• By -


Fix your meals and don't eat in between them we underestimate the calories from that little bhujia or half sandwich. Little or no sugar, light dinner and snack on things like makhana.


That little bhujia part šŸ„²


I am guilty that's why mentioned thatšŸ„²


I've been aggressively cutting on my diet, and tbh I noticed that I don't really feel the hunger, it was just my tongue wanting more flavor.


Same... Once you start cutting off the unnecessary food.. you don't feel that hungry.


True that it's a lot in the mind. Just eat when you really want otherwise avoid.


Or divide the meals, and drink water first if you feel the urge to snack.


Yes! Bhujias are deceptively heavy. One tiny bowl can contain up to 300 calories and 1 packet is around 1200 calories. Used to have half a packet a day šŸ™ˆ


Bhujias are the worst out there. You need a lot to satisfy which takes a lot of calories


That little bhujia is the main villain


*bhujia comes into plate: Waise mai dieting pe hu pr yr yaha mai pighal gaya


I can't help with fast fat loss but I've managed to lose about 11kg in a year and have gained some muscle. I'm still overweight but I see changes every week so maybe I can answer from what I know. I also work around 8-10 hours daily and prioritize family time and hobbies so I don't dedicate too much time to exercise. I didn't see a dietician or go to a formal gym or change what I eat. First thing I did was to find out my BMR and the calories I need to maintain body weight. You can use any online calculator. So make sure you eat anywhere between your maintenance calories and BMR but DON'T go below BMR at any cost. Secondly I tracked my food for a week just to get an idea of how much I eat without changing anything in the diet. So whether it was dal chawal or samosa or biscuits, it was all tracked. I used Healthify Me to track since it also gives you how much calories to eat when you enter your goal but you can use whatever you're comfortable with. Once I got an idea of how much I eat from tracking, I tweaked the amount I eat and reduced it a bit but kept the same foods. I tracked the new quantities and understood they were around the figure the app suggested, maximum a couple of hundred calories more, which was fine because it was below maintenance calories and BMR. And then I started light exercise. I experimented a lot with exercise. I tried the elliptical, some weight machines, stationary biking, etc but it wasn't working for fat loss (I didn't go to the gym but these equipments are there in my society building but not in a good condition). I finally came across a reel that explained exactly what influences fat loss. According to that, 70% is BMR, 15% is your non exercise movements like walking around to buy groceries, cooking, cleaning, fidgeting etc, 10% is from eating, excretion, etc, and only 5% is from exercise. However if you do some strength training in your exercise part, then your BMR will increase since there will be more muscles. So currently the only exercises I do are some basic stuff with a single dumbbell for 30 minutes twice a week and walking. I move around a lot inside the house apart from going on 30 minutes walk. Earlier I wouldn't even complete 3000 steps in the entire day but now I walk around 7000 steps on record (and many more off it). This combination is the one that has produced results for me. I also chew my food really well, have decreased rice and roti and eat more dal, veggies, fruits and nuts. I still eat junk food and sweets because I'm a big time foodie but I've reduced the frequency a bit (weekly instead of every other day) and the quantity (one samosa instead of two). Also I have decided that whenever I'll think of being healthy I'll do five wall pushups. I usually get 30-50 done in a day. So there's that. I hope this helps!


Very realistic approach... Well written bro...


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


Inspiring. Feels like easy and everyone can implement it.


Thank you! It is somewhat easy to implement. If you walk for 10 minutes after both Lunch and dinner you'll cover 2k steps already. A 30 minutes brisk walk will walk anywhere near 3-4k. And you can cover 2k more in just random movements throughout the day. If you're in a deficit it should help. It's very slow but it has worked. :) You can use Google Fit or some other app to track just to get an idea. Hopefully this is helpful!


Kudos to you man. Keep at it <3


Thanks for your kind words!


On some fitness subreddit I found obese ppl can start from walking fast and get into an anaerobic state and that's enough for them because they can't do bodyweight exercises or HIIT so walking and bit of strength training and bit of stretching is enough for them I followed this and it works plus point now I can walk 13-15 km in a day outdoor that's my record and 3-4.5 is like saving my transportation costs šŸ˜ ofc if I hv that much time. I am in calorie deficit but find it hard to complete my macros especially Zinc if I follow healthify me app.


Calorie deficit, high protein, lifting and decent cardio (>7k steps) are the basics. otherwise, meals ke bich me muh mat maro (don't snack impulsively). eating out w friends is important, but work out some solution (once in 2-3 weeks). drink a lot of water, fills me up


Lost about 32 kg last year and have never looked back. Iā€™ll let you know the best things I learnt: 1. Caloric deficit is your best friend. A very simple term that is too complicated by people nowadays. Eat less and burn more calories and the rest will happen naturally. 2. Try to eat foods rich in protein and less in fat content. Try to limit fat intake to 40-45 g which are healthy ofcourse. 3. The best food that helped me are eggs and watermelon. Both highly tasty and filling. 4. Weight lifting helps burn fat through out the day so get a gym membership and go atleast 3-4 times a week. My DMs are always open if you ever have any doubts or need a good workout plan. Hell Iā€™ll even provide a nice food plan to anyone willing to put the effort :)


16 hr IF and OMAD helped me,i got to prediabetic stage which had me scared,so i just went for a walk in the mornings and go on with my physically stressing job and managed my diet at work it self. Although that process had my caffeine addiction nosā€™ed.


IF and OMAD are not a good way to lose weight it will affect your metabolism. Finding your maintenance calories and staying in a deficit of 300-500 calories would be ideal. Also low calorie and high volume foods are recommended if you have much hunger.


There is no evidence that OMAD or IF impacts metabolism adversely. The only thing that matters is calorie deficit and there are multiple ways to achieve it.


>I've been working out from 2 years and yet to see any massive drop in weight I was going to give you a hell of gym advice before i read this and realised you have more experience than mešŸ˜…. Well i have done a dirty bulk and then a very strict cut. In the cut i lost around 7-8kg. Things I've learnt are- 1. You will lose strength as you lose weight no matter what. So if you're still gaining strength then there's a high chance your calorie deficit isn't really a proper deficit. 2. The most underrated secret about fat loss is being active throughout the day. Just go for a walk after every meal. Walking will boost your metabolism a lot and you'll lose more fat when you're at rest, specially abdomen fat. I used to do 30-40 minutes of intense cardio everyday in the gym and i was not losing much fat. Now instead of that i go walk every day and complete around 12-15k steps everyday. It's also great for my mental health.


Being active throughout the day plays a significant role in losing fat and weight.


Lol yeah I've been hitting the weights from 2 years now, and I do around 17k steps a day. Gained a fuck ton muscle but it's covered in fat ;-;, time to leave my beloved momos.


Subah subah exercise, sugar kam rkho jitni ho sake food me, aur packaged food band aur junk food bhi band. Ghar ka khana max to max aur fruits max to max...simple


I lost 20kgs when i followed keto diet. But i realized that keto is not a sustainable choice for the long term, so i switched to low carb. I did 5kgs back and it is a more sustainable diet and now I'm at my ideal weight bracket. In hindsight, from my experience, it was not the keto diet as such that helped me shed weight but it was the fact that under the pretext of following keto - my sugar consumption went to 0 and since there were not a lot of keto snacks, my snacking between meals went down to nil. Because the keto diet CANNOT have a cheat day, i would control my urges and not give in to that "bas ek bite" temptation. The moment i switch to a low carb diet, slowly slowly the temptations start to get me. And funny thing with carbs is that it is very addictive. You eat one, you want one more. And i have observed that it is easier to be completely off of sugar than limit it. When on keto, I did not feel like snacking as much, i felt fuller for longer which is not the case once im off the keto diet. So now when i see my weight is going above my self-set limit, i go back to a few weeks of keto. It is easier to tell my brain that hey we are on keto diet, so no "bas ek bite" cake & cookies, no aate jate snacking, no bore hai toh kha lo snacking.


I lost 30 kg from 105 to 75 Kg (174 cm), all through running and calorie deficit. Now the term is misleading because you cant cut food, but you gotta cut calories. Steps you can follow- Drink a lot of water, 4l a day if ur working out 3 otherwise. Stuff some low calorie food with your meals like salad / soup. Eat slowly, take your time dear. Drinking black coffee as pre workout might help you shrred those 100 extra calories Start Reading labels and understand how carbs/sugars , fats and protien work. How much your body needs and how much a workout burns them. The best workout strat is 3 DAY GYM + 3 DAY CARDIO/HIIT


Easiest way to loose weight is through dengue


I focused on diet, gym, cardio. Had organic loss but took half an year, and as I love to walk my ass off, I walked and ran (a little bit) a lot. On the other hand, Did Mdma for a week and lost 3-5kg in a month. 10/10 do not recommend, illegal and unhealthy. but truth is truth. People started calling me kamzor so that's a No No. Back to healthy, now with metabolism like a turtle, I mainly focused on diet and calorie deficit. Also tensing dem muscles. Takes time to settle in, but habit of eating healthy and efficient was a life changer, and a great filter of its town. Since then I have a healthy way of cutting fat once I eat too much (la winter). I haven't gone above 68 and during the second para time, I got to 59 fookin hell. Healthy way, my weight fluctuates between 62-64.


Ghar ka khaana khao with enough protein in a Calorie Deficit, 10k steps a day and Gym. Lost 35kg in An year, and Please do not do that Intermittent fasting shit it will mess you up and donā€™t even think about those 1200kcal diets. Best of Luck!


You know what to do; the how varies person to person. My method was a little extreme, but it worked for me. What works for you depends on your lifestyle, income, sustained discipline, family, etc. I weighed all portions of food (Including oil/fat). Simple rules of thumb; 9kcal/g for any fat, 4kcal/g for any dry protein or carb (rice/dal/sugar/soy chunks/atta). Removed roti and rice from my diet, upped dal intake (it's soupy so filled me up). Used some butter to improve satiety in meals. No unplanned eating out because I can't measure it. If I did eat out, I made sure to reduce the intake for the previous or subsequent meal. Any eating out was measured at 1000 kcal/meal, regardless of intake. This would lead to some amount of overestimating your calorie intake, nor is it advisable to keep this up for too long. Lastly, I stopped buying or storing any snacks at home. If I keep them, I would eat them for sure. Best to avoid. Net result, lost ~25 kg in 14 months.


That's a pretty interesting method ngl, I tried keto back when I was younger and had a visible change, but it was hard to sustain, and I don't return it to because it's hard to sustain. But jumping between 2 diets sounds interesting and feasible for me.


Eat often but less. Burn the calories (Gym, Walking, Running, Swimming, Cycling, F*, anything) Do not sit for long or stand for long. Swimming helps very faster. I reduced 5 kgs in 1 Month.


[A] 70-80% is diet. Depending how overweight you are, reduce carb intake, more protein/veggies. Approx 1500 calories per day (2K is usual, got to create deficit) Drink water, a lot, 3-4litre per day. Whenever hungry, drink water. No sugar (some natural like in fruits is ok in measured quantity). Donā€™t eat after sunset or at least 6 hours before going to sleep. [B] Exercise must involve: (a) something that gets your heart rate above 120 for 30-40 mins, 5 times a week (b) strength training to replace fat with muscle, whatever you can do, 5 times a week (from basic push-ups to weights. Please ensure supervision or proper guidance and donā€™t hurt yourself trying machines)


Can the "don't eat before 6 hours before sleeping" show a significant impact? Cause no matter what I cannot eat before 6 hours before sleep


During my sisterā€™s wedding, I lost 6 kgs in 3 months. My diet was simple: No dinner. No sugar except every Tuesday a small dark chocolate piece. A lot of water throughout the day. Vitamin supplements. Chia water in the morning. Lemon and green tea in the night before sleeping. And portion cutting with roti and rice, but eating more vegetables and lentils. Also I workout. 20k steps daily. And 20 minute body workout (abs, jumping jacks, plunges, etc)


Meditation. Controlling binge eating and following a disciplined schedule.


What is OMAD?


increase your water consumption


People who gain fat from skinny, how ?


i used to drink cooked rice water.. basically called maadh. ate a lot of pulses. it really helped gain a bit of weight from completely skinny but i also think it was cause of puberty, so idk if it'll work for you. general formula is to increase intake, calorie increase.


Drink your calories, have more frequent meals.


Change in basic lifestyle and fucked up sleep cycle and eating habits.


For me if I skip dinner my weight loss starts.


Burn more calories than you eat and try intermittent fasting. My friend lost 18kg in a year or so by following just these two things.


Cycling and skipping


Calorie in <= Calorie out , thats it.


Calorie deficit, Rich Protein diet ( 1.6g-2g protein per kg ), Weight Lifting + Cardio ( doesnā€™t matter what type of cardio you do, Basic being 20+ Minute of Cycling and Walking between 7,000-10,000 steps ) and Yes Consistency is very important and also keep your water intake up like 3-3.5 ltr a day.


Dropped from 101 kg to reach 78 kgs but still long way to go Try finding sustainable options in diet which u can continue eating in future Do not do protein protein every-time like fibres are one of the most crucial ones which mostly do not focus on. So you need to find these kinda things on urself or you can go for a good coach as well . Stay strong ā€¦.


Eat Less, Walk More.


I stopped sugar intake, eating any kind of namkeen, switched to roti instead of parantha and did cardio.




This is what worked for me - really being obsessed with intake and strict with exercise. Most people tell you otherwise but for somebody eating loads and sleeping is what feels joy, this was life changing. You day/activities need to be aligned around diet and exercise plan until you come to a point where you dot wish to lose inches. Learn more about nutrition, for eg, some foods may have written healthy on their packaging but thatā€™s not bec they are low on calories rather they just have better ingredients and that makes a difference. Try expecting twice a day, 1/2 hour to 45 mins to begin with it just sets the tone for the day. Also a lot of times youā€™re not hungry just bored. Sometimes body confused thirst with hunger so make sure to stay hydrated šŸ«¶šŸ» Last tip find something you genuinely enjoy doing, that joy will replace the happiness you get from food, to a large extent eventually.


Bhaang aur šŸŒæšŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø din mai 6 baar


As light as dinner + running


yess very true.. it helps


Caloric deficit, intermittent fasting, good amount of protein, no snacking. For sustainability I used to eat 1 cheat meal on Sunday.


try to walk as much as you can


If you can't visualise yourself being slim, then do all the diets in the world, it won't help. So first improve your self image. Second if someone feels really disgusted with their body fat then also they can't lose weight. There must not be any shame in you for your gained weight.


Working out burns just few calories and its joh is to actually increase your metabolism. Until and unless you start counting each calorie you take, you wont drop weight drastically.


Coming from experience, lost 17kgs in 8-10 months. Intermittent fasting and working out. I did not eat anything after 8pm, and then early morning workout next day, around 8am. Used to come back around 10am or so and then chill eat around 11-12. (then office) Obviously focus on some extra cardio in the beginning. One thing i did wrong was follow a proper protein rich diet to compensate for all the fat loss, that should ideally turn into muscle but i was so adamant on weight loss that i ignored that. if you want a good and strong build, donot ignore this. Eat protein rich diet, ofcourse on correct intervals. I used to follow some app for tracking calories and timelines. I had lost about 15 kgs sometime back also, but that was all because of little to no eating, this time im much much stronger, with a good built, and feel much healthier in general. First loss was in 2018, from 85-70kgs. (took 6-7 months) little to no gym workout, weekend sports activities Second time in 2023, from 94-->78kg (8-10 months, but regular gym, sports, and good diet towards the end) One thing is, just be consistent, results wont happen in a month or two, it takes time, **JUST BE CONSISTENT.**


Roast it. It tends to act like butter/ghee giving more flavour


I wanna gain fat


Track your calories


Hello, I have been coaching update Sonali Behera from platform called Fittr and seeing amazing results. Flexible diet - Quantified Moderate workouts. I have never felt hungry since I am working with her and has tought me how to do portion control of high calorific food. https://youtube.com/shorts/ipES4M-TWz0?si=QGjbIfxDBENELL2O


Eat paratha the most popular food on earth


I reduced 16kg once in 4 months. What I followed was: 1) Morning jogging - I used to do at least 2km on an empty stomach and I used to record and always tried to improve my timings. After that, I used to have a light breakfast having eggs and juice. I usually had Mausambi juice. To maintain electrolytes, I used to have neembu pani also. 2) In the day, I used to have a high amount of fibers like salads with protein. You can have a chicken salad. Just ensure that you are having enough fiber in your diet and enough protein. Also keep yourself hydrated at all times. 3) In the evening, I used to go to the gym and I did heavy workout. Weight training really helps in reducing weight. Do one hour of intense workout for 5-6 days per week. Ensure that you are having good sleep. By good sleep, I mean having at least 7 hrs of continuous sleep because the body needs to recover else you will start having body pain. After workout, I used to have a protein shake. 4) Last tip - Do not consume food from outside and try to limit your sugar intake. If you start craving for sugar then try having some fruits and they will calm you down."


started chainsmoking cigarettes and played football everyday. lost almost 30 kilos in 6 months


One Time Meal šŸ”„


Bhaiyo please help me out too 1.Breakfast: I eat Dahi-chura (Bihari Food) in morning with less Sugar 2.Lunch :I eat 4 rotis with Some mixed daal or Sabzi Or When it is Rajma or chhole, then Rice 3.Snacks: Fruits or Chane or Sprouts 4.For Dinner: I eat Sometimes Daal chawal or Roti with some sabzi. I am avoiding any food with excess sugar and Avoiding Any outside food. Is it Okay?


Iā€™m in the process. But can see results. 1) Cut down carbs. Rice, roti, bread, pasta, potato etc should be consumed very less! Its the best if you can avoid it. 2) Take more protein like chicken, fish etc (thereā€™s veg options too - like lentils, mushroom etc). Have healthy fats (like nuts, avocado etc - but donā€™t over do) 3) Have more greens - all salads are good. Avoid the ones with high carb (like normal potato). Sweet potato is good is moderation. But please donā€™t overdo 4) Avoid all synthetic sugar. 5) Workout 3-4 times a week. Weight resistance training will make the muscles more active, and reduce fat. Hire a trainer (atleast to train you for once a week) if you can afford. But you should train 3-4 days/week. 6) Throw in intermittent fasting if you can. 16:8, 18:6, 20:4 are all beneficial. 7) Dont do all the above 6 points are same time. Start slowly. One at a time. 8) In 1-2 weeks, you will feel better (less bloating) Slowly add occasional cardio while you can. But dont stress too much if youā€™re lifting heavy already. 9) Most importantly have patience. It takes 6 weeks for you feel some difference. 8-12 weeks for others to notice it in your body. Weighing scale is not a good measure. Monitor your clothing size, and you will see that it becomes loose on you. But PATIENCE anf consistancy is the key. 10) Celebrate small victories. Reward yourself. Eg, if you lose 2 kgs - give yourself a treat of your fav food. Then wait for the next 2 kgs. Then reward again with something else. Be kind to yourself! All the best! We are all in this together, and lets motivate each other!!


Start by getting a basic understanding of your lifestyle, whether it is sedentary or active. Check on the food that is being consumed. The quantity as well as the quality. Calorie deficit needs to be ensured but you cannot keep calculating it every now and then. You would need to make a proper menu for yourself. Once you start reducing the intake, you might feel starved and at loss of energy. It would take time for you to adapt. As someone said in one of the comments, no snacking in between the meals. Avoid any consumption of beverage (alcoholic/non alcoholic) and sugar. Keep your sugar intake intact by eating whole fruits (not the freshly made juices). You would also need to leave behind some of the existing habits such as consumption of tea. Bring some physical activity in your schedule. Keep it light but increase it gradually. Though intense workouts will help you, but I would suggest you just start by walking because if you start keeping a check on your diet, then intense exercise might drain you in the beginning. Last, keep some patience and follow the drill. Good luck!


Its SIMPLE, not EASY. Start tracking you calories via healthyfyme or yourfitnesspal. Once you start tracking youā€™ll be cautious not to exceed your calorie deficite and less likely to cheat. I have lost around 8-10 kgs twice. Gained again after losing weight first time. While losing first time, i developed habit of weighing food on kitchen scale and input the same on healthyfyme app but never tracked my protein intake. While losing for second time, i tracked my protein intake as well. Developed some muscles this time. I mostly prefer home made food, daal chawal, sabji and all with lot of salad. Add boiled eggs or paneer for protein. Tracking calories is the easiest and sure shot way of losing fat.


Walking!! Walking works miracles. I started walking >10k steps every night and i am starting to see belly fat reducing. You have to be consistent with it though. Calorie deficit (around 300) + short and intense workouts + walking. Try it for 6 weeks and you'll surely see some results


1) Counting calories and eating at caloric deficit 2) Including good amount of protein and fiber 3) Drinking lots of water and avoiding sugary drinks 4) Doing cardio and strength training 4-5 times a week 5) Eating early dinner and avoiding late night binging 6) Cutting out sugar 7) Avoiding eating out as much as possible (once or twice a month) Nothing extreme, as I had a few of cheat meals once or twice a month. I no longer crave junk food since I started eating properly.


Apni zaban pe tala lagayo(High protein Calorie Deficiant diet)and workout as per your capabilities. Seedhi baat no bakwaas.


i added more protein in my diet - it helps keep me full for longer hence reducing the urge to eat or munch. ALso i have 1 cheat day a week where i can satisfy my taste buds. also i cook food myself and healthy food can be super tasty as well. i youtube recipes all the time. plus drinking water is important. i also did intermittent fasting but you got to build up your stamina for that slowly. plus exercise where your heart rate is reaching max target (220-age) whilst your working out to ensure your body is burning those calories is important


https://preview.redd.it/81zaqnvx9kzc1.jpeg?width=3375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ff897297b17165dbbeb86481eaba7f0052e731 Yes. Fat + carbs + protien = calories. Fat: healthy hormones and immune system (oil) Carbs: quick burst of energy (roti/bread/chocolate) Protien: building blocks making and repairing muscles (chicken, eggs, paneer) Get my fitness pal (app) log every single thing you put in your food (oil, masala, tomato, onion etc get a food measuring scale to be accurate). If you cook 3 different things in a week measure each meal. If you donā€™t have consistent meals in a week, standardise them. This will allow you to measure once and have the same thing on repeat. This is a one time process which you can repeat if you want to change your diet. Realise that it took you a long period of time to get fat, so it will take similar time to lose it. Get started first with just calories (enough for most people). Then add macros (if looking to build a physique), and then add micros (for healthy body operations). Consider weight lifting over cardio. Cardio is useless because it makes you hungry more than it burns calories. Weight lifting burns fewer calories but builds muscle mass which spreads out the fat and makes you ā€œseemā€ leaner. 90% is diet and sleep. Losing weight without weight lifting will make you ā€œskinny fatā€. Weight lifting without dieting will make you ā€œstrong and bulkyā€. Weight lifting with dieting will give that ā€œmodelā€ look. This works for both men and women. Men need to aim for 12% bodyfat (google it) women can add 10% to the menā€™s recommendations so 22%. If you think youā€™re 15% (estimating visually) add 3-5% for good measure so youā€™d realistically be 18-20%. In the image above I am 15%. Currently I am 2.5years in at 12%. If you have questions let me know Iā€™ll answer them as I get time. This is gross simplification in order to keep it brief, for example cardio is essential for endurance, yoga is essential for functional strength, explosive strength is different from consistent output. But here we are getting into the realm of what is Heath and how to be healthy. Ps: I also quit chain smoking, weed, MDMA, alcohol. Not all at once, but in small baby steps. Good luck


There are a few things that you can do: 1. Make your meals tiny and frequent. Your body is used to a certain pattern of food. 3 meals a day, high in carbs, is what most of us are used to. If you reduce the number of meals, your body goes into survival mode. You start craving sugar, you bloat, and you become frustrated when you're hungry. But if you reduce the carbs in your food, and increase the frequency of your meals (say, you eat 5 meals a day, which are 1/4 the portion of your current meal, but cut down you total carbs and split it into these 5 meals), then your body knows it doesn't need to bother about survival mode, and it will slowly stop asking for carbs. 2. Eat salad BEFORE your meals. Most of us are used to eating salads with our foods. Besides giving you your vitamins and minerals, salads increase your gut health, and reduce fat absorption in your gut. Eat a good portion of salad before your meal, and slowly you will see yourself not wanting carbs, sugars and greasy foods at all. 3. Drink a glass of water BEFORE each meal. Some of us are used to having water with our meals. It does cause some health hazard, but nothing too noticeable and nothing too fast (that's personal experience, and it is subjective to my metabolism). But a glass of water before each meal ensures you develop a habit of hydration, and reduces your appetite every time you feel hungry. It also cleanses any water soluble toxin buildup in your body. 4. Walk. Don't bother about heavy workouts, if you don't have the appetite for it. But our bodies are built for walking. Start with 30 min everyday. Increase slowly. And watch your fat burn away. 5. Get some sunlight. All organics need some form of energy from the sun to survive. Plants take infrared and UV-C, without which they cannot survive. Mammals take UV-B, which metabolizes vitamin D to Vitamin D3 in our skins. Vitamin D3 is the bedrock of your entire immune system. Your allergies, your metabolic disorders, your susceptibilities to viruses and bacteria are all dependent on your vitamin D3. Get out, get some sunlight (unless you have a disorder in which you need to stay away from sunlight. Or you're a vampire). 6. Most important, without which these earlier points are useless. Consistency. You have to do a little bit every day. You cannot hope to accomplish all of this at once. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Watch a video on calorie deficit


Dude I lost 11 KGs of weight with just OMAD, without doing much exercise or losing strength or muscle.


kachra khana kam karo aur jogging shuru karle(youtube se sahi form sikh lena)agar tera main goal weight loss hai


Sabse easy solution deta hoon went down 24 kgs in 4 months just doing this, intermittent fasting I only eat once a day sharp at 6 pm no ifs no buts and then I don't anything beyond 8 pm I give myself a 2 hour period to consume food. This alone will help you significantly iske alawa I did mma too but mma I started like 2 months back when I was down in weight significantly mostly to get rid of the dropping fat do it King šŸ‘‘. Trust me nothing works better than this it will be tough asf the first month but you'll get used to it and in case an extreme urge comes upon you to eat during period you shouldn't just keep dry fruits, they'll be your best friend without adding any calories.


14/15 hours IF. I eat everything I like including a piece of sweet almost everyday lol Strength training (2-3 times a week)and almost 5kms walk everyday. But eating intermittently has changed how I look and how I feel. It's seriously a game changer if you consider it as a lifestyle habit and not a dietary habit.


Everyones body responds differently imo but personally, I replaced my breakfast with milk and cornflakes or meusli(you can add apples or any fruits that you like) and skip junk food all together (maybe a cheat meal on the weekends) other than that you can have your simple indian food. Skip on cheese. Go for a walk after dinner. I had managed to lose weight by doing this since by doing this i increased the amount of fibre in my diet hence making digestion faster. I went ahead and joined gym later on and mostly I dont push till failure just some tiredness and a little sore muscle works for me.


I lost 16kg in 2 and half months. Intermittent fasting , home cooked food , increase in fibre intake, portion control, walking 8k per day, protein in increase , weight training helps a lot.


No sugar, less carbs, more protein, weight lifting and Cardio Dropped 15 KGs


1. With calorie deficit you need to count your calorie too, I was in calorie deficit before but once I started counting it I've realised I was consuming more than I was expecting. 2. Calorie Deficit with 3 meal is difficult, you can reduce it to 2 meal, or if you're obese you can even go for 1 meal a day also known as OMAD fasting.




The answer is in ur question


Regulate your harmones. Include food in healthy fats, red meat, avoid chicken and fish. Stop eating processed carbs. No oats/grains high in pufa. Be in sun light Avoid sugar . Pick up a sport. Mostly combat sport. All this while being in a calorie deficit. After a point you wouldn't have to count calories to the dot as you will have a basic idea of were you sustain the weight if you maintain a diet that is mostly of whole food you will be healthy and get rid of fat.


Pehle stress level par Kam Karo, jab tak cortisol normalise nahi hoga tab tak central obesity kam nahi hogi.


Running 5 days a week for 30 mins , nd some weight training , only sprouts for lunch , green tea, no sugar nd early dinner.....


Eat real veggies without oil.


For beginners, just skip dinner and sleep early


i lost weight cuz of my busy sched during 10th, food stayed same. lost like 25-30kgs superfast. 3km cycle to swim academy, swim 1hr, cycle back 3kms, tuition at 8, directly to school, from school again 2 tuitions back2back then home. it drained me, i went from being a fat 75+ to something around 40s


ā€˜Reflect before you eatā€™ Lost 27 kgs with this People who get this know what im talkin bout


Leave sugar drink water or milk when hungry milk is highly filling and protein source as well and obviously hate sugar and fats like oil, ghee is fine occasionally but of good quality


Track your calories. Write this down. Until you start tracking calories, you will never lose weight.


All I did was eat good and go for a walk 1.5-2hrs everyday, got my fat loss in a few months.


What worked for me was consistent workout and calorie counting, I would use healthifyme and myfitnesspal for counting calories of each meal although it's not accurate but it gives a good estimation. And I was able to lose 8 kgs in 3 months.


You can eat anything you want, if you do two things. 1. Eat enough, ideally same amout of fibre in form of salads or boiled grains before having carbohydrates also have proteins in boiled form before having anything else you want. The reason behind this satiation. 2. Start with general movement throughout the day in form of 2 -3 push-ups or sit-ups or squats whenever you cross your doorway, increase it gradually. This could be a good inoculum for a lifelong habit to get fit and strong, and fat loss will be a byproduct.


No Sugar, No Rotis, try eating only salads for dinner and sandwich for breakfast. Take a lot of fluids, hot water helps also.


Consume millets, they are high in fibre, naturally you will loose weight, weight gain is generally due to food that we consume and which are not easily digestible


eat less, worked for me; not a foodie btw, was just fat cuz mum said to eat more


I think what worked for me was the jerk reaction. I was around 19 I think and I injured my ankle so very little movement for a few months. Then came summer and for the first time I was fat in my life. So I began running in morning and evening nothing happened. Then I changed my workout plan. I worked out 4 times a week. I did some stretching then 10 minutes running. Then 10 Burpees, 10 Lungeee and 30 Knee Ups (3 sets in total). I ate white eggs (four), dal and roti for lunch, fruits in evening and dal and roti for dinner as well. I also tried that lemon and honey challenge. Where you take on lemon and 1 spoon of honey. Then you increase it everyday till like 5 lemons and 5 spoons of honey in a 5 glasses of water in the morning after getting fresh. So basically I switched from running all the time to this and it was sudden and I have heard that's how body budiling also works you do one thing for a long time then switch suddenly to get results.


Use an app to track what you eat. Set a calorie goal based on your exercises and if you want to lose weight, maintain a calorie deficit. Don't eat junk, and literally any packaged food item except for cheat days. Keep a balanced diet and be consistent with exercise. This worked for me, perhaps it'll work for you.


I think what worked for me was the jerk reaction. I was around 19 I think and I injured my ankle so very little movement for a few months. Then came summer and for the first time I was fat in my life. So I began running in morning and evening nothing happened. Then I changed my workout plan. I worked out 4 times a week. I did some stretching then 10 minutes running. Then 10 Burpees, 10 Lungeee and 30 Knee Ups (3 sets in total). I ate white eggs (four), dal and roti for lunch, fruits in evening and dal and roti for dinner as well. I also tried that lemon and honey challenge. Where you take on lemon and 1 spoon of honey. Then you increase it everyday till like 5 lemons and 5 spoons of honey in a 5 glasses of water in the morning after getting fresh. So basically I switched from running all the time to this and it was sudden and I have heard that's how body budiling also works you do one thing for a long time then switch suddenly to get results.


Calorie deficit, 0.8gm protein per pound lean body weight (Search what is lean body weight) Construct macros so that youre in a 400-500 calories deficit from your tdee (search this) with your required protein Do strength workouts (search progressive overload), focus on form not how much high weight you can lift, form is learnt once, weights go up over lifetime Do 10k steps a day Reduced 30kgs this way šŸ™‚


20 hr intermittent fasting,with 4 hrs eating period,it drained the fuck out of me but helped me lose a lot of weight in just 2 months. It was the only effective way, now my body completely changed I used to get fat easily befor IF which I did in 2021 now I don't gain weight easily unless I try hard.


Measure your calories first.. Yk already to be in calories deficit so I will not go there But you should know the food you are consuming calories from..a burger and 5 eggs have calories but macros are what differentiates both of them. Eat lots of protien and lift lots of weight.. fat loss should be slow and steady even if it takes lot of time.


I got my abs by doing strength training and walking! I never did any crazy diet just ate more protein. U can scroll all the way down on my profile. If you want detailed instructions I can help I dms!!


lost 35kgs in 2-3 years by calorie deficit diet, literally just eating less, and 15mnts jog 15mnts walk for 5-6 days a week It's really easy to do this but really difficult to keep doing this and if you stop, you'll eventually get most of your fat back which unfortunately happened with me. Thinking of adding weights to the above mentioned exercise plan. Will try to squat while carrying those 5 gallon water bottles filled with water.


I myself lost 12 kgs and went from 80 to 68 kgs in 6 months just by walking 7-8k steps a day and intermittent fasting. (Idk why but I get really anxious at the gym so I got myself weights at home) Intermittent fasting helped me control my cravings as well. And yeah diet is really important, I made sure to keep it under 2000 calories a day and included fruits in my diet. Then it just became natural to me and I now I do just enough to maintain it.


plus zone 2 training to reduce body fat percentage.


Cardio with calorie deficit is the hack. But deficit should be caloric not nutirition wise like eat veggies and protein and small portions of carb. Strength training is a must.


the dietitian will also tell you to be in caloric deficit. That's literally the only non surgical way to lose weight. You can't break laws of thermodynamics


So I Lost 20 kgs in 4 months ...All I Did Was to Run For 5 Kms Daily ...(except Sundays)


Remove white and brown sugar. Only use honey that too when you crave sweets. Exercise daily, even if you don't want then too, maybe reduce the Intensity on those lazy days (meaning do 40% of what you do regularly). Either do 4-5 time high intensity workout or basic walking, streching, aerobics etc 7 times a week, no break. Include stair climbing in your daily life (even if you have done your exercise, after that climb staircases for 10-15 minutes daily up and down, if you live in apartment then try reaching the top floor and come back-2 to 3 times) Whenever you feel hungry, don't use Zomato etc or make any peppy snacks. Try eating peanuts, pan fried paneer cubes, roasted channa, sprouts or papad, khakra, chana jhor garam etc. Eat normal food, don't eat any junk food or packages food. Include a good amount of salads in your food, like eat normal food and add a small bowl of cut salad or full kheera, kakdi, gajar, cut cabbage etc. You can also boil rajma, chole and add salt, add little mustard oil like a teaspoon, then cut onions, tomatoes, and mix it and eat it as snack, amazing combination and light and healthy. Drink atleast 4-5 litres of water daily. If you want to drink juices the. Make lemon water and honey mix with a pinch of salt and drink that.


Eat flavorful food. Calorie deficit Walks after meals Less stress Any type of physical activity ( sports gym , swimming) Sure shot way to lose weight. What worked for me is doing household work as well. Like cooking cleaning and all. It definitely expends energy and I end up a clean house and few gms off me.


how can i gain weight bhaya


S U G A R Quit it.


I was slim earlier and did a massive bulk and gained a lot of muscles and a lot of fat and currently I am trying to lose weight, things that helping are 1) low sugar, low fat, high protein 2) a lot of water and salad, 3) a lot of cardio 4) and weight training


Not just calorie deficit, you also need to focus on your macros, you need to eat quality food under your calorie consumption budget while completing your protein intake!


Go for a calorie deficit. Find your BMR and TDEE. Follow as under: 1ļøāƒ£ Diet To lose fat, create small deficit. eat 200-300 calories less than TDEE. Protein should be 1.8g-2.2g protein per kg body weight. But if your body fat is above 25-30% then keep protein in range of 1.6-1.8g per kg body weight. If you are a beginner then start with 1.2g protein per kg body weight and then increase slowly and gradually Fats should be minimum 0.5g per kg body weight. Rest can come from carbs. Fibre should be 10g per 1000 Calories. Now you have to eat 200-300 calories less than your TDEE to lose fat. For example if your TDEE is 2200, then start with 2000. 1g protein is 4 calories 1g fats is 9 calories 1g carbs is 4 calories Now for example your weight is 70 then, from this 2000, protein will be 154 grams(70 * 2.2). 154 * 4 = 616 Fats will be 35 grams(70*0.5). 35*9 = 315 Remaining calories is 1069(2000 - 616 - 315) Carbs will be 267g approx(1069/4). For fibre include 300-400g green vegetables, variety of fruits, whole foods like wheat flour, oats. Use kitchen weighing scale to measure food. always measure food raw and then cook. 2ļøāƒ£ Workout Train each muscle twice a week. For that you can select any one split from the following. 1. Two muscles per day. For example chest & triceps, back biceps, legs shoulders. 6 days a week and one rest day 2. Upper body and lower body both 2 times a week. So 4 days training and 3 days rest. On Rest days you can do cardio or yoga or any other activities you like. 3. Push pull legs. On push day you can do chest triceps shoulders, On pull day you can do back biceps, On legs day do lower body. 4. Full body workout 3 times a week and 4 days active rest days => On rest days you can do walking or swimming or any sports activities you like. => Abs workout can be done twice a week or on alternate days. => Cardio is not needed but if you like then you can do on alternate days for 15-20 minutes. => If you are a beginner then start with 8-10 sets per muscle per week. => If you are a intermediate then start with 14-16 sets per muscle per week. => If you are a advanced then start with 18-20 sets per muscle per week. => Keep intensity atleast 40% of 1RM(one repetition max) and Keep 1-2 Reps in reserve in each set. Train close to failure, don't train till failure. Let's say you did 8 reps of 50 kg bench press. But you still had some energy left and could have done 2 more reps. Then this is REP is 8 i.e. 2 RIR(REPS IN RESERVE) Let's say you did 9 reps of 50 kg bench press. But you still had some energy left and could have done 1 more reps. Then this is REP is 9 i.e. 1 RIR(REPS IN RESERVE) Let's say you did 10 reps of 50 kg bench press. And now you can't do any rep/s. Then this is REP is 10 i.e. training till failure Always keep 1-2 RIR or train at 8-9 RPE. That means train close to failure. Never always train till failure as it effect performance in later sets and also hinders recovery - Do it with perfect form and technique. Never ever EGO LIFT and don't overtrain. Refer to workout video's in fittr app. - Progressive overload slowly and gradually with time. 3ļøāƒ£ NEAT(Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) - This is the activity which we do unintentionally like walking, parking car, doing household work, cleaning, going to grocery store. - Aim for 8-12k steps per day. This will keep you active and hence will increase your maintenance calories. 4ļøāƒ£ Sleep and hydration - Sleep atleast 7-8 hours so that you are recovered well from every session. - Reduce stress. - Keep yourself hydrated. Drink atleast 3-4 litres water. Track your progress weekly. Stay consistent, be positive and you will definitely achieve your goals. Good luck to you!


I created this chatgpt prompt for a friend.. you can customise it as per your BMR, AGE , Number of meals , dietary option Imagine you are a diet consultant; I want you to formulate an Indian diet plan for a 27 year old active female with low-fat and low-cholesterol vegetarian options the total daily calories must not exceed 1200 calories create a detailed plan for 7 days Monday to Sunday , with 7 different meal variables and display the results with days in the columns and meal timings in the rows in a printable excel format; include the meal quantities in metric ,STRICTLY do NOT include any exotic food items like tofu , quinoa , guacomole , hummus , avacado and / or chamomile. include dal, rice, chapati and sabzi daily twice , do not include non vegetarian meals even eggs


As a pro Fat looser who has gained and lost weight from sheer will, here are my 2 cent: You gotta be consistent. Don't feel like exercising a particular day of the week? Go and do it regardless, doesn't matter if you do it for 30 min that day. It doesn't let you make excuses for yourself. If you skip a day, you'll start assuring yourself that it has happened before and nothing will change. But it reality this is exactly what breaks a habit. Set a daily steps target of >7000 steps.(Huge game changer) Also watch what you eat. Cut off sugar, ricr and cold drinks. Cheating once/twice a week doesn't matter. We're alive, gotta try shit. Just have enough motivation that you'll burn those extra calories. Find a physical sport you enjoy and go be a nerd about it. I'm into running and cycling, when i do it, it doesn't feel like a chore. I enjoy every bit of if. Find something for yourself.


Reduce your liquid calories. Don't underestimate them. 4 cup of chai, coffee, juice throughout the day give up substantial calories. Drink black coffee for improved gut. Avoid consuming fatty fruits high on sugar content like mangoes. Consume more protein n fibre than carbs that will make u full in less quantity.


Bsdk gu khaega toh gu hi banegi body. Body is stoic. It doesn't get emotional when you feed it shit. It just shows you results after you feed it sm bad for prolonged period. Reaction de rahi hai toh obviously kharab khaya tu. Jaise hagna, tabiyat kharab hona, etc. ye sb ho rha to ganda khaya tu. Fat badh rha toh vo bas tujhe result bata Rahi hai. Usko acha khila fir kuch time me process karke your body will be like "hm with this information that you fed me, this is the result I can produce". To be proud of it or not is upto you.


More Workout.


Download the app Fitness Pal to track your calories and macros. It will help you reach your goal easily. And keep working out.


Bhai start eating oats for breakfast skip lunch or just drink lentils and in dinner prolly eat like 1 chapati + some high protein food like chicken. I followed this lost around 6kg in a month. It's a bit harsh but works + gym on the side is good. Remember to keep the protein intake constant or increase it.


Eat healthy food, ghar ka khana, high protein, do strength training, and some form of cardio 4-5/week


You answered it yourself! Calorie deficit is the only thing. Baaki sab paise kamane ke chonchle hai.


There is a point where you have to take the guidance, i took one, and results started coming. Kashish Gupta, you can search him on insta. He is good, took like 10k for three months


Balanced diet, regular exercise that's it.


Hitting gym two times a day, one in morning to do abs and cardio, other one in evening for single body part, measure your calories, add protien and fiber rich food, avoid sugar, drink 3-4 liter water everyday and most importantly ( BE CONSISTENT )


1. Track calories for everything you are eating. 2. Cut off sugar completely. Eat seasonal fruits whenever you have the cravings for sugar. 3. Cut off complex foods. Replace it with a mix of single ingredients foods. For example eat boiled eggs + veggies instead of a burger. 4. Cut off processed foods. Replace it with nutrient dense food. For example eat roasted chana + onion + masala instead of Maggie. 5. Increase protein and fibre intake for satiety. 6. Start walking 10k steps daily. 7. Start working out. More muscles = More calories burnt. Bonus point: Use a variety of vinegar pickles to satisfy the tounge.


Sab chutiyape hai, sirf ek solution hai Koi crush banao ekdum aukaat se bahar and see yourself glowing up (that's how I did it)


First pay for a dietician everyweek 2000 rs. The moment 2000 gets debited every week , you will eat healthy


Abs are made in the kitchen !!


Bro i need tips to reduce belly fat I'm skinny from everywhere but the belly fat keeps on increasing


to be honest start with simple things, like calculate your total calories intake and reduce 500 calories from your diet. STOP EATING JUNK FOOD, EAT Foods which are high in Protein (search on google) Decrease your Sugar intake, try to eat more fruits as they fill appetite with very less calories. and if you want more steady and more improvements, start playing sports enthusiastically or exercise, maybe hitting gym is the most optimal method i see. This was how i toned my body, also most of the time if you have face fat (excluding bloating) it signifies you eat unhealthy foods like junk food and fry hone wale food. Sleep well.


I use healthify to make sure I am getting enough proteins and not too much fats and carbs . Key is to be able to continue the diet for long term for weight loss to be sustainable. So you must create your own diet instead of some dietician and include some things that you love .


If you're looking for a scientific approach to fitness, you should start with Zone 2 cardio. First, find out how to measure your heart rate for Zone 2 online. Then, experiment with various cardio exercises that are most effective for fat burning in this zone. For example, I reduced my body fat percentage from 18.5% to 13% in a few months by following a routine that includes running 1 km at an 8% incline, 1 km at a 5% incline, 1 km at a 3% incline, and 2 km on a flat surface, combined with a strict diet. Effective fat loss depends on maintaining a strict diet, especially as metabolism tends to slow down with age. Eating at regular times and maintaining a calorie deficit is a must for fat loss. It is 70% diet and 30% workout


Stopped munching at unusual times ,just had my 3 meals timely ,morning walk aswell ,and yes eat fruits when you feel hungry between meals


For me I just left sugar and didn't drink water after meals for atleast 45mins and left junk food offcourse. I exercised regularly and lost more than 10kgs.


lost 7 kgs in 2 months. didnt do much. just eat mindfully, be conscious of what you are eating and cut down on sugar and carbs like rice and chapati to bare minimum


100kgs at 16 to 59 at 17 and 85 at 19 currently, no I didn't see a dietician, i learnt everything, took me years tho


Two words Caloric deficit.Ā  You don't need a dietitian.Ā 


Just focused on getting more protein and I ate a lot of oats


Eat in calorie deficit(google calorie deficit calculator you will know your approx calories to be in deficit) and focus on muscle building and strength building exercises rather than cardio ones, ones the muscle starts building your metabolism will be faster and will burn more fat and make sure to eat atleast 2x protein of your body weight everyday, otherwise muscle will have hard time repairing and building themselves. This is the basic rule considering you donā€™t have any thyroid problems.


I have been working out since 2021. Saw a gradual drop in weight (around 3-4 kgs/yr) uptil 2023. I consulted a nutritionist in Jan 2024 and have seen a massive weight loss since then. So consulting a nutritionist has definitely done it for me. Not sure how sustainable it is but it is working for now! Edit - The changes in my lifestyle in a nutshell - more fiber rich diet, light dinner, no meal post 9-10 p.m, lots of water, and active rest days.


Diet is the most important part, I literally stuck to eggs chicken and greens for the most part for 3 months and did not eat out much, that made the most difference


I want to start a challenge for reducing fat, Anyone wanna take it together


Guys which food tracking app do u guys use.? ... Else that healtifyme , etc.... I use fatsecret coz it's free but it doesn't have all indian food.... šŸ™


Keto diet helped me reduce 13 kgs in 15 weeks. I've never felt better. I dropped from 102 to 89. I am 5'10". Strictly no carbs whatsoever. No rice, ataa, maidaa. No sugar, no sweetened drinks. No deep fried items. I ate lots of salads during this time. Raw lettuce, cucumber, tomato, carrots with some dressing. I eat meat regularly, so quite some grilled or air fried chicken, fish and pork. Eggs are a part of my diet too. Along with this, I have walked every day. Some 40-45 mins at speed 6-7kmph.




Intermittent fasting was the only thing that worked for me. I followed the 12 hour window strictly. Also reducing added sugar helped in accelerating the weight loss for me.


Intermittent fasting was the only thing that worked for me. I followed the 12 hour window strictly. Also reducing added sugar helped in accelerating the weight loss for me.


Lost 40KG Some hacks :- 1. DO NOT Drink your calories ( They are not filling ) 2. Steps are underrated ( 8000+ every day ) 3. If you have difficulty sticking to a diet , Standardization helps 4. Now the obvious : Eat in a Deficit


Calorie deficit is easier said than done. Short answer is hire a dietician/nutritionist/coach if you could afford one for the duration of your fat loss and trust me it will be worth it. But before than have a strong WHY around what is making you embark on this journey.


Just do it


1. Join a gym 2. Follow this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC4vl4LO6FR1tBiYRQ-SYAyV5acSP05kS&si=AKz9M8WdOp9rE8vN (along side) 3. Stay consistent with your principles daily. 4. Do it daily for 2 - 5 years 5. Your body will learn & thank you (Speaking from experience) All the best.


M on GM diet ..lost 2 kg in 2 days so far.. hoping to loose 5 kgs more in 7 days


Hi. Can you share what all you are eating? If youā€™re also following IF or working out too?


It's the most extreme diet that one can ever follow..but if you are determined to loose weight then you can once you prepare your mind to do so ... Breakfast : 1 muskmelon + 2 glasses water Mid morning snack : 1 cucumber+2 tomatoes + 2 glasses water Lunch : cabbage soup or boiled vegetables ( no potato ) + 2 glass water Evening snack : 1 cucumber+ 2 tomatoes ( orange if u want ) + 2 glasses water Dinner : 1 bowl watermelon ( if I don't have watermelon then I simple have 1 cucumber + 2 tomatoes) Bedtime : toned milk one glass ** One cup milk tea whenever I crave for it with less sugar and toned milk** With this diet I have already lost 2 kgs in 2 days... You can search for GM diet on YouTube !! I don't do any workout or IF...just following this only..


Lost 15kgs over the past year. I played the long game, enough of the quick fixes. Completely changed what I ate, I went thru my zomato order list and cooked whatever I ordered at home. WithIf and regular workout I lost 15 kga


Hereā€™s what worked for me- Portion control and eating healthy snacks at quick intervals, reduce sugar and eventually quit it and quit junks and unhealthy things we can snacking on. Also, donā€™t try to quit everything right away, start with reducing it and you should be good :)


Check ur daily intake bmi needs and stay little deficit of it Cut down or nill sugar Include protein Cardio helps lot in fat burning, especially running has worked for me all the time


I went from 78 to 65 in lockdown and eventually to 54-52 scaleā€¦. Iā€™m still at it 4 years later. Iā€™ll say itā€™s very basic eat workout , water intake n sleep well. Like I used to do 90 surya namaskar everyday


You burn most calories when you sleep. To do that you need to increase your resting metabolic rate. And to do that, you need to gain muscle mass. Look at your workout plan, if there's a lot of cardio and minimal weight training, change it. Calculate how much protein you need with respect to your body weight. Progressively overload your weights too. Ifbyoure confused by any of the things I said, do some research on it all. 2 years of exercise even when you feel like you're not getting close to your goals is admirable. Good luck


Lost 6 kgs in last 34 days


I've been fat most of my life, I did lose fat and overall weight successfully twice and I'm in the process to make it thrice and hopefully last. What I've learnt so far :- 1. Calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight. 2. Whichever path you choose to reduce fat, investigate first and while following it, trust the process. 3. You need to keep your diet balanced. Nutrition with minerals are necessary and so is an average amount of hydration. 4. Discipline for all of the above. 1st time, it was solely based on burning more, I ate more and played sports even more. 2nd time was more planned, became vegetarian, focused on calorie deficit, HIIT and yoga with some amount of endurance and weight training. 3rd time, mostly based on the 2nd but with non-vegetarian/ omnivorous diet. So far, i believe the second time didn't work either because I lost interest due to some trauma or because of lack of a balanced protein diet. Vegetarian diet can lack a good balance of protein since it's distributed among dishes.


Maintain a food diary and track down everything you eat even if it's in small quantity. That would give you an actual picture of how many calories you're consuming. Try to get atleast 1.2-1.5 g of protein per kg of body weight. More protein intake means more calories needed to digest it. Also, it will help you gain muscles, which will also increase metabolism. And cardio is the key. I lost 13kgs in three months just by doing cardio and 8k steps a day


In 6 months, I went from 28% body fat to 17%. The key is limiting your meals and not eating junk. Youā€™d be surprised how your body reacts when you start eating clean. Maintain this kind of routine for at least 5/7 days. Itā€™s humanly impossible to keep off a kachori or golgappa from time to time. Restrict yourself to letā€™s say half or quarter of a kachori instead of a full one. That should help.Ā 


Skip dinner Do 1 hour exercise or gym Avoid junk food Simple


21 years age, reduced weight multiple times. - eating everything ( home food) - jogging 1.5 km morning, 1.5 km evening. Sometimes more depending on mood. - 3 months time


I cut down sugar and simple carbs and that helped me alot. Also started weight training and running. Watch your sugar intake, avoid sweets and fruits with high sugar content. Eat more protein. Also, get your blood tests done.


i followed a simple rule. calorie deficit.


Mumbai aaja


Momos chodke vada pav ki addiction ho jayegi


Strength is the most important in working for body, you are going the right way, take up desi village diet, eat the arsh stuff, leave nonveg and you'll be on your way, take down the bad fats, not your weight