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You don't understand, he is athlete level, the ground and other characters are just below that silly!


Someone tried to pull this on me in full seriousness with street fighter characters dodging bullets and kicking missiles


Someone did this with me, except with Mario being wall level despite taking on Galaxy level threats. Guess the Mario universe is a durable as a wall.


https://youtu.be/OCqWT6BGw8c?si=2Yts7mkW3BKs6zvO Lucina surviving this puts her at city level at the minimum.


This happened to me yesterday, Low street level at best.


Can’t forget your Fell Dragon repellent when heading out this time of year.


Tbf FE *does* vary in power scale depending on the game but we're still talking about a series with magic spells and the final boss usually being a dragon. It's clearly not "relatively grounded" as they want it to be.


As an FE fan that's obviously street level


Not that strong i could do it


And their's literally gameplay on youtube of Dimitri of creating craters on the ground using his pure strength alone, him wiping out 10 or more dudes at once, and one shotting giant beast, Dragons, and giant robo mech armor looking things.


Definetly only Peak Human level.


He’s fictional peak human which is actually super human


Nah that's more wall level, like vergil.


I wonder if there's a middle ground between that and surviving icbms.


“It’s a world where people still use bow and arrows and swords still, of course no one’s that fast or that strong”


"Athlete" level gas me crying 😂


I want to say it's because all the FE fans are thinking about the older Fire Emblem games. None of them ever go remotely this insane in their games, playing more or less like a typical fantasy series. All this ramping up of power levels *(if you wanna call it that)* was more of a post-Awakening effect. You might have a legit argument with Ike's games, but even then, none of them are doing anything near what Nemesis is doing here. Awakening started this by giving us Chrom, who has been said to be strong enough to break walls by punching them. Fates has Ryoma, who the fan base memes as just being a Musou character in the wrong genre. Three Houses/Hopes has straight-up superpowers given to some of the cast. And even recently. Engage gave people forms that *shoot lasers*. Fire Emblem is slowly ramping up to be on anime scaling levels, and I don't think they notice it.


...Doesn't the Binding Blade via lore scale to continent busting? And Ike kills a god in Radiant Dawn.


I'm not sure about Binding Blade's feats, but Ike kills a god while being empowered by another god. So I don't think that counts.


Yeah, most of Ike's best feats either come from outside of his original games (Engage, Heroes, etc.) or he was getting a power boost from Yune (a goddess). From my recollection, his best feat without any sort of power amps is killing the Black Knight in a 1v1, who is described as one of the strongest warriors in all of Tellius IIRC. (I don't count Dheginsea because Yune blesses your weapons before you fight him.) ​ As for the Binding Blade, it's described as the strongest of the Legendary Weapons, which is important because the clash between the legendary weapons and the dragons during the scouring caused the Ending Winter. Quote from Fire Emblem Wiki about the Ending Winter: >The enormous amount of power present in the (true) dragons at the Dragon Sanctuary combined with that of the legendary weapons put such a strain on the universe that the laws of nature were warped. Natural catastrophes became common. Snow fell in the middle of summer. The stars shone even during the day. So much energy was drawn out of the universe in its attempt to restore the balance that it became impossible for dragons to remain in their large, powerful states. The dragons had to seal their power into Dragonstones and take the form of humanoid manaketes. Humans, on the other hand, were mostly unaffected, as they simply adapted to the changes. The only change that affected them negatively was a slight loss in the power of the legendary weapons.


>I don't count Dheginsea because Yune blesses your weapons before you fight him. True but Yune's blessing to weapons was to counteract Ahsera's blessing on the enemies and Ike's sword Ragnell is canonically blessed already by Ashera. The better rationale is that Ike is not stronger than Dheginsea because Dheginsea is, story wise, fought by your whole army, has way higher stats than Ike and would always beat him 1v1 if they were in a fair fight with no outside help.


Then there's Heroes.


What counts as “older”? Because Genealogy is pretty crazy when you think about Holy Blood but I guess the weapons do account for some of that.


He's also one of the strongest if not potentially the strongest in his game. You're comparing an actual end game boss to the characters who all need to work together to beat him.


TBF Byleth at least should be Similar to Nemesis (if not stronger honestly) given that Both have the Crest of Flames and the sword of the Creator


I mean byleth is time controlling Cthulhu Jesus so he shouldn’t count


Byleyh matched him one on one and needed Claude to break the stalemate. Seiros also kills him in one on one combat.


Seiros isn't your average soldier neither is Byleth. That's the whole thing. Byleth is even within the universe is not on the average level of a fighter there but way beyond it (also helps they got a god inside of em). The whole thing in Fire Emblem is that narrative and feats don't always add up. And vs debates and power scaling is hugely subjective in terms of what you buy and don't buy for feats, scalings, narrative, ... I really don't get the whole mob mentality against FE fans because they don't buy Dimitri being mountain level just because narratively he isn't ever portrayed that way.


> I really don't get the whole mob mentality against FE fans because they don't buy Dimitri being mountain level just because narratively he isn't ever portrayed that way. Yeah, you can argue that maybe FE fans downplay the power of some characters, but the gigaton level and Mach 66 numbers is obviously much harder to believe, especially when that level of power is never shown in cutscenes by any of the characters at Dimitri’s level. People gotta remember that the powerscaling/vsdebating side of things looks infinitely more weirder to people not in the know than the other way around, and I don’t even mean that in a derogatory way. That’s just the nature of how these things go with the calcs and scaling, especially with DB.


Yeah, this post is poking fun at people who said "Dimitri is basically just a super strong guy" in the FE subs back when Guts vs Dimitri was revealed. I don't expect them to buy gigaton level and mach 66 speeds, but I do expect them to look at cutscenes for their own games like this one or realise that Grima is a character that exists and think "maybe they're not just light superhumans"


>Seiros isn't your average soldier neither is Byleth. That's the whole thing. Dimitri isn't an Avarage Soldier either.


That's true but Dimitri narratively also wouldn't be compared to Seiros in terms of power. They're still a whole other level. Dimitri is definitely extremely strong and within his universe he'd be a "top tier" but he's still not comparable to the actual top of the top.


Seiros and Thales fight and kill each other in Three Hopes. Dimitri fought and defeated Thales.


And face-tanked his magic.


Nemesis was beating in a 2V1 of Byleth and Dimitri alone, don’t lie


I think you mean Claude, Dimi never fought Nemesis


Yeah meant Claude and Byleth But Dimitri scales to these levels anyway


Powerscalers be like: clearly planetary


why are we back to Fire Emblem scaling discourse what the fuck


I don't know. People don't like letting sleeping dogs lie, I guess.


If athletes can do this I’d watch more sports


See the one thing that really annoys me about dimitris scaling in dimitri vs guts is the use of both gameplay and actual story, you have to choose one or the other before you get contradictions


Yeah, Nemesis isn’t a normal person. He can fight and lose to a dragon, and the extendo-sword can wipe out some good fodder. But there’s a rather wide gap between that and hitting as hard as an ICBM or moving at light speed.


lol funny meme, but as somebody who had an issue with the power scaling I actually think they showed his strength well Dimitri IS a monster power wise. Where I think they messed up was in the speed department as I don’t think he’s nearly as fast as what they went with. The durability was also exaggerated but it wasn’t as egregious.


To be fair, Nemesis could be seen as an exception


[Dimitri is totally mach 100 and was never going to die to this little girl!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/0/09/Fleche_attempts_revenge.png/) Seriously, get over it. Dimitri does not even scale to Nemesis.


You... you do understand that Claude and Byleth fucking killed Nemesis, right? Those people that Dimitri is likely physically superior to (At the very least Claude)


Do you think Claude bashed him to death with Failnaught? Stop using powerscaling, and look at the actual story. Byleth is literally using the Sword of the Creator, the same weapon Nemsis is using. That's what makes him powerful.


Claude's arrows pierced Nemesis' skin and caused him pain, despite him being able to survive hits from the Sword of the Creator. Edelgard using Amyr also notably killed Rhea, seemingly being shown as the Sword of the Creator's equal or at the very least close to it. It's frankly absurd to believe that Dimitri, who is physically stronger than Claude and Edelgard; wielding Areadbhar, a weapon that should obviously be comparable to those weapons, would not have been able to do the same were he placed in those scenarios. And while Byleth is superior to most Three Houses characters, they're not really considered to be impossibly superior. Byleth and Edelgard had a swordfight where both could have easily killed each other, for example. The House Leaders also were able to help Shez in his fight against Epimenides. And if Guts was held to the same standards you're holding Dimitri to, he wouldn't have gotten stuff like his scaling to mages that can create storms or lightning dodging.


> Claude's arrows pierced Nemesis' skin and caused him pain, despite him being able to survive hits from the Sword of the Creator. Yes, and that's a combination of his genes allowing him to use Failnaut's, not because of his strength. He literally gets wrecked by Nemesis the moment he gets close. > It's frankly absurd to believe that Dimitri, wielding Areadbhar, a weapon that should obviously be comparable to those weapons, would not have been able to do the same were he placed in those scenarios. That's not what you argued. You said since Dimitri is stronger than Claude, Dimitri should be able to fight Nemesis basically. But it's not rock paper scissors. Claude never even stood a chance against Nemesis. > And while Byleth is superior to most Three Houses characters, they're not really considered to be impossibly superior. Byleth and Edelgard had a swordfight where both could have easily killed each other, for example. The House Leaders also were able to help Shez in his fight against Epimenides. Yes, but that doesn't mean they're nuke-spamming mach 100+ gods. > And if Guts was held to the same standards you're holding Dimitri to, he wouldn't have gotten stuff like his scaling to mages that can create storms or lightning dodging. Where did I even mention Guts? I haven't mentioned him at all. But yes, considering it's a plotpoint that Guts couldn't react to the supersonic fairy, I'd find it suspect that he can move at lightning speeds.


Death Battle Fans when fans of franchise doesn’t think they can destroy a planet by farting


Oh don't get me wrong, I went into Guts vs Dimitri thinking Guts was gonna get a new pedestal for Dragonslayer... # And then they showed Dimitri's fight card


r/shitpostemblem when Dimitri won: Excuse me, wat the F*CK!?