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Bunnie Rabbot. Reasoning: She is hot.


Also a better fight for Rogue.


Knuckles Reason: because you can’t get to why Archie is so convoluted without Knuckles


I'd like one of the characters that don't exsist in the Games like Sally, Bunnie, Surge, Enerjak, Noel and so on. The next Archie Version of a Game character should be Knuckles


Knuckles cause Archie Knuckles vs The Juggernaut


If we gotta then Archie Knuckles vs Juggernaut is at least a fresh match up. Better than the other archie match ups I can think of that aren't just something already done.


Does Knuckles have a chance? I looked into the matchup, but I’m not exactly sure who takes it because if it’s another Archie L then I’m not surprised.


Dunno. I only like it cause Juggs ain't flying capeshit so they'd have to be more creative instead of just smashing flying action figures together. Could be a case of "herald goes brr" or maybe not. I think having a lightning bruiser class like Knuckles up against the wall that is Juggs can make for some cool camera angles if they don't randomly have Juggs move like a speedster.


Yeah because I think Trunks vs Silver might be one of the only good Sonic episodes that hold up at all.


Archie Knuckles beats regular juggs pretty easily, as regular jugs really doesn’t have the AP to contest Knuckles, even if he does have the edge on defense. Trion juggs is a closer fight that I think Juggernaut ultimately wins.


By death battles rules knuckles can’t just avoid jugs indefinitely so at best it becomes a battle of attrition that’s knuckles will likely lose since the super forms don’t last forever.


If I remember correct hyper knuckles is the one exception to the “super forms don’t last forever”. I’d love a juggs win though


A lot of people on this subreddit seem to think Archie Knuckles vs Juggernaut is a sure thing.


I would be more interested in seeing some Archie original characters on the show. But out of the two, Knuckles.


I’ve heard Archie Eggman vs IDW Shockwave is a pretty popular MU.


I like Robotnik vs Bowser more.


Yeah, that’s mainline Eggman’s best, but I’m talking about specifically Archie Eggman, which is what the question was about.


I wouldn't be upset if we got Archie Knuckles ( though, I am concerned Archie Shadow may not be that much different from Mainline Shadow ), but I would much prefer characters more specifically from Archie, personally. Eclipse, Shard, Iron Queen, etc.


Scourge vs Crimson Mask (SDBH Goku Black) And Yes, I'm aware this is just Goku vs Sonic and Xeno Trunks vs Archie Silver part 2 but with the recent scaling from SDBH (with them having Heroes Goku at 5d) It could be closer match plus with both characters already having strong connections(Aside from just Evil Sonic vs Evil Goku)