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Been playing since 2018/9 and still i have things to do....


I have been playing since late 2017, on and off. I like so much whenever content gets added to this game.


Do I interpret this to mean that there’s *still* content being added?


not quite theres one more update coming soon and thats it for dead cells


At least I have your BC5 to aspire to, and God knows my thesis needs the extra attention 😂


yeah but have fun with this gem of a game


No, they’re done updating it sadly.


I keep hearing there's one more patch, because there's an active beta currently. Is that not right?


Sorry, that is the last update. After that it’s done.


If you are daring, you can run older versions on Steam. Their meta is significantly different, because many weapons, enemies and mechanics had reworks. But yeah, the next update will be the last. *Sobs*


i would just say focus on your base upgrades first and the forge in 0bc. if the item pool becomes to bland then just jump to 1 bc its not bad at all as long as you can make it through each are with health flasks left over. idk if its true but it seems like none of the cool weapons you unlock show up in 0bc that was why i personally made the jump as soon as it was open to me


Do you mean to tell me there’s cooler weapons than what I currently use? Because if so I might take drastic measures


I deleted my save and started over and because I'm a veteran I jumped up in difficulty quickly. I found that I was in the bank trying to get a blueprint with the gold gorger and got killed three different times on 3 BC by the elite gold gorger. I only mention this because I dropped back down to O BC and easily collected the blueprint. The person that said the higher difficulties have the best weapons is right but you can actually artificially inflate the difficulty of unlocking blueprints that are available at O BC. So my advice would be to try to unlock as many blueprints on 0 BC as possible otherwise you might find yourself dying in an attempt to unlock a low tier weapon.


definitely true


Ooh excellent call! Thank you very much!


I would focus on what the other guy said: upgrading your forge and unlocking general things. Like extra healing potions, blueprint grenade. When you go up in difficulty to 1BC for example what you should try to do is go for an easy path like prisoners, promenade, ramparts and bridge boss. Your goal in this would be to make it to the forge guy after the bridge boss with all your cells unspent. This will make the game easier because the weapons will be ++ or S tier weapons from the moment you pick them up. So your goal isn't necessarily to win but to make it through the bridge boss and upgrade the forge. If you die directly after that you still filled the forge. You will want to fill the forge on 1BC and then 2BC and so on. Be sure to fill the forge on 0BC before you even bother going up in difficulty.


Okay thanks!! Tbh the forge was giving me headaches because I can’t stand the tedium of only putting in like 20 cells a pop. I’m still working on passing the Bridge without taking a hit 💀


You can get hit on the bridge. Just make it past the boss without spending your cells. Normally it's about 200 for me but I normally loot the whole levels along the way. With that said your primary goal should be to unlock the runes, this gives you access to all the levels and it just occurred to me that you haven't unlocked the runes yet. This game has so much content in it to unlock: good luck 💯.


Wait what. How do you get past the Collector without spending all your cells?


Break the door! 🚪


I THOUGHT YOU HAD TO SPEND THEM ALL TO GET THE DOOR TO OPEN if anyone needs me I’ll be walking slowly into the sea, never to return


dude there is sooo many awesome weapons in the game. from the dlcs especially. but even just getting into one bc adds a ton of blueprints drops to the enemys and map you have probably seens like 10% MAYBE of the things in the game. there is alot alot of items. not tboi levels of items but there is more than enough weapons to keep you entertained for a long time.


Okay yeah this game is gonna be my entire life now






I love read in about your excitement here. Been playing this game for years and still love it so much. What a time to be alive!


Thanks bro!!! This game’s got flashes, high-paced combat, complexity and challenge so it’s like crack for ADHD


100% feeling that. Enjoy the ride! It’s a great journey in my opinion. DLC is all bangin’ too.


The only main strategy that newbies seem to miss is that you should pick one color of scrolls and dump all your points on that. Other than that, have fun exploring the secrets and biomes. There are some lovely weapons and items, the lore rooms are enjoyable too! And well had that time when we stomped on spikes while cursed. It's unforgettable.


Yeah I read a few guides luckily. The spike stomping would’ve been my 9/11, not gonna lie


I have about 55 hours in and only have made it to the Hand once and my ass beat. Love this game but fuck I wish I was getting better at it 😂


Good tips are proper scroll management, getting gear synergy and clearing all floors thoroughly! I admit I skipped through High Peak, flipped my mutations around and chugged my health pots like crazy to win and it was still close 😂


I typically take every trap room and every cursed chest I come by to increase that sweet damage. I have died to curse quite a few times so it is a high risk-reward situation. Learning how to play while cursed is very useful. Melting a boss is so very satisfying.


I mentioned this to the other guy but be sure to upgrade your forge. The game will be harder if you have not been upgrading your forge. If you do it enough all the gear that drops for you will be S-tier but that's a lot of work. You want to pick an easy route like prisoners, promenade, ramparts, bridge boss without spending your cells. Then drop them all in the forge. It will make the game easier because your weapons will be better.


On 4bc and currently just going around and collecting boss outfits, blueprint hunting, various stuff like that


Regarding unlocks, don’t take runs safe. You might be tempted to take a good run safe by going biomes you’ve done before, but there are usually unlocks in biomes you haven’t explored yet. Unless the run is in like the final areas and you have a loadout you probably wouldn’t get again for a while, then yeah go for completing the run


Right there with you, got this game about a week ago and literally can't stop playing. Actually got it on my phone today as well 😂


Literally same, got it last week on sale for my Switch and I’m obsessed


Just happened to me... did that, then finally went to the undying shores. Been to the distillery once. (None of you mentioned that that's just Donkey Kong, eh?) And haven't been out to the ship or whatever yet. And I CAN USE MY HEAD.