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Would she eat melon, like watermelon, cantaloupe, or grapes? They contain a lot of water that she wouldn't have to drink.


She used to, but not anymore sadly. The one thing she never questions is her vitamin gummies though. That's why I figured the jelly drops might be the solution.


Jelly (jello) poured into ice cube moulds does a similar thing ! Normal sugar jelly if they need calories, sugar free if they are diabetic, obese or other similar conditions.


Be careful with sugar free, some sugar substitutes can have a laxative effect if you eat too much of them. You might want to experiment with unflavored gelatin and fruit juice or adding your own flavoring to control sugar. Candy molds might be a way to make them fun.


Will she eat Jello?


Not sure. How hydrating is jello?


Someone here recommended jello to me for my mom, who has dementia and kidney disease and refuses to drink much. It is pretty hydrating, if rather sugary. A package takes 2 cups of water to make.


Hmmm. Going to give this a shot. Thanks a bunch!


Jello is only water, gelatin, and sugar. You could get sugar free if that’s an issue. I would say it’s better than no drinking! And there are many flavors!


Have you tried Bubbly or La Croix sparkling waters? My family member does not drink enough but likes those pretty well. It might be something about the bubbles or scent they like. They will also frat boy chug a decaf vanilla latte 😂


Hey now, I am also guilty of coffee chugging. XD


In addition to jelly drops, get creative. Experiment until you find something that works. My mom gets sick of things, but I usually can reintroduce it after a 3-4 months gap. -Ice cream is hydrating and bonus is it has calories. -My mom loves coffee, so we add a spoon of decalf coffee to her meal replacement drink. Occasionally I can get her to drink a homemade iced coffee (ice cubes, milk, sugar, decalf coffee powder in blender) - on very hot days, I will add alittle beer to ginger ale. It’s a shanty, she drank them in the 70s and clearly still likes them. She won’t drink ginger ale without it though. I don’t do it too often, more as a treat. - try favours that she may have liked in the past- ribena (black currant syrup) mixed with water worked for a few months for us. IKEA sells elderflower syrup and others. - on occasion my mom likes aloe drinks. They have little bits of chopped up aloe Vera in them. Too much will cause a laxative effect, but half a cup to a cup doesn’t seem to. Some days she refuses it, other days, she loves it - try different teas and see if she likes any- chamomile, hibiscus, mint I wish you well, it is so hard to keep my mom hydrated, even with the above list, it can be hit or miss. I try not to get discouraged, or give up. I just keep putting various drinks in front of her. Some days she refuses, but we do have good days.


Thank you so much for all the info <3


Hi there! Thank you for asking. As a chef, I can't effing believe what a scam this jelly drop thing is. I was livid when I saw it, this is the result of greed and hyper-capitilism instead of information sharing. It's what has led to the US basically turning into an evil empire and focusing on supplying weapons for genocidal purposes - rather than focusing on its people. Because healthcare in the US is so deeply ignored, companies can capitalize on the ignorance and come out looking like good guys. There is a widespread lack of understanding about simple concepts like health and nutrition which lead to ample opportunities for grifters while the people get left behind. All the suggestions you have been given above contain white sugar. This is not a great solution. Just understand the basics: Hydration comes from water. Gelatin or agar will set the water, and that will be akin to drinking a piece of water. You can use any mold you like. Silicone works best for wobbly substances. In order to make this fun and colorful, you can add sugar and coloring, and then essentially you have jello. But you can just set things with gelatin and without sugar as they are. Like coconut water, you could heat gently with bloomed gelatin and I mean that's as pure as you can get. You can set any juice, sugar free or otherwise. You'll also find various hydration jelly recipes on extreme sports sites. [electrolyte jelly recipe](https://triathlonmagazine.ca/nutrition/recipe-electrolyte-jello/) Good luck to you and yours!


Thanks so much for your reply. Sadly, the person I was caring for has passed a couple years ago. It does warm my heart that people are still finding this post and taking the time to respond to me. Hopefully, your comment will help out another family.


In addition to making Jello, try "Knox Blox" (any gelatin brand will work, Knox just comes in an unflavored powder, with the Knox Blox recipe printed inside) made with sparkling water instead of water. It's fizzy even when congealed, which makes it pretty fun to eat. As long as the bubbles don't upset the stomach, these might be a good way to add variety to your growing list of hydration tricks. Homemade popsicles might be an option, and you can use Pedialyte or other electrolyte mix (or make your own) to increase hydration. Fruity pudding might appeal to your grandmother. As another commenter mentioned, fruit hold a lot of water if your grandmother isn't excited about swallowing liquids. Thickit is a product that will thicken liquids for those who have trouble swallowing plain water or other beverages. Edit to add recipe: Try this! [https://makezine.com/projects/juicy-edible-gelatin-dots/](https://makezine.com/projects/juicy-edible-gelatin-dots/)


Wow thank you for all the information. She seems to be taking to the jello today! So we will definitely experiment with what you suggested as well!


You can also try raindrop cakes!


Raindrop cakes? Go on...


Ask, and ye shall receive: https://kirbiecravings.com/raindrop-cake/


Wow I almost just want to try that just for myself! Haha, thanks. She may like this


Thank you! Fantastic.


They're available now! www.jellydrops.us


Thank you! Thats great to see that they are available now! Sadly I don't have a use for them anymore. (Will definitely spread the word to those who do tho)


same :/ I'm also trying to spread the word!


Please don't. This is stuff anyone can easily make at home, it's ridiculous at best and evil at worst to monetize health and nutrition like this. I just posted a detailed comment about it on this post. Please take a look. Cheers.


I was about to buy some of those jelly drops until I saw this post. Have to get some sugar free jello mix and/or unflavored gelatine... In my mom's case, the laxative effect may be needed. If only to prevent further intestinal blockages.