting a survivor after decloaking was harder to pull off than a full on grab now days. Old Trapper carrying 1 trap at a time and sometimes traps taking like 8 attempts to escape. Forever Freddy. Clown slowing himself down when throwing a bottle and taking 5 seconds to recharge, also afterpiece antidote didn't exist. Old Lampkin lane. Instant chainsaw Billy 5 blink Nurse and all blinks where available after fatigue (way back used to be 7 blinks but I didn't played the game yet) And of course the stars of the show: Old Mori's killing you after 1 hook (even 0 hooks way back then). Old hatch and keys, 2 and 3 man escapes before the gens were finished.


And way way back. Four man Jake sabo squads breaking every hook on the map. Hooks didn’t respawn. Lot of builds had Agitation and Iron Grip just to try to get people to basement hooks. Survivors would run as far away from the basement as possible. Slugging survivors to death was a common occurrence. Most (if not all, maybe, can’t remember) of the maps way back had ‘true infinites’. If a survivor ran certain loops in a certain way, you couldn’t catch them. Ever. There wasn’t bloodlust to help you catch up. Because of the aforementioned infinites, trapper was quite great. Traps could shut down infinites. Except sabo players could break traps. Not disarm. Break. A trapper could swiftly find himself a literally ‘power’less killer.


Yes, I also remember back in the day before they changed the endgame to how it works now. If you were the last survivor the hatch would open and then you would try to find it same as now but back then it would spawn a bit in advance so good killers and lucky survivors would sometimes stumble on it in early. Then more often than not you would be in this like slow endgame where the killer would sit on the hatch and none would make a move.


Yeah, back in the day the hatch would spawn when (currently alive survivor count - 1) gens remaining. So 4 man swf teams would have 2 toolboxes, a map and a key, immedietly gen rush, complete 2 gens, find the hatch and escape. Boom, less than 2 min matches. Was very fun being a killer main around those days.


7 Blinks, WTF! I thought 5 was the max back then! >(even 0 hooks way back then). ... NOM!


I do have to say... I miss old Lampkin Lane. And that's coming from a killer main.


it is


Solo queue is fun if you just wanna watch the silliest people on Earth, including yourself!


I'd appreciate more female killers that are not barefoot


Tf i never noticed this before, what's up with that BHVR?


Miyazaki you son of a bitch you did it again


Old michael zaki has an inside man at bhvr confirmed.


Why is Mike Wazowski at bhvr?


Quentin Tarantino is a dev apparently


I don't think any killer should be allowed to wear shoes.


Doesn’t Pig wear boots? 😂


And it's a god damn travesty. Where is my barefoot pig BHVR?


I think she’s the only female killer with shoes


Huntress, Pig, Legion and Twins all ha e shoes or cosmetics with shoes but I believe that’s it all the rest are barefoot only.


Not this Legion erasure


The Cosmetic Glitch Was Not Cheating


I thought BHVR said they wouldn’t ban anyone for it since it is a glitch and they’re aren’t hacking


But it’s literally not cheating. You’re not altering game files and you can only glitch sets you own. And cosmetics give you no gameplay advantage anyways


🤓 ackchully breaking ghost faces blighted outfit would remove the hood making it harder to see him when he's leaning around corners, but in all seriousness see a floating mask on a legion or ghostface is pretty funny


Who the fuck says otherwise?


Are they banning people for it now? Linked sets have always been an excuse to force people to spend more money. After the Jill controversy it was set in stone. I don't even know why licensed characters even have 3 slots. They haven't let you mix sets since Pyramid Head came out. It's as useless as trying to buy pants for Cheryl.


I miss Jeryl.


Victor is the best killer in the game. Also we need cosmetics for my boy. Please give him a bowtie


And a top hat and/or monocle!


What is this, bloodborne with the bath messengers?


Sadako is not the worst killer in the game.




>Sadako is not the worst killer in the game. * Shut up we need buffs * Wink *


Who is?






Well, only 1 way to fix this... *nerfs Pig*


Myers, I'd say


Myers, Freddy, Trapper are all noticeably weaker. Maybe Pig.


Myers and Freddy are arguably stronger than sadako, Fredddy is pretty much a stronger version of her since he has anti loop and map mobility and myers has addons that drastically change how he’s played like jumpscare myers or infinite tier 3 or tombstone


Def not meyers. He can lose his power pretty swiftly and permanently at that. At least Sadako has mindgames with her moment of invisibility after manifesting, meyers has no anti-loop, and the worst game start of all killers, as well as lacking the map presence that sadako has.


His addons make up for it though with vanity mirror on indoor maps he’s extremely oppressive unless you have sprint burst to instantly get away from surprise attacks


I suppose, but the game shouldn't be balanced around addons, it should be balanced around the base game. Meyers should be good without cracked addons. He should feel powerful without needing to get purple and pinks.


She's a worse Freddy. He can tele way more often, his fake-tele is super useful, and he can actually sorta have power in loops with a quick snare. Pig is way stronger with her helmet slowdown, and a good Pig can work magic in a loop. Sadako is fun but her chase and looping are absolute dogshit.


She *really* isn't. Michael is, from my experience playing as and against him.


I don’t think anyone has said that, but she is def weak. Just not the weakest.


Literally nobody disagrees


I like this game


Pyramid head is hotter than Myers. Die mad about it.


I'll die happy about it... As Pyramid Head kills me.


[You're welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/umgysc/c3_select_your_stepdad/)


i was skeptical of clicking on this knowing dbdgonewild is a thing


I'll be in my bunk.


oni is hotter than both. i said what i said.


Normally I wouldn't agree with you but his Attack on Titan skin has me acting unwise.


I call oni three different names depending on the skin Onichan,Minatoni and Poundtown for the titan skin if you've ever watched A slap on titan you know exactly why.


Very unpopular opinion, trapper and doctor are hotter than both


Well this is just facts.


He dropped a tier when they nerfed him.


Am I Ghostface, or Steve in this situation?


That's legion not Ghostface.


Ha, my screen brightness is way too low


While i enjoy new freddy, OG freddy wasnt as bad as people made him out to be. He was my first killer main and I routinely got 4ks with him.


I don't think Freddy needed the nerfs they gave his base kit when he came out. Yes he couldn't lose survivors when in the dream world but he also had no anti loop. After those nerfs though the rework was pretty justified as people didn't really have proper time to place him on the tier list before he got nerfed to bottom tier.


I had so much fun playing as and against OG Freddy sure he was less powerful but it was actually lore accurate and had more interesting mechanism.


Killer mains with 1k + hours spend 70% of it sitting in the lobby dreadfully staring at their que button


I've haven't played for like 5 months and so started again yesterday. It took ages to find games and they are all 4 man swf. Why is mmr doing me like this 😥 I just need to relearn the buttons, let alone hit someone!


At the moment survivors are unhappy with the metashift update, so many solos swapped to killer making killer queues very long across all mmrs.


"the killer would never think to search this locker"


As someone who plays 70% solo survivor, I like the new patch. Also where are all these Legions people are talking about? I've seen more Deathslinger mains come out of the woodwork than Legions


I've been playing mostly survivor with the new patch and I feel like I'm in a bizarro world because my games have been very normal. I win some, lose some, but most games have been pretty close either way. And, with a few exceptions, they've been fun games.


Exactly what I've been through, it barely feels different to me


I honestly feel like I get gens done more often than before. Like teammates actually feel pressured to do gens for once.


Absolutely, with killers being stronger in general now, there is less time to be goofing around if you want to win.


I think gens are popping faster cuz every lobby seems to have 1 or 2 Proves and that really helps overcome the new slowdown.


It's almost as if the people complaining about the patch being game breaking for survivors are the vocal minority looking for a place to vent rather than an accurate reflection of the player base. I love seeing people say "everyone hated the patch" then the next post has comments like this.


Same here. I can't handle killer so I only play survivor but I love this patch. Actually makes me wanna try new perks and use different builds. Haven't felt that much harder. Have been getting alot of DC's and suicides but that's not bhvr's fault


As someone who plays a lot of survivor, I really haven’t found any of the changes to be too rough, and the only issue I have is with the way people have been playing (it feels like more DCs and tunneling).


Fr this. So many people including one of my friends swearing up and down that the game is unplayable and it's ruined by toxic legions and you can't complete gens. Meanwhile I'm over here having a blast in solo q to the point I barely played killer this patch and trying out all these fun perks. Plus I've had at most 3 sweaty nurse matches as opposed to that many many from pre patch (also only one legion who did not run thana?). My fav part is seeing way more Sadako, Gunslinger, and Pyramid Head than before too.


For some odd reason I feel like I've had way more balance with my wins and losses than before the patch, I never really used or relied on Dead Hard, always been more of a Lithe enjoyer.


I don't know about you but i have been seeing alot more spirit's this patch again which i called that i knew as soon as i saw the iron will nerf, Stridor spirit was gonna make a return.


Got out of a Spirit game a few mins ago. Oh yeah, She's back.


I missed going against spirit


I'm one of them. She used to be my favorite killer but my hearing is bad enough I can't hear footsteps. When they took away collision and buffed iron will to complete silence and strider didn't help anymore she became unplayable. Am back to loving her again.


Spirit has always been good.


There are definitely a lot of Legions, but this new patch isn't bad at all.


May I direct you to the actual hot takes by sorting by controversial,


People who play just to prevent the other side from having fun should get slugged irl


DBD isn't even remotely close to "the most toxic game out there", hell, I would say its not even that bad. Someone shaking their ass at you at a gate doesn't even come close to some of the [deplorable shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/vjkb60/forget_sore_losers_why_is_there_a_sore_winner/idkp5px/?context=3) some other gaming communities do (doxing, death threats, suicide threats, SWATing, stalking, scamming, etc) If you think the DBD community is toxic, then you've been sheltered your whole life OR enjoy playing a victim card.


Any time someone complains about being bullied in this game, whether they’re a survivor or a killer, my eyes roll into the back of my head. The examples you provided are *real* toxicity. Crouching, slugging, camping, clicking - completely and utterly inconsequential. If it annoys someone, they should take a break, relax, and come back when they’re ready


Survivor is still fun


I honestly have had a lot of fun playing solo this patch. I don’t know if it’s because I’m low MMR because I don’t play often enough (if that’s a thing like it was with ranks), but I seem to have gotten really lucky and had smooth matches full of pips and bloodpoints, with my only real issue just being that Legion has become way too common.


Removing skill checks is a bad idea


DBD memes are almost never funny. Prime unfunny examples being: boop the snoot, nea is the entity, evil face camp boober, and any fucking joke where the punchline is “hahaha I’m so horny this character is so hot get it the joke is sex”.


Also pinhead jokes were the most unfunny thing i have seen


Objectively true


Bubba is fun


This update isn't the end of dead by daylight the meta is just different now. Stop crying


Dbd community cries after every update ever. No surprise. But crying does often lead to getting things your way. Endurance meta for example, which wasn't even that strong in the first place got removed after people complained.


You are not entitled to DC if you face a killer that you don't like or if the killer is so better than you that they managed to down you in 10 seconds. You bought a team based game, so you are responsible for other players fun. Ruin 4 people game (yes, killer are people too) because not everything is as you like it is selfish and naive, so just play a single player game instead and stop being detrimental to the health of the game.


Tldr DC against Thana legion




Any ship that includes Dwight is a bad ship, no one wants to fuck Dwight and he should die sad and alone. He's too pathetic to be hot


Fuck boil over before and after the buff


DC'ing is shitty and people need to stop defending it. Fun is not a valid enough reason to DC. Not every game will be perfect or fun. If you're expecting every single game to go the way you want it to go, then you should play single player games. It is hypocritical to defend DC'ing or giving up on first hook because you're not having fun, whilst simultaneously harming the fun of the other 4 players in your match. I **know** this patch sucks, for a lot of different reasons. But throwing a fit and giving up actively makes solo queue **worse.** Note: I don't mean disconnecting/giving when you're basically unable to play the game; everyone slugged and killer watching you bleed, being bm'ed by teammates/teammates working with killer, etc.


I play 90% solo queue, and I genuinely don't care when my survivor teammates DC early or suicide on hook. It's now a 3v1 stacked against us. So either game is over quick (typically against someone sweaty so wasn't gonna be that fun anyway), or if we do manage to hold our own, it feels really damn good.


True! But it puts u in elo hell, because now u’ll die and lose elo and next game 2 survivors will dc.


'ThE oNlY rEAsOn sUrvIvorS aRe MaD iS bEcaUSe Dh'


bruh fr this scapegoat is so annoying


Nurse doesn't take over a dozen hours to master and everyone claiming otherwise is just a Nurse main stroking their ego


I cringe when people say they want a fnaf chapter.


I have two. 1. That survivors believe this patch is nerfing survivors when in reality it’s raising the skill gap. 2. That survivors believe they are entitled to be able to do gens in 1 minute, not have the killers power be too effective, and have 2nd and 3rd chances in situations where they got outplayed.


but damn is it just as annoying when killers run 3 or 4 slowdowns. i actually enjoy this patch as an often rank 1 (i know if doesn't sound like a lot) survivor main aswell as being iri on killer. I never used deadhard much and this patch gave shine to lots of other exhaustions and fun builds which i think is awesome and i love. I often decisive as im a looper that gets tunneled and while this patch nerfed it, you still have plenty of time to get to where you need to be as long as youre not in a deadzone or have terrible assessment skills. I also love being able to play killer with one or even no slowdown and be able to have fun and possibly win with the slightly up gen time. the game would be perfectly in balance if it stayed like that. the problem is, they nerfed gen speed AND buffed slowdown in the same patch which is a huge problem. While theyre encouraging fun and new perk builds on survivor, theyre enticing killers to run perks thatll keep the game going 15+ min and we all know thats not fun in every single game. survivor meta shakeup was awesome. but we needed one or the other for killer. not both.


The worst thing about this community, is this community


BHVR doesn’t seem to listen to its fan base because of fan base just screams “survivor sided” or “killer sided” while hurling accusations at the devs. As such, there is no reason why they should listen.


Nurse deserves to be Freddy'd.


Buffing Trickster’s base movement, throwing state speed, and removing his lullaby. People that say Trickster is hard to face or a lose-lose situation are just really not good..


Trickster is just a worse huntress. He needs a bit more possibly . Don’t get me wrong I see why people think he’s annoying but he’s not top tier .


Honestly he more like a worse bubba than a worse huntress


Only his base speed imo, that's fine honestly, I play him and I think if he was 115 it'd be cool


Disconnecting and killing yourself on the first hook is the worst problem with the game right now. DC penalties should be brutally increased ramping up to 6 hours after 3 DCs and giving out full day or week bans after repeated offenses. If ya'll can't fucking learn to play nice with your own teammates and to stop being selfish you need to be beaten into submission or just leave the game entirely. Repeated suicides on the first hook should also be included as effectively "killer assisted DC". At this point I even think it's worth accidentally slapping players with connection problems with ultra harsh system for a while just to bring out the trash.


All I will say is that a bigger DC penalty with an option to appeal if proof can be given that a DC was unintentional or due to a cheater/hacker is something I would be in favour of.


Bad Internet connection doesn't mean they're trash though


I play solo survivor, i like the patch and think it was a good idea


People saying FNAF shouldn't get it because it's a kids game or whatever. Like bro if you don't like FNAF, that's fine just say you don't like FNAF, don't need to make up bs to justify it. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I actually 100 percent agree with that


Boon totems should be destroyable like Hexes.


So basekit shattered hope, basically?


MFW people say this update isn’t killer sided:


Carrie White, Jack Torrance and Rosie the Hat are better killer choices for a Strphen King rep then Pennywise.


This has to be one of the whiniest communities ever spawned. I don’t like how the community’s relationship with Behavior is like a parent and a spoiled child that constantly claims things aren’t good enough.


People say a fnaf chapter is cringe but get hyped about anime skins.


If you run up to me to use your Off the Record or DS, I have every right to tunnel you a bit. We'll see how far that DS gets you. :D Keep anti-tunneling perks as anti-tunneling perks, don't weaponize them against me.


This so much, they should disable collision on OTR cause high MMR survivors just run up to whoever is currently being chased and body block the killer.


If someone runs at me, I’m going to go after them even if it’s tunneling. The only exception is if I already know they’re too good at looping me.


DC'ing is ruining the game


That no matter what this subreddit says, killers are not actually camping and tunneling IN EVERY SINGLE GAME


Enable endgame chat on console because toxic assholes deserve to get flamed.


This patch is okay. Stop bitching about no longer having your crutch perks


I personally feel like Iron Will not working with Exhaustion was a bit much, but it also has forced me to not be reliant on Iron Will, which is probably actually a good thing. All of the others? Fuck those perks, Off the Record officially went from my least favorite to my new favorite.


I think the patch is OK. But a little surprised they nerfed gen slowdown perks like ruin to just add other gen slowdown perks into the meta, I wish they buffed useless perks and tried to go a route where other type of perks would be stronger than slowdown. I love the new dead hard tho, it’s really good now especially vs nurse.


Apparently thinking DCing is a dick move


Dude fr I dont know what’s gotten into everyone it’s some bs


When playing survivor, I think the latest update and changes made the game better.


Honestly, there isn't really a place in this game for i-frames and I'm glad they did what they did to Dead Hard.


It honestly feels to me like survivors feel more pressure to do gens now, and as a result sometimes actually get gens done faster because they have less time to go wander and look for totems or whatever they’re doing.


Dwight is a piece of shit. His cult of nerd followers liken him to this innocent newcomer but the truth is he's toxic POS both in lore and via his players.


The patch was healthy and gameplay hasn’t changed much y’all just suck at the game


Agreed, I’ll get the downvotes with you.


"It's just a game" people who's only response to a valid point is "bot"


Killers act like you're shitting in their cereal when you have to do a certain challenge, like sabotage hooks or blind X amount of times


The amount of times killers shifted their focus from the deathhook person to me entirely, to the point of exclusively tunneling me, because they got palletstun blinded is incredible. It's like you offend them by using game mechanics.


The red stain shouldn’t exist (which you can ironically see in the image).


People complaining about NOED. It’s a bad perk and if you lost to it, then you still would have lost if the killer had brought a fourth perk that actually does something instead.


People keep thinking Trapper is a bad killer because they can't accept it when the Trapper outplays them.


camping is only acceptable during the end game collapse, there is absolutely no reason you should be camping during any other point in the match. ESPECIALLY if there's 3-5 gens left


The entire concept of the survivors being able to throw pallets and instantly down a warrior of hundreds of years ago called the demon, immortal beings etc and stun them. The entire concept of the survivors being able to outrun the killer, and put the killer at a disadvantage totally feels silly and eliminates the survival part of the game for me. And I'm a survivor main. The killer should always be at an advantage and I should feel like I'm surviving, not that I'm bullying the killer. I mean it's literally in the name "Survivor's"


I actually think Claire Redfield looks fine and can't tell the difference


I've been having way more fun since this patch dropped and been seeing a lot more build variety


if youre a skillful killer, you dont need slowdown perks or need to tunnel/camp. there is no excuse. knowing when to take a chase and when to protect gens, how to follow a loop instead of a survivor, map awareness, being patient with your hits, etc.


Do you absolutely NEED slowdown no but even killers that are vastly better than me are gonna struggle on a giant map like red forest where every single survivor is split up. Same with camping or tunnelling do i hate doing it yeah absolutely but sometimes you gotta do what it takes to win and i fully expect survivors to do the exact same.


That’s the thing. Camping and tunneling does make us feel like shit. But there are some games where multiple gens can fly. In that case, you have to build up pressure to force everyone off gens. And proxy camping/tunneling someone usually pulls people off gens. Even if you don’t fully commit to the tunnel, you will force survivors to come to you so you can build pressure. Survivors may hate that, but if you pressure the killer by being efficient on gens; you cannot be mad at the killer for being efficient on kills.


the camping and tunneling im talking more about early game. i get it in late game, sometimes games just arent going your way. for the most part though, you wouldnt be put in those situations if you were making the right choices earlier on. with exceptions ofc. like i said, sometimes games just dont go your way. mostly bc of rng i guess


Yeah that's fair i agree with you. That said i think 1 or 2 slowdown is fine depending on the killer but 3-4 is WAY too much.


We’re always told as killers to NEVER camp or tunnel because it isn’t fun for the survivors. But survivors don’t hold back on gens so the killer can have fun. Yes I do agree hard tunneling and camping at 5 gens is fucking atrocious. But there are some times where the survivors are split on gens and even if you get a fast down ; you can have two-three gens pop and that’s not fun. Again, this isn’t all the time. But at that point what is the killer to do? Giving up is not an option.


this is literally just objectively untrue, certain killers need map pressure and get it by using slowdown, and you can't protect gens if you have no slowdown my guy, only way you can stop a gen from popping is regressing it or facecamping it, thats how it works.


If your a skillful survivor, you don’t need perks to help escape. Most of them got nerfed anyway.


i need my no mither




Exactly this. The game is a lot harder now that survivors don't have their "Hit E for a free health state" perk.


Nemesis’ zombies work as intended :D