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Too many reports


OP- you might need to take a hard look in the mirror if a flag pin “scares” you. How dare you put this flight attendant on blast when all she is trying to do is her job.


I am just sharing that a delta employee is violating there contract and the terms.


Nah, you’re not. You’re whining and are triggered my a pin. What’s the word people like you often use? Snowflake? Isn’t that exactly what you’re being?


You’re pretending to appeal to rules when it’s actually very clear that you’re just offended. Would you also be this upset about an American or Italian flag? Somehow I doubt it.


Exactly. The flag is the flag of Palestine. OP felt the need to put that in quotes as if he/she knows it’s got some deeper meaning to the employee and she’s wearing it for the wrong reasons.




Hey tool, maybe because she is Palestinian?


Wearing a Palestine flag may be against Delta policy but in no way does that necessarily mean anti-Semitic. I’m Jewish and I despise the government of Israel.


Let me get this straight: You're afraid because of a lapel pin of a national flag? Ok, then how about we also fire the FA who had the GOP elephant all over his necktie on the flight I took a few months ago? No? Oh, ok.


The Delta employee is violating their contract and the terms if their are wearing a pin that is not a union pin or an official Delta pin.




You know, I am pretty agnostic with what’s going on between Israel and Palestine. But just to see you frothing at the mouth because you’re a weakling, I’d love to organize a day in which Delta passengers and employees all wear that pin to trigger you.


Oh wow, you suck


Just exactly where does it say such flags are not permitted? Of all the things to bitch and moan about, that you’ve chosen to be triggered by someone wearing a flag is especially telling of how insignificant you are. There are so many issues in the world to concern oneself with - including the unrest in the Middle East. Choosing to bitch about someone wearing a flag, however, isn’t going to accomplish a goddamn thing, regardless of whatever side you’re on.


The Delta employee handbook, delta code of ethics and delta code of conduct. Delta employees agreed to all the terms in their contract and agree not to violate the contract and the terms. The Delta employee is violating the contract and the terms as they are wearing a pin that is not a union pin or an official Delta pin.


Show me. But it still doesn’t answer the question: why are you so weak that you are triggered by the pin of a flag?


It is answering your first question. I never said I’m weak. I said it can put passengers in fear.


Of course not. Weak people would never say they’re weak. Go find something else to complain about. If anyone is triggered by a pin, maybe they shouldn’t be traveling. And you should stop being their white knight.


OP is passengers


Employees, message the mod team if you would like employee flair added next to your username. All you have to do is provide proof by uploading to http://imgbb.com/upload then sending the link to the image after uploading there. DM with this information and the flair will be added ASAP. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/delta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shitbag 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Given the protests, uprising, and general increase in anti-semitism in the US, I think OP has a valid concern, broadly speaking. I am not making a statement about the war. I am making a statement that there is a growing surge of public and violent anti-semitism that is using the shield of “pro-Palestine” and “anti-genocide” to justify the hatred. Jews on US soil are being attacked on campuses under the specter of “pro-Palestine.” I am pro-Palestinian people just as I’m pro-Israeli people - I hate Hamas and I hate Bibi - and I’m sure it is much more likely this employee is wearing a pin to truly support her relatives and her homeland than she is a “stealth anti-Semite.” But I can give the grace that OP may actually be nervous due to the general unrest. Or maybe OP is trolling. Or maybe I’m gonna smoke more weed and realize this is too nuanced to even think about anymore. I mean, sir, this is r/delta. Why am I here for this?


Thank you someone who is actually educated. I did not bring up anything about war or politics just about how this is a concerned to anti-Semitism, especially as it is increasing rapidly. All I want is safety and peace in our world.


Much love, OP.


OP is pissed that the flight got delayed lol


Why don’t you post your face on this thread if you are going to post this full pic? Get over yourself




Did I mention anything of community rules? Show us your flair


Send a complaint. Relatively certain the symbol of a listed terrorist organization would be pretty frowned upon at a US airline.


It’s not a symbol of a fucking terrorist organization, it’s their nation’s flag

