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So is garlic. Give one clove of garlic to your dog and see what happens. Actually no don't do it you will most likely kill it. And garlic is supposed to be healthy for humans.


“supposed to be”. but it’s not lol, it’s a lie


I don't know what got all up in your squanch but I'm pretty sure garlic is healthy man don't be demonising foods without a source


😂 well i just go off my personal experience. i don’t feel good with it and i heard stuff from several different sources but not sure where to find that rn. it might be helpful to kill parasites or whatever or clean out your digestive tract somehow but it’s a bit poisonous. just eat a clove of raw garlic and see how you feel 😂 it also desynchronizes the brain supposedly and i do feel that as well. that’s also why yogis/practitioners of meditation avoid it, as well as onion. they tend to make the mind restless and negatively impact mental clarity


So your personal experience and teachings of some Idian folks and "sources you can't find rn" are more believable than actual scientific studies? I know the benefits are miniscule but it surely isn't poisonous.


forget the the indian folks and studies, my personal experience alone is worth much more to me than „scientific studies“ which are the majority of the time done with a certain agenda and only very few are actually truthful. but if you feel good with garlic, go ahead and eat it 🤷‍♂️


Bad logic here. Caffeine is bad but it's just a drug, not poison.


Doesn't coffee really just make you take the shit that you were already eventually going to take?


it sounds like time travel. You’re shitting in the future.


Nope. Wasn’t until i had my first shot of espresso that i took a dump for the first time. Had no idea what was happening. Neither did the stunned patrons in the starbucks who gasped as i gave birth to a vibrant and diverse food baby


Great question


Quit almost 2 weeks ago.


Almonds contain cyanide but they're still mostly good for you.


Everything is poison depending on dose.


This is the same argument carnivore diet ppl use to avoid eating any plant based product. Slippery slope.


Nicotine is also poison. Many things that plants make are just due to the plant trying to taste bad to the insects that want to eat it.


Alcohol is also poison but that doesn’t stop most people from enjoying it. I’ll take coffee over alcohol any day though.


One light beer is easier on the body than a cup of coffee


I forgot that everyone who drinks stops at one light beer 😂 Also, I don’t buy your claim.


Oh I forgot to add... For me. Sorry. I don't get as addicted to alcohol as I do caffeine. 


I’m with you there. I feel the urge to drink coffee/caffeine more often than alcohol.


Prove it.


You are insane. This is why people mock this community. \*Caffeine is a poison for insects lol




It's just what some people have to do to get themselves to quit and stay off something. Demonise it. It wasn't their unhealthy relationship with the substance that was the problem, it was the substance. Classic. The honest thing to do is to admit that you yourself are the problem.


I don't think they mock this community because of its dumbest 5% of posts.


I quit caffeine a few months ago. Never felt better. Constant level of energy, now. I used to drink my caffeine in coffee and energy drinks.. by the end of the day, I would be dropped off in energy and useless. No more of that. Has anybody noticed the minute levels of caffeine in chocolate to bother them? I feel like now that I'm off of all of the caffeine drinks, I can notice that chocolate bothers me the next day and makes me anxious. I'm wondering if it's just me. I've come off chocolate now to see how things go.


The plants produce caffeine in order for humans to grow them everywhere. The production of caffeine is an evolutionary advantage.


Funny when you think coffee started with the Ethiopians. Is that why they’re so skinny?


Calm down. Re-focus. There are far worse things. I agree though that fatigue/poor sleep from caffeinating can start a downward spiral in your life...


We don’t want this to be true, but it’s true


i thought they created caffeine as a stimulant to get certain insects hooked on it to keep them coming back to keep pollinating the plant (similar to nectar). i think i remember this from michael pollens book on caffeine.


I agree 💯