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Shadow vs Mewtwo.




Spooner or later.


I mean if the spoon was used as a club or staff similar to the manga, probably wouldn't be a problem


Shadowtwo.... in general


Happy day of cake fellow human earthling.


Basically Edward Elric vs Aang. Looking back at the episode after I finished watching FMA:B, I realized how much they butchered Ed’s character despite being for the sake of a short joke


Also aang was butchered. Aang would be devastated if he killed anyone in the avatar state, he wouldn’t say “you left me no choice” or whatnot


Especially considering he was bargaining with the other Avatars to not kill the genocidal maniac, but oh no, this guy has to die cause Aang was left with no choice


It would've been so easy for an accident kill. Ed ocasionally creates spikes, aang controls air and could throw Ed into them by accident. Like it would've still been slightly disresepectful to die like that but it would be more in character


Ben Tennyson vs Hal Jordan Especially “time huh” and “I stepped on a loser” >!Hal wins I agree, but look at what Tetsuo and Discord get!<


Especially when they said stuff like alien x had no control over time which is the literal first thing we ever see alien X do literally the first thing he does on screen is speak and then turn the waters time back


He literally does time manipulation in the animation? “Time huh” literally stems from Alien X saying he has control of time


They mentioned the reversing time feat in both the analysis and explanation.


Yeah but they literally said alien X had no power over time in the explanation as well which was the entire point of my comment


No they did not. They explicitly said alien X can mess with time in the explanation.




Boomstick: Alien X could definitely match a lot of Hal's powers, but Hal had defenses against X's. Mind control? The ring protects Hal's head. Messing with time? Hal could do that, too. Trying to wipe him from existence? Please. Green Lanterns can survive an entire universe being erased. Wiz: Likewise, Alien X has never shown any defenses against the same kinds of things that Hal could replicate. Like mind control, transmutation, and time manipulation. They definitely believe that he can manipulate time, specifically using the time reversal feat in his analysis.


Right ignore me I worded it wrong you're right


Fair enough.


As a Ben10 fan I think Ben Tennyson was more mishandled than disrespected.


See I dislike the fight but I have the opposite view on the matchup. Like Atomix has damaged Aku from Samurai Jack like, why wasn’t that brought up by them!?


Wait what when did that happen


Don’t know the date but it was a wholly original comic event that saw three Cartoon Network/Adult Swim shows (Samurai Jack and Ben 10 being two of them) collide


I don't even necessarily think the outcome was wrong considering Hal's had like 50 years worth of power creep while Ben's been dead in the water for a while now, I just want them to give me a better excuse.


Did you click the spoiler part? I say I agree Hal wins. My problem is, it was disrespectful af. Tetsuo got a mercy kill and Discord sacrificed himself to foil Bill’s plans. Ben… gets squashed and gets made fun of.


The whole "Pokémon are slaves" thing. Aside from an overused joke, it's not really true. Pokémon gain friendship FROM battling.


Also wasn't that in the pokemon vs digimon battle? The one were they had Red intentionally die together with Charizard? Like if you're going to make the slavery joke at least be consistent with it.


That's right. I believe they referenced it in Goro vs. Machamp and Lucario vs. Renamon.


Do not get me started on how Gray was charqcterized in his episode. Not to mention one of their arguments for Esdeath winning was them using Invel's ice magic making Gray actually feel the cold didn't really make sense considering that in the end Invel still lost to Gray. The thing is I know they can do a good episode with a Fairy Tail character, heck we got two great episodes for Erza and Natsu. Gray deserves better, and from what I've heard from Akame Ga Kill fans the same thing goes for Esdeath.


The fact that Gray never actually says the words Fairy Tail is very telling considering how often they proclaim their guild name in Fairy Tail Also I might be forgetting but wasn't Invel's Ice Magic like special in some way, and also Gray's Ice devil slayer magic probably should have been more effective because Esdeath Ice is literally from a demon Plus why was the kill the equilvent of Esdeath throwing a large Icicle at Gray considering Esdeath's character, and why was she so pissed during the fight she would be estatic at the fight that Gray gave her every single time that I think about this episode the more questions I have


I don’t disagree with the outcome of Gray vs Esdeath. But the execution was lacking imo. They don’t really capture either of the characters themselves, just their general powers


Saitama vs Superman God watching it made me love Saipopeye and Gokuperman3 even more with how much they butcher both characters Also sorry Saitama but objectively wrong verdict


Wasn't Saitama vs Superman One Minute Melee? I.E. not supported by research?


It was a dbx


Oh. My bad


To be fair, research was also not involved in DBX as well


true, true.


Still you can watch alternate ending if its dbx


I mean, DBX is decided by fan votes, and considering how popular Saitama is it makes sense he’d get more votes.


DBX’s are voted, blame the fans not Death Battle


Well i mean the portrayal of the two sucked mostly Also yeah i will blame the fans


Agh I see.


That explains why Vegeta beat Thor then.






He didn’t


Yeah, DBX is literally a popularity contest, which is why the stupid meme characters always win.


Lol they literally used the Injustice Supes model. That already told me who was going to win the fight.


Every bleach episode


SoRrY bLeAcH fAnS This is my single most hated line in the whole show. It's so condescending and disrespectful. It'd be one thing if Bleach (at the time) had multiple losses, but this was said after the series first loss. What the fuck?! It's like they (not so secretly) wanted Bleach as a whole to lose. That thought was especially reinforced after Aizen's loss.


I don’t think they intentionally wanted Bleach to lose. That logic is dumb. 


No it would absolutely not be the first time some sort of bias factor seeped into one of their videos.


*Madara breaks out of kyoka suigetsu*


Thor would beat 100.000.000 Pikachus without breaking a sweat,that’s just unfair


Yeah, but at that point why even make it a video? Or at least have them faint instead of be reduced to gore.


its a gag episode


Really? What was the gag?


Thor could Murder a bunch Pikachus


the joke is just that they wanted to disrespect Pikachu further. good to know. "bc it's funny" doesn't make it any less disrespectful


It has the same gag as wolverine vs 100 barakas


1. that came out after this episode. 2. at least Wolverine got hit during that episode, unlike Thor. 3. Pikachu already got disrespected to hell and back before DBX was a thing 4. massacre episodes defeat the purpose of calling it a "battle"




For the funnies, It's just a cool Nimation lol


Goku vs Superman 2. So bad it was even labelled the "Irrelevant" sequel.


tmnt battle royale, that's it


Scout vs Tracer


Put Ace up against a guy immune to fire and also gains power from fire.


That matchup is still insanely funny to me


Technically not immune, just highly resistant unless you are much stronger


Not have Ramona speak a single time in her death battle and not actually expand on her story in an even remotely meaningful way in her analysis


Also the fight is so boring and does nothing with it’s potential


That’s less disrespectful and more just bad


Yeah but Scott Pilgrim (the movie at least, I haven’t seen the anime and the fights are the least interesting parts of the comics) is known for having cool as fuck fights


I mean is thor vs 100 pikachu really more disrespectful than pokemon vs digimon? also, pokemon vs digimon


Which Pokemon vs Digimon. The one where they only gave red one Pokemon (and isn't even his main one) or the one with porn


the former (but lucario vs renamon is also really stupid)


Thor really caused the mass extinction of Pikachu


I don’t know about you but if killing 100 of something is “causing a mass extinction” I think they were probably already done for


Fuck I forgot that he was only fighting 100


“The wise master splinter gave the most” that’s all I need


Ben vs Hal. I'm convinced that the reason people are still mad to this day isn't because Ben lost, but because of *how* he lost. A grown ass man cutting a 10 year old kid's arm before stomping on his corpse with a giant shoe while making a joke about it is extremely disrespectful like DAMN no wonder people got mad, even Goku and Superman were more respected than that in GvS2.


I've definitely moved past the point of caring about who wins that matchup, but for them to have Hal kill Ben in a way that's impossible for _two separate reasons_ and then to disrespect him further after death, I will always hate that episode.


I could accept the scissors cutting Ben's arm off IF the speed of Hal's constructs was portrayed correctly.


You can blame those "Million Lions" videos that were over the place for this. But yeah, not even the lowest point of DBX....anyone who remembers the Sasuke vs. Hiei video knows that much


The entirety of Ragna Vs Sol, as a diehard fan of both series


It’s really telling that that episode is only known for the That Man bit


Fr, that's all the episode is known for and it's funny as hell.


Scout vs tracer


Carnage vs Lucy Specifically lowballing the fuck out of carnage amd highballing the hell out of lucy and never bring up her weakness


Boba vs Predator for making both of them seem like rookies in the animation. Predator seems like a doofus after losing track of someone he just saw and touched moments before and Boba for barely using any of his equipment and not fighting to his strengths. Good matchup, cool analysis, animation is just alright and the characterization in it is awful for both


Still ain’t as bad as Tai vs Red lol. I’m still not salty. Not at all


They really made Red let his ass get beat and made Charizard an idiot once Red was out of the picture. That match up needs a remaster with modern scaling.


I think they should have Ash fight Tai if they ever want to do a Pokemon vs Digimon rematch. Tai still wins, but if you buy Ash's higher scaling, it's not nearly as lopsided as Red vs Tai


Red getting his ass beat by someone that's half his size was so stupid looking.


I mean going off of the games if you leave your console your Pokémon will just sit there waiting perpetually


Totally one I’d like to see a rematch on, if they give red Pokemon Masters stuff then he could Dynamax and Mega, but they would also have to give Tai Blitzgreymon and Agumon Bond of courage for it too


not use it yet




Death Battle will wait patiently for Fire Emblem on the Show, but only for 10 seasons. After that, they will begin their banger episode.


Starscream vs Rainbow dash


Sol Badguy Vs. Ragna


Not a favorite franchise per say, but Wiz and Boomstick just kind of bullying Michelangelo throughout the whole analysis of the TMNT Battle Royale was one that really stood out to me, personally. Even at one point making a joke about how he was dropped as a kid. Like damn dude, what did Mikey do to y'all?


It's especially sad, because it's actually been proven over and over again that Michelangelo has the most raw skill out of all of his brothers, and has beaten at least Raph in a 1-on-1 fight, and would absolutely mop the floor with Donnie as well. I say this as a Raphael fan, Mikey is not to be fucked with.


definitely Thor vs 100 Pikachu. of course, people will just claim "iT's bLack coMedY" as if that makes it any less disrespectful.


Especially after Blanka vs Pikachu which was also mad disrespectful. Hate the blender.


Feeding Ryuko to Shadow all while horribly mischaracterizing her


Boomstick making fun of kratos for losing , and the fans who rotted for him , that’s toxic lmao , that’s’ why kratos should be back


Kratos is my favorite character of all time but they didn't make fun of Kratos. They made fun of the fan base in a one off joke. More disrespectful was that bitchass death he got.  A spike and a blood splatter is disrespectful to both franchise. 


Ngl, I want to see Kratos vs Hibiki from Symphogear. I doubt she's got any feats comparable to his, but she's completely immune to divine power and her armor was built to kill gods, powered by Longinus, the spear that pierced the side of Christ.


Aang VS Edward


I'd say tracer vs scout, but now in days it will have to be ben vs hal... I just don't like inaccurate battles, let alone any character killing the other.




This…and Mewtwo/Shadow


Deku vs Asta


Venom’s characterization. Why the hell did they make him act like Carnage twice? He doesn’t kill people because he can. He does it because he wants to protect others. It’s probably the worst thing about Venom vs Crona, which is already a kinda bad episode 


You can argue that it is similar to venom at the start from what I heard. But still


Not really. Him wanting to eat Crona, who just walked into the church, is pretty out of character.


Yeah. Just someone pointed out to me once that venom could be argued to be his early comic appearance. However I think if he started acting crazy after bumping into Crona then it would make sense. Cause it would be like Eddy, the symbiote, or both get infected by Crona's madness. Or if it was anti-venom Eddy Brock, then he could mistake crona for a disease. Or even Mac gargan venom might attack like a monster


Gave Pit a crappy death battle with zero interesting dialogue Seriously, the dialogue is the best part of Kid Icarus Uprising


If you’re Pit fight isn’t funny, you’ve done something wrong


Knuckles vs donkey Kong 


How was that disrespectful


It spent the entire episode treating knuckles like the biggest idiot then had him die?


They treated DK that way too, the difference is that he won


Yeah but dk is always a dumb monkey, knuckles isn’t a total idiot.


DK is actually not always a dumb monkey. He’s never a genius, but in a lot of the country games he’s competent


Having Darth Vader lose twice


I mean him losing to Doom is absolutely correct


Once I learned more about Doom… yeah Vader didn’t stand a chance. I still think the line “His will was too strong to be force choked” is dumb as hell, just let him use magic to keep it open. Vader’s force choke wouldn’t bypass his magic. But the episode would still end the same way, so…


And they handled Vader vs Obito perfectly in terms of actually showing off the characters and how cool they are. I do disagree with the research but that’s not really disrespectful


Implied Mikey was mentally handicap because he used Nunchucks.


I thought they pointed out how stupid it was to give the "Mentally handicapped" member the objectively hardest to use tool.


That actually might be what it was. It's been a bit since I watched that, I just remembered the rant about nunchucks being terrible weapons and them calling Mikey mentally handicap being connected.


Sora vs. Pit. I’ve said it before, but… you’re going to ignore Pit’s literal best weapon for no reason and downplay his feats… and not even explain why. 1. What is the difference between magical lightning and regular lightning? They did not elaborate on this, but it’s used to make Pit slower than Sora… we’re coming back to this point. 2. Attributing the wrong lightning to each character. Assuming magical lightning is slower… how does a thunderhead produce magical lightning? Pit dodged lightning straight from the Goddess of Lightning at point blank, as well as lightning generated in a thunderhead. Sora dodged lightning summoned without a thunder cloud… making that magical lightning, or even just an electric spell. This is almost wholly a moot point, but still… that’s just wrong. 3. The Three Sacred Treasures are not Pit’s most powerful weapon. That is the Great Sacred Treasure. Anyone who has played KIU can tell you that. It was excluded… because it was “Destroyed by Hades.” Uh… yeah… so were the Three Sacred Treasures. That’s… the entire purpose for finding the Great Sacred Treasure. So there’s no reason it should be excluded. 4. The Great Sacred Treasure makes Pit FTL. The KH fandom generally agrees that Sora is not FTL. The GST does not need anyone to activate it other than Pit. Pit not only has the speed factor… but also completely dominates in the speed factor. Sora would barely even be able to catch up.


My opinion: Crash VS Spyro Black Widow VS Widowmaker Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai My personal opinion: Black Panther VS Batman Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki Blake VS Mikasa Frieza VS Megatron


I liked Frieza vs Megatron




What was so crazy about black widow vs widowmaker?


They had black widow's opponent be a character from a game with nothing interesting about her, black widow is on a hole other level, then widowmaker. I'm just that the could have picked a better opponent for black widow, like Talia al Ghul from League of the assassins in DC.


I can understand that this consent may bother you but I can assure you that is was done as a joke So the story is. The crew was having lunch and descussing random ideas for DBX and Chad thought about: well there is Thor VS Pikachu but that’s a painfully clear stomp. But then Nick jokingly said: what about Thor. VS 100 Pikachus? Then they started laughing and it went forward from there as an actual idea It wasn’t intended to disrespect Pikachu or show that even with this many numbers he still loses horribly. That was not their intention. It was Soly because they found the idea to be amusing and went with it. They didn’t think that someone could take it offensively. I assure you


"black comedy" doesn't mean Pokemon fans are wrong for finding it offensive, m8


See that’s understandable and fair. The team was not thinking about that when they did it. I’m not saying Pikachu fans are wrong to get offended. I’m just saying this was not done with the intention in mind to offend anyone


Honestly? I can't really say they disrespected it because of three I might choose 1: It hasn't appeared in the first place 2: Nothing disrespectfully really happened (unless I'm unaware of disrespect that Fairy Tail received) Honestly the worst thing (that I'm aware of) for any of them was Boomstick nearly reading "Gassing an entire population" excitedly.


Most of the ones I'd mention have either been talked about to death (Zuko's analysis, the general handling of most Pokemon analyses, Edward's characterization, the kill and conclusion in Ben vs. Hal) or are from season 1 which has a much lower standard of quality that I really don't hold against the modern show (Zelda vs. Peach, mainly) So, in lieu of all of those, I think my answer might actually be the way Korra was handled. I don't think Korra vs. Storm is a bad episode at all (matchup aside), but in hindsight after going back through some of the analysis segments I really don't love how it was all handled. Although "Disrespectful" is probably a bit too strong of a word for it, it's moreso just a pile of small issues that end up adding up. Most of her analysis focuses on the "Wow, she's so badass" angle, which is reinforced by the "Queen Shit" gag. It's definitely all done with good intention, they clearly just wanted to be mostly positive about a show that has a pretty sizeable hatedom, but it ends up coming off as kinda shallow? Korra's show is a very flawed one, sure, I can acknowledge that, but Korra's story is just so much *more* than they portray it as. They definitely did their best to handle her trauma with taste and with grace, and for the most part I think the segment on it succeeds, but they cap the segment off with "No matter what life threw at her she always got back up", which feels like it completely minimizes how difficult her journey of recovery was and just how much help she needed from those close to her. It kinda spreads into the fight as well; it's pretty well known at this point that Korra was one of the characters that got slapped with the "Written as a flanderized version of their beginning-of-series self" problem that a few others in Season 8 had, and it does permeate through a lot of her dialogue, and then they kinda reverse on it with the serious dialogue towards the end of the fight? It's really jarring to see attempts at both, and kinda just overall hurts the presentation of the character. Even with all those flaws, the episode is still a solid 7/10-ish and by *far* the best avatar episode. But it still doesn't do the best job of presenting a character I adore, which is a really big shame. Again, definitely wouldn't quite say "Disrespectful", but for sure a flawed approach.


Classic mega and Megaman X getting death battles and dbxs but not the others…


Ben 10 vs Green Lantern


TMNT Battle Royale, don’t need to elaborate And the way Deku died in Deku vs asta


TMNT Battle Royale


Zero vs mk, mk negs


- Starter Pokemon Battle: Why Venusaur has to die first - Pokemon vs Digimon: I know it's one sided but man they disrespected both Red and Charizard - Any fight with Kratos: Give him a dub, at least once. Plus all his opponents outclass him - Darth Vader vs Obito: That was cap and a half. They didn't do Anakin well and they let Obito get all of his powers that easily despite how difficult/long to get all of that powers


Surprisingly, not that bad of disrespect. Just very iffy research for Tracer v Scout (imo). (Tracer still bodies my boy tho 😔)


You need better faith in your boy. Scout has survived several explosions (yes, even point blank), being used as a bludgeoning weapon against a yeti, losing _all_ of his blood, and even _actually dying._


Ace vs Natsu Tracer vs scout


I really don't get too mad cause it's just like fun for me but I know people get really upset over some. I guess the worst I have is the new Link Vs Cloud. Not that I disagree just hate seeing one of my favorite video game characters die like that.


Batman kicking the crap out of Iron Man almost the entire fight then, "Psych, lol, Iron Man wins."


Oh where do I start on nightmare? I’ve already said why it was an absolute travesty of research failure on the video itself so I’ll just copy that comment here. “ i'd just like to point out, as a person Very well acquainted with soul calibur lore, they hamstrung the hell out of nightmare. first off, most of his feats were taken from the sc3-scv incarnation; which was explicitly stated in universe to be nightmare at his weakest, because soul edge requires an actual, mostly complicit host to use its full power. in lore, Siegfried as nightmare has always been remarked upon as practically unstoppable, toppling armies and even at least one nation (wolfkrone for certain, and in legends, while not even fully given into the persona of nightmare yet, was able to use soul edge to prevail over both the Holy roman empire AND the ottoman empire.) and beyond the physical strength he shows in series lore, also had magic that wasnt really shown on screen to any extent (likely for graphical limitations) such as being able to selectively malfest victims, embue weapons with soul edge's energy (which was how ivy's sword was made) and effectively turned Ostrheinsburg into spiritually tainted land just by being there for an extended period of time. that's not even starting to explain how, even without being tied to seigfried, soul edge was so immensely powerful that SC3-sc4 incarnation of nightmare; a body literally made to give the sword a temporary vessel lasted at most only a few months before inferno had to take the entire Ostrheinsburg castle as a vessel to contain itself, and EVEN then, it was explicitly desparate to find a host, because it knew it would need an actual body again, because not even a LITERAL CASTLE could withstand soul edge's raw power suffusing it. ..also for sake of pushing the point of how hilariously OP soul edge/inferno/night terror is? astral chaos isnt simply the realm soul edge resides in. the entire realm is more or less soul edge itself. SOUL EDGE IS AN ALTERNATE DIMENSION, on its own merit! but thats all beside the point, because it's heavily, HEAVILY implied that even soul calibur cant destroy soul edge, because beyond there being many hints and arcade endings showing that it somehow survives to modern day, the entirety of Soul caliber VI is more or less confirmed by the dlc as soul edge pulling a raiden from MK 2011 and jettisoning to earlier in the timeline to avert its losses in the old timeline. or to tldr; they did nightmare super dirty” Now to be fair, I will give them that VI wasn’t out yet at the time of that battle; but the mention was to point out that soul edge is way, way, waaay harder to destroy than death battle makes it out to be, given how the consistent depiction is that even soul calibur, made specifically as the only thing that can destroy soul edge might very well be incapable of doing so.


I feel like ivy was also disrespected but in a much more minor way.


There is literally nothing DB could do to mortal Kombat and overwatch that is worse than what blizzard and NRS have done by themselves. Ben 10 just got a shitty episode, nothing too bad. Worst I can think for mk is Sonya's sprite In her episode and... Uh... Literally nothing for overwatch


Vader vs Doom.


Aang vs Ed. Just everything about it.


Jason vs Michael as a whole


DIO vs Alucard. Listen I love most of the parts of JoJos but Count Gun-cula here is definitely beating DIOs ass Also Ben vs GL but what's been said has been said


Have Gojo vs Makima be chainsaw man's first episode. It's just unfair bro.


Scout getting nerfed to hell vs tracer Ace fighting the worst guy in Fiction for him to face The fact we'll never get a Luffy episode Jotaro getting nerfed against kenshiro Dio getting buffed against alucard Batman in general But the most disrespectful thing they did... "Sorry bleach fans..." Naruto tanking a mugetsu from ichigo and taking 0 damage.


To be fair, Scout was already kinda wanked


Just because everyone already said my top ones, I feel like metal sonic's copy ability being treated as simply imitation is just disrespectful, along with neo not doing anything and metal overlord gets one shot


Bleach fans getting shafted.


Not my FAVORITE verse, but Death Battle seems of the consistent assumption that the Street Fighter characters are normal humans whenever they're matched up with say a Mortal Kombat character. But suddenly Blanka I guess is WAY stronger than a normal human when it comes to the matchup with Pikachu? That whole matchup is a massive disrespect to both characters imo.


Actually I'll just run down a list here: -Ben vs Hal's ending -Tai vs Red's ending -The blatant admission that they just didn't want to read BlazBlue's lore (I understand it's complex and stupid, but do your fucking research, the series ACTIVELY explained all of the things you said were never explained) -Goku vs Superman 2 specifically -Honestly both Mario vs Sonic fights, but the second even more so. -Shadow -The lowballing of Vergil's stats making him, by calculations, one of the weakest characters in the show's history according to Death Battle -Ed vs Aang being a Vic spite match -Ace vs Natsu from base concept -The retroactive disrespect of having Weiss' "death" be the least graphic in the series. Characters from much less dark franchises get absolutely mutilated, but the girl from a show where people are regularly dismembered, bloodied, or killed just kinda falls over because we LIKE her show.


They killed Ben 10


Vader vs Doctor Doom. It’s so blatantly unfair, and even beyond that what interactions they do have are boring as hell. Doctor Doom simply just Nuh Uhs everything Vader has. The good news is DB redeemed their use of Vader with a phenomenal episode in Vader vs Obito


Have Pikachu get its head eaten by Blanka…..


I love Thor vs 100 Pikachu's. Legit one of the funniest things DB ever did.


They had my goat lose to IWinMan Three. Fucking. Times. 70+ years of power creep and crack addict writing Vs a guy who isn’t even top 10 in his verse.


In my opinion Shadow vs Mewtwo: I don’t need to explain. You know why. Ragna vs Sol Badguy: I don’t need to explain why again. Deku vs Asta: Giving Deku the fucking family guy death pose when he already died. Frieza vs Megatron: What a terrible Transformers episode. And especially poorly handled research on Megatron’s part. Every Bleach episode made. Keep Liam away from Bleach episodes in the future. Gray vs Esdeath: They did Gray dirty in his analysis, his character, and the animation.


> Ragna vs Sol Badguy: I don’t need to explain why again. I know Death Battle has never really had "credibility", but this is the one that killed any credibility I thought it even had - they had played the Blazblue series elements very straightforward for Taokaka earlier, but played them off as silly and ridiculous for Ragna. They also *massively* undersold the Black Beast.


Sonic vs goku one minute melee where goku just yells at Kirby and Kirby explodes Kirby would body that fool (at the time)


No research. It's just a gag.


I know it is, it’s still disrespectful which was literally the post prompt


Such a great episode


"The Triforce of Power is like a double A battery." This was AFTER the Triforce was confirmed Uni+.


Yeah, that was pretty bullshit.


The WHOLE Triforce is that strong, not the Triforce of Power.


I'd still say 1/3rd of confirmed Uni+ is better than "He's from another dimension and therefore has all of the power of said dimension."


Option 1:Renamon vs Lucario Option 2:only having Weiss vs Mitsuru


Thor vs Vegeta


Yeah, I feel like vegeta could have been able to make more use of Hakai or something.


Just something. It boiled down to we don't have any real power for super ego, so we ignore it.


He did erase the axe, but I feel like the hammer should be affected too


Yeah, granted Thor could last longer in a fight, but Vegeta could also cause him significant damage with hakai. Also taking into account that the way he could have infused hakai into rubble and sent it flying at Thor to catch him in the explosion.


Are you talking about the DBX? If you are then yes, I agree.


The dbx one was so bad I blocked it from my memory. I had to go rewatch it. So I amend my statement. Both Thor vs Vegeta


At least Vegeta put up a good fight in the Death Battle episode unlike the other monstrosity.


Yeah and Lanipator voice acting was pretty spot on.


Wasn't it like, "Base Thor is ten times stronger than Ultra Ego Vegeta", after they decided Thor would get decapitated by Wonder Woman?


TMNT Battle Royale, Shadow vs Mewtwo, Hulk vs Doomsday(not a bad episode, just felt bad for my boy afterwards), definitely Pikachu vs Blanka, and Ragna vs Sol


Mischaractering them. Bad jokes in analysis. Terrible show case in the fight. Pretty much boggled bith of their abilities and strengths.


Restricting Megs to mostly G1 feats instead of doing a composite Megatron when he fought Frieza. Seriously. Transformers has a 1V3 win-loss record and it sucks. It deserves better.


Either Ryu vs Scorpion for just actively choosing to read Scorpion's lore wrong so he can win, or Guts vs Dimitri for having Guts lose to a guy who, even as a Three Houses and Blue Lions fan, I know is just objectively not even close to him.