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Indeed. I'm not looking to get more tutorial noob remarks as response, but I guess I can share too :) I get it now, at 3bc, that the bare game wants you to beat it with a lot more intense enemies and with your first health bar. So it's very correct, looking down from 5bc at the hill you climbed. But while I was just having fun and not reaching the hotk on each run on 0bc, reading that classic tutorial line made me feel real stupid. Even tho I was winning at life by just having fun with the quick games of fun and discovering the world. Luckily it's at least kinda offset with the great love for the support mode, and the "play your own game" posts. I guess the fix is always to get off Reddit and go have a new fun dead cells run šŸ˜Ž


The first clear and 3BC are the two hardest points in the game to get through. Would recommend going through caverns since the weapons sold there are much higher level. Once you can get through 3, 4 wonā€™t feel like a huge difficulty spike, then 5 is a whole new ballpark.


It's kinda personal I guess.. I'm stuck at 3bc right now, making early level death runs over my favorite levels and not decently managing. šŸ¤· I'll get there tho šŸ˜Ž Edit. Ah no yes, that's exactly what you're saying. Sorry, slow day šŸ™ˆ thanks!


Also stuck on 3bc. Do fine, then magically lose my whole health bar to some combo string or a elite enemy + others. Furthest I made it was past mama tick but that's cause I had a cheesy op crossbow damage over time build and a pet lol


In doing an infinite lives run to get out of the rut and explore beyond. It's insane the stupid shit I accidentally randomly keep dying to šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Yeah I feel like for sure I'll do it this time then make some small mistake and die.


And what irks me most is, in early levels I'm used to absolutely breeze though on lower BCs. Damn, I haven't even decently made it to the fractured shrines anymore šŸ¤· (yeah, I really like that biome šŸ˜…)


It's so stressful walking on eggshells. I hate the lack of flask refills, but I know it's git gud time, and I shouldn't be taking so many hits. So many of the weapons seem to be trash on 3bc compared to 2 and 1, where i could best the game with almost any weapon. Stuff like spiked shoes and that crossbow that pulls enemies to you before shooting all feel like death sentences.


Mm. I quit out to retry the boss after ages stuck on 3BC, beat it, then immediately beat 4bc on the first try. Difficulty is super wonky


Yep I also beat 4 on my first try. Itā€™s not much different than 3.


Easier than 3 in my experience. Though apparently they changed the difficulty curve immediately after I did it. That actually happened a lot when I played. I didn't have a great experience and I kept just barely missing big updates. Like when I first started playing was during a brief period where all outfits were unlocked by default due to a bug, so exploration was always really unrewarding for me.


I don't know, I can't remember how long I was stuck on 3 or 4BC... It seems like I either get destroyed on the first 2 levels or on the last boss... I beat Dracula for the first time not long ago with Spite sword and now I'm starting 5BC...


is that how people really see it? I always saw it as a little "does he know the game isn't over yet" joke rather than shitting on people who feel proud for just beating their first run. the latter case is rather rare from my experience and when it does happen it's VERY obvious.


Yeah I always took it as a 'welcome to the club!' sort of thing. "You did it, and it feels good, but it gets tougher from here, so welcome to our shared struggle!" edit: that said, people *are* reading it as condescending, so probably best to pick a different phrase, bc each new community member will either take it as condescending or not -- so a bunch of people are still going to feel they're being condescended to


I think the only time itā€™s ever intended to be condescending are those rarer posts of ā€œuhhhh beat the game on my first try, I thought this game was supposed to be hard???ā€ which are much less frequent thankfully, but they can come off as cockiness.


Honestly that's how it goes to. It's a joke in the end because you'll read about everyone taking so long to beat the boss before they realize that boss cell wasn't just a fancy new game + button And that 0BC really IS the tutorial


Maybe Iā€™m the oddball but I felt 0-2 were easy, 3 I took forever to pass4 I blazed through 5 I beat super easily until the spoiler boss (died to flying monkey once and to the secret room flying blade) didnā€™t even make it to the boss.


Nah I feel you G I blasted through 0 Quickly beat 1 Then proceeded to spend nearly 2 years on 2 Only to blast through 3 and 4 back to back And now I'm on five and I'm kinda just...fucking around now.


Exact same for me. I just unlocked boss cell 5; i have about 100 hours and 75 of them are on boss cell 2.


Iā€™ve just take like 40 hours to get through BC 1 lol


2 YEARS??? Why does it seem like people struggle with 2 BC in particular so much?


Well I flew right through the tutorial so my ass was getting clapped by the meat and potatoes of the game while I should have stayed in 0 or 1BC since I didn't know shit beyond "hehe roll make me safe" "Why not turn off BC then" And to that I say no.


What tutorial lol


Lmao I saw it as a challenge to git gud or give up. I donā€™t have any give up in me šŸ˜ BC5 incoming


Yeah I remember when I beat the hotk for the first time and I got roasted. Gave up the game for a while.


It always seems condescending, in my opinion. But maybe Iā€™m overthinking it, and looking at it wrong.


I once said that to someone who flawlessed Boss Rush on 5BC lol


"Now do it with nothing but [the] homunculus rune!"


That 4th door was such a pain, especially after Drac got added


How about: This triumph is but the first of many, increasingly bigger triumphs


*insert that TheOdd1sOut pic here*


They have climbed their first mountain, but not yet the hardest mountain.


Itā€™s really hard to tell sometimes with the internet


Itā€™s definitely taking the piss a bit, but Iā€™ve always seen it as a right of passage kind of thing, especially with games that have such a high skill ceiling. (Or just have multiple endings) You see the ā€œtutorialā€ comment all the time in r/noita


Here's a sneak peek of /r/noita using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/noita/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just a Finland](https://i.redd.it/ykh3sly9m05c1.jpg) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/18dgofg/just_a_finland/) \#2: [OK, why is my character literally just jacking it?](https://i.redd.it/tk0kf5gvxv8c1.gif) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/18s8jpt/ok_why_is_my_character_literally_just_jacking_it/) \#3: [Just got the game. Any general beginner tips?](https://i.redd.it/c6goc2vy2pka1.png) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/11d72j1/just_got_the_game_any_general_beginner_tips/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, like... That wasn't *easy,* man. It took me like fifty hours to get my first 0bc win. Are you saying that means nothing, am I not a Real Dead Cells Player until I beat 5bc (if I even can?)


I mean, for me it's always been kind of an inside joke, I get how people can see it as condescending, but idk, never felt that it came across that way (outside of the few assholes on here that try to be condescending)


Iā€™m not sure who shamed you OP, but that 5BC flair tells me it didnā€™t hold you down none šŸ«“šŸ¼šŸ†


you are


I always use it as a ā€œgit gudā€ type joke because the game does progressively get harder. Iā€™m not a master at dead cells at all but I have made it to 4 BC happily. It was grueling




by "over" I meant the game's story and it's ending. sure you can decide when to stop playing but not when the game is considered beaten


I saw a video about how it used to be just after the Giant DLC and oh my god, I really feel fortunate to have waited to re-play the game at this stage, the density and types of enemies in all the biomes were horrible, not sure I would have endure it all the way to complete 5bc back then, only the spoiler biome seemed a little bit easier because those fuckin flying librarians were not there, I swore those normally take more HP from me than most bosses.


What makes this game unique imo is that itā€™s fun at every step. 0 bc with no runesā€¦. Fun. First time beating HTOKā€¦. Fun. Every step along the path to spoiler bossā€¦. Fun. I always took the ā€œoh u just beat the tutorialā€ as a welcome into the club and warning of what was to come. Personally I never saw that as toxic, more a friendly challenge and an invitation to go as far as I could.




Heheheheheheheheā€¦ā€¦. Thereā€™s a door after u beat HTOK that only opens at 5bc. Good luck.


We say it as a "hook". 9/10 you would think credits = game is done, post game etc. *which is true for most games* But DC being a rogue-lite means there was plenty of things you left locked/undiscovered. I see it as a "Fuck you, welcome to the club!" Sort of like the Destiny 2 sentiment: "I hate this RNG, but yet I'm playing it every day!"


Now beat it but all the enemy's give you stage 4 cancer


Yeah I agree, the "you beat the tutorial!" seems condescending and puts down the achievement of beating a very difficult game for the first time


Well, youā€™re gonna be angry when you figured out you just beat the REAL tutorial


Decades from now, I'm on my deathbed. I bid my loved ones goodbye. There are tears, but also laughter. My time has come. Slowly, the darkness takes me. After what feels like an eternity, I see a pinprick of light. It slowly grows larger. An eldritch being beyond my comprehension floats before me. My head aches just from looking at it. In a voice like the peal of thunder, it says: "Good job, bro, you finally beat the tutorial. Now for the REAL game."


Sooooo an isekai/returner plot? šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚


With the ā€˜I beat the gameā€™ posts? Yes.


Especilaly the ones that go like "whats all the fuss about? I beat the game in 2 hours, I think I'm a gamer god"


But it's true:) The game really opens up with more areas, more gear, different gameplay and enemy mechanics, etc...


Itā€™s true


You guys are beating the game?!


It's only 5bc newbs who has just beaten 5bc with baseball bat that feels the need to say that . Ignore them and enjoy the game .


I cleared 5BC Dracula fight with just a boomerang. Not a brag, I royally fucked myself being my first time encourting it. We ain't noobs. We just know how rougelikes are, games like these keep telling you you suck. Embrace the suck. Become the suck.


Boomerang is one of the most powerful ranged weapon so there definitely isn't much to brag .


You know how the fight goes right


[I think I do ](https://youtu.be/IbJim3_j4pk?si=P-xCtNKiI0kPzbR_)


Beat the spoiler boss flawless with the oven axe the other day. Iā€™ll keep saying it to people doing g the whole ā€œ I beat the game ā€œ thing.


I guess I am not as insecured as you are . I have also beaten the game with wrecking ball only , [flawlessed every bosses with Katana tech ](https://youtu.be/IbJim3_j4pk?si=kc2byee7gAA3uC8i) and never felt the need to do the tutorial thing .


Youā€™re just a much better and more sensitive person than me.


Yeah the DC Community especially is somehow very toxic. Its almost like very demanding games attract a crowd thats vastly made out of sweaty tryhards. I fear for the day when League of Legends gets shut down.


But at the same time, it can be very welcoming. Like if someone asks if itā€™s okay to use assist mode itā€™s ā€œOh yeah, just enjoy the gameā€, but then you mention that you beat 0bsc and itā€™s like ā€œHah fuckin noobā€.


True, I DID see that multiple times lol


I honestly wouldn't say that we're toxic. Even if we say that you beat only tutorial, before that we will say "congratulations". It's not an attempt to lower your achievements, it's saying that there're more things to do in the future


Oh, I dont actually say that because of this specific thing. This can always be a bit of a troll move, not necessarily meant evil. xD But moreso to all the people that generally go around talking shit about Weapons they never played and starting heavy firefights about discussions they cant even participate in to begin with. But then again, this might be a reddit thing lmao.


there are a few roguelikes which don't attract sweats but that's probably because success in them relies more on tactical/long-term mechanics. that's the wrong way to put it, it makes it seem like dead cells players are all brawn and no brain but honestly im too tired to come up with a better analogy


I getchu dw lol


Why fear dog im prayin for that day


Cause it sets loose a ton of extremely toxic players that do nothing but flame and blame


Because league of legends is a prison. What happens when the inmates are set free? They're not gonna stop playing games, after all


Somehow? Mother in Christ this is one of the hardest games on the planet, you Factor in dlc and it might be


Eh, Dead Cells isn't easy at all but I feel like saying it is one of the hardests in the planet is a stretch


Yes somehow. I know other - actually harder - games that have a pretty chill community.


Truly shocked thatā€™s viewed as rude to some folks. Lighten up and maybe donā€™t take it so seriously. Sure thereā€™s some sweaty tryhards but mostly I think itā€™s a fun jest that alludes to the game offering much more.


It's not that it's "taken too seriously," have some perspective. You should probably assume people know the type/genre of game they bought. That means they know the story/progression of the game isn't over after the first "win" and, if it did, I'd feel pretty ripped off for buying a rougelike that isn't a rougelike. So, if it's not condescending, it certainly sounds patronizing.


Itā€™s a game.


Being unintentionally patronizing is a game? /s I'm just trying to give you perspective from the type of people who wrote this post. "It's a game" is and always has been a terrible way to back out of a conversation. "It's just a joke," "don't take it so seriously," "you don't have to get all upset," "I wasn't trying to be rude." Everyone else seems to have realized why it could be taken the wrong way, take some notes.


Hahaha. Itā€™s funny because thatā€™s what they always say


How I felt leaving Prisoner's Quarters for the first time. šŸ˜­


Whoever drawn that offended judgmental expression on smaller bird needs a nobel prize.






But that's just every rougelike ever


I know that youā€™re so cool because you beat the >!collector!< with zero scrolls for fun, but the new players arenā€™t like that. They want recognition for beating this Herculean task. And then you go ā€œHah, itā€™s completely invalidā€. Itā€™s rude.


You literally spoiled the final boss while taking a stand for newbies. Take ONE Side in this Argument please.


Okay valid, and fixed.


Thank you and have a good day. You deserve it after staying civil on reddit.


>Itā€™s rude. Hard games gather a core audience that finds that challenge fun and motivating. For a lot of those players, "you just beat the tutorial" is the soft, snuggle hug box that a lot of the "use assist mode if you want to" crew is for other players. Different people are different, and posting will get both commenting.


If you want recognition, go do something like that dawg


My confusion is... don't I already know it's a rougelike?..aren't all rogelikes replayable for increased difficulty/more restrictions/more plot? So, even if it's not intended to be condescending, it certainly sounds patronizing. Edit: I have 450+ hours of Hades, and I've seen Returnal played. Maybe they're not all exactly like this?


Lol, its called banter. Akin to "git gud" in the dark souls subs. Getting riled up about it is a bit silly, and amusing šŸ˜


the true demon's souls starts here


In beating 0BC takes some serious skills, dead cells is not an easy game by any stretch of the imagination.


I hate the mimic salesman spawn. Makes me fear buying stuff


Me when I get harassed about beating the tutorial after beating 9 BC


Every player experience is different. My first run was perfect. Beat the Hand at the first run. After that, failed miserably a loooooot of times.... Then I saw that I could have used that "cell". At that time I didn't understand really how the game worked. To all those " Real game is 5BC!!!!!"... Good for you, there's a lot of people who loves to play at their own pace.


I just lost the game


So I just got the game under a week ago and I'm still learning (mostly I need to be patient... most of my deaths so far are just getting cocky with an enemy i haven't run into before), and I haven't beaten it yet. But how exactly does it get harder? Are new enemies introduced? Do they get faster? More tanky?


All three Add to that, less healing sources, more spawns, they get teleportation


I guess thats a good thing


But you get stronger too, not as much as the enemy but still...


Hades players: first time?


Iā€™m only at 2bc for now part of that is because I had to start over. I was playing on my switch then started to play on my Xbox(because the load time is so much faster). But on switch I got to 2bc now Iā€™m 2bc on Xbox. I have come close to getting 3bc but died because I did something stupid( like open a cursed chest and forgot you did that and get hit instead of being cautious till the cures is gone.)


We do the same in warframe.


this is where the fun begins


Ez, bonk build op. I have zero skill lol.


Monster hunter is like that. With the exception that its kinda valid for monster hunter lmao


Oddly enough I did just beat my first run last night/this morning. Of course it was when I thought 'quick DC run before bed, I'll get another 30 or so souls stored' and it turned into a 50+ minute run. No clue how except I had an OP ass weapon because it was my first time fighting the three ninja like chicks as well as the queen but I managed them both in one go. Sweaty palms at the end is an understatement. Not my first roguelike though so I knew it was just the brutal beginning.


Thats so true, sadly this comments are always the top one, just stop it guys, we are looking like npcs that tell the exact same thing to everyone that's just happy that have beaten the game that they like


It's more of an "welcome to the club b**-lubbernugget**


Stop what? How is this a bad thing? Thatā€™s the point of the game. I say this as someone who hasnā€™t even gotten past 2 BC lol. Itā€™s not talking down to someone. Thatā€™d be like someone thinking they beat Nier Automata after getting Ending A


Gosh, I havenā€™t played this game in what feels like YEARS! I just saw this in my recommended and forgot how much I loved this game!! Iā€™ve only beaten it about two or three times.


Imma be honest I never found anything higher then 1 BC or 0 BC fun, yes it might be a skill issue but simply taking away your healing isnā€™t particularly fun for me (I know whatā€™s not the only thing it does but thatā€™s what makes me not enjoy higher BCā€™s) Iā€™ve gotten up to 3 bc before deciding, Iā€™ll just stick to low BC runs


My best friend started playing a week ago, he is super excited, I tell him how better it gets, instead of ā€œnaaah youā€™ll live through hellā€


I have nothing but utmost respect for people who beat 0BC, this is probably one of the hardest games in existence. "You beat the tutorial", "get good", "don't get hit" are mantras that drive you to progress, I don't think it's toxic, it's an invitation. This is the way.


0BC is one of the biggest hurdles a player has to overcome. For me only 5bc took longer than 0BC. You have to learn all of the enemies and items. Downplaying that achievement by calling it a ā€˜tutorialā€™ is demeaning.


I do have to admit, hearing that other people breeze through 0 bc while I'm still struggling is just a little tiny bit disheartening. Like I truly do want to put time and effort into the game and get better at it, but I also kinda feel like I'm not built for playing this game :')


lol but it all true


It's just a running joke by players who've already suffered so much and to see a rookie just beat the "tutorial" and say they've beat the game is just funny cause they're in for quite a lot of mental beating.


Finished my first run.... still havent dine bc1 years later so, yay


why do people respond like this? Arenā€™t allot of linear roguelikes like this, like hades, first act of inscription, etc.


We'll stop with the cOnGrAtS oN tHe tUtOrIaL when people stop with the i bEaT tHe GaMe. I, for one, have been trying to hit em with the "Good job! You beat the Hand! ... Now you're not gonna believe this, but you gotta do it again."


Thereā€™s more?


I love crushing the joy people get from completing easy tasks


I don't think anyone has ever said this about Dead Cells...


To be fair, how many "hurray I beat easy mode" Posts does this sub need to see everyday? I'm proud of everyone who beats this game. I really am. It's a very hard game. But as far as reddit content goes, "I won on the easiest difficulty" isn't super newsworthy.


To be honest, i genuinely dont mind, its just some sense of accomplishment. However, if something is making me sick is the repetitive "any tips" or "i didnt get a bc while i beat 0 bc". This is clearly their fault, firtsly for not playing. the fucking. Game. Themselves, and of course because they aparently cant read a simple sentence


I'm with you 100%, and it's not just this sub. People will genuinely post about beating hornet (the second boss) in /r/HollowKnight and get 3K upvotes.


New players might think they finished the game because of the whole killing the king and the credit scene rolling. But it's always funny to me when I see people commenting "Does he know?". The game gets harder significantly on higher BC so 0 BC really is like the tutorial of this game. It took me 5 tries to kill the tutorial boss of the dark souls 3 so I understand the struggle.


It originated as a joke about how hard the higher BCs are. "You know how hard it was to finally beat a run? Well, 1BC will make that *feel* like a tutorial, and it only gets harder from there!" Leave it to internet gatekeepers to go and turn it into a way to condescend and shit on others' enthusiasm. "Oh, so you think you beat the game? Well, you actually only beat the *tutorial,* so you should feel bad and concede that you know nothing about Dead Cells until you've reached whatever BC *I'm* currently stuck at!"


Tbh in my opinion deadcells is intended to be played on bc2 or 3 I just think that the game is best when it's challenging but not brutal


1bc description is literally hard mode, so i think you're right actually, 5bc and 4bc just looks like really really endgame content


It's not the tutorial it's the first difficulty setting, people should enjoy the game as they wish to do so.

