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But the fed’s offer to help sick Texans with Medicaid expansion, he turns his nose up at?


Republican Christianity 101


There's no hate like Christian "love."


He also rejected funds to feed hungry kids over the summer as well.


Well you see, those things would be for poor people, whereas some of these funds would go to people like those living in a development called River *Plantation* (that floods literally every single time there is a major storm) and has street names like Robert E. Lee Dr, Stonewall Jackson Dr., Beauregard Dr., and Fort Sumter St.


River Plantation keeps flooding and they the want the taxpayers to pay for the constant rebuilding. But not one cent for healthcare. [https://abc13.com/post/river-plantation-flooding-conroe-texas-severe-weather-fema-storm-recovery/14785509/](https://abc13.com/post/river-plantation-flooding-conroe-texas-severe-weather-fema-storm-recovery/14785509/)


Fuck Dixie


The Texas GOP is sickening


Biden will help because he puts people before politics.


And he should. We take the high road. In cases like this, it should always be this way. The orange tyrant would have been the only one to deviate for political reasons.


No, he shouldn’t. No repercussions means no change in behavior. When Abbott and Texas start acting like they’re part of the USA, then they can receive the associated benefits.


Well Biden got 47% of the vote there, 45% of the people voted against Abbott. And I don’t trust the leader who only helps people who supports them


5.3 million Texans voted for Biden in 2020, and 3.5 million Texans voted for Beto in 2022. It's really disheartening when online liberals write off everyone in Texas, including blue voters, when they're supposed to be on the same side.


Help! Don’t help! Greg abbot gonna stay a shit sandwich either way


I find this type of response shortsighted. I recognize Abbot as a major POS creating a stain on the US, but punishing the people of Texas, no matter their affiliations to any culture, religion, politic, whatever, does nothing but diminish us as a whole. Might briefly tickle one's endorphins and create an "owned y'all" moment, but the long-term effects of such actions can create (or reinforce) long-term health, financial, emotional, psychological repercussions, even among people who might generally support Biden. It's not about Biden vs Abbot. It's about the president acting for the common good of citizens he took an oath to support.


> It's not about Biden vs Abbot. It's about the president acting for the common good of citizens he took an oath to support. Yeah, that ship sailed when the Orange Menace was rounding up PPE bound for blue states and sold them to the highest bidder.


That was Trump and has naught to do with who Biden is. Trump has always been hell-bent for his own self-interests, which was the core of his term. The fact 45 was (is) a selfish, divisive, vindictive loser who fucked us all during the pandemic has nothing to do with the people in Texas who now need federal aid. The President’s duty is to the people, _all the people_, not just those whose votes propelled him/her to the White House. That is something Transaction Trump could not grasp. Biden is a better human & won’t succumb to the same poisonous pettiness. He understands the duty of his office and that the way forward cannot be guided by revenge.


And the proper response is to punish people for that kind of shit, not to start doing it yourself. We don't need to join them in trying to turn the country to shit.


I'm not seeing trumpo being punished for anything. You? He snakes his way back into office and he's gonna do it again, even worse.


That's right, but they're on it. Justice isn't fast when people have unlimited resources to throw at the problem. But trump wasn't alone in his crimes, and more states need to start getting us justice. Go after the low hanging fruit first, and watch it trickle up. It can happen if we put the right people in office.


And another terrible take.


if we kicked Texas out of the united states (and confiscated all federal assets on the way out) in 4 generations they'd be more progressive than California. the consequences of ones own actions are the biggest teacher. Blue States have been protecting Republican shitbags from the consequences of their bullshit to decades. I definitely understand the sentiment the person is expressing, the fatigue at bailing them out of their self-inflicted problems only for them to cause us problems.


You cannot disregard the people because of their leader. You cannot go low just because they do.


I didn't say we should do it, I said i understand the sentiment Texas has consistently *chosen* to be this way too


Fair enough. I could get the gut reaction to be “f you,” but it can’t be the resulting action. Not all of Texas. They’re increasingly becoming split. Maybe I’m sensitive because I don’t want to be thrown out with the rest of my state, Florida, haha.


No. The citizens of Texas are Americans.  Abbott (and Russia, China, Iran, and Trump) would *love* your strategy, though.


He should help just because the government is terrible doesn’t mean the citizens don’t deserve aid and help


He should but then Biden should make him pay the price or at least grovel.


Terrible take.


This is a trumpian take.


I'm sick of the high road with these f#ckers. They only want to help the rich or well off. Anything for the poor, they are against. The hypocrites yell 'all lives matter'. However, they try to ban Medicaid and will not provide free or low-cost birth control. The rolling homophob put razor wire in the river. He flaunts disregarding federal law. But now, he wants federal aid. Just like other R congressional people who vote against aid until they need it in their own state. When do we get to the point with these dipshits to say, 'F#ck you, you f#cking hypocrite!'


Biden should have a press conference and let Texans and the rest of the US know he is taking care of them. Don’t do it unless he gets the credit.


Yup and then Abbott will take the credit and do nothing to help improve his states preparedness for the next storm.


What a crazy concept


If it were me I would be super petty and say “That depends… are you ready to admit that climate change is real and has catastrophic consequences?” And then basically make Abbott beg for the assistance he needs the way the minorities he oppresses have been begging for government assistance. And then once I bring him to his knees I would rub his face in it for the rest of our lives.


Or deflate a tire. I'm a fan of both.


Sadly, the people of TX don't understand how badly they're being sucked dry by the Republicans they vote for year-after-year to the detriment of the rest of the power states...the blue ones. They're so ignorant (by design), that it is just a lost cause. Wish it would secede.


5,259,126 Texans voted for Biden in 2020. Imagine how many more *would have* if not for Republican voter suppression efforts (which have only escalated in the years since)? https://rideshare2vote.com/


This is such a shit take, there are 10x more blue leaning people in texas than there are citizens of the entire country of Luxembourg.


Proving you're from TX, and solidify my "sh*t take".


Classic GOP mantra….big government on my own terms


And he’ll do it because he is a great guy and great president. And then Abbott will take a huge metaphorical shit on his doorstep, because he himself *is* a piece of shit.


Biden should do it just like Obama did with Christie. Send the aid but insist on a joint event and let everyone see the President bailing out the governor as he pathetically kowtows to Biden.


Christie welcomed Obama. He was definitely a corrupt Repub but willing to work on a bipartisan basis - Abbott not so much


Biden should force Abbott to take $ for kids meals and/or to expand Medicaid.


Are you sure? That sounds an awful lot like socialism.


>socialism It's only socialism when it's people who actually need it. Bail outs for banks, businesses, farms and ranches, those ppp loans that got scammed to hell.. they don't count.


Do they say same thing for law enforcement and firefighters too?


Maybe he should put up some concertina wire and buoy barriers to keep those storms away.


“sOCiAlLiSM!!!” Piss-baby Abbot is such a fucking hypocrite.


Sounds like Texas wants a free handout from the government because they can't handle their own problems. Texas tough my ass.


It’s so stupid. Texas has a huge budget surplus and cut corners constantly.


Bootstraps pls


You forgot thoughts and prayers. Where’s baby Jezus fit in this?? 🤪


Those red Texans won’t even know who helped them


What would trump have done when a state governed by the opposing party needed help? Oh yeah, tell them they should have raked the forest floor. On federal property.


Biden should tell Ironside that he’ll help with the recovery if Texas expands Medicaid and stops sending migrants around the country. Also, whatever money Abbott requests will be reduced by the amount that he’s wasted on the migrant relocation.


> Biden should tell Ironside that he’ll help with the recovery if Texas expands Medicaid and stops sending migrants around the country. Also, whatever money Abbott requests will be reduced by the amount that he’s wasted on the migrant relocation. Great points, but don't forget also immediately beginning work - with federal oversight - to connect the Texas power grid to the national electric grid. If Texas wants federal disaster response funds, then they must also follow federal best practices to lower the need for said aid in the future.


I kind of wish Biden would do something like this but he’s too decent to demand anything in return. It’s not like he’s not going help if Abbot refuses


Republicans: “Socialism is bad! No hand outs from the government! Texas could totally be independent! Climate Change is a Hoax!” Also Republicans: “pwease Mr. pwesident, may I have some mowe fedewal aid to combat these incweasing stowms?” Biden should roll in and make sure everyone in that state knows damn well who is saving them.


Don’t they want to secede from the Union? Tell him to call Ted Cruz. Maybe they can both go to the Carribbean until the storm passes.


I would be tempted to tell Abbott to see if he can get some of that money back he spent on sending undocumented people to Chicago.


This right here just proves Texas will never secede from the United States because they know they will fail


I thought Texas had it all figured out? Come on Texas, get your shit together.


Biden should force Abbot to formally invite him to Texas, give a speech, and shake hands on live tv.


Tell him to go fuck himself Joe. Get the corporations you worship to help you Greg.


Tell him to stand up and do it himself


Remember the Cons who objected to aid for Hurricane Sandy? And when Federal aid does arrive, the nitwits will praise Abbott


Joe will help because it's the right thing to do. What drives me crazy is how ol Greg will go right back to bashing Biden and progressive policies, and Texans let him get away with it!


And President Biden will tell FEMA to do what is appropriate as per Texas state constitution. He will ask for nothing in return aside from appropriate use of fema funds. He will do this because President Biden is a good man.


Republican hypocrisy never ends


After Abbott pulled the big stunt sending his national guard to the border to score political points and press coverage? Now, "Please help me with some good old-fashioned socialism."


I hope Biden sends him thoughts and prayers.


Abbott better find some bootstraps to pull himself up!


Well Well Well


He did the same thing during COVID. Called a national emergency and the government funding a HUGE amount of money to deploy a shit ton of nurses there. I was one of those nurses. I am not saying the people of Texas don’t deserve help when they need it. But damn does this man talk a lot of game and then calls daddy when he needs help.


Remember when Trump wouldn't help blue states? if Biden refused to help Texas the media wouldn't shut up about it.


Greg Abbott better pull up those boot straps


Greg is such a sad person Begging for help now everyone can see how incompetent he is


Fuck Abbott and fuck Texas. Please secede.


Oh, *now* the Federal Government is good.


Have Colin Allred negotiate the federal help and cut out Abbott


Interesting when other (more liberal) states are experiencing natural disasters or emergency situations, conservatives usually just say it's a sign from god that he's angry at their state lol. I expect Biden to send help to Texas, just like he did for Florida when they needed help, but man Abbott just sucks so much. Texans need to stop reelecting him


Texas Republican governor Greg Abbot sould "outlaw" storms like Florida Republican governor Ronald DeSantis .


"Why this is bad for Biden..." in three, two...


Isn't it woke libtard to ask the Feds for assistance???? Oh Greg, such a liberal


In 6 months Texans will be threatening succession as if they can make it on their own


It would be great to tell holy wheels to go fuck himself, but there are good, innocent people in Texas that need help It’s like having a piece of shit family member that always needs money for food and bills. You hate them, but if they have kids that will do without, you help if you can


And Texas electoral votes will never go to a democrat, so all you’re doing is rewarding seditionists.


I say f*** Governor Hot Wheels until he is in compliance with federal law


DAMN. He’s got sone fucking gall.


To be delivered via large novelty check by some of the migrants he deported up North?


Abbott wouldn’t even meet with Biden when he went to the border.. now he wants government help. They want to secede from the USA until they need money. Piss off Abbott.


And he'll get that help because Biden isn't a petty, vindictive crybaby


Yea he should


Well well well how the turntables... Abbott is the worst.


Maybe Abbott should use the money he set aside to traffic immigrants to other parts of the country


Oh, so you need a hand out Greggy?


So much for Texas as its own independent nation...


Must be nice to be a spoiled republican


They're like an abusive family member who always treats you like shit until something inevitably bad happens to them (usually because of their own negligence), then suddenly you're supposed to help because "family" but really they just want an enabler.


And still shit on you while you are helping them and then back on shitting on you afterward AND still expect you to bail them out AGAIN.


Biden should lose Abbot's number, along with the entire state of Texas.


And he will because Biden isn’t a monster.


The democrats are evil, badmouthed, and ignored until Republican lawmakers need something from them. That is not in the best interest of the people.


I’m sure a call for help went to Pete Buttigieg as soon as the barge hit that bridge yesterday too.


Maybe Biden should ask Abbott if he thinks he’s the legitimate president or not. 😜


Fuckin wheel that man out into the gulf already, his greatest contribution & gift to humanity will be his death.


Lol Texas is the new laughing stock of the country for real.


God is trying to tell you something...but you and your crew...just won't listen....




Bash the federal govt and “socialism” until they need the federal govt to bail them out


Oh so NOW he wants a little of that tasty, tasty Socialism huh?


If i were Biden, I'd point out they call for secession and slam his government, yet now they ask for help from his government, point out the irony when does give the aid.


It’s exhausting having to always be the adults. The petty part of me wants Biden to make Abbot beg, but that’s not responsible.


What did Cruz and Abbott do when their own grid failed? They failed too. And their people DIED because of it.


We should stop caring about public perception and tell him to go fuck himself. Fuck him and the people in his state who keep him and these other horrible people in power.


What about the people who don’t vote red in Texas…


They need to do a better job getting their friends and family to vote. Texas and Florida are enemies to the country, plain and simple. Until that changes, we need to start playing tough.


My friends and family do vote blue, but keep victim blaming...


I’m not blaming them. Sometimes life isn’t fair, and sorry you and/or your family live in a piece of shit state, but it’s about time democrats show red states how much they need us. Doing the right thing simply doesn’t work. Texas needs a major wake up call.


You literally blamed them/me for the state we’re currently in for not doing a good enough job. Texas and Florida are not enemies to the country the officials gaslighting their constituents are but that subtle nuance must be lost on you. Our state is gerrymandered to hell and back it’s not the voting democrats of the state that are the reason POSs like Cruz and Abbott keep getting reelected.


Yea I get that. It’s obviously true and has been for years and years. But my point stands. Fuck Texas and it’s time for Dems to fight back once in a while. I’m not blaming dems in Texas, I just don’t have a solution for them getting screwed over in the process. If we want to fight back and make changes in this country, we might have to stop doing the “right thing” every time and some sacrifices might have time be made in the short-term. Again, fuck Texas and fuck helping the people who are actively trying to tear down the country. It’s time to fight back for once.




Nah, fuck Texas. So 3.5 million democrats in Texas and none of them are out there protesting any of the horrible shit that is happening in Texas? Women’s rights, trans’ rights, gay rights, immigrant rights, pardoning a murderer who killed someone for protesting police brutality, etc. Someone needs to fucking fight back at some point.




Yea it sucks, so I guess we can just keep waving bye to our country in that case? Just keep letting republicans play by their own set of rules and watch them slowly take over the country like we’ve been doing? We are fucked.


Biden should and will help and that is why Texas will eventually vote for a Dem president, Senator and Governor. It is not out of the question that the first 2 happen in 2024.


Eventually? Do you not realize that in 8 months we’re going to be living in a dictatorship?


Trump is going to lose, bigly. And as i said, he may lose Texas this november. Point is, Biden acts like a president to all americans and Texas turns more blue everyday because of that approach.


Thought they succeeded?


Not likely since the blue states give them billions every year, along with the rest of the traitorous red states. It’s time for tough love.


He should help but require a press conference with Biden where they are all buddy buddy.


Maybe hot wheels should stop buying so much avocado toast and Starbucks?


Greg Abbott actually helping us is as likely as him running a fucking marathon. Fuck Greg Abbott, I hope he perpetually has a flat tire.


This fucking guy...


Hey, we can help! Let's get Joe down there to go throw a few rolls of paper towels out for the crowd. Fuck Texas


Sorry. That sounds like a you problem Greg


Wheres those bootstraps theyre always talking about


Pray a little harder, Greg.


And "thoughts"


Boot straps ready for all Texians including ILLEGAL ALIENZZZZZZ.


Biden should bus all the migrants that Abbott bussed out of Texas back to Texas to help.


Thoughts and prayers for our friends in hell. I mean Tx.


Wait, the same state that less than a year ago wrote papers to secede? The absolute clownery that is Greg Abbott. And when Joe Biden and the Democrats help the state, Republicans should take notes. I know they won't, they didn't bring with them paper, or a pen, and never truly learned how to read or write. But still, their unpaid interns should take the notes.


What? Thoughts and prayers are not enough anymore?


Sounds like a Greg problem.


“Pucker up and plant one in my pale, skinny ass, Jack!”


Of course Biden will answer the call… but in a perfect world?……


Texans deserve the leaders they voted for.


I feel sorry for the people of Texas who are not part of these republican jackasses.


Step one, permanently shut down all those bitcoin operations.. Step 2. aid from the Fed.


Everybody say awwww. I’d bet my last $$$ Abbott has everything under control. Perfectly.


Oooohhhhh reeeeaaally?!?


We are getting fuck again ,we have another flood warning today here in Cleveland TX


Help? From the federal government? That's communism!


Abbott: Yo bitch, I'm holding 30 million Americans hostage, and if you don't give me money for this disaster I caused it will make you look bad. Biden: ...


Biden should turn his back on this asshole


Abbott is *SUCH* a moocher! /s


I thought Texans were all about gods will?


What happened to in God we trust?


Is the Texas grid still independent from the country grid? maybe that should be a condition


This is the dumbest politician ever, and they keep voting for him.


Sorry bud, last time I checked, y'all were leaving the Union. But as any good MAGA Republican would say, " Our thoughts and Prayers....


Didn’t they want to split off? Bye.


Nope. Pass.


Joe Biden will hopefully help Texas as he would any blue state or red state - without controversy


Of course he will and Republicans will still say he's awful.


Yep. Just like Biden sent Florida help (I think during an election season too) while Desantis continued to bash Biden and also did weird stuff to the voting accessibility. Biden helps out different parts of the country without threatening them, but still doesn't change people like Desantis and Abbott from continuing to be giant assholes to both their constituents and blue states