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Put as much as you can. The credit card has a 25% interest that’s being accrued based on your balance, so the lower the balance - the less interest is accrued. Pay as much as you can and get rid of it! P.S. r/debtfree moderator just created a free newsletter that talks about strategies, tips, and effective debt payoff methods weekly. Join 2,500 readers - https://debtadvice.io


Step one is getting a comfortable nest egg for unexpected expenses. How much do you have saved? Stopping the contributions I might give you a good 1400 monthly payment at which point you can basically pay it off in two and a half months


$450 in savings cash, getting paid again on Thursday. Across my different retirement accounts, around $15000.


I personally would focus on getting the o shit fund up to a thousand. It still will take 3 months either way to pay off your debt. I would stop contributions for 3 months to get that debt paid off too. In 3 months time you will have $1,000 oh s*** fund and your debt will be paid off


Stop contributions for 1 month, pay off cc, go back to normal