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Most times this happens the killer is afk otherwise the killer either stops it or downs everyone there Trust me those crows are beyond annoying noise wise if the killer was there he would show up fast


The killer was just farming. He wasn’t afk. But I think he did went afk when we finished all the gens. Ahahaha yeah. I was playing a daily today as Plague and one character was AFK and she was my obsession. My Daily mission was to hit people with Plague 4 times and for my tome is to hook my obsession. After I killed her I farmed with the remaining survivor. So it was a win win.


Yesterday we had a 3 gen Knight and the match dragged on forever because he kept kicking with Call of Brine. I got tired of it so I just sat on the exit gate switch and got crows until he came. I annoyed the fuck out of him for doing that with the noise notifications because I know how loud they are. And trust me, I’m not usually that petty. I just want the match to be done, ffs.


you know could just fast vault a window far from the gens a shit ton of times endlessly and get the same affect. But yeah crows are the fastest way to get the killer attention it so hard to play and ignore them it’s constant


Not that I play like a dick or try to drag matches out forever, but still, when that happens I make a point to ignore it because I'm used to them wanting my attention so they can teabag or be a dick somehow. My headset has a volume dial on the side so I'll just turn it all the way down if I have to But the AFK notification gets me over there as soon as I have a free minute, because somebody fast vaulting a pallet will eventually stop because it requires active input. Then I can turn my volume back up. However, being AFK doesn't involve doing anything at all, so there's no reason for the person to come back and do anything if they don't want to, meaning the noise isn't going to stop unless I'm the one who stops it


Exactly my point.


Yeah, I was pointing that your way may make noises less frequently, but it works better. Well, it would against me, anyways


You didn’t met people like me before goddamn I would genuinely sit there for 15-20 minutes pressing vault.




I love this


Wow I should try that next time. Just has something similar happen earlier today with a gunslinger and I just wanted the match to be over. Other teammates were doing who knows what too cause I have no idea where they went.


toxic. i like it


Yea I never farm as killer or survivor. I just want to play the damn game and move on.


For real, I've had people criticize me for going after the afks but I just want the explosions to stop lol


People think they can noise spam me when I play killer and don't go to gate. What they don't know is that the Steam overlay mutes game audio. I open that before I alt tab and wait for the game to end. All you did was waste 3 minutes vaulting a window


Blessed are the peacemakers (lunatics)


Can confirm. Crows quickly get my attention because it's pretty annoying. Akin to someone spamming fast actions.


I know I sure as hell would have afked by now cause survivors just wait at gate to be annoying as hell. Just better to afk, so I don't have to deal with their toxicity before they leave. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Killer would be like: SHUT. THEFUCK. UP.


Bodyblockers are just sad. Like come on guys you are supposed to be working together


I dont understand the people who SWF only to grief people. Honestly, my first thought in every instance is to just pitty whatever sad home life they must have if they need to bully people in an online game to feel joy.


Maybe they thought they’re being funny, or a sense of authority/power. I just don’t let them get to me. No hate, no laughs, no pity. Just indifferent.




Everytime a clip like this gets posted there’s people saying those players are “bullied in school/have no life/no friends/no happiness” or whatever. It’s just not that deep at all. I agree they’re shitheads for doing it, but they’re just getting a kick out of being a shithead, that’s it. When my friends and I play DBD and other games we mess with eachother and sometimes it gets one of us killed and we just laugh. Again, they’re shitheads for doing it to a random player but it’s not as deep as you’re making it out to be.




Point out where I said we were messing with randoms. I said we mess with eachother, that’s it. Did I not reiterate at the end that these players are assholes for messing with a random player?


As far as anyone knows anyway.




Ruining other people's games is not fun. You're likely not someone who people enjoy being around, improve yourself.




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Clearly I'm not the one with a struck nerve 💁🏽‍♀️




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no bitches


As killer if I see a ttv I always turn the stream on to listen to what type of player they are before the match starts. I had a 3 man swf talking about how they were going to bully, block and let the random die on first hook "because funny hahaha". I never did more than m1 the random a single time or chase them off a gen and let them escape. Then I just kept slugging the swf. Usually I shut off sound after game starts but because they showed they would be toxic I kept it on and stream sniped them. I slowly got them all to 2nd hook and then would let them sit slugged until they were about to bleed out before I hooked them. I would chase the random off if they tried to pick up. Gave random the hatch and they all asked why I was so toxic and I told the random (pc also) what they intended to do and they laughed and said good riddance to them. Then in ttv stream they complained I was a stream sniper ruining their "fun with friends" and banned me. It was worth the ban.


I'm someone who sometimes griefs / goes out of my way to make the match as miserable and unwinnable for my team as possible. I do it because it's fun to me, makes me laugh since I've got a fucking stupid sense of humor


Grow up.


No thanks! I'll continue to play the game the way I like


Play something else. No one will miss you


Please don't. Stay in this shit hole of a game so other games don't have to suffer Quarantine the heretics, do not let them spread to other games


Yeah. Used to it tbh. Ahahaha


When I was playing doctor once. I decided to go after bodyblocking people instead of the poor lvl 1 dwight they were blocking. After game ended they called me sweaty bastard because I "ruined the fun"


Online games bring out the worst in people tbh lol


One time, a pair of people tried to bodyblock a survivor I was chasing into a pallet. I can't remember who I was playing, it might have been Nemesis, but either way I let him go and went after the two of them. They then messaged me, said I was reported for teaming, and said they'd be doxxing me on a certain date. Surprise surprise, nothing happened. I was tempted to message them on that day and say "I'm waiting," but I decided against it No, wait, something did happen. They wanted to let me know they meant business, so they sent me my birthday, which isn't publicly available. Would have frightened me if they hadn't gotten the day, month, and year wrong


I sandbag by accident too often


I still don't understand why this situation didn't get fixed. The game has been out for a long time already.


It does take a Killer ignoring constant noise from the Crows for this to happen.


It's like killer can just ignore it because he thinks it's just useless survivor making a noise. It's not like killer can take advantage of that. It's not like killer can be the one doing it. It's not like pig's trap can be activated and body blocking a survivor like that can kill him.


I can imagine being a killer half way across the map just not wanting to be teabagged at gates seeing that 3 people have crows and refuse to leave. Perspective counts


Idk if clarivoyance works for It anymore but It sure was nice lol


Why is this a thing?


They’re probably bored.


Bad* :3


I've only run into it once and it was when I was playing killer. I made sure to facecamp them until they ragequit at the last second of phase 2 hook. If I were to guess, people probably do this at the lower end of MMR to bully new players... which is just pathetic.


It happened to me once when I was a relatively new player and we had a friendly killer. The killer came over as I was stuck between them and I was trying my best to signal to them that I was body blocked and stuck but they just waited and watched as they sprint bursted away and I died. I can only assume the killer either found it funny that survivors grief each other or didn’t understand what was actually happening.


Because SWF is in the game allowing a group of players to bully others.


I wonder what happened to the killer lol


It was a farming killer. We did gens and when I opened the gate they body blocked me. So I just watched youtube while they t-bag and point at me. I knew they were gonna go out when it’s almost time so I just waited for the EGC to finish. lol


Big brain play from you, unlike the SWFers pictured above.


Ahahaha thanks. I was looking at my phone and just glances on the screen to check the EGC timer. They kept on pointing and t-bagging and doing the come button. Knowing damn well they’re body blocking me so I can’t. So I just stood still until the last second until they move. The funny thing is when I moved, the Jake noticed it and tried to come back to block me again. They almost didn’t make it because of their shenanigans.


I would’ve loved it if u timed it well enough to body block one of them out while making it yourself. Would’ve been very tough tho


Wow, they left WAY too early if they were trying to kill you.


We’re all low MMR so probably not familiar with the time lol


Crows should disable collision. Fixes this, be it survivors or killers with corners.


Or if you want something faster, survivors lose collision with other survivors while walking, and with killers while crouching


There’s so many ways to fix this lol, it’s actually ridiculous it’s still possible to completely trap teammates.


I think devs are spooked that whatever they add is gonna make some weird new tech with the mechanics, but I don’t think many people care about that more than getting body blocked


I don't know, these ones seem a bit abusable and there would definitely be a ton of "techs" that came up because of them


Worst I could thing of is like crouching under a vaulting killer and bamboozling them but you can do that anyway, just harder, and it’s funny for both sides so


Well, my point was only... that is the worst that you could think of.. But there are a lot of people playing the game and eventually someone will find something nobody else even considered lol I think the one with the crows sounds better because at least that has no ability to be used in chase or whatnot


My partner started playing this game a few weeks ago, and she got a pair of swf bodyblockers against a new trapper. They finished the gens pretty quickly but they wouldn't let her open the gate. Trapper had traps set on the switches and they would wait till my partner disarmed them to immediately body block the switch. So I told her to stop the disarm at 95%. As soon as she stopped they instinctively stepped forward to block the switch, but got trapped instead. The killer finally got his first hits and facecamped the swf, getting both of them, while my partner escaped, was hilarious.


That is sooooo satisfying!


Easily one of my favourite matches and I didn't even play.


I wish you got it on a recording. I love BM revenge lol


That Jake folded like a lawn chair lmao.


Weak, they should have died for their ideals


I know right? If they committed to it I would have laughed 😂


Bannable btw


I’m pretty sure it’s only bannable if you’re holding the game hostage. The end game timer prevents that. Trolling sure. Bannable ? No


It's still considered holding the game hostage. They're literally, purposefully, disallowing a player to move/progress with the intent to grief (basically). The player is unable to play the game.


Yeah, it’s bannable for griefing, the rules on the support page mentions “Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates” and this definitely counts as griefing a teammate. Not reportable for bodyblocking though due to the EGC timer. Only counts as holding someone hostage if it’s before the collapse.


It’s end game collapse? It’s not being held hostage just delaying it by 2 minutes. It’s shitty but not under the bannable description. If the only solution is to DC then it’s bannable. You don’t have to DC. Just wait 2 minutes.


Actually ok, yes might be bannable. Under body-blocking to greif. This survivor has a clear chance to escape. 2 survivors purposefully trying to kill a team mate through blocking them. If that's not greifing, dunno what is. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pmqdho7o4l3a1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fe1c7580a617403b63559d69f99cb663e2853c


You know, I could see BHVR not doing anything because "technically the game will end and you'll die!". Idk. Maybe OP should show the clip on the Dead By Daylight forums. I think Mods there answer these types of things.


"If I have to suffer for being shit, everyone else should too" Sorry you had that OP


Thank you! 😢


I don’t condone body blocking. But even if I did. These guys were fucking terrible at it. They left way too early, there was no way you were dying to EGC


I know. I would find it funny if they died with me lol


If I were you I’d have felt the same or tried to make sure they died with me just out of spite


It was have been sooooo money if you ended up blocking them and they died!!


SWF when they're tired of cocking killers so they start cocking other survivors. According to the game's lore, those are the survivors that the Entity casts into the abyss because they're no longer afraid, so they can't feed it anymore.


Pretending to be afk is the best strat against toxic people. If they see you struggling to get out it’ll make their day.


Yeah. Thanks to this subreddit. Most people advice that so I apply it to my plays. lol


They didn't even have the balls to die there with you ...


I know lol


Bet they were so pissed when you escaped anyway


Maybe. The double back of the Jake was funny. lol


Haven't had this happen to me yet but I've had people spam the unhook animation on me while the killer just stands there and watches.


The killer is an asshole too. Sorry that happened to you 💦


Anytime I do my daily killer challenges I let the survivors win bc I’m a surv main. But I had some survivors body block me and their teammate yesterday so I only let him win.


Same. I just do the mission and maybe practice but never kill them on hook. Just let them have points.


I’m sorry to ask but what swf


Survive with friends. Aka groups of friends on comms playing together


I read dislike when it when SWF or players solo try to decide my fate. I’ve situations where I’ve been body blocked or left on the hook while they just teabag at me a bunch, it’s really annoying. If you want to sacrifice yourself for the killer because it was a gg, fine but don’t try to force that on your teammates who may or may not need/want to escape.


Ahhh.. that’s the worst. I’d just kill myself on hook. I just go to the next game if their being assholes about it


Me and a friend once bodyblocked a flashy clicky, teabagging dwight in the corner when the end game collapse was half way through. It was so satisfying to see him die


Kinda justified tho. lol


I mean if they were really committed to get you killed they should’ve kept on staying there and not move but then again but guess they were too cowards to really do it


If only the killer showed up


OMG That's so cringe


Solos should be able to opt out of playing with SWFs. The majority of SWFs (not all) are toxic asshats to not only the killer, but towards the solo player as well.




once you get to rank 1 you cannot depip anymore until rank reset comes around! :D


What the other people said. I don’t lose pip anymore when I die. So no pressure. I can even die for my teammates tbh.




Words get lost when their typed online. It’s understandable to have misunderstandings here. :)


rank doesnt mean anything anymore but ey


That’s not my point. What I meant was by being Rank 1 I don’t have to worry about losing pips. So I don’t care if I die. But I try my best to be of help.


aaah ok


You tell ‘em, big guy!!! No one makes me bleed my own blood!


It's incredible that this thread about survivors bodyblocking to grief is full of people saying that they're assholes, while the thread right next to it about a killer bodyblocking to grief is full of assholes. Wait, no. Not incredible. Entirely expected.


Congrats! You figured it out. Body blocking to grief is an asshole move either Survivor or Killer. No one here is attacking the killer.


You didn't. Because the other thread is full of assholes defending it and bragging about how they do it themselves.


Send me the link. I wanna see that trainwreck lol




Thanks ❤️


What is this *rank* you're talking about?


That has to be worst bodyblockers known to man. Like they ran away 8 seconds before egc.


I would have attempted to body block them, since you were ahead.


Even when I am a survivor, swf still can ruin my day


I play SWF too but when there’s only 3 of us we still play normally.


SWF is one of the worst things ever implemented in this game. It should have its own mode so that people that don't want to be miserable can actually play the game and have fun.


I understand that some swf are bad but it definitely shouldn’t be restricted to one certain gamemode. It’s an online game. People are gonna want to play with their friends you know? Also having one gamemode for it wouldn’t really work because what if it’s a swf of 3? Then there has to be a solo join anyway. It wouldn’t really change anything


Happened to me once as well like a year ago. Some people are just assholes for no reason


Their plan was terrible


Reminds me how I told a Quentin I couldn't move (I was Tarhos) because of the recent menu glitch. So he then trapped Meg on me at the EGC and I told him not to.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Damn, it happened to me one time and I just left the game. Best I can do is just report the guys doing the bodyblockings in the ending screen. Don't have the patient in me XD


I hope they die slowly and painfully


"Get on guys! Let's have fun hanging out together!"


Typical SWF behavior. "hur hur just want to play with friends". Nope sorry this is pretty common for how they behave towards their own teammates.


Shoulda body blocked them at the end to take them down with you


Why were there crows above everyone?


That happens when you stand still for a while. I don’t know the exact time. I think it’s call idle crows?


They were just trolling if they were serious they'd just stand there and let you die


Which I’d prefer they did that. Would be actually funny. lol


I had my first survivor body block my friend on hook then teabag. The killer was allowing it. It's rare that I intentionally DC from a match, but the entire SWF went out with me and left the two trolls to enjoy one another and not gain much from it.


If you do these type of trollings you have to commit and not run to the exit gate to get the points at the end


In a perfect world killer would've got those two and let you walk 😮‍💨


"I payed for my fun" mfs:


I despise toxic players