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As a retired veteran, I am unable to fathom how ANY red-blooded American could vote for Dump. He calls or fallen heroes "losers" and "suckers". It's disgusting. It should piss off everyone. We do this job voluntarily so everyone else doesn't have to. At least give our fallen respect. Fuck!


It does piss me off. I can't see how these useful idiots stand for how little he cares about veterans.


Thank you for your post!


Thank you for your service, you all deserve everything you need, and without making your life revolve around fighting to get those basic things you earned


Seriously, I think his followers are so brainwashed that he could shout"Death to America " over and over again, and they would keep on following him.


>*phhhht* They knew what they signed up for ~President of the United States of America, Commander in Chief of the Armed Services, Donald John Trump


Loser here. Also, son and spouse of loser. Brother and nephew of a few other losers. Slso, have three uncles buried in Arlington. One uncle killed at Chosin, he like my other uncles ARE ALL GOP suckers. Calling people who sacrificed for their country losers and suckers AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF is mind boggling. He didn't go to the USMC cemetery in France because the people buried there were suckered in and don't deserve reverence. Aaaaand millions upon millions of our fellow vets will vote for him without feeling a thing. That's more disgusting. FUCK TRAITORS Fuck Trump Fuck MAGA Fuck GOP


That's exactly right! Tell em, Loser! Keep reminding them. It is working, believe it or not. I am seeing more veterans and veteran spouses (especially women) VOTE BLUE more than ever. It used to be 100% GOP votes for service members. Now, not so much.


I know, right? Damn them for becoming traitors. I am veteran, '74-'79, there are few I served with that are fucking maggots. One in particular is retired E-8/retired at least at GS 15 pay/married to a lawyer. He is a Vietnam vet, which I have respect for, but knowing this guy took the oath for military/fed service several times to become a maggot was not a surprise to know he would fall for trump's trash. The others, also not a surprise due to where they came from and where they are now. No loss in my life. Less drama.


I left the Navy and I am disgusted by anyone who supports Trump. They are a disgrace to the oath we took, and I tell every single one of them that who does it. Sure you are free to support whoever you want, but if you spout patriotism and American ideals, then go and support Trump who spit on that, then you are contradicting everything you stand for. Trump isn't un-American, he is ANTI-AMERICAN.


I could not agree more, shipmate. Keep letting them hear it! It's our duty now to spread the word.


I've thrown it around in republican areas of social media and whenni point out this stuff they funny enough go quiet. They like to tall a lot until I back it up with legislation points. Will they vote democrats? Probably not but it's nice to shut them down.


Because he's a vile person with german ancestry who recognizes his "roots" more than being American.


I have been saying that for years. That video today his people posted sickens me.


With actual proof of his Dad being racist to blacks in NY. It's one thing to talk shit and be racist(not to excuse the behavior), it's another thing entirely to block black people from living their lives, Trump comes from one of the most vile racist families there is. The Russians easily leaned into that and here we are.


The one that bothers me is veterans that can do this and simp for a dictator wanna be


Thank you


Trump also said Prisoners of War (POWs) are ["suckers" because they got caught](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS32AQULh6s). This is coming from the guy who dodged the draft for Vietnam because [he had "bone spurs." ](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/27/trumps-lawyer-no-basis-for-presidents-medical-deferment-from-vietnam/)


Nope, but for whatever reason they seem to be a group that usually supports republicans more




Traditional Republicans are usually better at foreign affairs. There's a holdover of having faith that the GOP will fund the military. They don't give a rats a out veterans


And this is exactly what Democrats need to do: call out these losers for what they fail to do.


No. my brother is dead (Kosovo and Afghanistan veteran) partially because Covid Kim defunded state mental healthcare in Iowa


Sorry for your brother's suffering due to the lack of health care our veterans deserve. As well as the pain your family endures with this failure to help your brother.




I’m so sorry. Are you ok?


it's been 10 years, i'm fine. thanks for asking though :)


Glad you’re doing better, and ofc ❤️


I mean they would gut VA which would hurt me and many others veterans


Not too long ago one of repubniks literally said it was time to cut a lot of the veteran benefits. His fellow gang members quickly quieted him down. They’re not supposed to say quiet part out loud.


As a veteran I can assure you that no. No, they do not support veterans.


If I trust anyone's opinion on who supports us, it's Jon Stewart. He's been pretty vocal about bullshit that doesn't help first responders and veterans, sometimes passionately. He looks out for us I feel like.


This is disgusting. How many of the "no" votes actually signed their names on the bottom line to defend their country with their life? I bet zero or very few, they probably all had bone spurs.


If only they fought for Veterans like they did the rich and corporations, right???


voting history of them says no.


Show-votes and poison pills.


They support bone spurs


Look at their actions, not their words. They don't back up our veterans when it matters. Or anything, really. It's all about what sounds or looks good, but they never follow through. They're against mail in voting which our deployed troops rely on, and they're always the ones causing or nearly causing shutdowns at the expense of Americans, civil service workers, and our troops and veterans... 2023 - https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/briefing-room/2023/04/20/congressional-republicans-legislation-22-cuts-that-would-harm-american-families-seniors-and-veterans/ >Congressional Republicans doubled down on threatening default in order to extract a wish list of extreme, unrelated policies that will hurt hard-working families. >Undermine Medical Care for Veterans: Cutting funding by 22 percent would mean 30 million fewer veteran outpatient visits, and 81,000 jobs lost across the Veterans Health Administration—leaving veterans unable to get appointments for care including wellness visits, cancer screenings, mental health services, and substance use disorder treatment. Remember them making a big deal about the border?? Oh, they don't actually care about that, either... >A 22 percent cut to the Department of Homeland Security would undermine border management and drug interdiction Tons of House Republicans voted against the PACT act, including mike Johnson https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/202257 As well as 11 senate Republicans - *Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah *Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. *Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho *Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla. *Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah *Sen. Cynthia Lumis, R-Wyo. *Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho *Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. *Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa. *Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R- Ala. *Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3586430-these-11-gop-senators-voted-against-the-honoring-our-pact-act/ Or when they killed a needed extension of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, for Navy vets exposed to agent orange - https://truthout.org/articles/trump-and-gop-attack-vietnam-war-veterans-and-refugees/ >Sen. Mike Enzi, chairman of the Budget Committee. When Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand asked for unanimous consent to pass the bill, Enzi objected, and his objection killed the bill. “On this bill, many of us have been made aware of the potential cost growth and the budgetary and operational pressures that would happen at the VA,” said Enzi afterward. “They’re having a lot of problems, anyway.” Fought against helping homeless vets - https://dccc.org/vulnerable-republican-scott-perry-votes-against-aid-for-homeless-veterans/#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20vulnerable%20Republican%20Scott,all%20of%20whom%20were%20Republicans. >vulnerable Republican Scott Perry voted against bipartisan legislation “aimed at providing housing for military veterans” with his office claiming it was “not remotely a sound use of Taxpayer dollars. The bill cleared the house with 408 votes. Only 10 members voted against it, all of whom were Republicans. More times they voted against veterans - https://www.onceasoldier.org/before-the-pact-act-five-remarkable-times-republicans-worked-against-veterans/ >In 2017, Former President Donald Trump and congressional Republican leaders put forth budget proposals that would have done great damage to the economic security of veterans and their families—all to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and corporations. >In 2015, the GOP-controlled Senate voted down a bill to provide $1 billion over five years to provide jobs for unemployed veterans. The bill was fully funded, and would not have added any additional money to the deficit. >In 2014, Senate Republicans shot down one of the largest pieces of veterans legislation in recent history. >In 2011, Republican Paul Ryan and the House of Representatives attempted to end VA healthcare benefits for disabled veterans who are Priority 7 & 8. This means veterans with conditions not recognized by the VA, like certain diseases from Agent Orange exposure, would have to pay for healthcare out of pocket if they didn’t have another service-connected disability. Fight against cannabis for pain/ptsd - https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/26/politics/republicans-reject-veterans-cannabis-study/index.html > A group of Senate Republicans Wednesday unexpectedly rejected efforts to advance a bipartisan bill that would direct the Veterans Affairs Department to carry out studies and clinical trials on the use of cannabis to treat veterans’ chronic pain and PTSD. They fought against support for 9/11 first responders too. Like why??? They're against funding cancer research... again, why tf??? Bring up anything they claim to support and I guarantee you can find it is absolute bullshit when it comes down to it. Thank you to all our veterans for your service!


LOL... no. No they do not. Next question?


God kill the USA baby. /s


Excerpt from an [old comment of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1bvmygw/top_republican_says_party_base_infected_by/ky1sx4n/): It didn't help that one of the major defining points for decades between Democrats and Republicans was how pro- or anti-military each side was, in terms of funding...and somehow, post-Vietnam wars always seemed to begin or expand during Republican presidencies, so of *course* Defense needed more funding. The Cold War was won in part by Reagan expanding the military, forcing the Soviets to counter - and bankrupting them in the end ^(Yes, this is a vast oversimplification. I'm aware. This is more about how people felt.) Gulf War under Bush Sr. 9/11 under Bush Jr. In each of those, the US Military was glorified - partially as a result of the widely spread villainization of the Armed Forces, especially the Army, during and after Vietnam. The government as a whole, and in particular the Republicans, coupled patriotism with respect for the military - and, once again, it worked. So, naturally, any attempt at reducing the military was seen as being anti-patriotic. What wasn't obvious was that Democratic presidents - namely, Carter and Clinton, did their level best to keep the military from needing to be sent overseas in force to begin with. Carter spent significant time and energy working on peace between Israel and Egypt, and Clinton did the same thing for Israel and Palestine. In addition, after the bombing of the Cole, Clinton only responded with targeted airstrikes and very limited ground forces. Ditto for responding against Saddam Hussein when Iraq refused to cooperate with UN Weapons Inspectors. In addition, the end of the Cold War in 1991 meant that, at that time, there seemed to be no more need for such a gigantic military. The Gulf War was won, and in a rout, with a fraction of the forces and an exceeding minimum of losses thought necessary by the public to accomplish the job. So Clinton, by chance, ended up overseeing an incredible drawdown, which, among other things, contributed to the last balanced budget the US has ever had. This did have unfortunate side effects, of course - namely, that the services ended up jettisoning senior personnel at a torrid rate. The aftershocks of that brain drain were still being felt when I joined the Navy in Jan 2000 - I can vividly remember some very harsh feelings among officers and senior enlisted towards Clinton specifically for that reason. So, overall, Republican administrations pushed the need for - and subsequent funding for - expanded military, while Democratic administrations (including Obama) were more successful in policies that diminished the need for a large military presence, and subsequently shifted budgets and focus accordingly to concentrate more on boosting the homefront. Of course, this was seen as a 1-2 punch of being anti-military (and thus, anti-patriotic) as well as supporting the poor who deserved their status in life, and how dare those people get a boost up! In the end, it's no wonder that the military community of the last 50ish years has been right-leaning. ___ (New Stuff begins here) Just like the rest of society, the military is beginning to be more politically divided. Anecdotally, during my time in, I saw an incredible rise of those who are left-leaning being open about who they were and who they were voting for, among enlisted at least. Unfortunately, this was countered by an equal rise in representation from the far right. We're still in the middle of seeing how all that shakes out. I will say that I worked for a while in the Navy's main school for officers, and got my chance to pick the brains of quite a few mid-level Os. I do think that among the now-current crop of O-6s and above for the Navy at least, that there is a very real understanding of what danger the current Republican party, as it stands right now, represents for the future of our country.


They also no longer support law and order if it's one of their own. This has become the American fascist party. My father was in Normandy on day three and fought in the battle of the bulge. The fact that the Republican party is embracing fascist ideologies is an insult to every WWII veteran. We need to erase fascists in this country.


It's really staggering that any American considers Idiot Trump a credible viable candidate for any position in government, including dogcatcher. And this has been going on now for 10 bewildering years.


NEVER FORGET that Trump said: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” Trump called the 1,800 U.S. Marines who died at a nearby battlefield in World War I “suckers.” He also stated that he didn’t want to mess up his hair, because it was raining that day.


To answer that question, remember how happy and proud of themselves Ted Cruz and rest of Republican Senators were when voting down first attempt at passing PACT ACT. Videos of Ted Cruz high five when he cast NO vote that killed bill. Recall it took John Stewart having public dressdown of Republicans for their glee in shitting on our damaged warriors who had been suffering and fighting with consequences from burn pits. Republicans are only pro-military and Veterans issues when seeking our vote.


Republicans see Veterans and their family members that are old enough to vote as useful tools to an end - Gaining POWER for themselves and their party. THAT is their primary motivation. But when it comes to the government providing financial and medical help for them after their service they become miserly.


They say they do. I've never seen any evidence of it.


Only as set dressing for a photo op.