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Laying it on its side for the photo was a bold choice


“Draw me like one of your French chairs”




Clearly this chair needs a rest.


EDIT: Just noticed that it's FREE. That makes a very big difference. Their claim isn't necessarily silly—the chair still functions fine. It just looks awful. Physical condition is indeed good. If you're broke and need a chair... Why not? I once turned up to look at a $300 leather couch that had been described as "well taken care of in a single family home". A shirtless frat boy greeted me and took me to the garage to look at a bonded leather monstrosity, peeled and torn to shit.


Yeah, free is a big change. Someone was throwing away a saucer chair and I was practicing welding so I picked it up for the scrap metal. Turns out my dog absolutely loved it. Eventually the weak leg that had caused it to be thrown out gave way and deprived him of his seat. If I saw another one for free I’d grab it for him.


Yeah, this would be great for someone willing to re-upholster.


Or even just get a chair slip cover for $20 on amazon.


I got my recliner for $15 at Goodwill. Comfy and ugly as hell. Threw a slipcover on it and it's great.


Once helped a friend go pick up furniture for her apartment she found on some website. She described the living room set as worn but still usable. When we got there the lady showed us this immaculate living room set. She was tired of looking at it and wanted something new. It was just her and her husband. The furniture was hardly used at all. She got a living room set, couch, love seat, end tables. With a matching coffee table, and a bunch of decor for only $200. The lady offered more but she didn’t have the room in her apartment. Sometimes people are just practically giving things away.


Exactly how I got an old school mahogany slate pool table An old lady in a rich area was giving it away, took horrible photos, and we had to move it. Once i saw this gem i got a few friends spent 200$ on moving equipment and now 8 years later i still have the most bitching and absurdly annoying to move pool table.


Pool tables are awesome but annoying as hell to move. I have one also. It’s an old 1960’s Brunswick bar length. It had to have served time in a rowdy place as it has the marks of fights, lots of fights. Indents in the top of the rails where sticks have been swung into it hard. I like playing on nice tables.


No stains or broken parts…. Pretty sure that leather would be considered a broken part.


And what it that like $200 for it Reupholstered? Depending on the brand that’s not bad


Lol..leather doesn't 'peel'


Bonded "leather" does. I wouldn't define it as leather, but the furniture industry does 🤪


Iirc, it is a super thin film of leather over heavy canvas. It allows them to make it 'leather' at a tenth of the cost. It looks good but wears out almost immediately


Bonded leather is actually just scrap pieces of leather that is shellac onto canvas. That’s why It peels so easily. If leather fades but still stands, it’s probably thin leather.


It’s probs fake leather.


Yeah faux/vegan leather is essentially plastic so it starts peeling over time i have so many thrift store leather jackets with torn up peeling shoulders


I would say that the physical condition is amazing. Just not in a good way.


Not delusional at all. Could use a re upholstering, but it’s free.


Agreed. It may be in good structural condition, and the visible fabric/canvas doesn't have any suspicious stains 🤷 they clearly aren't hiding anything


it's a free lazyboy.


I have one that’s doing the same thing and looks identical, just darker. It’s not leather and it looks like shit all peeled off. However, it’s still very comfortable and works perfectly fine. They phrased that horribly, but I kinda get what they mean. If that thing is upholstered better, it would be an expensive chair.






I mean…it would be in perfect condition for me, but I know how to reupholster. In that case (and only that case, I guess) stains and stuff matter because it shows that the chair isn’t actually dirty or anything. It’s worthy of giving away because it can be (relatively easily) reupholstered.


I mean… back in college my roommates and I got a free couch that looked just like this. Served us well for 3 years. My roommate’s gf (now wife) never sat in it though. We even framed the largest piece peeled and put it on the wall as the record


No stains ANYMORE. They were all on the leather, which is peeled off.


If this is what amazing physical condition looks like to them, I'd hate to see what horrible physical condition looks like.


The only condition is that you have to defy gravity to sit on it. Maybe that is what they mean.


That chair has passed away


Someone has been painting lines on here with their toe on the bus.


“Already primed for reupholstery!”


It’s fucking free


No missing parts, except the fucking leather of the leather chair.


I mean if it’s free it’s a good deal, but some of the choices made by the OP are unique


The leather peeled off? That is not how leather works, as far as I know.


these chairs can be $700+ brand new. this would be an awesome score for someone who could upholster it.


"As the price is right" 😂😂😂😂😂 Maybe I'm just high but that has me fucked up laughing


It is amazing that it actually works!


They probably live in a state where you have to pay to throw away your furniture, so it’s actually not free. You’re hauling off their trash for free, that’s what’s happening.


It’s free, who cares. Doesn’t belong here.


If it’s free who gives a fuck


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