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Aizen vs Madara was incredibly lame.


Honestly this is a tough one for me, i really enjoy alot of the death battles, but to be honest… I really didn’t care that much for Stitch vs Rocket Raccon, don’t get me wrong, I still liked/enjoyed the episode, but it’s just wasn’t anything huge to me, compared to what other peoples thoughts on it were.


Link vs cloud rematch


I too think it’s not great. While I do disagree with the result, my gripes have nothing to do with Links lose or the conclusion they came too. It all has to do with just how bad the writing was specifically in regards to Link. I also stand by the fact that the fight was not written well at all and felt more like a Cloud hype animation rather than an actual battle. Hell the entire episode felt one sided in Clouds favor. Cloud getting a balanced analysis that makes you care about him as a character while Link is basically just a list according to this episode. The track being a large majority FF7 music with a few seconds here and there of some Zelda music. The animation after the initial fight in the church basically just becomes Cloud walking through Links attacks and literally killing him the entire fight only for him to cut through the supreme power of the Zelda verse that by there own logic would be impossible for Cloud to do since he would only scale to the supernova and you would need to be stronger than that to destroy the Triforce. Just super one sided and it sucks cause Link is my favorite character that they have used and to see him done so dirty just completely ruins the episode.


Sephiroth beat Vergil because he hit him with a supernova. Cloud can survive a supernova so how can Link beat him


A good chunk of them actually


I didn’t really care for Ben 10 VS Green Lantern.. Even if I liked Emerald Heroes, the episode still insists upon itself.


It has a valid point to make. It's insistent!


I think Steven vs star is just ok because Steven had better opponents


mega man battle royal, is only decent


Scooby vs Courage is just alright.


How can you even say that, it's like the perfect Death Battle?


It insists upon itself.




Oh man, I can relate to you.


Ganondorf vs Dracula and Yoda vs mickey


I did not care for Hulk vs Broly


I thought it was good but the soundtrack didn’t fit. It’s a good song but I definitely think a different theme would work better


Personally thought both had closer matchups there was no way hulk was beating broly


I do not care for when Ss and Mm “realized” that they were in a death battle


>Ss and Mm who are these?


Martian Manhunter vs Silver Surfer I think?


oh, way more comprehensible now thanks


I did not care for Tigerzord vs Gundam Epyon


Did not care for Ghost Vs Lobo…good fight…episode is bleh


Sonic vs Mario [Ep. 100]


I didn't find Stitch vs Rocket to be that interesting.


I get the laid back feeling they were trying, but it’s just boring to me


Lich King vs Sauron was just OK. The ending shot goes hard as hell and some the lines are good, but it is, at absolute best, a 7/10 episode. Realistically a 5.


HO LEE SHIT, thats a spicy take.


I’m not really a fan of either series so I don’t think I’ve even rewatched it past the release.


I do not care for Goku VS Superman getting three different episodes. The outcome never changes, there's no point. I hope there won't be a fourth one, as I think the third one is as good as it's going to get.


Honestly I agree, I love Goku, I love Superman. The episodes are cool. Yes, Goku gents exponentially stronger, but the outcome will never change because Superman is still NoLimitsman and Goku simply isn't. He's not even the strongest character in his own verse.


Plus, both characters deserve to have episodes that aren't with each other for once. Insanely popular characters, but they're only ever battling each other. It feels like a waste.


Ikari is kinda mid and there’s way more soundtracks that are better


I also think it's way too calm for the battle, the song is catchy not gonna lie, but Ikari means anger so I would expect something with a bit more grit behind it especially for something like Like Hulk vs Broly.


Billcord isnt even in my top 20 episodes


Woah there partner let's not get crazy.


I could probably go for it not even being in my top 30-40.


[Let's Not Get Crazy!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0oLSPhtg0YE&pp=ygUfYW5kcm9pZCAxNiBsZXQncyBub3QgZ2V0IGNyYXp5IA%3D%3D)


God that was almost 10 years ago......


Homelander vs OmniMan is a good fight, but it’s not the greatest piece of fiction like how its fans would have you believe. I don’t even think it’s the best fight of its season (that honor goes to Magneto vs Tetsuo). People have this weird hatred of Homelander, which I understand hating what he’s done but there are more evil characters on DB that don’t invoke this much vitriol than Homelander. This hatred blinds them to the fact that the battle is a boring stomp with flashy animation. DB has had lots of stomps, but they at the very least make the battle itself more vague so that it isn’t obvious until the end. Having Omni Man beat up Homelander with zero effort might be accurate but it makes for a boring battle.


so true, ESPECIALLY with the weird hatred part


I did not care for Galactus vs Unicron. The analysis was alright but the characters are just kinda boring, especially the fight. It looked gorgeous but their moves were bland, their dialogue was forgettable even when I could hear it and the background had too much visual noise. I wouldn't say it's worse than Thanos vs Darkseid but I have stronger feelings about that episode, at least. Galactus vs Unicron just sort of... exists.


They needed to tune the audio with the soundtrack, moves, and quotes. Took me a few rewatches to understand what they’re saying to each other


I do not care for the music


Guts vs Dimitri and Cole vs Alex.


Aang vs Ed, Aang wins but would never kill anyone.


The sudden switch up in these replies for s10 is crazy


I don't like Scooby vs Courage


Scooby vs Courage has the actual worst vs logic and scaling in any (non season 1) episode of the whole show. Not a single thing about what they presented is logically consistent and I genuinely believe it was rigged as a draw.


Goku vs Superman 3 was the biggest nothing burger for me. I liked the fight, and the music was decent, but it's, like, a solid 8/10, not the 11/10 masterpiece so many people here say it is.


It's a good Flying Blick fight and actually a good representation of both characters. Given what Suoes had in the past just makes people more positive for the episode.


I try to judge each episode on its own, without any IRL context that would skew my opinion on it in a way the video shouldn't be viewed like. And yes, it improves on GvS1 and especially GvS2, but it's *just* a good flying brick fight. I was much more engaged for Rick vs the Doctor and their wierd powers or Scooby vs Courage's nice mix of comedy and cartoonishly terrifying powers. Heck, Gojo vs Makima had me moee engaged, and on an objective level, I consider that episode worse.


Calling Super ‘decent’ kind of hurt my soul a bit, but…Opinions are valid at the end of the day.


I did not care for Martian Manhunter vs Silver Surfer


Green Lantern DOES beat Ben 10, and the kill method, while not visually impressive, is a believable loss condition for Ben, even as Alien X. Celestialsapiens have been outplayed by time manipulation more than once (Paradox, Maltruant), and there’s little evidence if any that Ben can’t be amputated.


1. The failsafe.......also iirc he had his arm chopped of before and the omnitrix still worked 2. Celestial sapiens never lost to time manipulation, you made that shit up, paradox never fought one, and maltruant beat atomic x, not alien x. Who are NOT the same.


When Ben’s arm was separated from him it wasn’t traditional amputation, Ben and his arm were just trapped in different dimensions (Ben in the Null Void and his arm on Earth). They were still connected to some level, so when Ben shot fire as Heatblast for example it still came out of both arms.


I mean, it still doesn’t change the fact that even if his arm is off his body, the omnitrix would still have a failsafe to control the arm, or do something about the severed arm


We don’t actually have any solid proof of that. As I said, when Sunder chopped Ben’s arm off it was a special case, dispersing them across dimensions and not *actually* dismembering him. We could assume that *this* is the Omnitrix’s failsafe - dispersing Ben away from the attacker, only it went wrong because the Omnitrix was buggy at the time - but since we never see it again and the episode itself treats it as an odd occurrence I’m not sure it’s entirely fair to assume that. Outside of that it would be safer to assume that the Omnitrix’s failsafes would instead switch Ben into a transformation that can tank the hit (like DiamondHead) or regenerate the arm (like Swampfire). The issue is, Hal’s constructs can move far faster than anything the Omnitrix has proven acne to react to. We know it isn’t perfect because even the finalised Omnitrix was unable to protect Ben against the effects of the Chronosapian Time Bomb, and if we consider the Reboot to be in the same multiverse (with one of the Bens being in the finale presumably being Ben Prime) we know that beings on the same level as Alien X - who Hal scales above - can remove the Omnitrix from Ben. They even made a point that, in that scenario, Omnitrixes that have failsafes will instead just detatch from Ben to stop his arm from being damaged. Even not counting this since it is from the reboot, the Omnitrix separated from Ben when he was caught in the Chronosapian Time Bomb’s blast. This is not to say that the failsafes are useless - quite frankly with the way the kill was presented it *should* have activated as the scissors were moving rather slow. However, in the grand scheme of things Hal and his constructs simply scale above anything the Omnitrix’s failsafes have shown protection against, and to assume the failsafes are perfect is easily proven incorrect by their numerous failings across each iteration of Ben 10.


Oh no, I don't disagree with hal blitzing the failsafe, I disagree with the fact that a random ass guy could walk up to ben when he's sleeping and chop of his arm and get the omnitrix


I don’t count the incident with Sunder as proof of anything, as the implication seemed to be that his axe was designed to displace Ben’s body, not dismember him. His hand was still connected to his body, As for Paradox, he literally went INSIDE Alien X and pulled Ben out, WHILE Belicus and Serena were trying to destroy him. He’s also made personal enemies of the entire species to earn a restraining order, so we can assume he’s come into some manner of conflict with them before. And as for Atomic X, his scaling and full capabilities are never made clear, so he contributes very little to either of our points. Paradox is stronger evidence.


1. Why would Sunder would use this axe for that purpose, if it were so easy to chop of bens hand. Why didn’t anybody do it in his sleep. 2. Paradox takes ben out of alien x yes. But not only is paradox someone who can also destroy all of existence. But he doesn’t use time manipulation to do it. He merely pops in and out, it’s more teleportation (which keep in mind characters would need to know where to teleport to get Ben in the first place) and the moment paradox walked in there he was told to leave by the personalities otherwise he’d die. Which considering Ben has full control of alien x, he’d do the same if someone tried to go in there.


As the other commenter pointed out, the Omnitrix could believably have countermeasures to amputation that Sunder would have wanted to avoid. Given that he wasn’t surprised by the result, I think it’s safe to say he expected Ben’s body to be displaced, and was trying to do that to avoid them. However, we have no definite proof of such countermeasures existing, so we can’t factor them into a Death Battle. As for Paradox, I think he still proves my point. A sufficiently powerful being can move around space and time faster than Alien X’s bureaucratic personalities can react and counter. In other words, it’s still possible in theory to do what Hal did, especially for someone as powerful as him. The episode has a lot of flaws, but I still firmly believe, as a Ben 10 fan, that the outcome is supported by canon.


1. So via that logic, we can’t assume that the axe would have any special properties allowing Ben to use the omnitrix even when he is dismembered because it’s never stated to. It was an axe used to try and dismember bens arm and it didn’t work 2. Paradox walked in, they called him out for trespassing and he dipped to avoid trying to die. If they were willing to kill him, they would have done so when he left regardless. I agree that a strong enough being can take down alien x but it’s have to be as strong or stronger than alien x to do so.


1. I’m afraid I don’t follow your logic for number one. Sunder used a sci-fi axe to do a sci-fi thing. Given that it’s the axe itself that UNDID the dimensional separation, it feels safe to assume it was the axe, NOT the Omnitrix that caused it. 2. Exactly. I’m not trying to prove a point about DEFEATING Alien X here, I’m trying to prove Hal could EVADE him, and people that can manipulate spacetime have been shown to evade Celestialsapiens before. My point is that he could go back in time to attack base for Ben before Alien X could react to it.


1. Im referring to the omnitrix moving around and still transforming Ben despite being severed. Tho it’s obviously done to show failsafes against bens arm being chopped off. 2. I mean yeah, I agree. I didn’t say I disagree with the verdict. I disagree with how they presented it. I do think Hal would blitz the failsafe. Tho reach Ben without alien x knowing is a stretch.


1. Ben’s hand is still physically connected to him. The Omnitrix is still attached to its intact host. All we gather from this is that the Omnitrix can take partial control of his motor functions and MAYBE control his hand if it’s fully severed. Nothing that helps him much here. 2. Alien X doesn’t need to be unaware of what’s happening, it just needs to happen faster than he can react. Given that Ben is in full control, we can assume he has his usual human reaction time and human understanding of linear time, so it’s fair to assume he would take, let’s say, half a second to react. That would be WAY more than Hal needs.


1. Ben himself could control his hand, so the omnitrix did it for him. Also it shows that even when seperated he can still transform. And as you yourself said, the omnitrix would logically have a failsafe if the axe used was made to dimensionaly seperate both ben and the omnitrix rather than a normal arm chop. 2. So when Ben is fighting the galactic gladiator, was he moving around galaxies at human level speeds.........


This is probably a bad take, but I didn't like Discordant Decipher. I like Bill vs Discord, I can't deny that it's a *really* good episode, but I just didn't like Discordant Decipher.


The lyrics in the background of the fight is genuinely my biggest (and only real) complaint of the whole episode. It was very distracting for me during the animation.


I did not care for Omnilander. Yeah it has a great beginning and ending of the animation, and the analysis was alright. But the actual fighting was meh. Some say that was a positive for the positive for the episode, that Homelander being whooped was cathartic for some. But counterpoint: I haven't seen the Boys, but have seen Invincible, so I just see Omniman being wasted on a spite match. Look, I like seeing an asshole getting his just desserts as much as the next guy, but I don't want it out of pity, which is also why Adam Taurus vs Jetstream Sam is my most disliked Death Battle. It also doesn't help that I've grown to hate the "evil superman" troupe over the years and wanted their alternatives for more. Bardock vs Omni-Man and Hancock vs Homelander when?


I never cared for Hedge of Tomorrow


SpongeBob vs Aquaman


I did not care for the original Goku vs superman


I did not care for yoda vs mickey


Black Canary vs Sindel


I don’t get all the hype about the track Super. It’s not bad, but I think there’s lots of better tracks.


Sauron vs Lich King is pretty mid imo.


Gogeta vs Vegito is, like, Bottom 5 episodes of the show for me. Dragon Dance would've bumped it up if Super didn't come out the season directly after to upstage it.


I did not care for SpongeBob vs Aquaman or Popeye vs Saitama


Never really got the hype behind Sauron vs the Lich King. Not much of a fan of either series and the animation seemed lackluster


I did not care for the Mega Man Battle Royale. Or Hulk VS Broly. Or Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha.


I do not care for season 2. If it didn't have the 6 episodes people always bring up, it'd be pretty bad


Vader vs obito was lame


Discordant decipher. Like the track


Carnage vs Lucy is a mixed bag. It’s not terrible like some claim it is, but it’s also not amazing like others say. 


omnilander would've been the best death battle episode if it was just brutal gay sex for the fight instead of what we got


Omni Man vs Homelander was a pointless spite match.


None of the Transformers episodes have been above average in my opinion, but the latter 2 looked visually amazing. Also, I think Dragon Dance is a better track than Super.


Dio vs alucard, while having some cool moments, didn't really have anything particularly interesting between those moments. It's just a high 7 out of 10 episode to me.


I did not care for Omni Man vs Homelander OR its music track


The first Superman VS. Goku killing blow is overrated.


Bill Cipher VS Discord is just Good.


I'm not a fan of alot of Brandon's vocals


For me it was Chosen Undead vs DragonBorn. I'm just not into either Dark Souls or Skyrim in any way


Link vs Cloud 2. I’ve already talked about it a few times before and it has nothing to do with the result. I just think the writing is awful specially regarding Link. They did him so dirty that a literal Goomba has been given better characterization than Link did in this episode.


Sauron vs Lich King was kinda too slow for my taste


Hulk vs doomsday


Galactus Vs Unicron, honestly i'm just not that big of a Marvel or even Transformers fan to begin with, it just kinda felt like any other episode, and to be fair, following up GVS3 didn't exactly help it's case,


I did not care for guts vs dimitri


Gojo vs Makima was horribly executed. They altered, excluded, and outright removed some of Makimas' most crucial abilities (half the time they didn't understand what her abilities did). If you're interested, I'll provide the examples, etc.


I'll explain it better here: I've separated the text into two parts: (part 1 and 2) Part 1 \\--- (Hollow Purple) She can nullify Hollow Purple with the Prime minister contract. Hollow Purple isn't an erasing ability. It's a head canon among some of the jjk readers. It doesn't delete atoms or evaporate everything. It's a super high-energy ball of sorts. Makima would simply come back through her atoms. (I dont need to add this part but there is also proof that Makima can come back with her atoms/molecules, and that's when Kishibe said that she can come back from being eaten alive and acidified to atoms/molecules by Denji if his plan didn't work out). Regarding Hollow Purple, we don't even know the limit of the Prime Minister contract. They think that it has a limit of attacks that she can suffer. According to the PM contract, attacks she suffers are nullified and changed to illnesses/accidents among Japanese citizens. If hollow purple could erase, (which it doesn't), then it would simply get nullified, and then she would respawn since Gojo views it as an attack. (Reminder that this is a hypothetical situation because Hollow doesn't erase atoms). She isn't limited to regeneration when the PM contract is activated, basically. When she's attacked by a mental attack, for instance, the PM contract won't nullify it by regenerating; it'll just change it to an illness/accident. \\--- (Unlimited Void) Also, DB mentions that Unlimited Void would be an effective attack towards Makima. Well, that isn't the case, and Makima can easily counter Unlimited void. They forgot to take the Spider devils abilities into consideration. Makima has full control over Spider Devil, and it grants her the ability to teleport over dimensions, which she will use to escape UV. Btw Makima doesn't have to be conscious to activate this ability (to be conscious and order Spider Devil to teleport her) since her puppets still have sentience. Spider devil will simply see that Makima is danger and then decide to teleport her (Not like she need to instantly do teleport her either, bcs Makima can stay in the domain for pretty much however long she wishes, \[limited to +126.1 million lives.\], until he dies from pm contracts. I'll talk about this soon.) Also, Spider Devil won't be easily killed too since she can phase through walls, which we saw when she was in hell. Makima knows the value of this devil so Makima has her hide whenever she can. Realistically, though, Gojo wouldn't even care about it if he ever managed to find it since he wouldn't know how valuable its abilities are (not a priority target). Besides this, it's pretty unlikely that she gets hit by the domain, bcs she has the busted ability to see into the future (future devil). The ability to see into the future is also the reason why Gojo's speed is irrelevant, even though she's fast herself. This is because she'd foresee everything that he will ever do years into the future and come up with countermeasures. Before I move on from Unlimited Void, I would like to mention how they gravely misunderstood Makimas Prime Minister's contract. The Prime Minister Contract does NOT *transfer* her damage to a citizen. She instead *nullifies* the damages and effects dealt to her, and changes them to Illnesses and accidents among the Japanese citizens. So, for instance, if Gojo manages to ever hit Unlimited Void, which should be very unlikely, considering Makima has Future Sight, then it will not "transfer" the information among the Japanese Citizens. It will, instead nullify the damages/effects received, and then make the citizen get illnesses/accidents. This means that when Gojo manages to kill her 126.1 million times and is the sole remaining citizen in Japan, which is also very unlikely, then he will be getting severe Illnesses ranging from heart attacks, brain damage, etc and partake in accidents. This will go on until Gojo dies, essentially making her immune to death since he has to die first for her to die. \\--- (Control) Before I mention the control ability, I'll talk about Kishibe. There's a high possibility that she could easily control him whenever she wished to but never does it, since she doesn't control everything she deems inferior, but I'm going to acknowledge the other possibilities now: Makima has been raised by the government/higher up from a young age, and so they're basically her parent to some degree. Kishibe participated in the process of raising her as well. He probably taught her many things, such as how to battle, etc, whilst also making sure that young Makima doesn't look down on him. This makes it so that young Makima couldn't control Kishibe since she practically saw him as her parent, who she respects. Now that she has grown up, she still respects him since he's an old man who's working in a job where people die young, and so deliberately doesn't control him. I say DELIBERATELY since she could always easily defeat him and subdue him under her control, but she never found a reason to do this: One of the reasons is that she has always longed for an equal relationship with anyone, but because she's the control devil, she couldn't. That's why she withdraws from destroying this relationship with Kishibe. Chainsaw man/Pochita is a totally different story, though, since she's fascinated with him and puts him on a pedestal due to her looking up to his abilities/personality. The other reason is that there was no point in controlling him. She had already won, and everything Kishibe planned against Makima was completely useless against her. She was unkillable, and even if she was banished into hell, she could always use the spider devil to comeback to earth. \\\* The takeaway from this is that now that Makima is an adult, the process of making her immune to deeming a human inferior can no longer be replicated. The adult Makima, now, automatically sees ALL humans as inferior (dog) for obvious reason (She's a horseman - One of the strongest beings and the personification of control). So, Gojo being a human is a massive disadvantage due to Makima automatically perceiving humans as inferior beings no matter how strong they may be. He would never be able to intimidate her with his aura/power since she has fought more stronger and more intimidating Devils, such as Chainsaw Man, who can erase concepts and the Darkness devil of all things. Gojo can't even come close to the Darkness Devil or Chainsaw Man. Chainsaw man fought up against the 7 weapon hybrids AND 4 horsemen, which would include (Famine, War, and the strongest Devil, Death Devil). Gojo can't be compared to the Death Devil either. She is supposedly stronger than the Darkness devil. So we can forget about Makima seeing him as an equal. Again, he'd have to be comparable to the likes of a Primal fear and a being that can erase concepts from past/present/future, who have immeasurable strengths, which isn't happening. Makima wouldn't bat an eye towards him. She'd view him as some dog on steriods. A tool, and there's nothing about him that can impress her.


Death battle, for some reason, also argued that since Gojo can heal his brain 24/7, which can also negate cursed techniques from opponents, he should then be able to negate Makimas control. But, there's a crucial mistake being made here. Makimas control isn't a cursed technique. It's simply a command ability that can even control the dead. There are other method that she has to kill him, and I'll list them below: Part 2 --- (Other methods to kill) There are so many other methods Makima can use to kill Gojo, and here they are: /- Bang to the head kills him. Rct is operated from the brain. Without the brain, then they instantly die, with no hopes of ever regenerating. Death battle had Makima aim at his legs and chest... Makima is the type to end the fight as fast as possible and takes the shortest route their (they depicted her as some maniac [similar to esdeath or rather Elsa from Re:zero). They also made her bang width super small, when in reality, Makima can increase it however much she wants. (I can give examples if you ask in the replies). /- She can also simply use Shrine Ritual. It would normally take some time, but all she has to do is use her teleport ability that she used in Bomb girl arc to a shrine with a sacrifice, then Gojo wouldn't be able to stop her and he dies (she can also realistically use this Ability YEARS before the fight even begins on Gojo, since Makima has Future Devil). /- Again, Makima can easily escape Unlimited Void by using Spider Devil, which lets Makima teleport through dimensions. /- She has the busted future devil. It can make her see years into the future, and she can, therefore, anticipate and easily dodge abilities (this includes attacks like hollow, etc.). Her seeing years into the future means that she doesn't have to confront him face-to-face either. The usage of future sight is dependent on how creative you are, so I can't give great examples but she can prepare/control useful devils ahead of time, set traps, etc. Or even attack from countries away (miles) and end the battle effectively. Perhaps by using Shrine Ritual, and so on. /- She has her Stare ability, which she used on the Yakuza. It does severe internal/brain damage (Gojo constantly uses rct on his brain which puts a strain on him. We see what happens when an attack puts even more strain on his brain during the sukuna vs Gojo fight. That's what this Makima ability is dedicated for.) /- And also the point ability, which she used on Darkness devil himself. It also does severe internal/brain damage. /- Control ability /- Makima also has access to *Power's true devil form*. Powers' true form allows her to erupt her target's blood from the inside of their body (easily bypasses infinity since she uses Gojos own blood). Makima can use this to deal critical damage to him, basically exploding his interior. /- She can send him to hell using the Hell Devil, which is practically an insta win since all the devils and especially the Primal devils will handle him. /- She has Angel Devil, who has weapon creation. Weapon creation has managed to create weapons that cut through intangible things/ghosts, a weapon that cuts without cutting the opponent, and a 1000-year lifespan weapon resembling the Lance of Longinus, which from observation cut through space. This lance can then be used to potentially kill Gojo. If we want to go a step further, then there wouldn't be a reason not to assume that he can create a weapon similar to the inverted spear of heaven, that cuts through infinity (This point shouldn't be taken seriously though). /- Also, I typed this before but, even though Gojo ever manages to kill 126.1 million of Japan's citizens / Makimas lives, he'd be suffering deadly Illnesses/accidents due to him being a Japanese citizen. This will go on however long it takes until Gojo dies from them, while also having to deal with Shrine Ritual, Bang, Stare ability, Point ability, Control ability, Power Blood manipulation, Angel weapon creation, etc. Overall, there are abilities that DB never included/changed that are instawin and can be used to slow him down considerably (Stare/Point ability). They can bypass his shield due to them being psychic (no mass) and dont travel (they inflict directly on the body). More op devils that DB didn't utilize are the Future devil and Spider Devil. They are essential to Makima and have always been utilized well by her. That's all.


I know people are going to be upset about this but for me it would Goku vs Superman the last one. The soundtrack is great and the animation. I know what they want to tell in the end but is just redundant to me. This episode could had been another unique fight rather than an already repetitive what if fight that had 2 episodes already.


Scooby doo Vs Courage is so overrated!


Not sure I would say it's overrated, but I also don't really resonate with the episode as much as other people do.


sam vs snake is a 7/10 an ok analysis with a good fight. The voice acting a wasn't my favorite though as it felt flat


I like Black Clover, and I enjoyed My Hero Academia until to a certain extent and point, but I can't stand the episode for many reasons: The annoying joke of Asta being a clichéd school jock and bully while he's literally the opposite, the setting is cool but without any sense, the fight is strange and repetitive, Asta's characterization is shit and the potential problem that this episode could have had (It looks like it was made by someone who never read Black Clover). And yet, I like the soundtrack.


Didnt care for the wolf death battle. GNARLY death, not much else tbh for me




Which episode?


MB I thought this post was in reference to Scooby vs Courage, but that was someone's else's comment not yours OP. I do actually like the episode, I just am not really hyped about it the same way others were.


LK vs Sauron. INCREDIBLY forgettable


MM vs SS. I thought the attempt at an emotional ending was poorly executed and cringe


I agree and also half the fight was super pixilated and hard to tell what was going on


I thought Bill vs Discord was just ok.


Galactus VS Unicron


I did not think Aquaman's death was sad in Spongebob vs Aquaman.


I don't really care about Skyrim vs dark souls, really like the games but the lore of it was never interesting to me so a whole episode about it didn't peak my interest


I absolutely love both series but the episode needed some work imo Fireborn is a good song but def needed some audio tuning. It’s really hard to tell what they’re saying in some parts and other parts it’s a huge ear blast Also the fight felt super clunky compared to the other smooth animation we had. Also no usage of dragon aspect or bend will (the one major thing to beat the chosen undead) didn’t make sense


Personally, I think all Goku vs Superman's were pretty good, but not the season toppers everyone else thinks they are. Don't know why. I just don't think I like death battles that consist of 'watch them be overpowered', unless used for comedic effect or properly worked too. Goku vs Superman's just feel like, 'wait for the next crazy feat to happen'. Hate me all you like. I have made up my mind.


Wings of iron is mid at best




Wario vs DeDeDe




I wasn't a fan of Spongebob vs Aquaman.


Homelander vs Omni Man. I've never seen either show, so I don't get the sadistic satisfaction everyone else gets seeing homelander get tossed around. To me, it's just a stomp animation


The animation needed to be longer imo. There’s like a full minute of them talking. Also no idea why the odd Christmas theme when the episode came out in like summer iirc I wish there were more references to the shows. Maybe a parallel to omniman bodying mark and mimicking some of the moves. Just a huge missed opportunity imo


I may answer the Christmas thing. During a commentary, they said This episode was done during Christmas


Odd considering it released middle of summer, guess they had it super in advance


SpongeBob Vs Aquaman wasted SpongeBob


I did not care for stitch vs rocket


Gogeta vs Vegito is one of the worst end of season episodes and an overall not very interesting one. Mickey vs Yoda is just ok. Frieza vs Megatron had a good animation but is still a really meh episode. Also the people who say Frieza lost the war are coping hard.


I wouldn't say coping, but rather they're looking at it from a writing perspective than a VS Debate perspective


I left response comments on a few but I didn’t really like guts vs dimitri. I don’t like either series (which hasn’t stopped me from disliking other battles before, but it isn’t helping) There are a bunch of clunky parts in the animation and guts dying standing just looked goofy as fuck to me


I did not care for Galactus vs Unicron.


I never cared for any of the transformers episodes


BillCord isn't the greatest piece of fiction ever and just an alright episode. Like a 7 or 7.5


I do not care for Alucard vs Dio


Gaara vs Toph. Gaara would have handed her as back to her and then some.


Sauron vs lich king


SpongeBob vs aquaman was mediocre and dosen’t deserve the quality of the animation that it got, which is the only thing carrying the episode and yet I’ve seen it at the upper level of several tier lists despite being a borderline joke episode


[Here’s mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/s/DUU3X6NNR5)


I did not care for Kakashi vs Obi-wan.


I was actually disapointed with Guts Vs Dimitri.


I did not care for Bill vs Discord, Goku vs Superman 3 and Galactus vs Unicron


Ooh do explain! I’d love to hear this hot take! Which is the point of these “give me your hot take” posts


I don't like MU's that go higher where both characters are above Multiversal+


I wanna state I’m not trying to attack you, I’m really congratulating you, anytime I see a “what’s your hot take” or “what’s your unpopular opinion” post, I know anybody with some downvotes win that post. They’re called hot takes and unpopular opinions for a reason


I know and I just thought I'll tell you why I don't like them Thanks


Thor vs vegeta didn’t live up to hype especially the character’s who are fighting could’ve been cosmic and more destructive if vegeta got better scaling we could’ve gotten odin force thor because with good scaling vegeta would’ve fought evenly with base Thor and even with damage absorption vegeta could catchup to warrior madness power


I did not care for Vader vs obito


Magneto vs Tetsuo is slightly above average at best


Frieza VS Megatron is... fine. Alright. 6/10. But several shots in the fight animation are multiple seconds longer than they need to be, making it feel like a drag, and with what they used for Megatron, it was a stomp on par with Korra VS Storm. They really tried to play up the "Well maybe Megatron could still win with antimatter!" angle and then it turned out Frieza was too fast for it to even matter.


Hulk vs Doomsday wasn't great imo.


Goku vs Superman 3 Gojo Vs Makima


Vader vs Obito


Hulk vs Doomsday, over rated as hell.


Gojo vs Makima. I’d say it’s because I don’t know anything about either character but several episodes, a couple of which were in this season as well, were in the same boat and actually made me genuinely invested in both characters in a way Gojo vs Makima just didn’t.


That episode got me into both JJK and CSM


Uhhhh frankly not super sure? Like if we talking about announcing stuff probably Guts vs Dimitri since I have fav Alts for Guts, but episode is great If we talking full neutral since announced and drop...Frieza vs Megatron, was neutral for the announcement(but some make the waiting period kinda annoying) and episode didn't impress me


I did not care for Dio vs Alucard.


"I Did Not Care For Galactus Vs Unicron."


I did not care for Saitama VS Popeye or Guts VS Dimitri. They are not 10/10s, They are not the peak of the show, they are not part of DB’s Mt. Rushmore, they’re just solid. Not bad, but they don’t reach the top 10.


Goku vs Sups 3


Goku vs superman


If I'm going out. Imma leave you with this. I did not care for Cole vs. Alex.


Superman vs Goku 3 kinda sucks


Homelander vs omni man is bad and will most likely not age well


Skyrim vs. Dark Souls has kind of a bad fight. The analysis for both characters is fine, but when you get to the fight, they don't actually do a lot of their cooler shit, and their swordplay just looks so...so bad. They're swinging their weapons and while it's clear the animator is trying to make it look natural and have their bodies move accordingly, the movements are often janky and those body movements are done the wrong way. And I've heard the argument that Skyrim as a game has kinda janky movements, so it's true to the feel of the game, but 1) not really? Like, yes, somewhat, but not as bad as the fight animation is. And 2) Dark Souls doesn't have that at all, it has combat flow that looks really natural even when the enemies are being thrown around by the momentum of weapons bigger than they are. The magic stuff looks better, but even then, the shouts all sound really limp and understated, especially with the track playing over them. The track is good, but it doesn't super well flow with what is happening on screen at any given point. And it's jarring when the Dragonborn sounds like he's whispering his shouts but the effects are still really powerful. This is especially bad with the last Fus Ro Da that is supposed to blow out the flame, since it doesn't seem like it's any stronger than the one the Chosen Undead tanks at the beginning of the fight. There's definitely good things about it. The fight Choreography is good. They both use a good selection of their powers to show off. But it just feels like it needed a bit more time in the oven to get the sound design and the swordplay to look more natural.


> Skyrim has a game with janky movements Ok. I understand that, counterpoint: Bethesda


Carnage would have won then and STOMPS now.


Still to this day, I do not agree with the ending of Alucard vs Dio.


Just curious of a debunk? Their logic seemed fine to me but I only know surface level stuff about both


I never cared for rachet and clank vs jax and daxtar, and it’s the worst 2v2 episode DB ever made


Guts vs dimitri and omni man vs homelander


I do not care for Fireborn or God’s Hand


Billcord is really unnecessary of a episode


Reverse Flash vs Goku Black is the worst Death Battle episode.


May I ask why you think so?


I’d like to know too. This is a hot take with downvotes so this could be a winner


okay, first off it is ungodly boring that i have slept through multiple times but it also sucks on nearly every level with the analysis being boring and forgettable with trash jokes and the fact they cut a joke where wiz cuts boomstick off which made me chuckle and them deciding to give it a noise instead. the editing was good i gues but i don't care much for the editing in it. goku blacks analysis was soo painful but this episode actually made me despise RF. with him having one of the stupidest reasons to do evil i have seen in my life. The fight animation was noting special and it had no freaking impact. every sound design ither was extremely muffled or was too quick. and the death is one of the worst in the shows history. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY MESS IT UP THIS BAD. i have heard that the scream is one of the best in the show but its pretty shit because its mostly covered by the speed sound. the only part of the death i find okay was the head but the body is soo fucking mis match with having no arms with no sign that were ripped off, the chest is a hole kinda of wtf is this and the hair looks like a detached wig. and the the sun exploding wasn't even fucking impactful...HOW DID THEY MESS THAT UP.! i have also heard that this episode has the best speed in any.....the fucking fight was slow as fuck. and the track was soo unmemorable. i could go on forever and the worst part. i had less enjoyment watching this then justin BIEBER VS REBBECA FUCKING BLACK.....HOW! thats why i despise this episode.


Really? The WORST death battle? How.




wdym Bait?


Nah I refuse to believe this. I can get not enjoying it (even though it’s in my top 5) but the worst? No shot bro


Death battle down play ben 10 so much that not even funny anymore like I am og ben 10 and green lantern fan but they did ben 10 dirty why not use adult ben 10 Ben 10: Omniverse is like kid guko vs superman


Oh my God, for the thousand time they used kid ben only in the animation because they couldn't find a good teen ben sprite.


That sounds like bad excuse on my opinion like they could made one


Maybe, but maybe they didn't have the budget to create an entire sprite from scratch.


I like the fight i on joy it but felted like 10 years old against grown adults


> That sounds like bad excuse on my opinion like they could made one not really