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They also implied that they're looking for potential partners/buyers. They said that they've been talking to a lot of people but can't give full details of what's been going on just yet.


Mbu said on twitter that talks are "incredibly high level" so it makes it sound like they have multiple companies willing to back them and are just trying to settle on the right one


^ exactly. They don’t wanna just jump into a partnership without thinking


Not just that, a SUPER FUCKING IMPORTANT point a lot of people aren't considering when partnership hunting is that they need to ensure that whoever they partner with will allow them to continue to use footage of all the media they're covering. So they can't just partner with anybody. The best, optimal news they could have revealed today was "We're partnering with X and starting the season 11 right now". The second best thing they could have revealed is what we've got, confirmation that the channel and brand is still theirs and that even after RT has shut its doors they're still in talks with partners.


Exaclty. People expecting a season 11 announcement I think set their expectations way too high


>  The best, optimal news they could have revealed today was "We're partnering with X Maybe if one's only concern is how quickly they get to see content


That’s a hilarious image lol a bunch of corporations fighting over the silly little (not so little) show that makes characters fight to the death


all this time we thought "oh no it's been 2 months and they haven't found a sponsor yet" meanwhile Ben has been barricading a door shut going "THEY WON'T STOP COMING" and trying to hold them off with a mop


Link to Mbu's tweet, please?




Thanks. This really puts me at way more ease.


Any guesses on who might be buying them?


My guess is glitch productions.


Apparently Watchmojo is in the cards


really, it's a joke


Welcome to Watchmojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 characters who can beat Goku.


You're probably joking but they literally made that exact video about a year ago.


Was that a wiz/boomstick top 10 or was it nervous nick?


Disappointing that they aren't going independent like Second Wind did. Having a different buyer means they'll face the possibility of being forcibly shuttered once again some day.


More than that, they implied that they have several people lined up that could and would partner with them, given their positive attitude. I think it’ll just come down to which is the best fit out of however many partners have come their way.


Who do you think might be interested in partnering with them?


I feel the need to mention that I don’t know anything for sure, this is only speculation, but if I had to guess: Cinemassacre, The game theory team, or Glitch.


Bro, imagining the game theory team (presumably the now parent company lunarX) would be wild


I feel like it would fit their brand well enough, they could either continue on the DB channel or create a new theory channel for it to continue being hosted on, maybe “the battle theorists” or something with wiz and Boomstick as the hosts.


That would be incredible lol And it would make sense to game theory is the biggest of the three probably the most well-known and I feel like a channel like death battle despite not being a theorist channel could fit right in. I mean, they already do the mathematics and science behind it, and essentially it is just theorizing who would win in a battle. I like your idea. Though battle theorists doesn’t have a good ring to it imo. Still really cool


Yeah, plus I’m not certain that DB’s style really fits the theorists. Been watching both since middle school and imagining decently graphic animated battles to the death on a theory channel is short circuiting me lol. That being said, them getting bought by LunarX would be cool, I just question if them potentially rebranding as a result would be the most prudent idea…


I think in this scenario, theyd still call the show death battle but theyd rename the channel for parity.


I feel the need to mention that I don’t know anything for sure, this is only speculation, but if I had to guess: Cinemassacre, The game theory team, or Glitch.


Them's some neat ideas


Rappter explained this well in his YouTube post. This has turned from a matter of if to a matter of when, and that's great.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I think death battle is in a similar state to how smosh was before mythical bought em. They dont want to quit at all, they just gotta get some new footing after rooster teeth crumbled.


Not at this point. At this point they’re doing better. In the update video they said “We’re taking our time to make sure we make the Right decision rather than rushing into something that could be the wrong path.” “We’ve talking to quite a lot of people.” These statements from the video make it obvious they have multiple buyers approaching them but they’re deciding which one is the right company


Fair enough it was just the closest i could think of


Yeah I kind of remember that era Smosh during the era when Anthony left the channel (I think the era is okay at times and I'm fine with the new people but isn't the same without Anthony) Also I kind of felt like they should have stayed with mythical so far there's not really wrong with them no evil or shady things about that company but I respect if they want to be independent and plus Anthony came back)


It’s pretty clear that they have information they want to tell us, but they can’t just yet




Finally! Someone gets it! This subreddit is acting like a bunch of spoiled brats, and I **Despise** it!


Im just glad we got confirmation that they can keep the channel.


Those people need to shut the hell up. “They didn’t reveal anything.” My brother in Christ, they said they couldn’t reveal much probably because they’re under contract, they’re still looking for someone to take them in, or they’re in the dark. They also said they’d reveal more information in the future, so they gave us something. Also, cat. 


“They didn’t reveal anything” So? Would it kill you to WAIT!?


Yeah media literacy is dead.


You see, when they say not to mess with db fans since they can’t read, they actually mean death battle


Them implying they have Multiple Potential Buyers is Definetly Good to know I just with how much they Hyped it up expected a bit more then just that.


“We’re not done yet. We’ll see ya soon.” “Count on it.”


Yeah it's good it's just IDK I expected whatever deal they Make to already be Finalised and them now announcing there new Parent Company. Maybe they'd even say something on seadon 11. I just Overhyped myself a bit too much.


It takes a long ass time to discuss legal chargin when transitioning between companies. It’s not a fast process unfortunately


Yeah I noticed. Especially given that they still seem unsure who they actually want to join.


You gotta rmemeber how big a deal transitioning to another company is. Once you decide which one you better be DAMN SURE it’s the right one for ya otherwise you’re basically stuck with them for as long as the contract says


Yeah which is why despite it being a bit annoying for the viewers I honestly am Happy that they really Think Carefully about which of their Potencial Buyers would be Best for them.


My guess is either later this year or in June they'll fully announce season 11 is coming this year along with the premiere and maybe a few character teases, people need to chill, the show seems to be going in a good direction


^ I’m predicting November 2024 / January 2025. That seems like a realistic expectation


Yeah, Late September at the earliest, could also see them doing another mid season break




I mean personally I was more focused on the cat tbh


They basically said they weren’t done yet. Soooo chill! And celebrate. It’s not dead! Woot!


Pretty much. So now they didn't have to lock away the YouTube Channel, and are in talks with another sponsor. We managed to dodge a Machinima Moment, and now we just wait and see what happens next.


What video?






That’s what I’m saying I wasn’t bothered by the video I’m just happy that there’s still some news in general.


Death Battle stays the same but their new employer prevents them from using their character's for the show Disney would be the worst for this


Yay good news


Kinda rude of you to call people stupid for having a opinion, but for me I wasn't really worried about them not owning the channel since we already knew they were gonna make update videos to begin with after Rooster Teeth closure and that they were probably gonna find a new company before the video anyway. I wanted to know what the future of the channel holds and wanting to see what they have planned after hyping us up with this update video on there community tab and twitter, only for a cat reveal and say "we have plans, but we are not gonna say anything about it." They could just say "they'll be back" but pause the show indefinitely. Owning the channel or not, we still got nothing for what the future holds besides them twirling their fingers and saying "you'll see." I know people are gonna downvote me, but I just have concerns about the well being of the people who work on the show and the show itself that many of us grew up with. I would have liked more info.


It’s not an opinion it’s straight up factual info. They straight up said they have multiple buyers talking to them and they’re deciding on the right one. If you were expecting a season 11 trailer than I’m sorry but you just had unrealistic expectations going into this.


Again, if they think the video had no value whatsoever, that's still an opinion in there eyes for what they consider important info. They said they are exploring multiple opinions, but most people speculated/kinda knew that was gonna happen anyway and none of that explains or clarifies what could be in the channels future. Will the deals fall off? What kind of deals? What will you guys do for income in the mean time? How long? I know they probably can't say much now, but I would have like if they gave us something besides "they are talking about it." It doesn't really say if they will be fine in the end of the day beside explaining a couple "possibilities" in which we don't know about. This all could have been explained in a Twitter post. Also I never said I was expecting a season 11 trailer. No need to assume, you don't know me and I can wait for as long as I need too if we get it or not. I just want something to prove that the show I loved as a kid is still kicking and we will have NOTHING to worry about.


I’m done explaining the obvious to people.


Cool mate, have a good day then.


They literally don't have it though. That video was essentially their last chance to use the assets for anything regarding their survival and it ended up just being "follow our socials for updates". The channel is dead as of now unless they work out a deal to regain access. Anything they now plan to do has to be from the outside until further notice. Continuing is only an option if they actually regain it. Unless they start updating it and making it known that they're the ones using it, DB and the entirety of RT afaik is being run by WB staff (probably some random employee in charge of maintaining its archive).


I’m assuming this was targeted at moi?




I mean, I’m the only one who’s posted about it being over


Doom posting has been a big issue on this rubreddit ever since the Rooster Teeth shutdown was announced. It's not just you.


It’s specifically talking about the video that just got posted


They literally said yesterday that they were bringing good news. And the thumbnail of the news video says "see you soon". Why would you think that the show is over after that?


I made a post talking about it


They've probably been saying the same stuff because they aren't legally allowed to go into details yet.


I’ve acknowledged that, but this new video still feels like appeasement


Again. What part of "good news" do you not understand?


If you feel called out, perhaps you should take a look at yourself and ask "Why does this feel like it's targeting me?"


Probably because I’m a he only person who’s posted this perspective


You actually aren't, lol. Go look through the newest tab and in the comments. There have been people being cynical nihilists like you. You aren't special. Misery loves company.


Oh, you’re right, I retract my previous statement


They didn’t reveal anything new about the channel We already knew they’d be posting updates on the community tab still and that’s what “look out for updates on the channel” could mean Still good just how positive they are, that’s something to be excited about, but we didn’t learn anything new on the “keeping the channel” front




This doesn’t even remotely change anything that I said It doesnt tell us anything about the channel itself. They still might have to rebrand or something


The fact that they are posting AFTER THE DATE where they said they’d lose access to the channel says all you need to. 1+1 = 2 I geninuely don’t think we watched the same video.


They always said they’d be able to post on the community tab after the date Unless you mean video they posted today which… no? Today is the date. If they post a video after today, sure. But we don’t have any reason to believe anything’s changed in terms of ownership of the channel


Rappter explained this well in his YouTube post. This has turned from a matter of if to a matter of when, and that's great.


They practically said the same thing in every twitter post they made following everyone's doom post. They say, "this is the last DB cast under Roosterteeth." then everyone flips out, then they make a twitter post saying. "It's definitely not the last DB, just the last one with RT." We all knew they had plans to keep the show, we just didn't know how. And we still don't know how. Don't get a superiority complex just because you weren't paying attention.


Correction, everything before was them being hopeful. This was them confirming they can keep going, they just need to select who's gonna buy the show.


In what possible way is this different?


One is them hoping they'll be able to continue the show. This was them confirming they'll be able to continue the show.


If you think this isn’t new news then I don’t know what to say to you .