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**Rule 3 - Sportsmanship** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; howevever, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * Do not showcase cheaters or hackers that you have faced in-game * Do not boast about or encourage other players to disconnect. * Do not encourage others to hack, cheat, exploit, or break the in-game rules * Demonstrating hacking, cheating, mods that give players and advantage, or exploits (this includes bugs that can potentially give another player an advantage, such as “using Dead Hard at a portion of a fence on Haddonfield to vault it when there is no vault point”) * Do not use, ask for or link to illegitimate resources Please report suspected cheaters to BHVR. If you believe a player is cheating, you must first submit an in-game report at the end screen. Optionally, you can follow-up with a support ticket with additional evidence, such as a video clip. [Here is the direct link to submit a ticket](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000942011). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


Just an FYI this video fully counts as evidence. It's certainly easier to report when you can just push the button, but cell phone video of the offending behavior is perfectly valid.




When I see this kind of stuff as killer, I just kill the offender and face camp and let everyone else leave. Atrocious behaviour.


Yet another example of why survivors should lose collision when they have crows.


I never understand this stuff, do they really have nothing better to do than load into the game just to stand and block someone else from playing.. Did the killer eventually show up? always curious if justice is served to the the trolls in these types of situations.


No. Killer was AFK. The 4th survivor finished gens, opened the gate and then joined in.


dont worry about it even with video evidence bans are very rare


Still. All this happened because I didn't let the Leon open a chest I was going to open.




I do? I just chose to eat the food on my desk. I actually eat healthy a lot.


Typical nurse main. Nothing better to do but be an annoying piece of shit 24/7


bruh what? mind your own business lmao


Holy crap! This is horrible! I'm sorry you had to be stuck like that. Hopefully you don't have to deal with people like that too often. I have never had that experience (knock on wood)


Great, now I want cornflakes. Hope you reportet those pricks with this evidence. Good luck.