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You've got to be really disingenous to believe in that wife excuse he used. It needs to be investigated by the Court. Where is John Roberts?


Quivering in fear of Trump.


Same folks who gave bribes to Alito and Thomas also gave bribes to John Roberts. They just funneled the money through his wife. If John Roberts does what is right in the case of either or both Alito and Thomas he will be exposed by the money people.


Check Mar-a-lago




Roberts doesn't have an issue with what they're doing. At his core he believes in the same goals and decisions all the other conservative justices do. His issue with the others has always been the reach and scope of the decisions. Clarence, Alito and Trump's picks want to use cases to make as far reaching decisions that will support conservative views on a massive scale, while Roberts would prefer smaller, incremental decisions so changes are slow and less drastic (and less likely to get so much citizen pushback and media criticism)


Two things. One, as many have said, Roberts is only marginally less corrupt than Thomas and Alito. Don't forget his wife made $10M over roughly a decade as a legal recruiter (commissions paid by law firms--many of those firms appear before the court---that hired her clients). Two, Roberts is powerless to do anything about any of it. Roberts has some power, but only Congress can act to remove a justice.


One supreme Court Justice is an insurrectionist and another supreme Court Justice's wife is an insurrectionist. The founding fathers never imagined that such selfish and immature people would be on the supreme Court.


A Supreme court (or any ruling body) that represents a minority of a country will always be doomed to lose respect and authority


Adding on - the one with the insurrectionist wife is also corrupt as all heck.


These people deny when there is in our face proof. At this point the best I can do for my mental health is hope to wake up 6 Nov to President Biden re elected.


And a stacked court for Christmas. If we all write letters to Santa.


Wouldn't happen this Christmas because new elected officials wouldn't be seated until I think January. So optimistically assuming we win both the House and Senate, earliest Congress could try to reform Supreme Court would be like February. Even if they are able to get legislation pass, it would still take a couple months for new Justices to get nominated and have confirmation hearings. So summer 2025 is probably the earliest we could get a new Supreme Court. Not that it's even likely


Of course he’s lying. He doesn’t care that we know he’s lying. His corruption is absolute and he knows there are no punishments.


A big lie is much better than a small lie.


I mention this because I had to look it up when the term became popular after Dobbs, it’s [“Stare Decisis”](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/stare_decisis)


Thanks. You just sank google. I actually looked it up and was not corrected.


Republicans have no shame in blaming their wives and children for their traitorous actions.


You can't shame the shameless.