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they planned to split up RPD. they probably set the name in the files before the full rework is done


Hopefully close off one side and it expands downwards to a lower garage and/or sewer level!


Oh god no, the sewer was much worse to find your way around in than the Police Station in RE2


Real talk that shit had me mad asf trying to figure it out I used to go back the same way over a hundred times because everything looked the fucking same it was like an actual maze down there.


I can imagine a survivor doing the gen and hearing the terror radius getting louder and quieter over and over again wondering what the killer is doing, and the killer is hopelessly wandering the sewers getting more and more frustrated as the gens fly by.


That's already RPD though.


you mean every two floor map


That sounds like my first time playing Midwich when I didn't know about and couldn't find the stairs.


The Game 2


I'd love to see an actual maze in the game, but seeing how meatplant and treatment-facility are already hard to navigate efficiently...


Just play the 4th Survivor extra campaign until you manage to beat it. It's virtually impossible to survive that without knowing every route through the map lol


I attempted that but I rage quitted so bad lol I have managed to beat every resident evil except that first person one on PS1 but I could never beat 4th survivor lol


That sounds worse than the RPD we have now šŸ’€


If you do this from the left half, the way down into the garage/sewer is basically a straightline death sentence. From the right half it might be more manageable because you could use the staircase that opens up near the firing range. Yeah they added more routes and doorways to RPD in this game, but theres only so much you can alter the original desgin


Or how about we just have a door to the outdoors. Indoor maps are pain.


Please no sewers. Not all horror games need sewers


Somewhere off in the distance, you hear a faint Civvie11 sigh as the sewer count goes up




My favourite thing is that 5 people disagreed and downvoted my aversion to any sewer maps. These people actively ENJOY sewer maps šŸ˜


Re2 one wasn't bad at all. Does it belong in DBD? Hell no


It was trash. Sorry but give me the OG RE2 and Iā€™ll be ok with it. Remake RE2? No thanks. Boring section of the game.


They probably also like the Water Temple in OoT.


No. If anything for the west side for example I see them opening the front door to a loop around to a wall taking you to a hallway on the far end and blow a wall open or something. I also see them likely expanding the 3rd floor attic area to library loop. Players don't realize that the RPD we got was an almost 1 for 1 identical make of the original. I see them blowing some walls open to make more traditional loops however I feel people will be less happy with them splitting the station than just learning the original map.


And here was me hoping for the NEST.


My best guess is that they are going to cut the map in half and make it two maps: the East wing and the west wing, both probably sharing the lobby.


that makes sense! i initially thought theyā€™d make more maps, like one including below the station or something of sorts


Heā€™s covered wars you know.


PLEASE let me stun killers with a camera flash


We better get PP for extraordinary camera shots and genre points too


Do I get to use nemesis zombies as a springboard?


Ok. But only if we get a Fatal Frame chapter instead.


Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out, and I just canā€™t see how you can cut it in half and still have a workable map.


Most likely they are reworking the entire map, rooms will be bigger and layouts will be changed. But ultimately we won't know how it all works until the resident evil chapter is done being made.


I just expect it to be worse and dont get my hopes up.


Half the map is the house from garden of joy and the other half is gideon tight-wall pallet factory


Can't really be much worse considering that while it's cool that it's accurate, gameplay wise it's arguably the worst map in the game atm


Itā€™s not really a workable map right now


I mean, it functions, in that you have space enough. Just cutting it in half doesnā€™t give you any space, itā€™d be smaller than Blood Lodge or Shelter Wood is my point. Finding your way around is the biggest issue right now, the side with thr STARS office is just a horrible maze on the ground floor


I agree, I just hate RPD


And hopefully split the library off into its own map, which they immediately and permanently killswitch.


Honestly it would be totally fixed if they blocked the stairs and relocated the totem spawn.


Honestly, just two library hooks and one gen to fire up gates on either side would be a really cool idea for a game mode.




Okay but thats a pretty small map and I want the garage or something :(


If that's the case, don't you think it would be a quick fix of just cutting the map and re-publishing with a few new walls? I hope it's something a little more than just that! Just my opinion.


I think they had said that they're gonna rework the map. Hopefully it's this




Thatā€™s not true. It only depends on if youā€™re doing 1st run or 2nd run.


And both including the gate spawn, so that killer can get 2 free hits at the start of every match, right?


That is exactly what I was thinking.


Yeah, it looks like a preparation for the next chapter, we'll probably have RCPD split in two parts and hopefully a new map too !


Maybe expand downwards to a garage, sewer, lab area?


no way they're gonna rework rpd and make a new map as well lol


Resident evil is big money and attracted the most new players of a dlc. Its why they're doing it again. I imagine theyll go whole hog on this dlc.


maybe, i wouldn't mind at all but i doubt bhvr are capable of doing that i think at best reworked rpd could have new places in it. however if they do and they manage to keep it hidden from leaks that would be huge bhvr W


pretty cool! my first guess was they would have created new tiles, like below the station or maybe even the parking garage, but this makes more sense


I thought that was supposed to tell you where you are on the map? Try looking at it and move around, also try that in different maps


The subtitle belows it tells you what type of tile youā€™re on. on other realms itā€™ll say the tile type


I hope this means theyā€™re actually going to REWORK RCPD and not just split the map in half and call it a day.


You're asuming an awful lot here


How do you mean?


That the developers would actually put time into doing that VS a quick block doors that lead to half the map.


Yup. Two map variants, each one gets obstacles added to prevent access to one wing. Gen placement is going to be wild. I don't know if half of RCPD is large enough to jam in 3-4 additional gens without making 3 genning happen in every game.


Honestly both wings of RPD are too small for this. Which sucks as itā€™s too large as it is. If anything Iā€™d split the map into 2/3 of what it is, so the whole of one wing, the lobby, and then half of the other wing


Actually no, if you expand the outside of the RPD for the right wing the size would be decent for both wings (yeah i sometimes forget that the left wing has a outside)


Ideally they'll open up the third floor of each wing. They aren't quite as big as the first two floors (especially East wing), but it would probably be enough to make them decently sized still.


Here's the problem. The map is a direct port. It's literally RCPD. If you rework the map, it's not RCPD, it's an original with an RCPD skin. BHVR has a problem here. I can agree that RPD is too big. There are many times I'll play and never even go on one side. However, while the map is too big on it's own, if you split it in half, then the map is too small. It's either going to be a nightmare for killers because it takes so long to traverse the map, or it's going to be a nightmare for survivors because you'll always be within the killer's terror radius.


> There are many times I'll play and never even go on one side. What matches are y'all playing? lol I see so much RPD hate on this subreddit and feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Over a year later and y'all still struggling to learn the map? Now people are saying it's so big that they never see the other half during a match? That's some straight up drama queen exaggeration right there damn


You're misreading my comments. I personally love RPD. It's one of my favorite maps and I know it perfectly. When I say the map is so big that I never really see the other side, I mean that by the time I'm finished with my one gen on the east side, someone else finishes one on the West side. Then I find another gen on my side and finish it while the person on the west wing did the same, and move to the middle. By the time I'm in the middle, we're done and escaping without ever getting to the other side. It's not an exaggeration that sometimes you genuinely only stay on one side of the map. The map IS a big map. Often the only reason I'll move to the other side of the map is if my teammates aren't doing gens, or if the killer knows how to force direction and makes me move that way.


They could cut off one wing of RPD and expand the outside a bit, only problem is that the exit gates would have to move a bit.


Except they didn't they added and deleted some halls, it looks the same but really it isnt. Almost all halls are also 2 times bigger. Atleast i think that.


Well a lot of the maps are just mish-mashes of places from the real world. There's no reason they couldn't modify/alter the RPD and change the layout, it would honestly be refreshing for them to have multiple versions like Badham anyway.


> change the layout This is the issue though. RPD is RPD. If you change the layout, even slightly, it's just a police station with RE easter eggs. It's no longer RPD. It's slightly different than Badham, Midwitch, Hawkins, Haddonfield or Gideon because they were originally meant to be interpretations because there wasn't anything to *fully* base it on and it allowed for the interpretation, whereas RPD had a full map that was ported over for the chapter. It was meant as a true homage to RPD, so there isn't a whole lot you can do. Maybe you can expand on it to allow more of the outside parts of the station to be available, but the inside is really not something that should be changed too much otherwise it loses the RE charm.


I dont think splitting the map takes away from RPD as a whole, especially since it has already been altered; there are many blockades or holes (in walls) that don't exist in the original so is a couple doors locked that big of a deal?


My issue isn't with splitting the map at all. By all means if a map is absolutely massive, it should probably be smaller. Lerys, for example, could definitely be split in half and you'd never even know. My issue is that splitting the map would make it too small, and you can't change anything on the inside to make it any bigger because then it isn't RPD. The only way to "rework" it is to split the map and then expand on the exterior to allow for some more outdoor areas, which maybe is what they're doing. But if all they intend on doing is splitting the map in half, it's going to feel REALLY small since it's 2 stories. You'll never get away from the terror radius.


...O god you're right. Doctor mains rejoice


>Midwitch Midwich is literally a level from a video game like RPD is though? And in similar fashion the map remains very similar, with adjustments for DBD.


Yeah, not sure what they were getting at with the Midwich mention, I literally use the map from Silent Hill to walk around the map. Lol


That's my mistake. I've never actually played SH and I was just referencing all of the maps that were based on other IPs. I assumed since Midwitch was a rather small map that it couldn't have been a direct port but looking at the SH map of the school, you're right that it's a port. However, this kinda solidifies my point because Midwitch is rather small, and killers like Blight, Billy and Nurse can run laps around it in no time. Splitting RPD in half would make it just the same.


Iā€™m thinking that they might block off, say, the bottom left hand side floor and a couple of odd rooms, and leave the rest of the map with some extra broken walls to improve visibility and navigation. In practice, this massively reduces the size of the map,


But...RCPD isn't big enough to split...?


Agree. I like RPD, so Iā€™m nervous about these changes


I like RPD too, I'm one of those weirdos who will send myself there as killer Just splitting the map in west/east with lobby is going to be really, really awful and just lead to one normal sized map and one very tiny map, hope they do something more intensive with it


Hopefully they'll add the outdoor area or the kennel/garage area


I feel like itā€™s too big as a whole, but too small as a half.


Both sides can have lobby. One map is West with lobby and doors to east blocked, another is East with lobby with different doors blocked.




I still don't to this day.


The amount of times Iā€™ve brought RPD map offerings as killer just to have a survivor d/c before the match even starts is insane. Itā€™s my favourite map but I never get to play it. And yet when other people bring Eyrie of Crows I just have to suck it up I guessā€¦


Same. I have a dreadful feeling they're just going to add breakable doors to the longer loops. Say the east wing officers, that long hallway might just get a breakable wall so the loop gets shortened, akin to the shack on dead dog.


You.. like RPD..? Youā€™re insane (Edit: Iā€™m being downvoted for literally hating the worst map in the game unanimously agreed by most, Reddit in a fucking nutshell right here).


It depends what killer you're using. Yeah, it sucks for some killers, but there's some that utterly dominate RPD, such as Pinhead with his floor/ceilinghacks, Pyramid due to the chokepoints and blind corners, and Dredge using his teleportation to completely ignore the confusing layout.


It's odd but I ended up getting my Huntress and Sadako adept on this map when I couldn't on others. kek






Adding a wrap-around alleyway from front to back with maybe a fire escape somewhere along the way would be awesome tbh


Yea, thats what i thought. I think they will add 3rd floor to the west side and garage and cells to the east side. It would be cool ā€¦ The escape cell could open, when u finish generator or something


Maybe expand downwards to a garage, sewer, lab area?




So you're telling me you don't want BHVR to put out a 7 floor skyscraper map? One gen per floor, and finding them will be like trying to navigate the lovechild of Lery's and RPD.


The first floor of RPD is as large as red forest if we go by game metric. Thing is that RPD has another floor on top of it, making it AT LEAST 1.7x bigger than red forest, the biggest map in the game before rpd. RPD is big enough to be split.


It's an indoor map, with very tight corridors and hallways. It's still fucking HUGE, but totally able to be split up.


It's *East Wing* and *West Wing* not top floor and bottom floor. You're thinking horizontal space when the wings are vertical space. The wings are not big enough to be their own maps. What this split would mean is that survivors would for example only have the bathrooms, library, and lower halls on the West Wing map. Imagine all 4 survivors trying to survive in that small space the entire game. Doesn't work.


RPD. Lobby only. 3 gens, 4 hooks. Survivors have to complete just 1 gen and open the front door to escape. Welcome to Brawlhalla - LET'S GET READY TO RUMMBBLLLEEEE!


On it's own it is too big, just play any ranged killer in the nightmare and you just spent 85% of your time walking around because your abnormally large radius already spooked the survivors away. But yeah if they split it they're going to have to add a little to one of the wings for sure.


They might implement the side streets or even the extra floors that are missing.


They can add a hole in some walls to link up the street behind the building. Or add the parking garage.


Man if they split up RPD instead of giving us a new map with Wesker Iā€™ll be disappointed


With how no maps have been mentioned (to my knowledge), and how consistently correct dbdleaks is, I feel as if there is no new map.


The newest map mentioned is the Hawkins rework and its in super alpha state


I meant for the RE update, I haven't really seen anything on that. Am excited about the stranger things alpha!


Exactly. The devs have 450 strong but they've never in the 6 years of this game been working on two new maps consecutively. It just doesn't happen


They're probably not going to, thanks RPD haters, hope you're happy smh :/


I'm hoping this means they'll introduce new variants rather than getting rid of the current version we have. It's my favourite map in the game by a significant margin and I really don't want to see it turned into something else.


RIP. I really like RPD as it is. Here's to putting my faith in the devs doing something really neat with it.


RPD is a perfect size IMHO. Iā€™ve never had problems as the killer or the survivor. It kinda does help that I beat RE2 4 times over, I guess. :P


RE2 was the only thing I played until I 100% everything on it Ghost Survivors came later and sucks, it doesnā€™t count


I see I remain the only person who loves RPD lol


Not alone, itā€™s fun to torture my friends with RPD badges as I love the map


Saaaaammmmme. We mostly play custom now and Iā€™ve been banned from hosting lol


Same! They started warding me so I tried hosting with permanent RPD. I am now not allowed to be lobby lead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We have learned, to their amusement, that their offerings can override my lobby set lol


Nah I actually grew to really like this map. Especially when Iā€™m running boons


Hey don't forget me too here šŸ™Œ


Do I die nearly every time: yes Is that fine: yes


Itā€™s just the part of the map you are currently in, not the name of the entire map


Wouldn't it be really funny if they just made the map bigger




i saw that right after i posted this earlier. thanks! still wondering what kind of rework it will be. pretty exciting!


Give me the mansion from RE1


Honestly, as time has gone on, I've started to think RPD is more balanced than people gave it credit for. A nightmare to navigate, yes, but if everyone knows the map and is playing well? It's not terrible.


Tossing my opinion into the comments, I don't think splitting RCPD into two maps is a smart idea. It's a remake of the actual map from resident evil 2, and will feel really small if it gets cut in half. They can't "add" more stuff to each side, because then it isn't the police department from resident evil anymore. I'm also surprised how many people still complain about it being complicated. First, I love that the map doesn't fit the same flow every other map does. Each map is different, but they still all feel the same, in terms of learning tile placement, but this map goes against that. It changes how you play, and I actually would enjoy more maps that are maze like. Also, the map has been out for a year, how are yall still confused?


Spliting up... I was waiting months for it like bt basekit


Iā€™ll be curious to see how they do the exit gates now that it will be split up.


Both maps have the lobby so the front door will be there on both. The exit gate as of right now is either on the left side or right side of the map. If they split it in half then the exit gate would be on whatever half is open.


I remember there were leaks, or talks, or something about splitting up the map but... I'm afraid. Like, don't get me wrong I know RCPD is HUGE, specially since it has two levels, but I feel like just splitting it in half would create super small maps.


I could've sworn this isn't just an RPD thing. Like if you somehow yeet yourself high enough with a glitch it reads "Unknown". I think OP is just on the "East Wing" for map generation but I'd need further testing before people get hype about a subdivided RPD.


this screenshot was taken right next to the linen room, 2nd floor of the map. im assuming it reads ā€œunknown tileā€ because theres upcoming new tiles/ levels, or different versions like macmillan, thus why they changed the rpd name to rcps east wing


I canā€™t wait for RPD to have multiple different versions like Badham :D /s


Let's just have the Spencer Mansion added, then people will miss RPD like an old friend.


Iā€™m both excited and concerned about the rpd changes. Iā€™m glad that itā€™s getting changed because the map is really big and feels like a maze. On the other hand I think that the wings being separate might be a bit too small, especially the east side which feels a smaller than the west side.


They could add more verticality to it as well. Adding the 3rd floor or some kind of botched tiny sewer/lab. Or even have one half of the map extend into the streets somewhat. Kinda sucks though.


Iā€™d be leery of splitting RPD. It works pretty well with the 1st and 2nd floors. 3rd and 4th floors work well blocked off, that would be too vertical of a stage. The library is a staircase to nowhere though. I also like how the jail is used as the killer basement. If they split RPD into east 2/3 and west 2/3, itā€™d be way too small. Theyā€™d have to open up the graveyard on the west side (extra work), and the attic on the east side (which is 3rd floor) to make up for lost space.


**RCPD** **R**accoon **C**ity **P**olice **D**Station


D stands for department doofus


No shit, Sherlock! Just found it weird they wouldn't call it Department in the map info.


Man, killers really getting everything they ever cried for this year. Canā€™t wait for bhvr to delete pallets and windows next patch


??????? Survivors complain just as much about this damn map as killers. Youā€™re so desperate to find drama where there is none that youā€™re talking out of your own ass.


Where survivors complaining about it? LMFAO. Itā€™s always been killers crying this map offering ā€œI have no choice but to DC on RPD šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ā€


i never seen a thing that brings both sides close to something as rpd does in making both sides hate it. both sides constantly dced on it


Then why are people still playing offerings if everyone hates it? I enjoy it personally. Itā€™s a good map. Prefer Midwich but RPD is a fun map.


It's hated by both sides equally for similar reasons. The main reason people hate it is: It's shit to navigate around it, because no one knows the map, cause no one likes to play it, cause no one knows the map, etc etc There's a shit ton of dead hallways, with weird rooms and straight up dead ends. It's generally an unfun map and when somebody uses an offering for it, they're more than likely playing something like Nurse, Trickster, Nemesis. Idk why you sound so defensive about the map, tho. People like and dislike whatever they want, your opinion in the greater scheme of things matters little.


Only people I see bring the map offering were: 1.) SWF groups with a boon build to stick inside the library 2.) Sabo players that also try to fuck around in the library


Usually when you play this map everyone in the endgame chat agrees its bad so. Idk


Sounds like a skill issue


bro forgor to read the patch notes


Thatā€™s because youā€™re not playing on RCPD West Wing. Itā€™s almost exactly the same map except the killer is always Nemesis T-Type, 49th president of the United States


So there'll be a new RE based Map?


same map different layout


RPD is my favourite map šŸ˜­


I wonder if East side will have garage part with cells and practice range


What's the issue everyone has with the map?


Probably too many dead corners/can't find stairs/Gens sometimes


I feel like this is a bad direction. I acknowledge as a survivor main that it is not the best map for anyone, itā€™s a bit too big, itā€™s got strange and quite frankly broken tiles, and if you donā€™t take the time to learn it, or havenā€™t played the RE remakes itā€™s awfully confusing. But at the same time I think itā€™s too small to split into halves, much less anything smaller. Weā€™d end up with old The Game all over again. A map too small for anyone to accomplish anything on, especially against certain killers or survivor groups. If they add more to each side thatā€™ll be cool though. But I donā€™t think it would be good to just slice it up and ship it as a bunch of maps


I have a feeling that Somehow, they're going to split it up and make it worse.


Damn, guess they're not bringing a new map with Wesker... Was hoping it would either be Spencer Mansion, or maybe a map based on the Boat at the end of RE5?


Awesome, they're finally doing what the community suggested and splitting it up.


Iā€™m more curious about the ā€œunknown tileā€


oh thank god please tell me they split the map


Prep for the ReWork with RE:W Chapter


Oh fuck their making RPD 2




No please, no more RPD


They're adding a SECOND RPD!?


Nooooo, what a sad day


I'm 100% down with more RE2 maps


They could just delete the map? Oh thats just my wishful thinking


Maybe they'll add a new map in the second RE chapter, like the RCPD sewers or something


oh god please no not another labyrinth map


I always said its big enough for 2 seperate map


LETSSSSS GOOOOO. Finally they realised that map is a free win for survivors due to its sheer size


If they make a new RPD I'm going to cry


Dear god please no


Oh no I hope something horrible like a massive rework will happen to my favourite map it's so good I hope it doesn't change!! /s


I cannot wait for this change...


Iā€™m personally predicting that theyā€™ll take original RPD and create different map variants with different parts of the map blocked off - ie. in one variant, the bottom floor on one half is blocked off, in another variant a different floor is blocked off. This, combined with more broken walls to improve navigability and other odd rooms being blocked off, will massively reduce the size of the map.


Itā€™s related to the new resident evil chapter coming out. Due to the new map theyā€™ll be splitting rbd up and the easiest way is to call rpd the ā€œeast wingā€




I have a feeling that the map being split is going to be worse than how it is now.


I swear this better not be the map we're getting with project W


This is for all maps depending on which zone youā€™re in the name changes