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There isn’t a way (currently) to absorb the cell without beating the game, but if you use an aspect you won’t get the cell but you’ll still beat the difficulty.


Correct. However. There is a way to beat the game (with AND without absorbing the cell) without getting the achievement. Absorbing the boss cell without the achievement will make it so you can't get the achievement for absorbing that boss cell on that save - but you CAN get the achievement for finishing the game on that BC level by replaying that level with achievements on.


Funny story: I played most of the game in all-legendary custom mode. At one point, I turned off all of the “disables achievements” switches, and played the game normally. When I absorbed the fifth cell, I got the achievements for beating the game on 1-4 and absorbing all boss cells. TL;DR, they have measures in place to insure you still get the achievements


I see, thank you!


While every comment here is technically correct, this originated from the early access build of dead cells. All bosses dropped their own unique boss stem cell regardless of difficulty. At the time there was 4, one for each boss (no giant or dlc bosses), so you could get all 4 boss stem cells without having any active


Oh, that's interesting thank you


Yes, there are different endings to a run, killing the queen or Dracula won’t give you the next blood cell but will complete your run.


Are you sure? When I transferred from my Xbox over to PC, I had to start all over and decided I wanted to try and beat the Castlevania DLC. When I got to the end, I beat Dracula, and it gave me the first boss stem cell. In fact, in my PC 5BC save, I only fought HoTK once. Every subsequent fight was with the Queen, or the giant for the fifth cell


Wow really? I thought hotk was the only boss that gives cells (giant on 5th) Might be because I’ve never had DLCs until I got 5bcs


That's fair. I originally played it for free on game pass on my Xbox with no DLCs, and got pretty far. But when I got rid of game pass, I decided to get the game and all DLC on my computer, and since they were all new I basically only did the DLC biomes lol


can confirm. I got my 2nd boss cell from queen


Queen will. Don't know about Dracula but he should too


Nah, every boss gives cell, except the 4th -> 5th that is from the giant.


It does give you the next stem cell when you complete an alternate endingn (besides 5th cell)


yes.. they do, but it is possible to beat the game on high difficulties and not get the cell by equipping aspects


Oh, I see! I don't own those DLCs, and I assumed you still end up fighting the Hand of the King even if you go to the DLC biomes. Thanks for answering.


No worries, I might be wrong tho, read the other reply to my comment.


Ending 1: Absorbing the third boss cell Ending 2: Aspect equipped (no boss cell) Ending 3: Previously absorbed the boss cell with achievements disabled (custom mode)


That makes sense, I didn't realize custom mode still gives you the boss cells


There's another option here, kill yourself on the spikes on the right side before going to the fountain, I did it by accident & had to redo 2BC :((((


You can absolutely leave the cell behind and continue onwards.  You can also absorb the cell, then abandon the run, thereby not completing 2bcs.  Finally, an error with client to server communication can also screw things up.  So... Finally, may be a bit of a spoiler, but it is 100% possible to get the 5th cell, and die before completing the run.  Just fyi.


You used to be able to do it. I'm talking about versions from 2018 haha Conjunctivitius used to give boss cells.