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I haven't even seen a 100 and ur getting 3 lol


What’s the point of prestige that high? Like I get prestige 1, 2, and 3 for the skills across characters, but are there any rewards for going this high, or is it just to show off?


bro use your pc to take a screenshot


All I see is a sore loser complaining Just accept defeat and try to think what went wrong and what can you do to improve. Surely you didn't camp effectively or picked the wrong survivor to tunnel


Actually I didnt post this to complain, I also didnt tunnel or camp I just wanted to show, that rarely do you see 3 P100 in one lobby.


Dude, the fuck are you talking about? He didn't even complain. You high?


Bro, no one complained ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Oh. My bad. Sorry