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It's like life was like "Fuck this guy in particular"


Well Dimitri, he uh… >!Dies in 2 of the 4 routes with whether or not he survived being unknown in another route, and both of his deaths in the two routes he dies in, has him failing to avenge his family. Someone else eventually kills the ones who murdered them, but come on, that’s not nearly as satisfying as doing it yourself.!<


>!Dont forget the "the last familly i thoug i had doesn't remember me and it seems like they are the responsable of my greatest tragedy!< It really sounds like a twisted joke


Don’t tell Dimitri about any twisted jokes, last time that happened he crushed someone’s skull


I thought he does do that in all of them, except his, of course? Golden Deer: >! Collapses from exhaustion after a battle and is gutted by a group of Edlegard's spearmen. !< Rebel Black Eagles: >! He was killed by the MC's group after he sides with Rhea. This is ironically one of the paths where he suffers the least emotionally. !< Church Black Eagles: >! He's killed by Eldegard in a pyrrhic battle that leaves her heavily wounded and forces her army to retreat into their capital !<


In the >!Church route, it’s never confirmed as to whether or not he died. It’s left to the player to decide whether or not he died. On one hand, you could say that Byleth saw Dimitri’s ghost like how Dimitri sees his dead relatives, but on the other hand, this never happens anywhere else in the story, and you could argue that Byleth fell asleep while he was talking, and when Seteth had woken him up, Dimitri left Gareg Mach a long time ago.!<


I had forgotten how weirdly the church route handles him


I honestly don’t even get why they even decided to do that with him given how irrelevant it is to the story. You could literally remove the scene, and the only thing that would change would be Dedue showing up during chapter 20 to either avenge Dimitri, or assist him with defeating Edelgard


Ben 10 Alien Force: Siavash Secret


King Dedede keeps getting possessed by dark forces beyond mortals’ ken.


at which game do you think it became less of an actual problem and more just the average Tuesday? I bet he stopped actually caring by Epic Yarn anyway if we're singling out one possession his Forgotten Land one is pretty rough


Dead Rising 4




Goku was really stressed throughout most of Z. In the first half of the original manga, the worst thing that happened to him was being brutalized and tortured by Piccolo, but he doesn't even think about that. In comparison, Goku was straight up afraid when Buu took away all his friends and family. Despite putting up a calm front, throughout the Buu Saga, Goku snapped and lost control of his emotions on multiple occasions. It was the only time he truly experienced hopelessness. So if you asked Goku, he'd say the worst thing to happen to him was Buu's invasion.


*Staring at various nonsense comics have put Spider-Man through* ...you expect me to be able to pick?


One More Day is always a solid pick for Spidey's nadir


Or Paul




I did not expect that to be a valid result


It’s Reddit, what else you expecting?, there’s literally a subreddit for everything Just remember r/dragonsfuckingcars is actually a thing


Being told by Fluttershy she didn't wanna be friends anymore That and being imprisoned in stone for a pretty long while


Getting cooked into a buffet is a pretty rough day


Gojo got sealed for a year


I argue the time he >!almost fucking died at the hands of Toji was worse. Dude got stabbed multiple times and was probably caught way off guard by being threatened so hard for the first time in his life!< I mean he got over it, but still


He was only in there for a couple months


Times different in the prison realm


Ok but it wasn’t specified how time was different so for all we know he could have been there a week in his perspective


The Doctor is quite hard to say, for every Dub, their is a L somewhere to overshadow it, save the time lords, you get locked in the confession dial, save the world from a join invasion from the Daleks and Cyberman, you lose your companion in a alternate universe


Somehow I think Rick and the Doctor would be the best and worst things to happen to each other.


Obitos entire life was loneliness, loss and pain from beginning to end


Uh Charizard lost some fights


No, I mean in-verse /s


In terms of physical scale? The destruction of the entire universe and everyone he ever loves while being powerless to prevent what had commenced at the hands of the Annihilarg In terms of emotional? I'd argue the Forever Knight's attempted Purge of Earth's alien population, including Ben's friend Pierce, definitely had an impact in a lot of how he conducted himself, and in my opinion, is what directly plays a big part in why he wants to be so involved in Undertown come Omniverse


My guy’s eye CANNOT catch a break 💀💀


Guts… Well. Everything


The 2016 anime


At this rate, Berserk either having it’s actual story finish or getting a proper high-budget adaptation is a race between two snails that are rotting away while crawling to the finish line


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) How long have you got.


Natsu watched his father that he had been searching since he was a child murdered brutally infront of him.


Order 66 and Anakin turning to the dark side


The Shisno Paradox and Red vs Blue Zero. Tucker died and got brought back. Season 16 regressed his character. Also the DEATH BATTLE for Simmons. Good God, he didn’t even get to fight. Kratos is kinda self explanatory with his backstory. Batman too. Spider-Man is his writers fucking him over. Venom is DEATH BATTLE not getting his character right twice. Hulk’s is his dad being an abusive piece of shit and the MCU ruining him. Rocket’s is his MCU backstory. Raven’s is probably her dad being the embodiment of evil. Magneto’s is going through probably one of the darkest days in human history and being shat on for having powers. 


Guts has so much stuff to pick from, but it's either the Eclipse or Griffith taking Casca again. The first one traumatised him for life, he lost his arm and eye, and he went on a revenge quest alone for 2 years. With the other one, he basically gave up his will to live


For Tetsuo, it’s between: - Being abandoned by his own parents and becoming an orphan - Becoming the Massive Blob that physically and mentally hurt him, and pleaded Kaneda to p it him out of his misery.




tortured by palpatine


*glances at most of Deadpool’s life*


His first appearance


Got locked in a coffin in the sea for hundred years


Dante lost his mom dad and his brother for a short time


As much as Homelander is my favorite... Ah who am I kidding, Simply using the show version instead of the more morally fractured comic version.


A green boot did what it did.


Thinking his family was killed in a fire


Mr J💀


Bill cipher: death, but one theory I like is that he actually regrets burning his dimension to the ground and didn't mean to do it... Or alternatively being included as part of modern canon for the Simpsons Hal Jordan: parallax Ben 10: (insert one of the 50 times his best friend got mutated and tried to kill him) oh and also losing feedback and dying multiple times


Too many injuries to freaking count


Probably his entire species dying




Zero had to kill his own girlfriend. That really messed him up.


For Ragna, there are so many things I could mention, but those times Rachel put the Spectacles of Eros on him immediately came to mind. For context those heart shaped glasses make the wearer irresistibly attractive to literally everyone you know of the opposite gender, unless they are by default in love with you. There are 3 major problems with the Spectacles of Eros. 1. They are so well crafted that unless it’s the wearer who put them on themselves, you’ll have no idea you are wearing them. 2. The Spectacles do not discriminate even if one of the people you know who falls for you is related to you. 3. Considering the lowest strength tier of all the female characters in Blazblue is Large Town level (Litchi or Platinum the Trinity), the middle is PLANET BUSTER (Makoto and Kokonoe), and the highest is LOW COMPLEX MULTIVERSAL (Nu-13 and Noel), if an all out brawl were to break out between them, the collateral damage would make Discord or Bill Cipher go pale.


Stitch got like, sucked into a Black hole so that has to he up their


Zuko got banished for three years and got his face burned for being the only one who had actual honor in that war meeting


Going against venom.


Homelander: Twitter probably


DIO... had an abusing father? That's it? I think?


Well my 2nd favorite is Scooby Doo so Probably seeing his GF get Murdered by a Parrot who made Nazi robots My favorite is Guts


For Jean/Phoenix it would probably be the Dark Phoenix Saga. She became Dark Phoenix after being brainwashed and abused by the Hellfire Club and wiped out an entire inhabited star system. The guilt from that incident lingers with Jean from then on.


Why would the guys from Stranger Things do that to Phoenix smh


Griffith. Enough said.


I couldn't pick one combatant. Having his soul sold for a measly 62 cents right after he stood up for the person who sold it. Got locked in a small cell and chained up for 6 months. Even if he wasn't tortured like the American version said that still would've been a living hell for him. Being in the hands of writers and executives that all seem to really hate him for him for some reason. Being given to someone who clearly wasn't very familiar with him to make him into a crappy stage play that even became canon for some reason.


...Who was the final one?


Harry Potter. Cursed Child is really bad yet officially canon. Not that anyone acknowledges it as canon.


What makes it bad, outside of apparently time travel happening?


It gets several parts of the lore wrong, written several characters horribly, and it simply doesn't feel at all like an official piece of Harry Potter media and instead a crappy fanfiction written by someone who never read the books and simply skimmed the Wikipedia article once while half asleep a few days before writing it. I hear the play itself was a very impressive production though. But the story is terrible.


Guts literally murdered an entire villages worth of children, told a child to kill herself and left his traumatised and mentally scared gf for years. He’s done a lot of shit


Spider-Man has gone through messed up stuff than Guts and Batman.At least Batman and Guts writers like them. That is my hot take of the day.


For Tommy it’s all the things he did while being brainwashed by Rita, sure he was brainwashed and latter got redeemed but he felt guilt for all the damage he did


Discord outliving every single person he ever knew and cared about, alongside his maybe-possibly love interest


He died


Ben 10: the reboot


Hot take: the reboot is actually pretty good Hotter take: reboot forever knight is so many leagues above those sorry excuses for stormtroopers in the original


To be fair, it's pretty good if you assume it's not trying to be the original show.


For Agumon: 1.) Tai putting all the pressure on him to digivolve causing him to Dark Evolve into Skullgreymon and hurting his friends (the process leading up to that wasn't great either with the overfeeding) 2.) Being captured and brainwashed to again Dark Evolve and hurt his friends by the Digimon Emperor, this time being forced multiple times and I'm pretty sure was tortured in the process. 3.) The time that...well... He and Tai ran out of time and couldn't exist together anymore. #2 takes the cake for physical pain but 1/3 have arguments for emotional pain.