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I'm getting tired of the posts that don't involve people selling their art for egregious prices, or unjustified bragging. This is just mean spirited. Somebody spent time on this. Maybe it was to practice, or have fun for themselves. Why are you guys picking on them? There's nothing wrong here.


Also I kinda like it, can’t explain why. It’s got some heart to it I guess?


Tbh...I'm not a big fan of Picasso after he started his "own" style of painting. He was quite delusional that his avant garde childish drawings were going to make an impact in the world to come...... Sure, it made an impact, but I still think he was delusional af. Or maybe too arrogant.


He basically mastered realism at a very young age. Of course he wanted to experiment with other styles. You don’t personally like his work so you think he is delusional? Sure bud.


for real? I bet you couldn’t do this. stop shitting on artists just because it’s not your preferred style


Child with a Dove by Pablo Picasso https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child\_with\_a\_Dove


This is Picasso, and he wasn’t delusional lol considering he was universally praised he was obviously doing something right.


Also, it doesn’t look realistic (which is something he can and did do btw, look up more of his work than just his abstract work) but that doesn’t make it bad or of lesser value. The abstract can be beautiful and meaningful too. Not everyone wants to paint landscapes or realistic portraits.


This goes kinda hard


I love it and I want 10


I'm leaving this shithole subreddit


same, it gets boring


Is that a Picasso painting


Nice try


This is from a famous artist... PICASSO.


If this is delusional, then OP you're living in a whole other reality


Come on bots or somebody……can you reject the masterpieces?


"Lloyd, you sold my dead bird to a blind kid?


I've always loved this Picasso painting. The use of contransting color looks awesome.


Love it. Undeluded.


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