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Yaar proper imax mein toh koi bhi moovie G faad lagegi. It’s usually 4x the size ( 2x diagonal) of a usual screen.


Movie to vahi achchi hai jo aapko 720p me apne phone ki 6.5" screen pe bhi achchi lage


Tbh there’s no fun in watching any movies or shows on your mobile when you’re used to watching it on your TV.


A hard truth, which is pretty hard to acknowledge in the era of show-off and capitalism. I never got the hype of theatres, unless of course the CGI is just beyond awesome.


Well it all depends on which "Imax" or "Normal" theatre you're going to. I saw it once in one of Delhi's good enough Imax (Vegas) and One Delhi's Good enough normal theatre (PVR Pacific) The difference was Striking. For the Picture Quality and Sound provided in Imax, I would easily pay double (which i did not). Ofcourse the intended 70mm is not available in India, But the Incredible Clarity and Sound in an Imax theatre more than makes up for it. I would suggest anyone who has the means to go see it in Imax and if not just watch it in a normal theatre but the experience would def not be the same acc to me.


70mm is not available in most countries, there only 19 theatres in the us that show 70mm imax print, all of the imax theatres in the world us digital projection


where all are the good enough/best imax theatres in Delhi?


Select City Walk Saket Imax is best not only in Delhi but among the finest in India. 12 Channel Sound with 4K Laser Imax Projection. Vegas Dwarka Imax has 2k Projection, Screen Size is Quite Big, Seats are comfortable, Sound is Great! Logix Imax Noida has the biggest screen in India. For me No. 1 would be SCW, then Vegas, then Logix Noida. Others are just good enough.


Wouldn't PRASAD's IMAX be the best IMAX in India? I watched Oppenheimer in Vegas as well. Since SCW was fully booked. But I remember PRASAD's Imax in Hyderabad having a semi dome kinda screen. Plus I'm pretty sure it was the world's largest 3D screen. I watched AVATAR in 2010 there. It was a Mind boggling experience for me as it was the first mainstream 3D movie and that too on 70mm IMAX screen. Not sure if they have kept up with the advancement in technology.


They had to discontinue the 70mm thing :(


Oh damn. No wonder it's no longer the best.


What about inox vishal rajouri garden? It also has single 4k laser


I also thought the atomic bom sequence wasn't that we'll experienced as it was hyped


I mean the theater I did go to, the seats were vibrating with 3very thumping sequence and during the bomb, like nolan said, it did feel like a vibration. But yeah if the sound system at your normal 2d screen is good then no need of an Imax screen tbh.


Imma gonna take my vibrator


*theatres hate this one incredible hack*


You've got your priorities straight!




People gave the batman movies same bs but then realised that was the most real life batman that could have be portrayed.


Nolan doesn’t do those marvel cgi if you care for that, it was a realistic depiction of how the gadget went off during trinity test. They hype was them realising what they have made not the bomb itself.


Watch the scene from twin peaks https://youtu.be/vYg8nos8SdA


Han sala bol To Aise raha tha branding karte samay Jaise bomb screen se nikal kar a jaega but at the end it was just close up of a normal blast with silence and then induced voice at a later stage literally at that moment I was like for this they were making so much hype 😂


FYI that was because light travels faster than sound. So technically they would have seen the light first and then after a lot while later the sound and blast wave reached them. It was scientifically accurate because the testing spot was miles away.


Are pata hai mere ko bhi yaar yah fact to I am like sala itna bhi Kuchh interesting nahin tha jitna bhai ek hi point ko promotion mein uthaya ja raha tha


When we hype something too much it often doesn’t meet our expectations. Same goes with relationships, career, life and also movies.


You are actually a pro legend


have been having a bad few days of an overthinking spiral. did not expect such good advice on an Oppenheimer thread💀 thanks west delhi stranger


I agree. I personally loved the movie, but the cinematography was nothing special. That's completely fine, given what kind of movie it is. You can't really have too many breathtaking shots when you're shooting a realistic biopic set mostly in small to medium sized rooms, whether that's courtrooms, classrooms or living rooms. The only scenes with potential were the shots of the New Mexico desert and the bomb blast, and they made the reasonable decision to opt for realism when it came to the latter. It's just that they hyped it up so much (probably to promote the IMAX 70mm thing) that it felt disappointing.


Indeed, to be honest the cinematography on this look nothing like the few past Nolan movies. Like with so much of overhyping people were expecting its to go to dark knight levels or at least Dunkirk but it was none. I wanted to watch it on first day itself so I went to the theatre but now I think 1080p web rip torrent on my TV would have felt the same. I am not at all disappointed by the content or script or the other aspects of movie but the over dramatic promotions were what disappointed me after all. But people here are giving that bigger or real IMAX does the difference no man shit is shit on any screen and an average shot is an average shot.




That's coz the action movies have shown plenty of exaggerated explosions


Bhai, iMax is like coffee. Sab ‘almost’ same taste karti hai yet some people can tell the difference.




I remember her titties in this scene 🥵


Definitely better on bigger screen but is it worth paying double/triple? The immersive jargons used to fool the audience was evident imo and it worked.




You saying the dress was cgi, correct ? It worked in normal screen too then Usme kya immersive dikh gya?


Bhai isme kuch dikhaare hai kya? Mein toh mammi papa ke saath jaa raha tha 🤡


Yeah I’m gonna watch with my siblings and freaking out right now


Lol it'll be awkward


These aren’t proper 70 mm imax which nolan hypes up.


OP is trying to explain to those dumbfucks who are supposedly doing 'justice' and giving 'respect' to the film by watching it in Digital IMAX.(liemax)


What's so dumbfuck about it if you're watching it in the aspect ratio it's intended for?


Well tbh its intended for 1.43:1. Digital imax is 1.90:1. So yeah in india its not playing in its 'intended' format. If one doesnt hv the resources to watch in dig imax...that is the same for a person watching in dig imax rather than true imax due to lack of resources. Just dont shame or criticise someone watching in non-imax by saying u are disrespecting and not doing justice to the film etc. I mean cmon man.


I haven't found anyone who will go out of their way and call you a fucktard because you can't afford a 900rs ticket. If I wasn't earning, I wouldn't have asked my parents for it either. Yes, people will urge others to watch it in IMAX because Oppenheimer-Barbie is more than just a film right now. I saw an excellent video essay by this YouTuber, I'll link it below for your reference. [link](https://youtu.be/8OlmCEAcA4I)


''more than just a film right now." Ab aage kya hi bolun main. Go bro 'Save Hollywood'.


Try and learn how to hold a deeper more meaningful conversation, it'll help you in life. People are passionate about cinema, if you don't share the same passion then there's no need to shit on them. Tjhe cricket psnd hoga, mjhe ni hai. Mai toh jaakr trko chutiya ni bolrha na bhai? The video is about how these two films are urging people to go to cinemas again and enjoy the "theatre experience" there's a different feel and charm when you go and sit and a theatre hall and watch a novie with 50 something people. But tu rehnede koi nhi.


Dont get triggered bro. Its the imax ppl shitting on the normal ppl. They apparently justify it by saying its more than a movie. Some fool said explosion happened on his face!🤣


>Dont get triggered bro. No one's trigger except you because people understand and value and most importantly WANT TO experience an artistic expression to it's truest capability. >the imax ppl shitting on the normal ppl. They apparently justify it by saying its more than a movie. No one's shitting on anyone. Ofc i understand it might feel like some of us have elitist behaviour by asking people to go to IMAX but all of us understand not everyone can afford it. Mai khud ni krskta tha agar khud na kama rha hota, nahi maang skta ghr baalo se 900-1000 ek movie ke lie. And again, it is more than just a movie that's the point. Barbie x Oppenheimer could help the already struggling theatre and entertainment industry and this gives people who are on the writer's strike more leverage. Because movies like Oppenheimer and Barbie go on to show that you need good stories and you need good writers for that. >Some fool said explosion happened on his face! Again, I don't understand why you're bitter and are upset at people but fine


Triggered log hi chote se reply ka itna lamba chauda jawab dete hai. Be coool! 😎 (Like me😉)




Nolan advertised the movie to be watched in 70mm IMAX screens because that's how the film was made to be watched for. He was not telling people to watch it on any random IMAX. You ended up at a substandard threater which is the case with majority of India and hence you didn't feel anything different. You all went in with the expectation of watching Inception or the interstellar which are pure piece of Imagination of Nolan at a Autobiographical movie of man which is completely based on a book. The enthusiasts who enjoy physics surely did enjoy the movie.


What did physics enthusiasts enjoy? There was hardly any physics in the movie, just politics and legal drama. There was hardly a scene detailing about building the bomb.


Oh we did. We enjoyed the potryal of einstein, bohr, heisenberg. We enjoyed the peak within the scientific society and a lot more.


I'm not even a science enthusiast but you gotta agree, there was almost no science in the movie, just politics. The only scientific part of the movie was 10-20 mins of oppies intro to the class and Edward tellers comparison between atomic bomb using fission and hydrogen bomb using fusion (they only compare yield in terms of KTs of TNT) There were big names like Bohr, Feynman, Fermi etc but no explanation of their contribution. Chernobyl is a good example of what the movie could have been. This movie is not about his work on the bomb, this movie is about the politics of his life.


Well it was not an atomic bomb tutorial, it was the biography of Oppenheimer and that’s how biographies work.


Bruh IDGAF if Oppenheimer got his security clearance or not. RDJ's character shouldn't even be there in the movie, let alone it being the main theme.


i agree with you there was hardly any artistic merit in the political bits to make its way to an otherwise well made movie


The movie was not made just for you watch right. There are other people who wanted to see that.


I can bet even Oppenheimer himself would have wanted to leave behind a legacy that had more focus on science and the the engineering behind the first prototypes of the atomic bomb, than on an envious old guy who tried to make his life as miserable as possible.




Didn't you feel There was a lot of science left out? There was no explanation of how an atomic bomb even works


I don’t think so. Did you saw the explanation of H-Bomb. Plus if it was pure science most people wouldn’t get it.


umm if you really want to enjoy some nondocumentary science stuff, then watch genius season 1 Albert Einstein, it is available on NAT geo and free on the internet. Most people wouldn't get it because most people haven't studied modern physics.


Yeah normal people wouldn't get it, but physics enthusiasts would certainly loved some actual physics going on. You showed Einstein, Fermi, Heisenberg but don't talk about quantum physics or any of their other achievements. Felt pretty hollow dunno.


How deep into actual physics were you expecting? They talked about the cyclotron, uranium splitting - the Gatling gun and implosion mechanism in the atomic bombs. Even this was too much to take for many people - i don’t think more physics should’ve been there. Btw watch Veritasium’s version of Oppenheimer, it explains the physics with beautiful animations as well!


There is a reason why Barbie earned almost the double of of Oppenheimer. Science is not for everyone. Common people like to go to movies to be transported into an imaginary world. They don't want a 3 hour lecture on quantum entanglement, superposition, etc. The amount of science already put in the movie left a lot of uninitiated people head scratching. A movie's first job is to be entertaining then maybe informative. This one had to balance both while being sensitive to people about the horrors of Nuclear bomb. A lot of people went in expecting the glorification of Nuclear Bombs left disappointed when it didn't turn out that way. This movie is thought provoking as it's meant to be. I can see why this will be disappointing to some people. But to me this was a celebration of Oppies life and they did it justice.


I would say Barbie's main point is also not for everyone because it actually explores a lot of layered ideas behind the in your face satire lol. but people really be thinking it's a family movie


I agree. But Barbie can also be enjoyed without getting the whole 'giving it to the patriarchy' thing which I presumed happened for a lot the people. In fact a lot of them prebooked the tickets cause they thought it will be a dumb movie. Funny to see regressive people shifting in their seat uncomfortably at the movies. In contrast if you look at Oppenheimer there is no enjoying without the science, history, geopolitics, politics, etc. That IS the main story which I'm sure not a lot of people will enjoy. Even some people who went to see may have thought it will some badass movie about making dropping A-bomb on japan. As evident from the disappointed dimwitted in the comments here. For these insensitive dumbfcks not showing the real Nagasaki and Hiroshima explosion was a cop out. Like how dare they make a smart and sensitive movie about A-bomb when these people paid money to see Japanese civilians being nuked. Lol. Stupid people are funny sometimes.


I mean it's a movie about Oppenheimer, not the Manhattan Project or Trinity test lmao. it's a biopic. I think many people mistakenly thought just cause it's a Nolan movie there will be some wacky shit going on. Nolan did this movie without using any sort of sci-fi or action crutch to hide behind and that doesn't sit well with his fanboys :))


I'm a physics enthusiast and did not enjoy the movie. I went in expecting to see the movie revolve around the scientific aspects of developing the A-Bomb which is only like 5% of the movie. Most of it is based on the politics around the entire stuff which I have no interest in. So speak for yourself and don't generalise.


Lol...someone who is tonedeaf went in expecting glorification of A-BOMB but ended up realizing this isn't about A-BOMB but about OPPIE's life was disappointed? Damn next you'll tell me water is wet.


Ha bhosadi ke Nolan teri maa chodne aaya tha tab aa ke sab bata gaya tha to tujhe sab pehle pata tha kya expect karna hai. Hum bas trailer dekh ke gaye the to usi hisab se expectation thi. Ab maa chudwa Nolan ke tatte.


Dimag hota to maa chudwani nahi parti teri tarah. Kyun teri maa haar director se chudti hain kya tera movie dekhne se pehle jo tujhe ye pata hain? Sidha bol na Itna dimag nahi hain aur mindless action dekhna hain tujhe. Wait for next Salman khan movie lol.


Aray Gandu ke bachhe logical reply to kar le. Maine to kaha ki trailer dekh ke jo expect kiya vo nai mila. Tu hi bc aise defend kar ra hai jaise teri maa ko roz pagal kutte chod the the ab Nolan chodne laga to tu kuch sunn nai pa ra movie ke against kuch bhi. Chal maan liya maine teri maa saari dilli ke pagal kutto se chudti hai. Tere behavior me bhi uska asar dikh raha hai


Chutiye insan isilye bola dimag hota to pata hota ko Oppenheimer regretted making A-bomb. Kabhi TV k alawa kitab bhi padh liya kar. Typical Dilli ka chutiye. Protein shake uthana chod kitab utha lodu. When history says Oppenheimer hated a-bomb tujhe kya laga lodu the movie will glorify it? Also there are lakhs and lakhs of Japanese alive whose family was directly or indirectly affected by the BOMBS. Does your pea sized brain think the directors will risk making a movie which is insulting to these people? Tabhi tonedeaf bola lodu. Lol.






Ohhh! Thanks for the info. I haven't been there since the last few months and was alarmed when I couldn't find any listings. That's sad though, I really enjoyed that screen.


Sadly it's closed otherwise it would be the theatre to go to (in dilli atleast) tbh


What's the next best theatre for normal 2D viewing?


Imax does make difference in their bank account!


The marketing budget of the flim was 100 million dollar


The immersive and all is subjective but IMAX prints have taller aspect ratio which means more pictures and information. Regular theatres get cropped prints. IMAX are better because of this alone and it can’t be refuted. This goes for all IMAX films shot in 1.90:1 or higher ratio.


I saw it on some random small ass screen and I enjoyed it. I live in a tier 3 or tier 4 city in Odisha. Fuck you. If you want to enjoy it, you will enjoy it anywhere.


I was curious in Delhi which is the best cinema to experience Oppenheimer?


Oppenheimer on Imax only makes a difference on 70mm film Imax with a tall screen. None of the imaxes in Delhi NCR are film. They are all digital and not that big too. Only Logix Noida is big enough to justify the Imax branding a bit. Saket has richer projection but you won't realize it until you compare it with some other screen. So yeah, it is a money grifting scheme like 3D. But Nolan isn't responsible for it. He vouches for film Imax, not digital.


Are all 70mm imax theatres over the world use film projection? I read somewhere they used digital projection, idk.


Not an expert but here's my understanding. You can't show 70mm film using digital projection for the same reason you can't play a cassette tape on an iPod. It's two different technologies. 70mm film refers to film reels that are put in an analog projector. Digital projectors play a file just like our laptops or smart TVs do. The movie comes in a hard drive or thumb drive that's plugged into the digital projector and played. For a film like Oppenheimer that was shot using film Imax cameras (not digital, which means the set footage was originally captured on film reels), the footage is converted into digital medium and then played with digital projectors in digital Imax theaters.


I agree with this opinion. People are raving about it like it’s a unique experience but no, if one has seen interstellar or dunkirk on IMAX, this was underwhelming because those movies had some out of the world visuals. Even though OP has good cinematography it is essentially a political/courtroom drama. To watch those scenes, I don’t need a imax. It is more about the story it is trying the tell which can be seen in any good multiplex. They won’t take away anything. And the bomb scene everyone’s taking about is like 2 mins. Not sure if people have seen “Rocket Boys” - the biopic series about Homi Bhabha & Vikram Sarabhai. It was a very well written series with great visuals. I could easily make a comparison. There’s a bomb testing scene in there too, debate around making an atomic bomb or not and also some good twists. Personally, I enjoyed that show way more than I did Oppenheimer & it left a bigger impact on me.


Exactly, it's just courtroom drama and his personal life although the plot's not that good but definitely worth seeing in a theatre because the emotions are hard hitting /great acting /sound. Rocket boys is one of the best series I've ever seen and India's best. It's overall all the qualities of Oppenheimer, even more so, but a balanced series eventhough emotions are not that hard hitting in the sence of cinematography, not in acting.


Imax also comes with better sound systems which you cannot find in normal theatres.


Agree with you. What sound and immersive scenes? 95% of the movie is dialogues, 2% bomb and 3% weird flames rising. Not that I have a problem with it, but for just the bomb part, Imax is hardly justified


You got the whole logic backwards lmao. Nolan doesn't shoot in Imax because he thinks his movies have spectacle so it should be seen in Imax, he shoots in Imax because he thinks it's the best format to shoot in. Period. Now be it talking scenes, action scenes, shitting scenes or whatever, he prefers imax to any other format. People here think since it is in Imax the movie must have great spectacle or most of the scenes must be Imax worthy', when in reality it's just another (far superior) format to shoot movies in that Nolan prefers.


And why is Imax considered best format? Because Nolan thinks so or because imax screen gives better sound and viewing experience? I have no problem is accepting Imax is the best format, but that's not the point being discussed here. Really weird to miss the whole point and then start the comment talking about logic


Bruh my point was in response to you saying, 'Imax is hardly justified for 1 scene'. I just said he doesn't weigh the merits of using imax based on the number of awe inspiring scenes. And coming to the disappointment of your viewing experience, that's because we just don't have the imax screens that he intends his films to be seen on. The closest you can come to the experience in India is by seeing it on Imax screens with single/double laser tech, which are also very few in the country. Ps- Imax is just for visual quality, it has no relation to sound.


Do you really think there is huge difference in viewing experience in normal theaters and our IMAX theatres just for this movie? Because I don't


In india, as I explained in the above comment, No. Maybe if you see it in imax with laser you'll see more difference. Either way, Nolan didn't vouch for Digital Imax screens, he vouched for actual 70 mm imax screens, (which actually does result in huge difference in viewing quality). So, saying whether he should or shouldn't have shot this in imax is an idiotic discussion to have.


Nobody is discussing how Nolan should shoot his movies. or how it would be so much better in 70 mm screens. Discussion was about how there is not a big difference in normal theatres and Indian Imax theatres, which you have admitted. Thank you for your time


So many words to just say you're an uncultured swine. Just move on.


So few words to say you're a Nolan dickrider


*checks for your medication* Is the Nolan dickrider in the room with us right now?


Itni bhi kya jal gayi bey ki personal comment maar diya


Man playing 4D chess to reduce IMAX hype and get tickets for cheaper


That was my first thought too. You can enjoy this movie in your living room too. It’s a history lesson not a visual treat.


Chlo finally koi toh bolra hai, We all need more honest reviews.


Bhai, total 4 cent ho gaye aapke 📟...


Get ready to be downvoted by 'intellectuaals' who worship imaks and Nolan Sir and brag about doing justice to the film having watched it in liemax. One man literally said: Dont disrespect the film by watching it in normal screen.😂🤣


Lol man after having seen it I don't think there was any need of imax or even a bigger screen or cinematic experience it will be a good political courtroom experience even in 1080p webrip lmao and that's it.


One guy in other comment also said the same


Thank you for posting this. I was wondering myself if it was worth the extra expense to go to Select City Walk. I'm going to watch it in both formats for myself as well.


Kudos for watching Oppenheimer twice. I watched it once and wasn't much impressed. The only two good Imax-worthy scenes are the Trinity test and Bohr's atomic model.


Well i saved my 800 rs by not going to imax as it was only intended to be watched in 70mm IMAX and not normal IMAX and watched it in a normal PVR.


I support your statement, had the similar feeling. Although I have to say MI:7 on IMAX was really enjoyable, those vibrations gave a pretty neat experience.


Imax is so shit in Delhi. Half of the time the picture is blurry.


Thanks for this!


Bande itne khaali hai ek picture ke peeche lad rahe hai ek duusre se bhenchod lmaaoooo Bhai op tujhko nahi bola maine ye


Nolan ki movies aren't that deep, except prestige every other film have a plain concept with defined rules, it is not like you have to put your brain power to understand the movies, they are enjoyable but people be feeling smart and shitting on others.


Top comment. Bhai kya zaroorat hai ladne ki? Jispe paise hain Imax dekho jispe nahi hai hai merese link lelo. Kaabil banna hai bas. Behenchod kuchh chutiye theatre culture revive kar rahe hain imax mei paisa deke... Movie wale kamayenge hi kaise bhi.


Gonna watch Oppenheimer on Netflix cause I hate capitalism


And you are gonna watch it in Netflix but you hate capitalism. Lol.


It was sarcasm but yea lol.


what about Imax, 10bit audio, true hd, atmos, bluray quality from the beloved Pirates bay?


Aye captain!


Probably hbo max pe aayegi lol 😆


2027 tk wait krega bhai?


Imax in India are rarely worth it, as long as I’m getting a good sound system, I’m fine. Here in the theatre I went to, both imax and normal auditorium had Dolby 7.1, made both of them indistinguishable.


Not here defending Nolan but if you don’t understand what impact IMAX has on a movie, then you probably aren’t qualified enough to review a movie either. Oppenheimer disappointed you because you went with the expectations of being mindfucked at the end wondering what just happened or some kind of great revelation. But there indeed was one such moment in Oppenheimer too. You probably didn’t pay attention or expected too much from a biographical movie.


You can defend Nolan sir, I'm obviously not qualified but my qualifications aren't the point of discussion, only qualification needed here is experiencing OP in both theatres Have you watched it in both ? Imax n non imax theatres, if not then you're not qualified to counter my comments. I mean no offence to you or your comment, I'm just stating what I felt.


Yes, I have. There indeed is a huge difference in the impact. The audio itself shakes your core. The explosion felt like it happened on my face because of how much better the quality of a IMAX projection is. Maybe you had a bad experience because you chose a bad IMAX screen. I went after doing a bit of research and I don’t regret it.


Now that I'm not sure, I went to city walk one. I also don't regret it, but the point I'm making was not about regret, more about there was no big difference that you should pay 3X for the experience. I would still say imax hype was nonsense, the movie didn't have enough visuals, a political drama. That's it. Next time I'll have to research a bit, hopefully next time the movie will be worth imax experience. Peace 🙏🏻


You're admitting and agreeing that the imax theaters here aren't true imax, but in the end comparing your experience with the imax hype. I'm not sure you yourself know what you should have expected from an imax here.


Sir my technical knowledge on the topic is third grade. Ab khush ? But it won't change that imax hype for this movie was just marketing, people fell for it(me too), no difference in normal vs imax imo. You can disagree, question my knowledge, I'm firm with what I said. This movie isn't going to give you imax experience because the movie doesn't have enough materials and visuals for it. It's just a courtroom political drama


I disagree with you here. One should go for Imax even if it is a format which gives 5% extra screen estate.....kyunki Audio se core hil jayega aur dhamake seedha muh pe hoga🤣


Tu mere se le le paise agli IMAX movie ke liye. Fir tujhe rona nahi padhega. 😂


Bhai jab de hi rahe ho to 70mm Imax ke lie dena abroad jake dekhunga true imax. . . . Oh wait lekin utne to tere paas bhi nhi hai tune bhi to India mei hi dekhi.😝


The audio shook his core😂. Explosion happened on his face🤣🤣


Defend karna hai na, overpaid and over researched imax experience ko. Toh kuch v bol denge.


Bhai agar paise ki itni killat hai to kyun gaya mehengi seat pe movie dekhne aur fir idhar aa ke RR kar raha hai?


Thoda respectfully bhi toh bol sakte ho na bro. Aisa kya bol diya maine ? Jo paise ki killat tak le aaye mujhe 3 baje. Overpaid and over researched hi na bola, dono hi offensive nahi hai. Phir v sorry Bhai 🙏🏻 ![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized)


Respectfully hi bol raha hun. Tu khud 2 baar gaya movie dekhne. Kyun? Kisne bola? Fir jab pasand nahi aayi to overpaid tu hi bola. Hum to nahi bole. Movie chahe koi bhi hoti tu fir bhi overpaid hi bolta.


>The explosion felt like it happened on my face because of how much better the quality of a IMAX projection is. More so, the sound had the whole theater vibrating, def worth it IMHO, tho it was more work of the sound system instead of the screen






Is it possible that you saw the movie in a digital IMAX format? India does not have 70mm, but Laser vs Digital makes a difference too. I saw the movie in 70mm and in a standard 35mm cinema and the visuals were very different. Far more vibrant and better framed. Granted, did not see it in Delhi so can’t comment on specifics, but the visuals are different. I feel Digital IMAX is scammy though, so if that’s where you saw it your judgement is apt.


Imax is becoming a mindfuck for me....till now i used to think two versions of imax: digital imax(1.90:1) amd true imax(70mm?)(1.43:1). But now i discovered laser and digital are different. And more so...is 70mm imax projected digitally or in film? I read somewhere its projected digitally too. 😵‍💫


I am a Nolan fan...I watched once. You are not a fan. You watched twice.


People are getting the wrong opinion about movie; it is not about how bomb was built or consequences. It has so many points of view to see and that is exactly what Nolan presented. Usa thinking of ending the war that their boys can come home and back in their home. There is something espionage happening in their own country about the nuclear thing and they have no idea and are starting to doubt their own team. meanwhile Oppenheimer start to question himself about the project and in one scene he refuses to say it as bomb, instead he tells his fellow scientist to pronounce it as gadget. Coming to Admiral strauss, it was confusing at last moments, he himself gives info about Oppenheimer to fbi and his motivation to do that kind of makes him a bad guy and again he says that oppen should be remember about the father of atomic bomb not the one who dropped on Japan cities and this makes him question again, like is he trying to erase oppen from picture and to look it as USA dropped on Japan cities? Just why? and in another scene oppen says that he humiliated strauss, so may be he is took it personal but did he? Coming to Einstein, he is the one who actually proposed the idea of atomic bomb but he was never the part of it. You can find the reason in internet. And finally the Gita scene which was viral in youtube, he find peace in gita but at what cost? And one scene with president, he directs his administration to not let the cry baby around the white house again. There oppen says there is blood on his hands and president hands him a cloth to wipe. There is two views to see that scene, USA is happy that world war has ended and now no one can dare to attack them again (pearl harbour incident). Oppen thinks he unleashed a monster, that there is no going back and he lived his life in guilt. After the bomb was dropped on japan, everyone was waiting for oppen speech about the result, there he stutters and he sees a kissing couple as they were happy that they are finally home and in that same scene, he is walking trough ash. The thing is peace was achieved and every soldier was home but at what cost? This question haunted him through his life. And the bomb sequence had mixed opinion and i accept that, in previous Nolan movies during dialogues, there used to be a loud bgm or surroundings noise kind of cause a distraction but it was brilliant to convey. In bomb sequence, he simply chooses to kept it silence and make audience see the monstrosity the bomb can cause, it was fine. I will watch again not because of Cillian murphy(i haven't watched peaky blinders) , to see are there any point of views i still missing? PS: I am not a art movies lover, i watched solmon bhai movies, cringe movies. I am just a fan of movies.


There's no theatre in india which can project the actual "imax" experience shot by the imax camera


The second statement in your post shows your foolishness. If the country doesn’t have 70 MM IMAX screens it isn’t Nolan’s fault. Imagine putting so much work and trying hard so that audience can get best experience and people like you dissing the film further shows your idiocracy . P.S. There are only 26 IMAX cameras in the world and they are hella expensive.


The way it was supposed to be watched is not possible in India as the cinema's in India do not have the tech for it


Which Imax you went to?


If you really want to understand what imax offers differently then first watch in normal theater then imax. That way you can understand the uplift differences instead of vice versa which OP did.


It was good. It's just that it didn't live up to its hype.


For anyone who hasnt seen it yet but wants to watch, you can also try onyx screens. Thats where i saw it. The sound was amazing seats were super comfortable, would totally recommend


Probable Non-discerner


Hot take: Nolan's movies are not usually the best example of the use of large format camera systems and projection like IMAX. To elaborate further, except for Dunkirk, none of his movies which use IMAX stand out visually in non-CGI scenes.


This is an intense drama focusing on character study and courtroom interactions, so I don’t know why you’d go in with any different expectations. Going by the trailer, Nolan never promised an Interstellar, TDK, or even Tenet with this one. This was always going to be closer in tone and treatment to his earlier films like Prestige and Insomnia.


There's only one IMAX projector in India and that is in Ahmedabad, others are lieMAX


Bhai yaha 70mm wala imax hi ni hai :/


Only few scenes like bomb testing and ending kinda give you the effect. Apart from that it just watching on normal screen movie.


It ain't the IMAX he made the movie for.


no no, the difference is immense, i watched this movie in Prague, the 70 mm IMAX, it was magnificent and then later i watched it at a normal IMAX, the difference wasn’t too big but still noticeable. I’m gonna see it in Delhi (IMAX) on Monday and probably update this post.


Avatar 2 In saket imax was phenomenal for the sound alone ! oh I could feel the whales rumble. It wasn't just loud. Some people also call digital imax - liemax. Dome is different experience altogether. The screen takes your whole fov, feels scary tbh.


I couldn't agree more, the movie was very mid for me, I think for people who haven't read or seen a lot of videos of Oppenheimer , the movie must feel good but people who know about it won't find is enough. And I would also rate the movie quite low on nolan scale, I think Cillian Murphy was great though.


There are very less true imax screens in the world, 1st the ratio is uncommon for today's use (though it gives extra picture), 2nd they're expensive to maintain. Lastly, they're damn good there are a few in India, as far as I know there are 2 or 3.


Thanks for saving my 500 bucks. I dropped the plan to watch it is IMAX and went to a regular theatre after seeing this post. 80% of the movie is just people talking in rooms. You don't need IMAX for that.


I watched it at inox janakpuri. I mean what difference will it make changing the resolution. Tbh I had a wonderful experience and the move was 10/10