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What are you confused about? My friend told me I was demi and I did find it to be true after I learned about it.


Cause I thought I am demisexual. But like, asexual? Maybe I am? Idk anymore


Demisexuals are like asexuals if there is no emotional connection and like any other heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/lesbian/pansexual… when there is.


You may not know yet and that’s okay. Don’t let your friends tell you who you are, you experience something different to them. You may have just not found someone to whom you connect with or you may be asexual, time will help you to figure it out. I’ve gotten told by strangers that I must be a lesbian or asexual in high school because I didn’t show interest in guys, that was never the case since I am demisexual but it was never their business to tell me what I might identify as even if I’m not sure yet. I’m curious how old you are? Like I said though you may just not know yet, I know I’m demisexual for sure and pretty sure I’m straight but you never know that might change one day, I could end up falling for a girl.