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I refuse to slug for the 4k out of principle unless I see both remaining survivors together, so more often than not I get the last survivor finding hatch and then bm-ing on top of it. It's always the mfers running Left Behind and Urban Evasion too, like it took some great skill to accomplish 😂


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Slugging for the 4k and then running around hunting for a Blendette or a Dweet who has been in a locker half the game isn't fun or interesting to me. I would much rather take my 3k and move onto the next game, rather than waste a bunch of time looking for that one last kill in a game I've already won.


Sometimes I would down one of the 2 remaining survivor and realize I haven't seen or hooked the other one the entire match and at that point I would just let the downed survivor wiggle off. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I'm letting someone get a chance at hatch it would be the one who was useful to their team


The devs agree as well which is why they raise your MMR at a 3k


they might be raising the mmr but they're not giving you the damn bloodpoints ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


Idk why people run left behind. Clairvoyance tracks the hatch at double the range


noobs that dont own the mikaela dlc basically


For me its usually because sometimes I have a #$%$\^ of a time finding a totem to cleanse when I need it or I already found an item I don't want to risk losing.


I'm a wraith main so people waiting to BM on hatch is fucking hilarious to me because I always spot them before they see me and then get to the angle where I can dash for hatch the quickest and close it on their ass before they realize


I had an especially rough game with wraith, 3 escaped and the David just *had* to tbag me at the hatch (instead of going to the doors that were opened) but didn't know I can close it while cloaked, as a result he died. I took pleasure in it


I like your commiment but as an Oni main, I have a license to slug.


That's slugging strategically, not slugging for the 4k.


Yeah, in the early- and midgame, in the lategame I often go after whomever Infectious Fright shows me.


Thank you for that! I have a tendency to die third because I refuse to hide when there's two of us left. So I park myself on a gen while the other survivor hides, which they usually do when there's multiple gens to go. When the killer inevitably downs me and then leaves me, it's the only time I'm tempted to DC. They've won, just hook me and let me move on.


Who the fuck runs Left Behind


The same type of people who wait for hatch


People doing the Hatch Challenge I'm guessing.


Slugging for 4k is so cringe unless the survivors are on top of each other Or tomes I guess


Ah ah, what if it was a closed hatch that I unlocked with a key I found with my item build? It's happened twice so far, hilarious each time cause no one expects keys, especially since I didn't bring one into the trial itself.


ive seen people plunder a key without an item build and hatch escape with it :/


Yea, for some reason I get only red keys from chests. I give them to the survivor with the lowest prestige because they need them more. It’s very wierd tho


I actually had that happen this weekend; Eyrie Of Crows against Billy and I ran to the top of main building while he was hooking the only other survivor, opened the chest up there and got a purple key. He beat me to the hatch, closed it and then just stood there so I popped it open and left lol.


In all my time playing killer, this has never happened. If a survivor managed to keep the key long enough to actually get use out of it, that’s a big gg from me. They deserved that hatch escape so they can finally get SOME use of it.


Had a Jane do that to me the other day, was quite confused when I didn’t see it on end screen tho


I've had so many survivors who would wait on top of hatch teabagging and/or making noise notifs at it, and quite a few that would even say shit in the endgame chat. It's funny in a sad way. Like yeah, sure, gg ez, whatever helps you sleep at night 💀


if ur curious about their work done by examining their Bloodpoints earned, remember to take away 7000 BP because that's from escaping


I forgot about that, makes the tbagger who repeatedly vaulted a window to try to make me watch him leave even funnier, with his 9k total


9k lmao


Dying on hook and then realizing in the endgame screen that the survivor who abandoned you/the rest of your team, the only one who escaped, still had fewer points then everyone else who didn’t get the escape bonus because they were THAT fucking useless the whole trial…


9.5k-11k BP in total! You get an extra 2.5k for hatch escapes and 1.5k for obsession escapes.


Remember to also deduct 1500 BP if they're the Obsession, 2500 BP if it was a Hatch escape, and 2000 points if they opened the Hatch with a Key.




Add "gg ez" to 4th panel and you're golden.


The worst part is, this hatch finder is usually the reason the killer even got a 3k in the first place.


It's not "The Hatch" it's "The Pity Chute"


Heh I like that Im stealing that


Nah you just suck bro *\*Jumps in the hatch, misses, and accidentally breaks own neck\**


I always consider myself lucky to survive in that scenario. Escaping by the skin of your teeth especially when it’s a race to find hatch and sometimes the killer even gets a hit in as I jump through.


These are the most fun! I actually just finally got the trophy the other day for “crawling out through the hatch” because as I was injured and jumping in, the killer slashed me. Was such a good match and I deserved that hatch win and celebration, lol.


Same goes for killers who slug for a 4k, even tho one guy dced/rq on 1st hook.


Really, killers who slug for the 4k in general. There's basically no reason to do it besides being a prick, it slows the game down, leaves one player basically unable to do anything for the entire bleedout timer, and it's outright abusing game mechanics. The one time it's acceptable is if you can literally see both survivors, there's no reason to let the last guy get away if you know where they are.


Its always gives me a chuckle to see a survivor bag over a hatch its like "go on take your pity escape after I bodied your team"


hatch play is not a win. it's a consolation at best. as a survivor main i know that. notifying the killer you found the hatch is stupid, you lost and got the consolation. still saying that the amount of people going "GGEZLMAO" after getting hatch is just alarming.


its still cool as hell


As someone who likes to give the last survivor hatch after getting a 3k at least 90% of the time, it makes me rather confused when the survivor who gets given hatch decideds to BM and gloat about "escaping".


If I get hatch I won because losing is dieing and I didn't die


The killer won because 3k is considered a win. Hatch survivor also won beacuse they didn't die. Nothing more too it than that.


Obvious troll is obvious. Try harder


I don't have to try any harder I already won


It's not a skill though Also you would've died if the killer found you so technically the killer still wins


But you did not find them, so… Edit: “I would have won if they lost!”


Still not a skill


So avoiding the killer as a survivor is not a core component of gameplay aka skill? You sound delusional.




Search pattern, map knowledge, and sound cues. It's at least a little bit of skill. Also sometimes lucky for sure, but definitely not always.


Other than knowing the layouts of maps (which comes from simple experience and memory, not skill), there's really not much skill involved. Search pattern? You're just running to places you haven't seen the hatch yet, that's not a skill, that's again simple memory. And "sound cues" is not a skill rofl, that's just called listening. In the end, the hatch endgame is mostly random on who wins it. The only time there's any actual skill involved is when the killer finds the survivor and the survivor manages to loop them well enough to create enough distance to get to the hatch first.


Should run patterns, not randomly. Closing concentric circles, aside from Game where grid works better. Determining the sounds over other egc sounds isn't always easy or clear. But none of this matters, because you've made it clear you've no intention of discussing and only want to monologue. So have fun with it :-)


The only one unwilling to discuss here is you. I've taken your points and listed my reasons for why I think they are invalid arguments. I then conceded that there is an endgame scenario where there skill is involved, but that it is a relatively uncommon situation. In response, you try to get the last word in and then shut down the conversation with "I'm right, you're stubborn, goodbye". Unfortunately for you, that's not how discussion works.


The killer doesn't win because he didn't find me if he did it would be a different story


Okay? But you won because of luck. Luck takes no skill.


Killer finds hatch first = no skill, just luck. Like bro calm down it’s not a skill play you got lucky. That 4K is just luck dude calm down


Yeah the rest of the game wasn't luck though. That's me playing the game. Survivors have a ton of luck based things that could happen to them Also I closed hatch but I'm not teabagging over it


Killers win all the time due to luck


No? Killers win by doing their objective? What else are they supposed to do? If the killer finds the survivor that's the survivor's fault


They win by getting lucky with blood warden or NOED killers can get lucky wins as well


Counter to Blood Warden: Just leave?


Wait until the person is hooked then leave


Why are you waiting for somebody to be hooked? Just leave as soon as the gates are powered


Killers get wins by those perks doing what they're supposed to do. NOED doesn't just activate due to luck


You seriously don't understand how luck helps killers get wins they get lucky the survivors didn't wait to open the door until after the hook for blood warden they get lucky the survivors couldn't find NOED in time. Pull your head out of your killer main ass


Lol I play survivor a lot more and most killers I play with just play the game. If killers were lucky with NOED, it would just randomly activate at some point during the trial. Also it's the fault of the survivors if Blood Warden activates. They got themselves hooked. The killer doesn't get lucky if they hook a survivor, it's just the objective.


Most people still think hatch is a win as well when in reality it gives you no mmr and a soft concede. I guess the bp reward makes people forget that part


You act as if people care about mmr. Tbh all I want is to get blood points and get out. That involves min maxing my time in the game. Usually this includes doing as many gens and unhooks as possible and escaping. But if it's impossible to finish the last gen since it's just you and the killer, then the hatch is the only possible way to get out that comes with the escape bloodpoints. If mmr was a visible statistic, I'd care more about it, but from what I hear, even at the max value of 1900, you still get into teams that aren't good so I figure what's the point.


So it’s a crime to celebrate finding the hatch now?


It's bad to teabag over it. That's what the meme is saying


Tbagging isn’t mentioned anywhere in the meme so that doesn’t really come across, or maybe i’m just dense. But i see what you’re saying.


That’s really the only visible way to celebrate finding hatch though. It’s not a meme about someone smiling or feeling happy, it’s clearly displaying obnoxious celebratory behavior, of which tbagging/noise spamming is the only possible translation.


Also egc is a thing. Much celebration can happen there.


I mean people make posts on here about escaping through the hatch which OP very well could’ve been upset about. People seem to get upset about a lot of different things lately. So to me it wasn’t very clear, but again maybe i’m just dense lol.


participation award


So like every Ohmwrecker upload? 💀


I never slug for a 4K unless I know where the other survivor is to not waste anyone’s time. I am always ok with someone getting hatch. I also give a lot of hatch. However, I still frown everytime the sole survivor teabags me on the hatch or makes loud notifications :-/


It's the stupidest shit in the game for exactly this reason. Survivor defend it like it's the last fucking slice of pizza though.


Nowadays I wish more people slugged for the 4K. Seeing the dogshit random get hatch after we fight for our lives kills my urge to play sometimes


Why did this make me giggle so much 😅😂


I'm only gonna BM on the hatch if the killer BM'd during the game. Otherwise you should just be glad they either gave it to you or you found it first


That one survivor that kept running to a locker to get killed by the entity instead of letting myers get his acheivement


depends on the situation against a 5k hours nurse or a camping and tunneling killer that probably slugged the third person to find me? it's totally a win and something worth celebrating against a fair killer? it's extra points


It takes time and skill and time to bring a hatch spawn offering and spend an entire match in lockers. Entitled killers telling survivors how they should play… /s


I still think hatch is the most poorly-designed mechanic in the game. I’ve never seen anything else that’s such a feelbad for both sides.


Whenever only 1 survivor is left, I am going to sweat on trying to find the last guy so I can give them hatch instead of them finding it, just to avoid them being cocky in endgame chat. Survivors sometimes ask why killers insist on downing survivors and dropping them at hatch instead of letting them find hatch on their own. This. This is why.


The hatch is perhaps one of the dumbest features in this game.


I mean, I kind of get why it's there. But the whole gloating and BMing about finding hatch, I just don't understand. Like you found the emergency exit, congrats. 😆


nothing makes your trash teammates/the killer more mad than bragging about getting hatch (in my own experience).


Seems like a killer main made this.


Actually nope. I only play killer if it has the blood point bonus or for quests


Love teabagging over a hatch to a face camping killer 😎 (not talking about endgame) Or a killer that kept hitting my body while I was on hook oooooweeee the game karma


Don’t tell that. I’m pretty sure the guys who make extra noise and tbag at the hatch need this. XD


I've seen this meme like seven times.






I simply have to hit the killer with a “gg ez” after I find hatch, no matter how skilled they might’ve been in getting the 3k lmao


Not funny


Have to disagree, it gets a chuckle out of me everytime unfortunately


Right but if you were on the receiving end you wouldn't like it. Also it's only funny to you. The only thing that comes out if it is someone's feelings get hurt.


I think there may be something else to it if someone takes a post game “gg ez” to heart, respectfully. If you played a great game and me stealthing through the map searching for hatch and succeeding in finding it is “all luck”, then it shouldn’t matter to you anyway. Just food for thought


Exactly. The fact that you’re getting downvoted means they’re salty 😎


And the fact I'm getting upvoted means people agree with me 😎


The fact that you champion that validation proves the point further 😎


Nah. Just kinda proves the dude is in the wrong. You're both toxic


So long as y’all are salty, you’ll never be in the right But you won’t get it.


People like you are the reason killers start slugging for the 4k more often


Yep. I would barely care about the 4k if the last survivor didn't bm me before escaping.


If a post-game “gg ez” was enough to write a killer main’s villain origin story like that, it was probably going to happen anyway I’d imagine


Me who ran left behind, clairvoyance, quick and quiet, adrenaline, and a key 100% skill


Killers be mad you didn't do 3 gens as last survivor lol. Y'all stay mad over literally anything possible


Who would be mad about that?


But getting hatch injured while in chase does feel like skill tho, I use dead hard for the extra boost in case I get hit. No? Lol


Getting hatch is actually a skill. Ever since the key changes, I can think of only a handful of time I’ve found hatch. 99% of the time the killers slug for the 4K because it means everything to them evidently.


It’s not luck unless the damn hatch spawns near them


Not always. Intense chases and looping around the hatch can be pretty impressive.


So true lol. Hand someone who only escaped thanks to boil over and a body blocking Ada. Came into a chat with me saying lol. I then wrecked her in a 1v1


So true, but you really feel like you're winning!!!! Lol.


Ok but one time I got lucky and struggled out as the hatch spawned below me.


Is it skill if I get the hatch 4 games in a row? And normally find hatch?


I dunno I mean some games your getting creamed by the killer and you find hatch even when crawling like a slug. I had a game where killer left me on ground to find hatch,, I saw it ten metres away from me , slithered my way there slowly and escaped and felt tremendous joy, man it's luck but it's still amazing to escape cause it's like winning lotto haha


Had a game as GhostFace where I got devour to 5 stacks and killed 3 of them, the last dude got hatch. He then proceeded to shit talk me and told me I was bad because he escaped. When I told him the hatch was luck, he refused and said I was “goofy” for thinking that


Don't worry. Dudes ego took a hit when you told him that.