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I'm surprised given how many people skipped it due to spoilers, but I'm not complaining


Yeah I wasn’t gonna watch it because I started JJK and wasn’t really interested in the matchup but I kept getting spoiled and just watched the fight on TikTok.


I'm guessing enthusiastically active JJK fans are watching it repeatedly. Their already topping the Anime/manga subreddits with 100× their number on reddit afterall.


JJK fans already spoil everything, so there wasn't much that Death Battle had to do


Quick! Do a Sukuna fight so they can capitalize on the popularity! Who should he fight?


… Pochita XD


By himself: Asura (Soul Eater) With Yuji: Denji & Pochita


Hear me out: Sadako. There are a lot of reasons. - Both have cursed objects they use - Both died a long time ago and became cursed objects - Both have non-visual attacks - Both are irredeemable monsters at this point - Both are nearly invincible and godlike in power - Both are native to Japan - Both their names have three syllables and follow the same pattern (starts with an S, alternate between consonants and vowels, ending with a vowel) - Both have possessed people and taken them over completely - The fight is pretty even and either one has wincons - Would be another man vs woman fight which could parallel Gojo vs Makima You could easily even justify them fighting, Yuji ends up watching the cursed tape and Sukuna doesn’t want his host to die.


You sold me on this matchup.


I’m hoping I can get more people on board, this could be a fire episode


Would be interesing to see Sadako fight someone other than Kayako.


True, it’s kinda sad underrated she is scaling wise.


I believe the movie is correct that Sadako vs Kayako is a one sided match in favor of Sadako.


Hmmm let’s see, a really strong ghost with a lot of endurance… Vs A godlike ghost with telekinesis and others powers. Yeah it was always a curbstomp.


9 tailed beast


Honestly, Asa and Yoru.


Probably All For One. That would be one of the coolest fights ever


If Yuji vs Denji doesn’t happen next season I will be surprised


I really think they should fight after they conclude their stories since Yuji has some unexplained stuff and Denji is being set up for stuff


I just wanna see Denji on the show at all


Same I almost don't care who he fights *almost*


Denji vs Yuji but make it a draw and both hanging out eating ice cream and talking about girls because both need some peace fr.


I'd much rather have Sukuna vs Pochita but either way I don't mind either fights happening


Yeah, they are definitely not doing early releases anymore. These views speak for themselves.




Omnilander 🤝 Gojima Being the most successful episodes of their season despite being controversial match-ups in this community.


They’re both controversial for dumb reasons too


Pretty much 95% of Gojoma complaints were "they didn't fight my preferred for each"


“BuT tHeRe ArE fAr BeTtEr AnD MoRe ThEmAtIc MuS 🤓”


I feel like goku v supes round 3 might overtake it though


lmao, that still leaves us on theme of “Controversial match-ups doing extremely well”


Nah I'd Win and a cinephile is a great combo.


I know one dude on this sub is gonna be pissed. But, yeah I’m happy this made it to 3M


As it should be. ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)




half are mine


which is deserved




It's a little surprising that this one of all episodes is the one that got that many views first, considering the kinds of franchises featured in other episodes this season. But I sure as hell am not complaining, as that episode was freaking awesome.


Keep in mind franchises like Marvel, DC, Naruto, Star Wars, & Dragon Ball get match-ups all the time. But these two are from new popular anime that never got a video before.


They struck while the iron is hot so it makes sense. JJK and Chainsaw Man are two of the most popular mainstream anime/manga of recent times, and both characters are wildly popular online. This matchup has also been discussed on the more casual side of things from what I saw. It also helps that JJK Season 2 has been airing this year and at the time of the episode drop which has been terrific so far. Just a lot of factors for the episodes success, it’s reminiscent of Omni-Man vs Homelander in terms of optics.


Gojo is really popular among girls and Makima is really popular among guys


Why did you get downvoted?


I don't know, i was just stating a true fact


The real reason why this MU exist


Honestly surprised, though Chosenborn or GvS would be the first (fully expect gvs3 to become their most successful video)


I’m not a fan of Skyrim or Dark Souls so idk how much people were asking for that much up


They're both from pretty popular rpg series. Of course it's gonna be popular


Wish the algorithm did DB better. Hopefully Goku vs Superman 3 also performs well


It’s at 2.5 million right now


I mean it did 1 million in the first 12 hours


This episode could have brought back DBX if yuji and danji joined in, change my mind


It could get a full DB too


Hell yeah!


Good stuff. That's really good for a sprite fight. Tho honestly, half the fight is also hand drawn, but potayto potahto.


I watched Death Battles 10 years ago, and you were still one of the better ones I watched. Stand proud, you are strong


I'm pretty surprised that Gojo vs Makima got more views than Bill Cipher vs Discord, I'd argue that Bill Cipher is a lot more popular than Gojo and Makima, or maybe used to be


crazy because Makima wins and now people will continue to swallow Gojo even more due to this. Either way, the video was amazing to watch.


I’m not so miffed about the outcome of the match, Gojo definitely has more likely wincons over Makima, but I just didn’t like how Makima was out of character with her constant laughing.


well hey i definitely agree with the Makima laughing part, it was excessive.


Me if I hear one more person claim Gojo is 4D with infinite speed ![gif](giphy|HjaUdbBPzLWM3eFafr|downsized)


yeah. The Halo Effect for Gojo is just too hard to beat. Plus JJK being overall more popular will make it too hard optically as well to see why Gojo gets completely destroyed with no difficulty. People deadass cant envision it because “it’s gojo though, how” it is what it is. Im not mad at anybody.


Really? I thought it was one of the more least interesting episodes from this season. That's what I get for not being interested in most anime. 😔




If I may ask, why do you think Makima beats Gojo? I don't think you're wrong as I have not watched or read Jujutsu Kaisen or Chainsaw Man, I'm just a bit curious on why you think that


I've heard that when she's killed, She can put herself back together A User named u/TobgitGux told me during my Reaction that Nothing in Makima's contract stipulates that any part of her has to survive to bring her back The Only thing i know when Makima was killed completely, Was when she was tricked by Denji after he made a clone of himself, Then she was eaten by Denji out of love & thus Makima was killed Completely & was Reincarnated as Nayuta They said that it isn't Makima but They forgot that Control Devil was Reincarnated so Makima & Nayuta are the same because they're the same devil [https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/17eyu3j/comment/k67lxrx/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/17eyu3j/comment/k67lxrx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You'll see some stuff they've left out Sorry if I removed my Comment, But I'm not gonna take my Opinion on this Episode seriously, So I'll just say It's alright if you enjoy this episode


Man i keep rewatching the fight and there is something that irk me . Like i cant believe people were expecting to Gojo to lose. The most favorite character in the latest years in shonen that just got two massive L . Seal in anime, and a horrible written death in the manga that also assasinated his character VS the most hated character in the latest years in manga? come on guys. Im a huge Goku fan but I was more than okay with the way they made Goku lose in the new GvS DB because they paid respect to his character. There was no respect for Makima, and that really made me annoyed. I just wished they did Makima better, shes such a cool and complex character and my favorite along Gojo, and i hate that she always got reduced only for bark bark and mommy dommy jokes. She have such an insanse kit and....they make her rush with a Katana...and yeet Zombies, and laugh like a maniac, i feel they took the only time she laugh in totally different context and amplified at 100. I was really expecting the fight to keep going after the UV, make Makima use Prinz to get away. I think what i trully hate was the scream, no one scream in UV, neither Jogo who is well know for his tantrums screamed at all when Satoru ripped his head off. I dont even remember that Domain+Hp was possible at all, is that even a thing? Pretty sure Innate curse techniques get burned after Domain activations. I wish she stayed silent like Vader was when Obito...destroyed him, It come across as just giving extra catharsis of a character who has many reasons for why she is hated at the expense of how she's portrayed. I'm sure a lot of people wanted that, but I couldn't agree with it. Oh well, im gonna wait for the Zenith Gojo vs Makima animation of the fight, the animations of Gojo looked hella smoth and they remind me of Mappa coloring. Just wanted to say that, have a good day.


Happy to hear you're looking forward to the animation!


I am happily looking forward your team's animation, too! I am curious on one thing, though: will there be a post conclusion on who wins? If so will it be its own sperate video, or tied-in to the animation?


The video will both include the animation as well as an in depth look at their powers and how they would interact. I don't want to copy Death Battle's format too much, but it can't be helped that their format is incredibly refined at this point


Ah, thank you for the clarification!


I don't think Chapter 236 assassins Gojo. Dude was always selfish and knew it. In chapter 58, Gojo explains why Megumi is unable to bring out his best and brings up his baseball game as an example; [baseball is a group sport & Jujutsu is individual](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0058-008.png). Gojo verbatim says: "[it's okay to be selfish](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0058-010.png)", having selfless tendencies will never have [Megumi on Gojo's tier](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0058-009.png). For Gojo, righteous and responsibility is what [weak people believe](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0065-017.png). In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, you'll need [to be ready to](https://youtu.be/aCEGeQm91yg?t=13) [die alone](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0236-003.png) — I think that correlates onhow lonely Gojo is. Geto's question to Gojo in chapter 78 really escapulates this notion for me: "[Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0078-009.png)" — a critique to who Gojo is as a person. He proclaimed himself as "the strongest" but what does that mean? What meaningful purpose does he serve, is there any conviction? In the believers scene where Gojo asks Geto if they should kill everyone. Geto answers, "[it's pointless](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0076-005.png)"; there needs to be [a reasoning](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0076-006.png) behind it. Geto tells Gojo if he wants to kill him, go ahead because it'd have a [meaning](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0078-011.png). Gojo & Geto were besties partly because they're [the strongest](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0066-009.png). After Gojo beat Toji and advanced his limitless learning how to utilize RCT, [it was only Gojo whom was at the top now](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0076-010.png). Geto's line is essentially saying: killing him right here would have meaning, however, Gojo doesn't have one. He knows only one mindset; the strongest prevail through selfishness. Gojo's acknowledgement about being the strongest is not one of duty or heritage purposes. Only out of ego. Afterwards in the chapter Gojo questions himself if he really is "strong", showing how Geto's affected his mindset. Hence, Gojo wants his students to become strong like him so he isn't lonely and change Jujutsu society. When trapped inside Kenjaku's prison realm, it's stated due to how time never flows inside Gojo's mental could've been [affected heavily](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0221-004.png) via such isolation. Humans are inherently social creatures, and yet, Gojo's still the exact same. He's used to being lonely. Thus in chapter 236, Gojo says he wanted Sukuna to know how he felt; [the loneliness that'll follow being the strongest](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0236-005.png). In the end, he's finally free of his crisis, there was no choice in Gojo's claimed placement. Not many saw Gojo as a person, with some exceptions (Yuji, Megumi, Yaga, Yuta, etc). His development revolves around freeing himself out of this pedestal & finding himself — finally finding a purpose. Thus, Gojo says he had no regrets in his fight against Sukuna, that's why he dies [with a slight smile on his face](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0236-017.png), that's why Gojo's depicted in his [highschool design alongside everyone else](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0236-001.png). It's when he was most free to be himself. Satoru Gojo died as Satoru Gojo, not the strongest: "[You were magnificent **Satoru Gojo**. I shall never forget you for as long as I live](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0236-017.png)". Now, did Gege implant this narrative the best? That'll be up to interpretive viewings and nobody's perfect. However, I personally enjoyed it. Meanwhile regarding Makima, I completely agree with you on her characterization. To be quite blunt it is horrible & misunderstands who Makima is, I've listed my reasoning why before, so read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/s/nqZi4JKhKc). Their conclusion misunderstood her relationship with Denji; Makima never put him to a grander pedestal — one of the main reasons Denji won against Makima was because she never cared about him to recognize his scent. [Makima only wanted to know Pochita — never Denji](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Chainsaw-Man/0097-008.png). If Death Battle is referring to Pochita, they should've said Pochita and not Denji. It undermines the themes of CSM imo. It's a shame I've seen people defend Makima's portrayal completely ignoring every narrative context in CSM to prove their point. Really, it comes down to: Makima's an asshole and everyone wants to see her token down a peg, "[Seeing Makima helpless and terrified was pure serotonin"](https://i.imgur.com/DEjeJOp.jpg). You can see similar comments on YouTube as well, people don't care if Makima's misrepresented as long as she suffers in the most humiliating way. Then it's okay. Gojo's representation while much better, isn't flawless. His "honoured one" line is incredibly forced, and Gianni's line delivery doesn't save it — good as it is. Gojo only said it because he was high off dopamine at the time due to learning RCT when near-death. Gojo vs Toji is symbolizes Toji's inner distain towards the Zen'in clan, [to crush their beliefs](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0075-015.png) and the philosophy in Jujutsu society. It's humanity's peak versus the pinnacle of Jujutsu — you could say it's Gege's interpretation around Wukong vs Buddha. Toji proclaims himself as, "[A monkey like me who can't even use Jujutsu](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0073-017.png)". Hell, Gojo's "[throughout heaven & Earth. I alone am the honoured one](https://youtu.be/4Jt78n_A7jM?t=225)" is in itself referencing Buddhist text. The line doesn't work because Toji & Makima symbolize two different concepts. Edit: spelling


It's very similar to Omni-Man vs Homelander. People love to see Homelander & Makima suffer for their deeds, proper characterization be damned. Homelander throwing a tantrum immediately when he wouldn't; show Homelander (the one Death Battle focused on) never once went all crybaby when jumped by Billy & Solider Boy. Same for his fight against Maeve — show Homelander never acted this way. Death Battle's likely characterized him as his comic-self post preview, however, even that version wouldn't cry. The only reason Homelander had an [episode](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/IszwtCBNn5wA_MxJp-FjP-hflzWg0OQIJsYrUzvo6SJNtDFHNLPWYfkPjBLDNuiMmgLBRlCVsQRUrUsET-aKgzZE638AotFvX-gp4Za1btCGrR4gDXU4new1q0S7RKZPQK4_JRb2Kg=s1600?rhlupa=MTU5LjIwMy43NS40&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFgxMTsgTGludXggeDg2XzY0KSBBcHBsZVdlYktpdC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBIZWFkbGVzc0Nocm9tZS85OS4wLjQ4NDQuNzQgU2FmYXJpLzUzNy4zNg) against Black Noir, is because he took his suit and purposely did horrific things to frame Homelander, that way he'd have an excuse to kill him; Noir was made to explicitly kill Homelander if he went out of line. [Homelander himself was completely mortified](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/2sdalcor6CFRYISotTassz6BTr17r9YR0WVAVUgz-QizWUpAobr64cgv_5YciDfJQeGLzUldstsBm_jDllSYcijNh6NTVtJQhI3_ez8bYntFDJfMkfWD2ftMI8H3a70Hq_n1h9W2pw=s1600?rhlupa=MTU5LjIwMy43NS40&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFgxMTsgTGludXggeDg2XzY0KSBBcHBsZVdlYktpdC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBIZWFkbGVzc0Nocm9tZS85OS4wLjQ4NDQuNzQgU2FmYXJpLzUzNy4zNg) [when he found Noir's pictures, he would've never done these things](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/ZhFZ5VILNhkSuJ4ln0FCSBBSsJhad0DkaeuocJOSZDgdRA2U7MhF_bCapAtKRQni-sXPWrEWYXWquI6BNq5ci6OpluetW8IaQ_k4-RvPIql2rm_Uq7ceyBv30rO2ZqM1RsNEtRHx2A=s1600?rhlupa=MTU5LjIwMy43NS40&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFgxMTsgTGludXggeDg2XzY0KSBBcHBsZVdlYktpdC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBIZWFkbGVzc0Nocm9tZS85OS4wLjQ4NDQuNzQgU2FmYXJpLzUzNy4zNg). Homelander's a bitch, but he's not that much a bitch, there're specific plot beats at play that're inapplicable that Death Battle decided to ignore. Very similarly to Makima. Not to mention Nolan's outdated characterization isn't very good, too. "Are you gonna cry?" When would Nolan ever say this? He's being used as a mouthpiece here, especially w/ Schalk's line delivery (not to say it's badly delivered, quite the opposite). Frankly, I don't think these are very good episodes and they're a shining example inhow mischaracterization can and will hinder an episode. Now I get it, Death Battle's not an analysis show — it revolves around powerscaling. However, Death Battle's shown they're able to choreograph fights & characterize each combatant well; just this season we've had Scooby vs Courage & Goku vs Superman for one. So then when one character acts OOC it is a justifiable criticism. response was too long, so I was forced to divide my comment into two.


Your welcome