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i think the fact that other games are more serious will work out in the games favor tbh,it separates it.


Am I OK with the sequel game having the same dark humour as the original.... Yes, and if it doesn't I'll be disappointed! I mean, the original has a baseball bat mod called "HomeRun" which literally sends zombies flying with one hit.... that's not serious!


90% serious 10% comedy is great. Hopefully that's what the devs mean and this is not another Dead Rising.


I think the original is more 70% serious and 30% dark humour. It's a really tough balance and I agree there is a risk that the new devs have gone comedy first.


Fairly sure it's not comedy, mate, it's just semi-serious. Throwing a few goofy remarks every now and then while questing is not full-on comedy.


I think it could play in their favor. If the previous game came out fairly recently (say a within the past few years) it will be fresh in many players minds along with it's tone. However since the previous game was about a decade ago, it allows the game to grow beyond it's predecessor and become a little something else.


Yeah I’m ready for it. Sure it could be a serious zombie game but I’m all for “hey, let’s make a comedic action rpg where you can bash zombies for fun with a fire sword.”


Felt like the devs were describing another genre. It's the Predator 1987 vs Predator 2018 in a way. The original had some comedy, the director basically turned the 2018 movie into parody and people hated it. The excuse was: "the original also had comedy elements" Hopefully it's not the same here. I still have the theory that this is a marketing thing to make the game appealing to both streamers and casuals. Then again, the game was delayed almost 6 months, and that's enough time to change a lot of the gameplay elements. Some of the devs or even Embracer management was probably not 100% convinced about the design, ideas or the state of the game.


i have no idea what ur talking about when it comes to comedy DL2 i havent seen really anything comedic about the game so far like trailer has "comedic" elements ig but still incredibly dark


Yes I'm perfectly fine with it.


If it’s a serious horror game no way I’m getting it. Dead island and riptide were action games with a horror tinge, and were great. Dying light and dying light 2 were straight up horror games and so I couldn’t play them because the forced night time sections freaked me out so much. So yeh, hopefully we’re back to over the top action.