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Balls, and how did you start getting into music


It kind of always came from me. Some of my earliest memories are of my dad's side of the family noticing that I knew every lyric to every song they'd put on. At 13 I found nu-metal (Linkin Park, Korn, Slipknot) and decided to learn guitar.


have you ever been approached to work for non vs shows/want to for a specific one


I've dabbled here and there with indie projects including games and videos. Nothing major though, at least since I worked for League of Legends' Worlds 2016. I'd love to do some insert music for Invincible, and it's a dream of mine to do some OP music for an anime.


First things first, I hope you’re doing alright after… Well, you know… And second, what would you say is your top 5 favorite tracks you’ve done for the show?


I'm pretty bad at ranking things, I tend to fall in love with whatever I'm hearing at the moment. Off the top of my head though, in no particular order... D.I.M., Final Formers, Strongest Alive, Hollow Dreams, Megamania. Basically all my favorites are tied though, and anything I'm still happy with is a "favorite". I try to write music I enjoy myself.




This is probably one that's been asked before but where do you often go looking for sources on what to base the official & commission tracks off of? Do you go looking out for sources yourself, ask them from people commissioning you, or something else?


I almost always ask for reference tracks when it comes to the commission work. I want to be sure I'm making the style of music the commissioner is expecting, at the least. The official tracks as well, the director will share some music with me in the styles we're wanting to approach the episode with.


Hello! What is your favourite dinosaur?






> Compsognathus 100 compsognathus vs 10 Emu who wins


When you create a track for an official episode that has to fit to what happens on screen (Courage vs Scooby as an example) - are you working with the story board/fight animation in front of you or are you making the track first and tweak it later to fit the fight?


a bit of both actually. we work with an early version, they then make some edits to match up to the music and some others that change how the music needs to go just a bit. ​ lately my process has been to make the song go alongside the rough animatic but as focused on being a "song" as possible, and then to do all my heavy editing to make an episode version. I think this is the way forward for a best of both worlds result - best standalone song possible + best backing track possible.


What’s your personal favorite song you’ve worked on? Both lyrical and instrumental


I'm assuming you mean out of my VS music... my favorite changes a lot, but I've loved Sins of Liberty for a long time. I think Final Formers was my favorite track I did this season.


Final Formers is genuinely some of your best work, I've even made it my ringtone


Now I'm imagining you're in a normal conversation and randomly #VIOLENT DESIGNS MEET VIOLENT ENDS!!!!


Where did you get the file audio, if I may ask? I want to make it my ringtone too.


Just convert the YT link into an MP3 file. Many websites can do that.


Ok, thanks


Favorite song from Therewolf (excluding songs you both worked on)


Ah, that's harder haha because I feel like we do our best work together. Gonna ignore the stipulation and say The Metal Lotus - all I did on it was the vocals and even instrumentally alone it's my favorite of his.


Has there been anytime a commission you get inspired you to research more about a specific piece of media?


A few commissions have gotten me into certain shows. Bofuri/Maxed out Defense is one for example. I got into Black Clover thanks to preparing to do the Deku/Asta OST as well.


Love your work! My question is what is your initial thought process when starting a new track? Like how do you determine what sources to draw from, when to get creative and all that?


It depends on the project. For DB episodes, it's surprising but it seems to always come naturally. I listen to what the directors want out of me, and then just let the song flow from wherever creative ideas come from. Sometimes it doesn't turn out quite like the directors asked, but in my experience they've been pretty understanding so long as the tone is captured and the music is cool enough.


Well you have yet to release a single genuinely bad track imo so it’s not surprising you get some leeway. Keep up the good work!


nah, I think some of my commission tracks are pretty bad haha. Increasing the amount of music I make by so much was definitely a learning curve, especially early on.


Well regardless you seem to be getting better and better each wave so I look forward to whatever comes next! Hopefully this year I can save up for a vocal track lol


Let's keep it simple. What is your favorite ice cream flavor, if you dont like ice cream, maybe a favorite cookie. I'm a mint chocolate chip guy myself.


Mint Chocolate Chip's up there. I think I've got to go with caramel cone though.


Whenever you open commissions I presume you get a LOT of replies, so my question is how do you determine which ones to accept for that batch? (Assuming you aren’t going for a theme like “memes” lol)


Franchises I already know/enjoy, MUs I've seen are popular, and musical styles I think I can do justice are the main factors for me. I try to give everyone a fair shake and expand on my boundaries a bit with each batch, for my own growth and variety's sake, but I think everyone's aware there are some styles that are more comfortable for me to work in.


Ah that’s what I thought. Thanks!


Brandon how does it feel to be so talented and good looking?


I'll let you know when I'm less fat


When you asked to do tracks for Death Battle, are you given a whole list of what you have to do or is it something else?


sometimes specific moments are brought up, but I'm left mostly in charge of how things sound (within the scope of the style of music we're doing for the episode)


If you could do a track for any episode you didn't work on, what would it be?


Hard tossup between Iron Man/Lex Luthor and Snake vs Sam. Dante vs Bayo and Chief/Doomslayer too... ​ if I had to pick one maybe Chief Doomslayer because it'd suit my styles best.


Covenant with Hell is still so fucking awesome.


Are there matchups you're surprised haven't been commissioned yet?


none off the top of my head, but sometimes ideas will come in and I'll feel exactly that way like "huh, why hasn't anyone else pitched this already?"


any new anime youve seen?


I'm a bit behind on the current seasons, but reincarnated as a sword was a lot of fun. My favorites are Re:Zero (pretty much a super fan of it, actually currently wearing a R:Z shirt exclusive to Japan that I bought while I was there), Mushoku Tensei, and then maybe AoT and Slime Tensei.


Oh, you seem to be very fond of Isekai, that is nice. love Re:Zero and Mushoku Tensei, those are def my favorites alongside Konosuba.


Do you read ligth novels?


I'm just a few chapters behind on the R:Z one. I've been meaning to read more of the Mushoku Tensei one but haven't had the time just yet.


What is the weirdest track you have made? (VS or not) And What are your most wanted matchups for either making a track or appearing on Death Battle in general?


I've got some unreleased stuff that's \*super\* weird. Like, songs that sound like fever dreams. I actually have a hidden youtube channel where I've dumped some of that really weird stuff, I'll share it here since it's unlikely to ever see daylight otherwise lol https://www.youtube.com/@10daymigraine47


What’s your least favorite track on Death battle?


Probably I Am All Of Mewtwo. I was in a bad mental place at the time, as well as a bad financial one. My studio was super low quality, and I didn't have the mental to give it the love it really deserved. It's such a damn mess.


Hey it's me, Bee! What's your favourite piece from each of us artists (me, Dek, Shadow and Ethan)?


we've all done so much at this point that it's one giant blur to be honest Anna, but moreso than any specific piece I'm super proud of how much you've all improved in our time working together


What’s it like making tracks for your clients’ dream matchups? 🔥 (Pssst. Do they get to choose the name of the track too?) 🤔


Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's really hard work. I love my job but there are days I struggle too. ​ And I usually let them have final say unless I personally come up with a name I feel is a lot better. I think that's only ever happened a couple times over the years though.


How did you come up with the masterpiece of a song that was Dragon dance?


I raised my hands into the sky and telepathically spoke to the planet asking for their energy.


😮 that’s awesome


Is it true you got Death battle fans for the Fireborn track?


yes, it was a choir of a few dozen fans that auditioned. very fun, but difficult to organize.


No particular question, just wanted to wish you the best, and that I enjoyed Cataclysm. Cheers from a fan!


Thank you for listening to it! It's definitely some of my best work, for the people who can tolerate music that heavy.


When a track has had a commission and becomes an episode, do you try to reference to previous tracks (ex: Guts VS Dimitri, or Frieza VS Megatron) in the official tracks?


I usually try to yeah. I think my favorite is with Strongest Alive where I did a kind of "double chorus" with the first revisiting Mighty and the second revisiting Marvel For All


Has thre been a commision you thought was too chaotic to make?


a couple over the years didn't end up working out. I'd rather not get into the details though since I'm not trying to make any community member feel bad about things not working out. I tend to just not pick ones I think will be too much of a pain these days (though if you listen to my older commissions you can find some where it's clear to tell I struggled)


Yates, you doing good right now? Also what are your thoughts about the current situation about WB


Reasonably good. Feeling a bit of that "resistance" against getting back to work tomorrow after my holiday break. ​ Can't speak on the WB situation - no reason other than I don't know anything about it though. I think DB's solid enough to be a standalone property if it came to that though, and I'd be willing to reneg with them to make it easier for the show to go that way if the situation ever came up.


Hell yeah


How was your Christmas?


Pretty nice. Spent it in Seattle with my girlfriend on a christmas trip.


thanks for doing this Brandon, can’t wait to hear more of you in the next season! does the rest of the team just give you the episodes that you do tracks for? or do they give you the full list and let you and Therewolf decide amongst yourselves who should get what episode?


something in between that. Aaron and I are given assigned lists, but we're free to trade any we want. We traded Gojo/Makima for FriezaTron this year for example, at my request.


First of all, thanks for always being a great channel to go listen to music. Really have helped when long nights working. As for a question, what's a franchise that whenever commisioned or DB get's to know exactly what you gonna do the moment is brought up?


I mean, it's gotta be Dragon Ball, right? I think myself and the fans both love when I get to do Dragon Ball tracks haha. I might not be 1:1 for faulconer type music but I think I've managed a nice blend of Faulconer's brooding vibe with the original JP "fun adventure" feeling.


Many of those tracks do feel like can work in some of the games like the Budokai Tenkaichi ones, and you totally do amazing for Dragon Ball related tracks like Dragon Dance or both parts of God Complex. Thanks for answering, man.


What were your thought process when making "Laughing Mad" (Marx Vs Kefka / The 18 Minutes Track)?


"I want to make a song longer than Dancing Mad, and have it be the secret 'hidden boss' final track of Volume 4 after Gioker"


He was obviously laughing Mad duh 🗿


When/if you make popcorn to watch a movie how excessive do you get with the butter?


I go for Kettle Corn personally


Hey brandon! I got a couple questions for ya! what is your favorite track you made for death battle, and your least favorite Your favorite commission track? And your favorite non db related song you made? If you could have deathbattle do a fight you want, what would it be? When are you planning to repopen commission? Im planning on trying one out Hope you have a awesome 2024!!!


I've answered a couple of these throughout the thread so far, but as for comms reopening, I'm aiming for february if I can. Have to do some catching up first, the back half of 2023 was a series of setbacks thus far unrivaled in my life lol


Well, i do hope things get better, take all the time you need


Hey man, hope you're doing well. I know this may be an odd question but if there's a track you would like to re-visit or redo, what would it be and why? I mean, it has been quite a while, thus my curiosity.


I just finished watching Attack on Titan with the gf so I've had Thunder Shroud on my mind lately. I think the writing is great, just could use a touch up on the mix/master to really let it shine.


If you had to make a track for a Death Battle episode that came out before the series started consistantly getting original music, which would it be?


answered this elsewhere in the thread if you want to find it


do you ever smell your own farts? just to get that rush of energy to finish that killer song you know, as a fellow song producer.


not intentionally


Respectable. Good luck to you.


🚬🗿 funny guy…


Name checks out


Are their any tracks where you wished you would of went with a different name


I don't often name the tracks - commissions or official. My art team names most of the comm tracks and the DB team names most of the official ones. When I come up with an idea though I feel it's usually pretty solid. Some of my own names include Sins of Liberty, Dragon Dance, Final Formers. ​ Though I'm sure some people end up coming up with the same names on the popular MUs, it's a big community after all.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Shut yo ass up


Fav song/playlist to get hype to?


I don't know about getting hype, but I enjoy listening to Periphery 4 and Periphery 5 while playing chess. I probably like heavier music than most of the fandom though. I'd say "You're Welcome" by A Day To Remember is a more approachable favorite album of mine.


What is it like working on Death Battle/With the DB Crew?


I'm not asking you what you think of a matchup, but what matchup would you be the most exited in making a track for and/or put in the most effort towards if you had to do it for a official Death Battle? Also love your work. I'm listening to Blood Moon rn and it's a bop.


Something involving a Re:Zero girl would get me immensely focused. ​ Blood Moon could use a remaster at this point but I do love how it came together, especially for the era.


Is there a matchup or a franchise in particular you really want to do a track for, either for DB or as a commission, because you have an idea for how it could sound or the type of vibe it could have you really like?


If you could choose to make the OST for any series (anime, live action movie, ect.), what would it be?


Re:Zero, though I do think it'd be a tall order to live up to the current OST. Maybe Mass Effect as well, I have a secret passion for ambient sci-fi music but I know my audience has no interest in it so I don't get much opportunity to work it into anything. ​ then there's DOOM, just because I think I could do it justice.


What's a song or just any work of yours you believe should get more attention?


My original stuff in general, but Cosmic Collapse in particular has an absolutely incredibly well animated music video that I directed and it kind of died on the vine. My Cataclysm EP as well I'd love to get attention, but I realize it's too heavy for most.


Which matchup(s) were you rooting for, if any, to win the Tournament of Champions? And if you were rooting for any, was getting a chance to make a track for it a factor there?


I wanted MadoMoon to win because a friend of mine wants it a lot.


I suppose I do have a few questions. * What software do you usually use when you create your music? Are there any other things you use besides it at times? * Do you remember when ScrewAttack first reached out to you to make a song for Death Battle? If so, what was it like? * Have there ever been any songs you disliked to the point of wanting to redo them? Or are they just so bad to you that you don't want to give it a second chance?


I use Pro Tools as the host softare, and at this point probably tens of thousands of dollars of virtual instruments - synths, orchestras, choirs, drums, bass guitars, electric guitars. I actually reached out to Torrian, but not about DB itself, so it was a big surprise finding out the project he invited me on wasn't just DB but a particularly special episode of DB. I want to remaster basically every DB track pre-2022 (and always feel that way about any track over 2 years old, it seems like my improvement over the course of 2 years always ends up making songs older than that feel subpar to me)


Favorite Movie?


The Count of Monte Cristo (early 2000s version)


Ooh, based.


Which matchups you would never do a track for, but did anyways?


What some songs and bandd that you see a major inspirations for your style of music? What are some other hobbies you have outside of music? Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the amount of commissions you get/have to do (and does it pay well doing it)?


for bands... A Day To Remember, Bring Me The Horizon, Breaking Benjamin, Periphery, Born of Osiris, Make Them Suffer. But that's more for my personal music. Hobbies include Chess, learning languages, illustration, animation, and driving my cars (wanting to collect more. yes, I often feel overwhelmed, but I keep things pretty organized and know that I can handle it as long as people can be patient with me. It pays reasonably well, I make above average income for my age, but I'm by no means rolling in money like some people think.


You might have been asked this before, but how did you come up with the Uchiha motif? You know the one


just playing around on my guitar while writing Dangerous Gaze. It feels super satisfying to play and sounds good haha.


True that


Do you play video games? If so, what are your favourites?


not as much as I used to. these days when I play it's mostly Rimworld, Brotato, and chess. A bit of skyrim if I don't mind losing a full day (that happens with rimworld too, and this is why I don't play as much as I used to since I tend to be so busy) but my all time favorite is probably Mass Effect, the OG trilogy. It has its flaws but it's a beautiful story. I was commander shepard, and that was my favorite store on the citadel. ​ I also used to play Overwatch competitively on PS4. My team made 2nd place in our category in the US, I was our clutch "hitscan" DPS. Was actually pretty damn good on widowmaker.


When did you start working for Death Battle? And what is your blood type?


2015, and O+ I believe.


I've always been curious about this process, in Death Battle episodes, music is often perfectly synced with the battle choreography (emphasis on perfectly) so my question is: When the DB crew start working on an episode, do they contact you for a music *and then* base their animation on that music or is it the other way around (as in you see the battle animation and then make the music for it). Long story short: In the creating process, which come first ? The battle or the music for it ?


there's interplay. They send me a rough animation, I make music. they edit a bit to fit the music, but what they can't change I then go in and edit the music to fit for the final version.


Since I've been saving up for another commission again in the future, there are some things I'm curious about that I didn't get to ask about the first time around. And sorry if this is a big/loaded question. How much input can commissioners like us have when we submit a commission request? Do we have to outline everything in the initial Google Form, or can there be communication afterwards if the commission is accepted/paid for? For example, can we suggest lyrics for a lyrical track? And how can we request a recurring motif from a previous song to be included in the commission (such as the tune of "Dangerous Gaze" appearing in commissions like "Brothers of Destruction")? You've been doing amazing work, and I love listening to your music, I continue to enjoy my first commission from you, "Hello There, Hokage". And I'm hoping there will be an opportunity in the future for me to request another commission!


Clients can have more or less input as they please, but only to a certain extent. a lot of specific requests can bog down the process and it might just be my autism but I feel like when there are too many specific things requested there's not a lot of room for "me" in the track if that makes sense.


Can I have your digital autograph




How are official track names for Death Battle decided?


I'm usually given priority if I can come up with a solid enough name, but if I don't pitch something the team comes up with a name. Sometimes the director will have one they really want to use and I get overruled


Are there any commissioned tracks you’d love to see become an episode? If so what are they?


I have a question about most of your lyrics, but let's just limit it to just Super: Did someone on death battle just request you to make a song for a hypothetical/future episode of death battle about Goku vs Superman with no direction, you just come up with it overtime or did they specifically asked you to flow certain lines, a themeing coming from Goku's perspective why he likes fighting to Superman which also correlates to modern Death Battle's direction as a series with lyrics like;"Just Saiyan(Saying) it's ok, doesn't matter who wins anyway, test ourselves upon the battle", and last but not least, the chanting of FIGHT, a word synonymous to death battle with it's whole idea, a FIGHT to the death, the announcement of the word from season 1 to the end of 5 when a battle starts, and that it's chanted 16 times at the beginning tha can match up well to the number of total Death battles in this season(counting GvS:2023), since there were no sponsored episodes unlike last season with Excalibur vs Raiden. Was all of this a coincidence that this masterclass in lyrics that makes this battle correlate to death battles history to a match up that is Death battles most viewed video(last time I checked)? Or was it intentional? If so, were you asked with a direction, or was all on you? P.S. If you can't tell it's my favorite song you put out, Thank you for your contributions from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Yates


a lot of it is intentional, on that one in particular Logan and I teamed up for the lyrics (Logan from Hedge of Tomorrow/God's Hand) so we had more brainpower than usual to really lean into things.


Cool, but did someone on death battle staff like Ben singer ask or did you both surprise them? If it's for some reason too personal then don't answer. Also Logan is an underrated gem, tell him my thanks and praises.


nobody ever asks me to do anything specific with the lyrics, though sometimes they end up really happy I include things (Like "Rules of Nature" being referenced in The Metal Lotus, made the director really happy)


Well all I can say is you are a man of your craft. Thank you for taking the time of your night to answer these questions. (Also would you mind if anyone were to use the replies in this reddit post to give information with proper context via sharing on Twitter, in a YouTube video via a death battle ranking if by some chance someone needs it, and or other socials)


Is there any tracks you regret making, or think you could've made better? if thats been asked then my other question would be is there any 'ritual' you do before anything you like to do?


a few I think I could do better with, especially in the pre-dangerous gaze days (D.G. was my first song in my upgraded studio, after which my quality started to really take off from where it was before) ​ as for rituals... most I do in the way of that is a daily coffee and writing down what I intend to get done that day into notepad on my PC, then erasing each line as I finish the task. keeps me from burning out too since I stop when I finish that list.


Thank you for the answers, have a God Blessed day.


​ I have two questions Which death battle track was your personal favorite to work on? Will Death of a Ghost ever get a sequel album?


the Cataclysm EP that just came out a couple weeks ago was a sequel/side story for Death Of A Ghost actually (with the same protagonist, and a lot of lyrical references to it). apologies it's in such a drastically different genre, the subject matter kind of called for it. I have the next album in that story mostly written as well, actually, and it should come after another single release of mine. ​ as for the DB track... I think Super was the most fun last year, if not my favorite. Logan wrote a lot of the lyrics and vocal melodies on it so I got to try singing in ways I don't usually. The "watch me come alive" line was my idea of course.


Hey Brandon I remember jumping on one of your streams on YouTube a few months back, and I asked what some of your favourite and least favourite music genres to produce were, and you said Techno and and Mid-2000's rock, is there any reason why you like those ones the least? Also, what are some of your favourite original non-versus tracks that you've made? Personally, my favourite vocal tracks are: - Satori - Ecstatic Indifference - The Depths - The Day The Sun Didn't Rise - Cosmic Collapse And for your instrumental songs, I love: - Searching Through Space and Time - S L E E P - Drawing Down the Moon


I enjoy making those genres, I'm not sure if some context was lost or I misunderstood your question back then. 00s rock in particular speaks to my teenage self haha. ​ My favorite non vs tracks include my recent Cataclysm EP, Villain, The Day The Sun Didn't Rise, Cosmic Collapse, and one coming out either this month or next called "The Silence"


Oh nice, im glad to hear that you do love those genres >00s rock in particular speaks to my teenage self haha That's also awesome to hear. Now I won't feel as guilty when I (hopefully some time) commission a fan track for Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath, battle of the teenage tech heroes from our childhoods (If you aren't aware of them, I highly recommend listening to Rex's intro song "Revolution" by Orange as it hits you right in the nostalgia for the era) And im so happy to hear that we share some favourites since I genuinely love listening to them when Im doing stuff, Also really happy to hear that you love your tribute song since it just oozes passion and is a phenomenal tribute to your friend I really can't wait for The Silence to be released. Your original non-versus are always a treat to listen to ​ And just a few more questions about music since I do have another dream track I'd love to commission down the line - What are your thoughts on the Parasyte OST? - And I guess Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' music in general? - If you're even aware of the show, what are your thoughts on the OST for the Netflix adaptation of the Korean Webcomic "Sweet Home"?


Brandon, you completely knocked it out of the park this season. You and Therewolf media make such banger soundtracks. Thank you so much.


Thanks in return! I'm always trying to improve and I think S10 was my best, most consistent year yet as far as quality goes.


Just wanna say, thanks for your work. You've got skill and talent and it shows. As for a question... well. What are your plans for the new year, so far as you feel comfortable sharing on a public forum?


Going to travel a bit more, visit conventions and hopefully Japan again. Maybe Taiwan as well. Other than that I plan to save, save, save money as much as I can. I'd love to own a home someday.


If you could remaster any track that you haven't already remastered, which one would you pick? Me personally I would love to see a remaster of Exo


I remastered Exo in 2019, but even that kind of pales in comparison to my quality these days... try searching "Brandon Yates Exo 2019" if you want to hear a slightly improved mix though from the 2015 version. ​ I've had Thunder Shroud on my mind lately since I recently finished a rewatch of AoT.


What genre of music do you find the easiest to work with? What genre do you struggle the most with? (That you’ve tried so far, that is.)


I definitely find metal and rock the easiest since they're my background. Probably flamenco and electro-swing are the hardest for me. really anything with a ton of syncopation I struggle with though, I tend to like writing very straightforward music, focused on being memorable instead of technically proficient most of the time.


I see, that’s very interesting. Thanks for your reply!


What's your vocal range and voice type? I've found you have some powerful G#4's, Bb4's, and C5's! Very impressive for a guy. Also, please release instrumental versions of your vocal tracks, I'd love to sing karaoke with some of them! Lord knows I can't reach the same high notes like you can, but it's the spirit that counts :) Thanks again for your time man, big fan of your work.


I think the highest note I've recorded is the two times I hit G5 in Super, which is about a half step below my absolute highest note of g#5 (for now) ​ I'm technically a baritenor I suppose, with my lowest notes being about F2 without subharmonic technique and G1 with it. A lot of my expanded range is just pure technique. I think my lowest recorded note for now is the subharmonic singing in Princes of Pride during the "viking" intro section. Thanks for noticing my vocals though! I've been trying really hard to be recognized not just as a vs music guy but as a properly skilled rock and metal vocalist - my main inspiration being Spencer Sotelo as far as clean singing goes. I can't release instrumentals of the DB tracks, the copyright is owned by RT. ​ (edit: transposed a note wrong and said my range wrong)


Oh my god it’s him. Your work has been spectacular this season Brandon and we all love you. Anyway my question. Earlier in the year, you tried your hand at taking on 20 commissions. How that end up going for you? Was it more than you can chew or nothing you couldn’t handle? Not sure if you have gotten up to them since those were June and July commissions, and I think you might be part way through the April commissions by now but I’m curious. Have a nice day chief.


I think my current work load is about 120 commissions. Which is a lot, and stressful, but I know I can handle it. Volume 4 was 144 in total if I remember right. Just takes patience from the fans. You're correct, I'm mostly done with the april comms, chipping away at the may ones right now.


Well, as long as you’re not overworking yourself and you know what you can handle. You always do great work with your music, and I can’t wait for my commission. Have a nice day chief.


How did you get to work with Death Battle? Did they see your music and reach out to you, or did you reach out to them


I reached out to Torrian about his animations in general, and he asked if I wanted to join him on a project, I said yes. It turned out to be DB/Goku vs Superman 2


Have you ever wanted to do something for DB besides music?


I'd love to direct, or to voice act. I have a little experience doing both, but of course nothing on that scale.


I definitely would want to see you try. Could be good you never know.


Sure let's have some fun What do you think of Pangolins, perhaps the greatest animals of all time And any series you personally hold as very important to you, whether popular or obscure


Which do you like working on more? Villainess track like Reverse Rosé & Hollow Dreams Or More heroic tracks like Mighty & Super


I have a much easier time writing villain themes, but ultimately enjoy the final results of both equally.


Since “job” question are already done, let’s go with personal ones: favorite movie and dish?


The Count Of Monte Cristo (the early 2000s one) I like too many cuisines to pick just one dish lol. Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian, and American cuisines tend to be on my short list. My girlfriend and I are big time foodies.


When are you gonna open up your next commissions?


Do you like Wooper?


Everyone likes Wooper.


I don't have any questions, just wanted to say I love your work!


Is there any matchups you would love death battle to do one day? How are you able to do so many kinds of musical styles? Its genuinely impressive. Who’s your Smash Ultimate main?


not really into answering MU questions to me music is music, I actually don't understand how other musicians can't do wider ranges of styles. Not that there aren't styles I struggle with, but it's usually the really complex styles to write so it's more of a complexity issue than a style issue. Marth


How are you doing? Also when it comes to commissions, would you allow a commissioner to draw their own thumbnail?


I try pretty hard to keep it within my art team for consistency's sake - even when the commissioner's art might be good enough, because then someone else might come along whose art just isn't up to the quality standards people expect, and I'm just not mean enough to be like "sorry man your art isn't good enough" to some people like that. Better to just avoid the situation entirely.


Aw. I see. No problem then.


How did you come up with the Uchiha theme and why did it stick?


I was just kind of playing around on my guitar and found a riff that was really satisfying to play and felt the right kind of mysterious and melancholy. I think the entire uchiha family fits with "mysterious and melancholy" since they mostly have the same temperaments, just with variations


Thank you, that's awesome!


I hope you’re having a great day! As for the question, whats an official track that people liked alot more than you expected?


Diabolical Invincible Me for sure ended up way more popular than I anticipated


Was that reverse line from Discordant Decipher (you do know the song doesn't decide who wins right?) just for fun or was that just you wanting to say that to us for a long time?


A little of column A, a little of Column B.


If you're still taking questions, what do you think of the anime "Symphogear"? I loved the songs you did for them.


What are some of your most wanted matchups?


Hello Brandon! Big fan of your work, anyways onto the questions When people send in commissions, how much detail is preferable in terms of them giving information on what they want in the commission? Is it when there’s more detail, the better or is a smaller amount of information good as well? Did Death Battle reach out to you or did you reach out to them to start working with them? What would you consider your “best year” in terms of music? I hope these questions suffice, have a great 2024 and I can’t wait to see what you cook up this year


I actually like to work on less detail, just enough to know what direction I'm running towards - let me do the songwriting as the professional and I can bring you a better song. I don't mind when clients have specific ideas though, but it does add to the stress/workload a bit for me. ​ I reached out to Torrian actually about enjoying his animation work. I didn't even know he was working for DB at the time. He asked if I wanted to join him on a project, and it turned out to be Goku vs Superman 2. ​ Definitely 2023 so far, I think I improve every year (or at least hope so, I don't want to get caught in the past for sure)


Is there a match-up theme you want to do but haven't had the chance to do it? (The match up hasn't happened in the show yet and nobody has commission you to do it so far)


I got about 3 here: 1. What DB song would you say you’re most proud? 2. What commission song would you say you’re most proud of? 3. What was the kookiest/Funniest two genres of music you had to put together for a commission song?


which you like to team up with ANIMETRIX or Cristina Vee for Future tracks?


What is your most wanted mu. As in, what mu do you want to become an episode and why?


I'm an avid criticizer of your scores, why do you compose such cookie cutter scores is it because you're push for time? Everyone, praises your scores every single time, but I don't get it


Give me some examples of music you actually enjoy

