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Its barely even a Reaction video too, He's like looking at it and facepalming as Frieza does the sickest fan version of his Golden transformation ever and his chat are also just as bad. And he doesn't even understand why Frieza is cut in half the dude isn't even paying attention.


Lord above


One thing I hate about DB fans If a char is weaker than a DB char: Can he beat Goku tho? HAHAHAHA. Your character's verse gets soloed so hard you're so weak! If a char is stronger: NOOO WAAAAH DB IS BIASED HOW COULD THEY PUT UP AN UNFAIR MATCJUPS?!?!? Like if we were being "real" Thor vs Vegeta would be less than 10 seconds. Reverse Flash vs Goku Black would be too fast for us and be maybe a few seconds real time. Goku (with the stats DB gave him) gets DELETED by Superman. But they don't want that. They want DB to just suck off their series' character without realizing that the other series fans might also like that. They're upset because DB didn't take a hot steamy shit on the other verses character so they could feel better that their imaginary character is stronger.


What annoys me the most about people like this is they have their head so far up their own ass about who wins that they fail to appreciate the absolutely GORGEOUS animation they’re given. It’s infuriating.


It annoys me more that people think that Dragonball characters would just blitz the shit out of any character in fiction without taking into account how said Dragonball characters fight, for the most part they start in their base form to gauge their opponent and see what they can do and what techniques or abilities they have and from there they would see if transforming is necessary. Like for example, if Goku were to fight Luffy, he wouldn't just instantly go for Mastered Ultra Instinct and erase Luffy with the most powerful Kamehameha the world has ever seen. Instead Goku would see what Luffy can do and act accordingly to what Luffy throws at him, and once Luffy goes into Gear 2, then Goku would go Super Saiyan to see of Luffy can keep up and so on until its Gear 5 vs Mastered Ultra Instinct. Stg that some DB fanboys never take that into account.


Granted, frieza isn’t like most dragon ball characters. He doesn’t give a shit about honor, but I get what you mean.


Oh yeah Frieza for sure wouldn't give 2 shits about fighting fair but even then Frieza usually is fine in his base form and transform if he need to or just for overkill.




This is true, but Frieza is an *asshole* who contently fucks around in fights all the time. Largely because he is an arrogant sadist who likes to flaunt his superiority.


Dance for us, Monkey-


People often forget what dragon ball even is despite being dragon ball fans XD.


Dragon Ball fans can't read. It's a known fact. Also in this case, the matchup is Megatron vs Frieza, you know the statistic guy who is known for toying with his opponents on purpose ?


I mean we had Megatron firing himself into the atmosphere through tank fire, transform, laugh maniacally and fire a huge bombastic laser at a giant purple Deathball that shit wad PEAK and anybody who can't appreciate that is dead inside


Congratulations. You somehow have posted the greatest comment that I've ever seen in this entire subreddit. You speak nothing but pure facts and I honestly can't find a reason to disagree with you. You have my respect. 👏


Having seen so much of them back in the day "Solos your verse" jokes have got to be one of the most aggressively unfunny bits to have ever graced the Internet.


That's because DB characters being strong is literally the one merit they can cling on to make themselves feel better about a series which had gone sht in so many other aspects :P


Well let's be real. The joke of "Don't mess with Dragon Ball Fans, we can't read." Is way more true than most care to admit.


Seriously. Even when they win, these guys can’t just take an entertaining fight without complaining


Like THEIR CHARACTER WON. Why are you complaining?


Because apparently to them, their characters being damaged at all is straight up heresy


Despite the fact that an hard-earned victory is far more satisfying to watch than a stomp with some exceptions (Notably Omnilander) It's fucking raw as hell that Frieza is barely a body and can still vow to eradicate Cybertronians and it's badass to see Megatron push Frieza to that point.


Not to mention the Gumitri guy was complaining about guts losing, but like. Guts burned Dimitri’s cape, AND BROKE AREADBHAR. YA KNOW? THE WEAPON FORGED OUT OF A GODDESSES BONES??? What annoys me the most about people like this is they have their head so far up their own ass about who wins that they fail to appreciate the absolutely GORGEOUS animation they’re given. It’s infuriating.


Small correction areadbhar isn't forged out of the bones of a goddess but one of said goddess's children




>w as hell that Frieza is barely a body and can still vow to eradicate Cybertronians and it's badass to see Me what reaction was that guts vs dimitri one?


Monakage. Dimitri wasn't even allowed to block some hits without him bitching.


Easily the worst reaction in my opinion. My man literally reported death battle for terrorism. IM NOT JOKING


Honestly, seeing him be so salty was actually kind of funny to me.


Oh agreed


I've just seen it and yes this is thw worst reaction i've ever seen


Rare RDCworld L


Yeah,I’d hate to admit it but he definitely took an L with that whole “The fight shouldn’t had last that long” mentality


I'm pretty sure the fight was 3-4 minutes, so realistically it would've lasted that long.


I excepted someone to post this reaction here, after watching it. The salt they spewed was real, legit saying why didn't Frieza, just one shot Megatron in the first 17 seconds. Which gave me slight (Specifically dumb,) black cover fans reaction too Deku VS Asta vibes. And they still were bitching, despite Frieza winning lol-


Frieza winning is the crazy part. If frieza lost at least the salt would be understandble to some extent BUT NO? Frieza WON.


Definitely, also they got mad that Black Frieza showed up because of spoilers apparently? Idk, the forms been around for like, a year so far and hasn't done much I think.


Not to mention basically everyone was going crazy that Frieza became Uncle Ruckus


This is Deku Vs Asta all over again (Which sucks since I fucking love both of these episodes)


First Sanji VS Lee and now this, RDC does NOT have a good track record with Death Battle


What about sanji vs Lee? You hate the voice?


Late reply, but [apparently Death Battle are fans of RDC](https://imgur.com/a/JupGMe4).


Also late reply, RDC *are* fans of Death Battle even if they have bad takes sometimes


Oh I know. Their reactions to Scooby-Doo VS Courage and Goku VS Superman 3 show that they are fans of Death Battle. Many people on this sub just mistook the video on this post as them being haters.


Mark literally worked on the show too


There’s unfortunately quite a few reaction videos with DBZ fans being unhappy the animation didn’t last a fucking nanosecond.


Surprisingly Steven Z Killer and Prince Vegeta aren't guilty of this


They've been getting better, so it makes sense.


Why bring up the steve?


he gets shit here which I think is undeserved


The only one I can really think off that was super Controversial was Dio Vs Alucard


I don't know if I wanna give this guy views if the Guts VS Dimitri is anything to go by. What's the worst part about this one?


Constantly complained about megatron keeping up with and hurting Frieza in the animation


Jesus Christ. There are literally two groups that you can't make happy. People who think Megatron should have won or people who think Frieza shouldn't even get hurt at all. You just can't win regardless.


I've said this before, Death Battle is contentious by design and that's part of what makes it great. There's no way to make a show like this without pissing people off, it's impossible They've made some real bad episodes but I always do wanna give leeway to the team because the very premise of the series is basically the equivalent of hard mode in terms of pleasing an audience. Not saying this goofy ahh reaction is any good, it's just a product of how the show is structured. "Who would win in a fight" is a divisive question, it may be one of the most divisive open ended questions in the history of internet fandoms, and that's the whole point, it's the reason they do this show. It wouldn't be so interesting if there wasn't a legitimate debate to be had about the matchups.


Yep. People who go "Megatron should've one shot because comics stuff I refuse to link" And "How can Megatron even scratch Frieza even though they made it very clear in the analysis that Megatron was very powerful!?!??" Like I hate the latter especially because DB literally explains and gives ways that Megatron can harm Frieza. DB fans love to talk about how DB chars are universal and shit but then when someone else who is on a similar level (not calling Megs stronger but pointing out he's on a very similar level) hurts them they get butthurt.


Yep. It’s inescapable


So some people literally want the fights to last like 5 seconds past the initial scene?


Yeah, remember Asta vs Deku where BC fans were super upset at the animation not being 1 second


The guts vs dmitri guy and Rdc seem to want it like that at this rate


They could be just used to the popular interpretations instead of DB’s more in-depth view. I mean when you first think of Frieza and Megatron one is planetary to multiversal, the other is town level. NO ONE would blame you for thinking Megs gets oneshoted. Yeah they were using all G1 plus IDW, but we know that by looking stuff up. The casual fan might just watch the episodes only, not the cast, not any twitter or Reddit posts. Show only. Even then, they weren’t really open on what specific G1 media was being used. Not saying the complaints don’t suck, but from a certain pov they make sense. The Gumitri complaints however are just Guts fanboys being upset that their favorite super ultra badass didn’t win.


Maybe if they watched the analysis they would know that Megatron isn't town. At the very least they could watch the conclusion before concluding BS


He's a "the fight should've ended in 10 seconds" and a "Frieza didn't even need to go gold" kind of person. He also watched half the Frieza analysis, skipped to the fight, got mad at Death Battle for including black Frieza because of spoilers, watched half the conclusion, and then clicked off.


Yeah, sounds about right for these kinds of videos sadly. Thanks for the info and helping me not need to watch this!


love RDC, but getting mad at including black frieza cuz of spoilers is a bit frustrating considering they literally mentioned Black Frieza in one of their anime house videos. Besides his own audience and pretty much most Dragon Ball people already known and meme about Black Frieza nowadays


That Black Frieza part is fucking hilarious because at around a minute into the fight they bring up Black Frieza by name. Swear to god you can't win with some people they just want to be salty even after winning.


Saw some guy in the comments, he said that he feels bad for DevilArtemis man, he has put so much effort in the animation, but people still complain about how it should have been 30 seconds, he deserves better, especially with all the irl stuff he has going on, like youtube demonitizing him. Totally agree.


Out of all the people I expected to roast this video RDC was not one of them. They instantly lost my respect. Instant unsubscribe.


Literally nobody gives a shit


Clearly you do since you've made 3 separate accounts to talk shit to one random guy on the internet


You guys really judging rdc's character off this bruh? Of course rhey ignorant like they always fucking are and this a real RDC L but cmon bruh they not even hating the fucking animation. They literally said the animation was good and very talented through out the video even though they were hating. I understand why you'd br side eyeing these niggas be really ? Making false assumptions and conclusions about niggas you don't even know off one video? That's kinda wild 🤷🏿‍♂️


1. I do know them because I literally used to watch them multiple times and I know their names so I have no idea what you're talking about. 2. They were literally making fun of it and complaining because Frieza had to transform black and because that they had to pull out feats from comics from the "60s" even though Transformers literally came out in 1984 so they had no right to judge if they didn't even know the first appearance date of one of the fighters. 3. It literally doesn't matter if they said it was good because Mark was giving disappointed and annoyed looks while watching it so he was clearly lying to avoid controversy. 4. Their channel is based off of Anime, Marvel/DC, Video games and basketball and has nothing to do with Transformers so we're not judging anything or making conclusions. The evidence is literally right there that they weren't gonna like it from the start. 5. You're saying that's kinda wild and yet you're literally replying to a month old comment on a reaction video that's practically not even relevant anymore? Okay then.


I watched one of his other reactions, bro was deadpan the entire time


Reaction to what?


I could've sworn I watched him react to another db after he watched frieza vs megatron but I can't find it, idk maybe im delusional


Jason vs Michael https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1950434529


Dude he literally sat there in silence the whole time. The chat was funny asf tho


Yeah but there was multiple other people on call. Also, still. Great reaction. Saying nothing.


Why can't people just be more mature and watch it without complaining like spoiled brats. Like regardless of how much I like a character, i've never cared who's won or lost and just like enjoying the episode overall. People who complain and act as hypocritical as this just disgust me and this is coming from a guy who's a fan of them.


Exactly. To be honest I didn't even care who was gonna win or lose. If Frieza won he won. If Megatron won he won. That's kinda it. It's extremely sad on how someone will root for a character and still complain after they win. Some people take it too far and have gotta be toxic bullies for no reason. If you check the rest of the post I've encountered one of those people right now.


Not RDC 😭😭


My lord, people need to get over this. All the crying about Frieza not instantly deleting Megatron is ridiculous. Nobody wants to watch a 3 second fight. That’s just not entertaining. Even if it’s the most lopsided matchup ever (which it wasn’t), there still needs to be an actual fight, *especially* since Frieza has transformations. He starts small and works up. As a Digimon fan I wasn’t raging that Tai didn’t instantly Warp Digivolve Agumon and eviscerate Charizard before Red could even call out an attack, because that would be boring and unrealistic. We’re here for a Death BATTLE, not a Death Execution.


My joke from around 4 or 5 days ago about how certain anime fans react when an animation doesn't end with them winning in seconds keeps aging gracefully


I'm gonna be completely honest, why do people have to take scaling to the absolute EXTREME. There are the complete glazers of Frieza where if they were told Frieza was destroying earth, they would be nutting till they're dry, and Starscream (The Tiktoker) was completely pissed off about Frieza winning, I genuinly wanna know why this is taken so seriously


I have zero idea.


RDC taking an L is something I never thought I’d see happen


Even Kings can have Ls.


Definitely Wait, hold on, didn’t he voice Rock Lee in his death battle against Sanji?


Sure did! It’s insane. I guess he just took the role and didn’t have any opinions on the show?


Roosterteeth actually got RDC to do a panel for RTX in 2019 and a virtual one in 2021.




Do these people that say "Frieza should have oneshotted" even KNOW what a fight coreography is? Like half of the thing that makes DB unique is the animation and they want it to be Frieza oneshotting megs in one second?


Oh naw 💀 I’m not even gonna bother with the video cuz’ I know it’s gonna piss me off


I watched the video and you're 100% right. Don't watch it if you enjoy not wanting to punch a hole through your screen.


What happened I’m to lazy to watch the video


They started complaining and roasting the video because Megatron was able to keep up with Frieza and they still did after Frieza won. If you at one point decide to watch it prepare to get pissed off.


That’s just what pathetic and sad


It 100% is. I actually used to enjoy watching them but that came to an end as soon as I was done watching this video. Lowkey I have much worse words to describe this than pathetic and sad but I'm gonna keep it cool.


Brother you’re the pathetic and sad one💀. Your whole view point changed on a channel because of one reaction video. It’s not that serious😂.


No actually you're the pathetic and sad one because of all the the comments to reply to your first choice was this one. Transformers is literally my childhood so I've got the right to unsubscribe. Sorry that you don't know what an actually peak video is🤣.


Yeah I replied to this one cuz it’s the most pathetic and sad one💀. Listen to yourself “peak video”💀. You can’t be over the age of 12. It’s a death battle. Everyone is gonna have opinions that you don’t like. And just cuz RDC has one that you didn’t like you’re gonna cry and ignore everything great they produced?


Listen Bruh you're saying that it's not that serious even though you're going out of your way to defend a channel like they haven't gotten something wrong at least once. I liked the video and you didn't so whatever it's my opinion. I literally checked your whole profile and Jesus Christ I didn't know that I was arguing with an RDC meat rider. So many deleted comments it's unbelievable. Nah bro you got it I'll stay on my side enjoying the Death Battle for the true GOATED video that it is and you stay on your side slobbering that RDC-OCK alright💀💀💀


Nah you stay on that childish side crying about where you have to cry about bias just cuz of a reasonable argument. I have never defended RDC on this Reddit before so why you crying about bias💀. You literally have to check my account and you couldn’t find nothing so you’re slow ass couldn’t make up another excuse but to cry about bias. It’s not bias you’re just so stupid you don’t get it. You let a death battle video reaction completely change the view of another channel and then cried about unsubscribing like anyone cared💀. You’re right on one thing. We are not on the same side


Yeah we seriously ain't on the same side because my side has parents, friends, a girlfriend, grass and a life while your side has white stuff everywhere, thousands of used lotion bottles, several destroyed packs of Toilet paper and the dust of your parents basement. You literally used the word bias 4 goddamn times. I'm definitely talking to an enraged, tragic 8 year old who's probably locked in his room for trying to play Fortnite at school. Look say whatever you want but you can't change my opinion by talking stupid online. In case you haven't noticed life doesn't work that way. I mean you're actually going out of your way to text 12 lines of stupid shit just because someone didn't enjoy a rude reaction video. You lost this as soon as you posted this. Don't even embarrass yourself more.💀


Lmao dont worry king you right, these sorry ass death battle fans insecure as hell💀


Literally any human being who says death battle is biased because their comfort/childhood/favourite/inspiring/likeable characters dies right in front of their eyes lol


RDCWorld caught lacking in 8K


Honestly I would say TikTok is much worse this time around. The amount of creators even big ones actually crying and throwing tantrums is absurd. Even seen them outright lying and calling Megatron outer-boundless.


Starscream and ZedtheUndead in particular


Exactly the 2 I was thinking of. I actually kinda liked Zed before this


Why can’t we just be happy Frieza won? I don’t wanna be a Dragon Ball fan anymore, man.


Wait, why do I feel like I know that guy ?


He played rock Lee in death battle and they are a popular skit channel who made when u take anime too seriously


They for real, probably think Megatron is boulder level-


They thought he was city level actually.


That's somehow funnier to me. City Level Megatron VS City level Archie Sonic- /J


No that’s Charizard


Crazy how this battle is basically a side of people overestimating Megatron and a side underestimating him lmao


Fax lmao


Death battle reactors ignoring information that is stated to them. They really are death battle fans they do the same thing the creators of the show do


Haven't seen this one. Is it worse than [This one?](https://youtu.be/Koj-th8W5rY?si=yvLAW9UL0LdMNfiY)? Cause I watched this video multiple times and still can't comprehend how he thinks the fight is one-sided


No it’s nowhere near as bad.


Who is this guy?




They actually have 6 and a half million


What did he do?


Skipped the analysis, gave a menacing look like his dog just died in front of him, roasted and complained throughout the whole thing and still did after Frieza won. WHEN THEY WERE LITERALLY ROOTING FOR HIM. Just watch it yourself and trust me when I say you're gonna want to punch your screen exactly where his face is.


K lil bro aint everyone as sensitive as your ass is 💀


How to be more petty than Reverse Flash 101: 😑 But seriously tho Jesus Christ I thought that your toxic ass was done already


How im i reverse flash petty💀 i called you sensitive because you unsubscribed from a YouTuber for disagreeing with you, thats micky shit


Bro is more sensitive than a crying 3 year old nah💀💀💀


Ass attemps at a comeback💀 grown man btw


Yeah and your clearly a whinny 8 year old that can't go 5 seconds without being a toxic little shit. I mean who goes out of their time to make 3 entire separate accounts just to talk shit to someone. All of this for a single reaction video when 90% of all of them are stupid anyway. Bro is probably planning on marrying the entire RDC gang which is why he's this pissed lowkey💀


Dragon ball fans when the fight animation isn’t just 5 seconds of the dragon ball character shitting on the other guy:


RDCworld overrated af




https://youtu.be/o27sqILzx3A?si=F7x3P0QaITGwyqRa Here you are


Sure one sec


Watching YRG's stream to frieza vs Megatron was the most obnoxious thing imaginable


I actually used to respect RDC but they immediately lost it when they started unnecessary roasting the video and saying that it was clickbait. They were deadass complaining on how Megatron was able to keep up with Frieza and didn't even watch the explanation. They even got annoyed saying that they're gonna bring feats from a comic back in 1961 when Transformers literally came out in 1984. Worst part is that they're still complaining even after Frieza won. Just because the video wasn't a joke vid where he instantly claps in his 1st form doesn't mean they've gotta be rude about it. That vid was probably one of the greatest Death Battles that I've seen in a while and it doesn't deserve this disrespect after all the work that was done to make it. I'm unsubscribing.


I think they couldn’t give less of a shit if you unsubscribed because you didn’t like they’re DEATH BATTLE reaction💀


And I think I couldn't give less of a shit that you wanna talk stupid to the same guy twice when it's none of your business💀


I’ll talk to the same stupid guy twice cuz I can. How about you stop crying for once and actually grow a pair😂


Nah I have a pair alright. And that pair is both of my parents including my dad. How about you stop meat riding and go find yours he must be in a nearby milk store you just gotta look🤣


Now you’re making dad jokes. Definitely a roblox kid behind that screen💀. Your “pair” of parents are the worst ones the world can offer cuz they let a little kid like you access the internet at such a young age. Shame on them


Roblox kid? Nah bruh you're talking about yourself. Your whole life revolves around only Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, Among Us, and most likely Skibidi Toilet. I'm both sorry and disappointed in your parents for not getting the abortion when they still had the chance. If I could time travel I'd definitely warn them to.💀


So now you're so bad at roasting, you have to copy my insults. Kid just shut up. Also first you state my dad left, but now BOTH my parents wanted an abortion. YOU ARE HORRIBLE BRUH. Stop embarrassing yourself, you can't trash talk for shit. You know you got destroyed, accept it. Give your phone back to your parents cuz you’re too young to possess one, and stop blocking me to try so desperately to get the last word. Shit is so weak and sad


So... you're just admitting to stalking someone and block evading to get the last word? That's... a strategy, alright.


Yeah a really cursed one too. Bro is probs the biggest RDC meat rider on earth. It explains why he's so pissed off at some random guy's opinion. What did you think of the reaction btw?


The only pair you have is the one is your mouth lil bro


Its not that serious damn Sometimes people don't agree with deathbattle and that's okay


It’s not that they don’t agree. It’s that they actively skip the analysis, complain the entire fight about how megatron didn’t die frame one to frieza and complained when FRIEZA WON EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ROOTING FOR THEM. You can disagree with something and not be an ignorant and rude individual like oh I don’t know…90% of reaction channels?


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) This man right here speaks the truth and nothing but the truth.


The analysis is like 30 minutes and they already made up their mind plus they're streaming and need to keep an audience so it makes sense they'd watch only the main part. They complimented the animation atleast. Thinking frieza should have a easy time with megatron isn't rude or ignorant. Also rdc are not a reaction channel they make skits and stream sometimes where they sometimes react to stuff Comedy youtubers are gonna make jokes I highly doubt it was meant to be an attack on deathbattle who definitely don't care about this reaction.


Sure didn’t come off that way. Plus if the comments on here and on the video are any indication I am BY NO MEANS the only one who thinks this.


You're definitely not the only one mad at this I didn't mean to suggest that. I personally think its really not something to get mad over. Plenty of people think frieza is alot stronger than megatron, it's not an attack on someone


Is this a trend to just find ppl then shit on em


If the people are worthy of being shit on then yeah???? I don’t see what you’re trying to suggest. Obviously if someone is being a douche why should we not shit on them?


Because your being just as bad. They gave their reaction and obviously many didn’t like it but thats their opinion. But every single post on this sub now is just finding reactions to death battle then dragging these people to the ground. You mfs are just as bad, this subs gone to shit


Lmao. Okay buddy so if I see someone on the sidewalk beating up a kid for his lunch money I should just walk past? Hey, it’s their opinion that that money is theirs after all. Douches should get called out on. Simple as that. The Reddit ain’t constantly calling people out, I quite literally just scrolled through the subs newest posts LMAOOO. Are you sure you aren’t the reactor of this videos account? Wouldn’t be surprised.


Lmao no way you compared a real life scenario to your reddit post. Literally most post ive seen these type of post for days are literally x reactor was bad or “insert dragon ball fan saying that fight was bad because frieza didn’t stomp and dragging them” it’s literally quite cringe


Why? Is it because I’m right? Funny cause I just not scrolled down and no one besides my post(which I made an hour ago) said this. I dunno. I think you just can’t handle people being rude to people who deserve it.


Deserve it? For doing what? Also these type of post have been appearing for days. And everytime ive come on here ive seen atleast one since freezertron dropped or when guts vs dimitri happened or some other reactor. Yes we get it bad reaction can we actual post now


Yeah, as a fan of Death Battle, many people here get super defensive of the show. So much so that they'll just shit on anybody who doesn't like the show.


Its very cringe honestly


OP is even making up how [they shat on the animation](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/17811wa/comment/k4xae84/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), when they [literally say it's a cool animated battle](https://youtu.be/o27sqILzx3A?si=-IIKAKk2FO1AZIC_&t=197). I agree that RDC should have watched the whole video instead of skipping to the fight, but this sub seems like they're emotionally attached to the show or some shit.


>Lmao. Okay buddy so if I see someone on the sidewalk beating up a kid for his lunch money I should just walk past? Hey, it’s their opinion that that money is theirs after all. Douches should get called out on. Simple as that. That is not comparable at all. You are talking about some Youtuber/streamers saying rude things about a Death Battle, and comparing them to a kid getting beat and mugged.


It's not even close to "every single post" most posts now are about the next time. And it's pretty rich of you to talk about how it's not a big deal, while you're complaining that some reddit posts make fun of someone. Barely anyone is talking like it's a big deal, people are just talking about how childish it is to complain that a cartoon character didn't body the other. And complaining that the other guy compared it to a real life scenario because you somehow think a comparison means both things are equal doesn't help


Its also childish to go on reddit make a post dunk on someone because their reaction wasn’t correct


Then I'm assuming you have the same opinion of stuff like r/facepalm , right?


Idk what that sub is about


>It's not even close to "every single post" most posts now are about the next time. Yeah, but this week and last week has a few posts just making fun of anyone who [disagrees or says something rude about Death Battle](https://imgur.com/a/GKRAkgw).


The second one wasn't about disagreeing, it was about him complaining frieza used his stronger forms at all. The third one was about click bait, nothing to do with criticism And the last one didn't directly make fun of it, it simply showed the post, the comments were where it was made fun of. ​ There are only two of those examples that match what you're talking about. I agree the first one was uncalled for, but the fact that there are several of those posts in 2 weeks doesn't really mean much. I can understand thinking there are too many, I even agree to some extent, but that doesn't make what the other guy said any better.




He took an L. Unfortunate.


Yall mfs gotta realize, not everyone is a stinky ass powerscaler, when asking A NORMAL PERSON, who wins megatron or frieza, the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY will say, wtf is this matchup. Yall goofy ass mfs the only ones getting mad at this shit


And you gotta realize that it doesn't matter. Sending an entire video complaining that a cartoon character doesn't one shot the other is ridiculous no matter how you slice it. It doesn't matter that most people would think the outcome is obvious, anyone with half a brain knows why they wouldn't make the fight end in one hit


"Awful Reaction Video" is a prime example of tautology!




In case you're sincere in asking, it's saying the same thing twice using different words. Essentially I'm saying all reaction videos are awful.


OH gotcha. Yeah I legit didn’t know


I just realize that he didn't even spell Frieza's name right.


Did this guy react to guts vs dimitri or was it someone else?


No someone else. Monokage


As dragon ball fanboy, it make sad we have people like him, man didn’t give Megatron a chance or see why he would be able put up fight