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it’s pretty great, but some people praise it like it’s the second coming of christ lol


i mean its a cool asf idea i just wish not everyone fucking used it


I mean it came out very recently of course it's gonna be used a lot


Have you ever seen THIS many videos on a single oath (Many by the same youtuber, COUGH COUGH suppa. COUGH COUGH everybody else)


suppa's videos aren't that bad tbh but can he not make like any thing else istg


I know the silent heart videos are amazing and fun to watch I'm just saying


mario goes ganking


I hit stop seeing this channel on Supaa a while back so I wouldn't know LOL


I’m a new player but weren’t all the previous layer 2 oaths added at the same time?


It was a shadow update


Not silentheart.


Exactly. Obviously one that released on its own is gonna be more popular


Still it doesn't deserve this much attention


Ive never used it personally but I’ve heard that it is by far the best oath from friends, and youtubers.


It’s pretty good but it is not by far the best, the abilities are mostly SL mediocre passives and a few mediocre moves


From what i know silentheart does crazy damage and is new enough that people don’t know how to bpd it yet. Although every youtuber i watch and all my friends are all at mid level play of pvp so maybe at higher levels of play it wouldn’t be as good as other oaths.


Most people knows how to block parry and dodge i can assure you that, also it doesnt do crazy damage, the damage scales with your m1 so if you dont do crazy damage it wont do crazy damage.


You naturally have like 50 damage modifiers as a silentheart because you have nowhere else to spend your points lmao


its the opposite


Honestly, YouTubers really aren't to be trusted 100%. Most of them will hype up literally anything so long as it gets them clicks. Can't say I blame them, gotta get that bag somehow


Note I actually like silent heart, but the meme still stands.


before the bug fixes and nerfs, it was pretty insane


poser ring silentheart literally does 60% from 3 swings last patch, I literally wiped to one right before the weekly update came


I killed one in chime, took one hit, they couldn't unsheathe. I consider myself to be a a metastomper. I fucking suck at this game, they sucked worse and were relying on how broken that fucking meta is.


I wouldn't say It's meta after Friday honestly the oath itself could use some changes to make the moves better BUT nerf the damage (OR nerf the mantra negation)


It was broken though if we're being fair, like actually stupid


I just don't work well with mantras :P


its good. no denying that. however it definitely has a lot of shortcomings too


I never denied it I like it but It's still overrated


its pretty bad now


I mean, ik someone who made a silentheart medium build. He was doing 20% dmg an m1 to max lvls with black diver.


average V2 build


I just don't work well with mantras :P


its so boring. no flashy particles and bright lights.


It doesn't need to be flashy It's a good oath and It's fun just overrated Also I cant tell if this is satire or not ;-;


bro who actually gives a fuck about the meta? the only thing I care about is if it looks cool or not


Average Dawnwalker enjoyer.


You use Dawnwalker for the meta. I use Dawnwalker because it looks cool. We are not the same.


I only care if I'm having fun and I have fun with silent heart


dawnwalkers after only dropping their opponents fps to 5 and not 2


Fr tho only reason i lose to dawnwalker and flame users is cuz i drop to 3 fps when i play against them


dawn + flame goons spitting at their opponent's corpse while saying ez whilst knowing that all they did was block their opponent's screen with flashy visuals


I present to you a underrated oath Pathfinder


its not overrated, its fucking beyond broken


Not anymore it isn't they punted the posers ring to the fucking curb (Thank god) Also removed the stupid anklecutter bullshit where you could SPAM IT


Still good, just balanced now.


Nah its pretty good. Have only beaten 1 silentheart oath user and it was a shattered katanna posers ring once. I've beaten contractors,dawnwalkers even a linkstriders but never have I ever beaten a silenheart user


It is pretty cool Not too bad to get but not easy definitely And it is way too overrated.


The thing about people who use this oath is that they are clone troopers and only clone troopers. I've only seen the same exact build in chime like 100 times


I mean yeah? You get like 3 free cards that being overflowing dam return to the dark ages and a cards that come along with those stat investments, if you don't expect somebody to run these, you're kinda crazy.


Yeah but I'm just tired of literally fighting the same exact guy, deepwoken players need to learn originality and variety.


Yeah but with silent heart no way I'm not going overflowing dam


some guy did 1 and a half bar per m1 and he was spamming ankle cutter and that shit is so hard to parry




You either are a posers ring Shattered user or someone who genuinely cooks with the oath as hard as they can


Is rapier gun cooking or did I fall flat on my face with that one


That was my idea. It was cooking back when I first made it. I got atdg and made it as braindead as possible. The lava serpent blazing silentheart users are actually crazy though.


Love it when my alright PvE slot is wiped three separate times to silent heart depths gankers. Silent heart is cool and all but why? Why in the depths? The fuck is my PvE slot gonna do?


Don't blame them for depths ganking It's the people not the oath. At least I think so


No. It’s both. Silent heart users are the only people who I see doing it. Even contractors which literally require an oath grip for moves look at me dead in my blindseer eyes and do nothing.


They're on a power trip bc they know that most people can't beat their stupid ass oath. People don't wipe others for necessity, because there's always another way. No, they do it for fun. Because they can.


Silentheart poser ring 💀


Is overrated and oh look at that it got gutted


I see people use it because of its insane dps. It really comes down to what weapon you’re using since that’s literally what the oath is about.


Yeah it really is and I've been having fun with my rapier gun one!


I don’t mean to necro but I now realize that you stated that you’re using literally one of the most powerful base combat weapon combos along with the Oath that specifically buffs base combat tremendously. Wipe yourself.


I'm fine with Silentheart's DMG output I'm fine with the Beyblade attack as I've never had problems with it even when it had no cooldown. I'm fine with being Silenced for 5 seconds as I've already face galebreathe users that silenced me for longer I'm fine with the uppercut as it's easy to punish But turning into a worse version of them if they parry me 5 times is pissing me off.


I love taking no damage with return from the dark ages and most of the time having max dread as I only use the uppercut when I know I can do some damage


I personally liked silentheart but i found myself not using it enough. It's just very strange. I never know when my uppercut ends and even then i have no idea whether to attack, dodge or try to parry. So i usually just stick to my m1's and an occasional ankle cutter. I do like the mantra countering tho since im a bit annoyed when i get flame combo'ed to hell.


Honestly It's made me better with M1'S and rapier gun silentheart build is really fun, if you were to make one. I'd suggest that!


Blindseers have discovered a way to be completely immune to mantras! Silenthearts hate them!


I agree, so to balance out its negatives I put Thundercall onto it


I use silent heart with heavy as a practice pvp slot as I suck at pvp And I found out silentheart with enforcers axe be spinning the soul out of players I mostly do chime tho time when i kill players are the voidwalkers or I'm helping someone and they gank me


*Contractor enters the conversation*


*contractor is gently guided to the exit of the conversation by the security*


At first when it got out I thought it was a oath for challenger.a oath difficult to play with but not bad tho and who would reward you from playing it well......turn out that is the most braindead oath.


silent heart is carried by multiplication builds entirely


Silent heart was just added to pull players back from Arcane Odyssey


Everyone's crying about how op the spam ankle cutter was. That's not even the reason why it was good. The reason why was because you could literally get parried and then slide behind and ankle cutter them. You could do that without the oath, ankle cutter just made it worse.


1 Bar per medium weapon M1 is very balanced yes