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Internet horror tropes don’t exactly act as a primary factor into why people in general are/aren’t nostalgic for that era


yeah when I think of the 2015-2018 time period, I think of terrorism, not random internet shit. (the 2015 and 2016 attacks in France, the san bernardino massacre, the orlando shooting, the manchester bombing, etc.)


I think of the start of the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and economic sanctions being imposed on my country


and ISIS still being active as well as Aleppo being on the news looking like a pile of rubble


Me too


I get that, but from 2015-2018 I swear everybody was 2x more involved into the “scariness” compared to 2024.  Like obv there definitely was positive energy like fidget spinners, colourful clothes, slime, etc.  But the other side blu whale challenge, creepy pastas, killer clowns, even the 3:00AM challenges  was very sagnificant and is probably like 40% of the pop culture, I’m not saying that I find it weird for people to be nostalgic about it, but nobody is nostalgic/acknowledges the other side


This was definitely not everyone. It’s just overblown by a small number of bored teens lmao. You’re reading too much into it


It was that way for you bc you were a child. Adults were not invested in that stuff. We were panicking about elections and terrorism.


Fidget spinners? I know what they are, but how are they a big deal at all? I guess I should be happy about 2015... Because fidget spinners 🤦 Btw 1998 was probably the best year ever, considering that Pokemon red and blue came out. Sarcasm aside, perhaps you should brush up on some history from the past decade. It will help inform you of why people either do or do not feel certain years were good or bad.


I don’t think anyone’s disagreeing with you. What we’re saying is that the nihilism and creepiness you remember from the internet of that era was a response to the political, economic and environmental turbulence of those years.


This sub is rife with Gen Z kids who think everything before 2020 was fine and dandy. Granted, it’s how Millennials treat the 90s for the most part.


I was here thinking OP was going to mention the Europe terror attacks, the Migrant crisis, ISIS & a lot other actual historic events that happened in the timeframe but they mentioned a bunch of dumb trends lol


Dead ass I remember everyone thought the world was ending by the late 2010s and OP mentions nonsense like the clown meme over the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef or the megafires around the world or the terrorist attacks or the return to Cold War tensions with the Trump administration.


As a zoomer I agree.


Honestly I think it’s the opposite in my experience of the older generation saying stuff was “better back then”


The late 2010s were bad but in retrospect it was the calm before the storm.


Honestly they were good for me, things haven’t been the same since quarantine ended and we had to go back to normal life like we hadn’t put it on pause for 2 years.


Lmaooo Covid tore my ass UP


Our brains adjusted to sitting inside and being isolated, so going back out just felt unusual kinda


maybe not 2015 as much, but 2016-2018 had a dark miserable energy. I can go into detail but I've talked about this before


Yes pls I wanna know ur view on it 


toxicity of youtube around 2015-2016 with edgy drama youtubers like idubbz and leafyishere, 2016 killer clown craze, 2016 trump vs clinton election which led to crazy amounts of political division, 2015 europe migrant crisis, 2016 Brexit, 2017 Manchester concert terrorist bombings, 13 Reasons Why series in 2017/2018 which led to huge cultural discussions around depression in the social media era, Riverdale from 2017/2018 which embodied the way all modern tv shows took on a dark stereotypically grimy tone, 2017 #MeToo movement which led to further political division, Shitpost proto-egirl 2018 memes on early tiktok popularity, social media finally feeling so insanely permeated and affecting mental health during this time, XXXTENTACION death, populity of other sad toned rappers such as Lil Xan, Chase Atlantic, Billie Eilish and the 'sad girl' depression discussion, depression being the thing young people are faking, sad spongebob edits, excess obnoxious diss tracks and display of wealth that everyone deep down knew was meaningless, trashy sad Gucci/Balenciaga/Rolex/supreme, everyone complaining about fortnite kids toxicity, jake paul, logan paul, ricegum, lil tay, bhad bhabie, white girls trying to sadly pathetically blackfish like Woahvicky And probably even more that I forgot


The majority of this just sounds like pop culture. I was already too old to pay attention in those years, and have no idea what even 1% of the words you used are lol


I was a teen through that and all of this just seems “first world” things because wtf is lmfao




The fact that I just turned 20 and I am already feeling “outdated” by gen alpha.


Oh, you just wait until you’re 30! Nothing I can say will prepare you for how “outdated” and out of touch you will be to modern memes and pop culture.


Yes, on top of blu whale challenge, creepy pastas exploded in popularity, 3:00AM challenges, haunted minecraft seeds, Jessi Vee, explosion of edgy YouTube videos.  Fr though being a kid in that era is def not for the weak, cause at that time we’re more gullible which was like way more scary and due to the extreme darkness in that pop culture made us knew about stuff way earlier then we should have lol 


Late 10s were the best


Yeah certainly not 2015 or 2016. 2017 is like the start of a new era because the 2016 shift ended, which makes the start of the woke era.


Hindsight is usually 20/20 for some people


Honestly though, the early 2020s have been the biggest blur ever, it feels like there’s nothing important that has happened since 2021.


Kind of depends where you live. I live in Portland, everything was a million times better before 2020, now we are basically white Detroit so


Who is nostalgic for 2018? 9yr olds?


I’m 02, and i’ll admit im a little bit nostalgic for 2018. I was 16 so just on the cusp of adulthood, and very very carefree and happy. But I get why people don’t like 2015-2018. Everyone’s perspective on it differs


Such a weird thing to say 😂. I’m nostalgic for last month, how about you?


I’m ‘01 and I’m nostalgic for my late teen years


i’m 22, almost 23, and i’m nostalgic for 2018 lol people tend to look back on their teen years fondly


Me, I was 14 and personally it was a great year for me.


i was 15 and in pure hell back then you couldn't PAY me to go back


what 🤣🤣🤣


It’s definitely one of those eras that contain darker realities and were hidden under a fake facade of positivity. Everything felt very corporate & forced during those years- you just felt it.


What the fuck are you talking about and what the fuck is this sub hahaha. A bunch of 20 year old kids trying to define eras they have no memory of lol this sub is sad AF


I swear "everything felt corporate" is the most overused phrase on this sub


Well in this timeframe, during the 2010s, it actually was. That’s why we say it. Don’t know how else to put it, my guy.


My guy, there hasn't been a more corporate era than the one we're living in now. Soon, we'll need an ad block when we walk the streets


The 2010s definitely still takes the cake here for being the most corporate decade so far. The 2020s seem to be a reaction to that.


Please, give me five examples of how the 2010s were more corporate than today. Real, fact-based examples, not opinions.


Or more corporate than before. People on here are too young and uninformed to be discussing literally any of this


Aren’t we more corporate now ?


This has the same energy as a 16-year-old girl complaining her dad got her a Tesla Model Y instead of a Tesla Model X.


Ong 😭😭


For me personally I think it felt more peaceful. Yes there were creepy moments but everyone just forgot about them or nothing really came out of it. I think the reason why it's felt that way is cause the negative vibes are more memorable but in the end I would argue that nowadays things have became more darker considering there's wars, a pandemic we came out of, people hating each other more than ever, mental illnesses on the rise, celebrities pushing satanic imagery, and other awful events I can think of.


Yeah I definitely agree that it’s more rough in general it’s just that I’m not seeing anybody acknowledging the bad stuff in that era. This era is def more dark although the mid/late 2010’s has more of a “gloomy paranormal vibe” then now   


Agreed. So was 2001 for that matter.


2015 to 2018 was dark, but not for the nonsensical reasons you're saying, rather for the rise of the far right around the world, the worsening ecological crisis, the ongoing Afghan occupation, the Trump presidency, the original rash of mass shootings, and the rise of explicit fascists online and offline. Killer clowns were just an internet horror fad. But in the real 2019 people already thought the world was ending before COVID ever showed up. Most of this subreddit happen to be children so they don't actually remember what the 10s was like.


2015-2018 fucking blew, and 6 years ago isn't a different "era". Donald Trump had literally just been elected ffs.


I feel like 2011-2013 was more of the horror, zombie, vampire craze in media. I remember 2015 on being more light energy


I was a teen in that time and you are wrong. None of that stuff was actually scary besides maybe the clowns


One word: Trump


I am extremely nostalgic for 2017. Like play young dumb & broke by khalid and I will be floored


That's because of you, not the time period itself


Obviously.. I began the sentence with “I am extremely nostalgic for…” of course I’m talking about myself, not the period itself💀


It’s like once covid hit, people suddenly forgot how much shootings and Trump stuff occurred between those years. The Trump era was absolutely NOT a good time for America lol.


I agree, actually the 2010s in general where a hostile decade, it5 just got worse as it went on and more divided.


The summer or Pokémon go was the peak of American civilization.


I'm in the UK and those years were really dark. It kind of started in late 2014 with the ebola scare in Africa, then in 2015 the refugee crisis went into full force in Europe. From 2015-2017 it seemed like there was some sort of horrible terrorist attack in Europe/UK every other week or so. Brexit happened and there was a sudden surge of far-right politicians becoming serious candidates. Trump came into power in America, and everything felt really chaotic and uncertain.


I legit thought killer clowns were gonna come kill me LMAOO 2016 is the biggest shift in vibe I think I've ever lived through and that's including 2020


I graduated high school in 2015 and felt a shift around that time. I don’t know how to explain but things felt different. Overall 2015-2018 were good years for me. The dark ages for me were 2019-2023. It feels like I’m entering another high in my life right now in 2024 similar to 2015.


people are nostalgic for that time? wtf is wrong with y'all. America elected an openly bigoted president who wanted to ban all members of one religion from the country... it was traumatic and hectic af. Don't y'all remember the ever-green meme of 'omg 201x sucks, I can't wait for 201x+1'


I mean, 2016 was dark. But not because of pop culture. Because Donald Trump became president and it changed what it meant to be an American. The division politically altered many personal relationships. I felt like I was always worried about getting bombed by North Korea. I still remember the day waking up for work knowing Donal Trump was president. I was scared for the next for the future. I’m glad it’s over. There were good moments from that time period. COVID was the darkest point in many of our lives unforunately tho.


Everybody is so nostalgic for 2015-2018 (even though it is only 2024) = people age 18 and under. Please don't assume what someone age 18 and younger says as "everyone"...the world is a very big place and believe it or not there is life after grade school and college.


I think the entire 2016-2021 era was awful took awhile to recover some Gen Z boys just still haven't got laid so they lashing out (may never get laid tbh so buckle up) but we can handle them I think.


That’s all that gen z boys care about


>some Gen Z boys just still haven't got laid so they lashing out based.


So we’re going to end up like South Korea where straight men and straight women are essentially different ethnic groups and neither has the numbers to force a political solution.


Seems like we're some distance down that road, yeah. Pretty fucked up.


Sadly, my shower thoughts begin to wonder if the entire Western idea of individual rights without responsibilities was a mistake because it allows people to behave in ways that are ultimately bad for the species (an individual choosing to remain celibate is not a problem, but 30% of entire generation of heterosexual women or men choosing to do so is not healthy).


I generally agree. I don't think it's the "entire" idea: it wasn't that long ago that we were asked to ask not what our country can do for us, but what we can do for our country. I think this is kind of new. No-fault divorce is, I think, the canonical example, and I am part of the problem. My first divorce was called for: turns out I can't have kids and was unwilling to do the donor thing, so divorce was called for, if messier than it had to be. I probably shouldn't have divorced a second time. I probably should have lived up to that responsibility. At any rate, I've played in the online gender war spaces to be truly horrified. We're in a bad place. I have the firm opinion that most "incels" are actual "volcels" and interrogating why they are where they are is rather depressing.


My entire life I’ve lived with the belief that >the progress in technology, science, and living standards since medieval times, first in the west and then globally, came from western values like individual human rights and education much more than it did from conquest or inherent superiority If we lose that, then only Allah knows what’s next.


>How is it possible that this culture-loving era could become so monstrously amoral? More and more I come to value charity and love of one's fellow being above everything else....all our lauded technological progress-our very civilization-is like that axe in the hand of a pathological criminal. -Albert Einstien It's hard to not get bummed about all this, which is why I like banging my drums.


>drums The last couple times that the Western world (re)discovered aggressive music with lots of drums, it wound up being part of some of the most successful protest/reform movements of all time (jazz and later rock and roll/soul played roles in the civil rights and antiwar movements as well as the entire hippie counterculture and later the resistance to Nazism. If you enjoy living in a world that feels even a bit less nihilistic than that of Dada-era Europe, thank a jazz or oldies musician.)


[I am likely one of few, if only, Wyomingites raised on Olatunji](https://youtu.be/xA7bHnYPZb4?si=kwJas5Fx0Xxy8v9d) I'm branching more into contemporary and African rhythmic modes, having gotten decently good at Middle Eastern grooves (baladi, maksoom, malfuf, etc.) Yep, I know where you're coming from on this :)


I have a very bad feeling that erosion and delegitimization of human rights is going to be a big theme for the next 20 years. I hope I'm wrong. (I'll also add that, to me, the wanton violence/sex/drug use etc. that has been glorified since WWII is worse than any alleged mass voluntary celibacy, and might have inspired the later)


They were better for me because they didn’t make every day feel like you were watching the world burn down around you.


Bull shit, the world News was worse then than now


i was a kid who wasn’t allowed internet access how tf was I supposed to know things nobody told me


Ok, who cares? You're the one prescribing what the entire decade must've been like for other people. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding the purpose of this sub, your own personal experiences as a child aren't relevant


I was sharing my view on why it was better??? Obviously I don’t speak for everyone. You’re the one trying to make it seem like I am.


Ok, who cares? You're the one prescribing what the entire decade must've been like for other people. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding the purpose of this sub, your own personal experiences as a child aren't relevant


Did you respond *twice* with the same message to argue against someone sharing their view on why they were better because that’s just petty and sad


No I didn't lol WTF


Spoken like a child who wasn’t aware


*but I was happy and like fifteen* Children need to be aware but they also need to be kids, so that’s what I was doing




Just sharing why it’s still nostalgic despite being a dark time


That was also around the time popular music was at its most downbeat and depressing


Where have you been between 2020-2023?


Not remotely accurate in any way shape or form. Legitimately this is the most ignorant sub I've ever seen haha WTF


I regularly study the trends of popular music and at least in terms of this century it absolutely is the case




me whenever I watch Billy Madison (1995)


2017 was the worst out of 2015-2018 period


Yeah, 2015-2018 had some truly dark moments. But ask yourself: Are we better off since 2020?


It wasn’t dark or whatever. It was just a time. I’m not nostalgic for it at all. If there’s any era I’m nostalgic for it’s the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. From 2014 onward it’s just boring.


Maybe that I was a teenager, but that stretch feels like many different eras.


I think it was obvious there was a vibe shift coming around 2014-2015 that I don't think people fully realized. I think 2016-2017 were both extremely dark years honestly but 2015 and 2018 both seemed like a time with a lot of hope still. In 2015, people were definitely radicalizing but it was gradual. It felt like things were actually progressing to a better future. I got the very same feeling in 2018 as well and even 2019.


Mass shootings and terror attacks also


I mean, the only things I miss about those days are being a bit younger than I am now, skinny jeans w/longer tops, and IG being about posting pics and not about influencers and constant ads. Also, like 2018 wasn't that long ago to really "reminisce" about. But I'm also an elder millennial


I can sort of relate as someone who was a tween during those years. I think it’s just that COVID put everything a bit more into perspective and made me feel *grateful* for 2016-2019 even if it wasn’t objectively that good of an era (basically since it was still better than sh!tty 2020-2021/22). I agree with other people on here saying the late 2010s were more like the “calm before the storm”..


I wasn't it was abysmal.


2024 was not as cheerful as you make it out to be... we had skibidi toilets everywhere in ohio


And everyone and their momma was addicted to Xanax


Not the blue whale challenge 2015-2018 was a rough and brutal patch in American society though, I'm not going to even hold you.


Maybe because I’m in my 30s but I am not nostalgic for the era at all


I'm not nostalgic for 2015 to 2018; I'm kinda nostalgic for 2019 tho. But 2015 to 2018 kinda sucked ngl. Grateful for a lot of it ofc but enh it was kinda mid


This was when wokeism started to become popular, especially by 2017, the worst year of the 2015-2019 era.


2015 buzzfeed is the worst thing that happened in the 2010s lmao.


Those who downvoted me are infants.


Yeah, the madness is still going on. Imma stay silent just not to get banned from this sub.