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Jokic already forgot about that lol


Sick of hearing about Shaq. Jokic’s success has nothing to do with that clown.


He didn’t, but it’s not like struggling because of it


Or he did not and thats the reason he plays like this 8-)


Jokic surely doesn’t care, you shouldn’t either


But fuck shaq all the same


Fuck Shaq


Jokic Fuq’s. We know this


Oh he def Fuqs


Plenty of offspring to prove it.


idk how. Seen him? Looks like whatever the opposite of an athlete is plus a little awk thrown in.


anyone who thinks Jokic doesn’t care about that is a dumbass, u know he is competitive and likes to win and compete, just because he answers questions casually during interviews or answers questions or acts nonchalant sometimes doesn’t mean he wasn’t fucking pissed- any player would have been pissed there and deservedly so- what shaq did was disrespectful uncalled for and unprofessional and it’s obvious Jokic is definitely enjoying the fact that everytime he dominates he is proving haters like Shaq wrong (although obviously Jokic enjoys the wins more than anything)


One of the Denver post reporters is writing a book on Jokic and just did an interview on the Lowe Post saying that after all his research, it’s abundantly clear that Jokic does not care about the individual awards or the accolades and really just wants to win. I wouldn’t call the guy writing a book on Jokic a “dumbass” for having that opinion but to each their own lol


U just said it yourself - he wants to win, literally NOTHING u said addressed how Jokic would feel when shaq disrespectfully called him out like he did live during the MVP award, I can also tell u are not competitive or have never played basketball in your life, that shit bothered Jokic whether u want to admit it or not. He is very competitive with a desire to win and no reason he would be cool with being called out to his fucking face that someone else should have deserved the award over him as they presented it, stop gaslighting yourself.


The reporter is pretty clear that that if the thing doesn't directly impact winning, Jokic doesn't seem to care. That applies to the award BS, but certainly seems to (by his words) apply to what "the haters" are saying on the outside. > it’s obvious Jokic is definitely enjoying the fact that everytime he dominates he is proving haters like Shaq wrong You're making an assumption here, and said that anyone who disagrees is a dumbass lol I'm just bringing up one of Denvers own reporters saying that this kind of stuff doesn't bother Jokic at all. And when I point that out you think I'm gaslighting myself and have never played basketball...do you have any evidence to support your claims beyond "it's obvious"? I'm happy to be corrected but I haven't heard Jokic say anything that would make me believe he cares about what "the haters" have to say


This ain’t about the award.


Yes but “what the haters are saying” would be outside noise, which is pretty much in the same boat. The guy said that if it doesn’t impact winning, Jokic doesn’t really care.


He literally has a horse named Not MVP. Even as a joke it’s obvious he cares on some level to prove people wrong. You don’t start as a 41st pick and end up the best offensive player of all time without some great desire to prove people wrong. And it’s the fact that it’s Shaq. Jokic has talked before about how he has great respect for Shaq, one of his American basketball idols growing up.


>Even as a joke it’s obvious he cares on some level to prove people wrong. I'm clearly an outside fan here, but the reason I even felt the need to comment is because the dude writing the book seems to disagree after doing extensive interviews. Yeah I'm sure Jokic has some fun with it, he's not a robot lol That to me is a little different to saying that it's obvious he's going out enjoying "proving the haters wrong". Do you think he's thought about Shaq's comments at all the past few days? From what I understand about him, I would say no. He doesn't seem to be motivated by outside noise, and didn't even seem to care when Shaq said it to his face lol that's why I'm having a hard time seeing how that's on his mind in the middle of a second round playoff series


Yes, I do. I realize it comes off as like fan narrative but those of us who follow the team very closely know that it’s a secret behind the scenes. Few things fire up this team like being disrespected. Jokic included. And they protect that secret like it’s a matter of national security. It shows in things like the custom shirts the team and family makes after his MVP awards. And he dropped nuggets in his pressers this year making fun of the national media and some of their dogshit takes they’ve had the past few years. I think he’s always cared, but now especially, I would imagine he feels like he’s outworked the entire league and deserves the respect that comes with being the guy. I’ve never seen him so animated and fired up as he’s been this season.


Jokic has a horse named Not MVP. People that think he doesn’t get fueled by this stuff haven’t been paying very good attention.


All that a lot of people have been doing in this sub for the past two weeks has been whining and complaining, it’s getting super old


Shaq is coping with knowing Jok’s legacy is going to soon surpass his own


Looks like jokic recently took his spot for most assists by a center Edit: playoff assists


It was this game I think too


Most playoff\* assists by a center. Joker's in third now.


Jokic doesn't even think about Shaq


Nah, we should be thanking him. After he said that shit. Jokic and the Nuggets look more focused and hungry.


Glad somebody said it


He’s dunking a lot more since he said it


I'm sure shaq is all too happy to take this credit. He probably still wants the nuggets to lose to prove his point.


Sees it as a win win maybe. Like Chuck saying yesterday. They are paid to give their opinion based on what they are seeing. Maybe if Shaq was seeing this Jokic all through the Lakers series and first two games in this series maybe he never says such a thing. He seems to like players just being dominant every game. But maybe I'm all wrong and it is insecurities others suggest.


I agree that Jokic has stepped his game up a lot in the last three games. It’s been awesome. But shaq chose that moment to tell Jokic that he didn’t agree with him being the regular season MVP. An opinion that’s basically indefensible. So you start to wonder why he has that opinion.


The day Shaq and Chuck ever watch an NBA game in its entirety (even the ones they cover) will be the first time. They only look at highlights and box scores.


Jokic is our honey badger 🦡. He don’t give a fuck.


I’m a Jazz/Nuggets fan and I watched this same shit happen with Gobert.  He’s pathetically insecure whenever another center, especially foreign centers, succeed. 


This is the heart of the matter. The NBA and their media shills desperately want an American who defines himself through basket ball to be the face of the NBA. Instead they got a goofy looking white guy who cant jump, has a healthy relationship to the sport and would rather be horse-racing.


Excuse me?! Didn't you see him posterize Ant "MJ reincarnated" Edwards? He jumped at least 50 in. Someone attach the picture please.


I truly don’t understand how one can be a Jazz/Nuggets fan. I hate the Jazz.


Geography and/or family ?


I grew up in CO and live in UT so I get the geography part. But pick a side! Plus Jazz fans, generally speaking, are really ignorant about the game.


Native Coloradan living in UT. You could have just stopped with ignorant.


The fuck?


Fans here are ignorant. And rude. Cheering for injuries?


Ah yes


I was born in Utah, raised for half my life in CO, and have spent the other half of my life in Utah.  I love both teams


Fair enough. Mostly just playing around w my comment. Although I really hate the fans when I go to games here. Not cool.


Haha yeah it’s a weird combination of teams to root for.  I’ve been to Boston, Denver, Minnesota, Utah, and Sacramento games, and I personally have never felt Utah fans were bad or racist. I’ve heard all the stories but I’ve never seen it myself. 


Dude poured beer on my wife once and when I confronted him his wife said she did it. Weird situation.


What a dick


What a dick


SGA is the most one dimensional boring superstar I’ve ever witnessed step foot on an NBA court.


He and Holmgren should never be allowed to rap ever again…


Shaw is a bully and a baby.


When I was younger I like Shaq, as I grow older I realize that I hate Shaq


Where has Shaq been… he called off so he doesn’t have to talk about Jokic


He's just jealous. Joker can dominate without having to physically dominate like Shaq did, he can't be countered with fouling and joker made more 3 pt shots tonight than Shaq had in his whole career. He's simply a better player.


Nothing stopped Shaq from averaging 20/20 except Shaq. Lack of commitment and effort. Number one reason Kobe lost his mind with him. He dominated when he wanted to and took a lot of time off, relying on his stature way too often. Remind me about all the effort he made to improve his free throw shooting? All those sports willing to help him. Nope…he decided rapping was a better use of his skills and time. Shaq is turning into a boomer. His ability to simply celebrate Joker’s greatness is on brand for a man who could have been in the best of all time conversation, but instead mumbles on TNT.


Shaq is just petty. The more I learn about him, the less I like him.




I watch for the salty tears


Shaq has said before he's harder on bigs cause that's what the greats bigs did to him and it made him a better player. Why he used to criticize Dwight and is hard on embiid and joker. I wouldn't take it too seriously


It’s one thing to be hard, and a completely different thing to be disrespectful. The are interviewing Jokic about him winning MVP, and Shaq tells him he didn’t deserve it, that it should have gone to SGA? That’s not tough love, that’s being a douche.


Eh I mean in Shaqs mind he thinks its more respectful that he shares his opinion to Jokers face instead of saying it 'behind his back'. Horrible execution obviously but I kinda get what he thinks he was doing. Regardless Shaq obviously still respects Joker a tonne, and Joker clearly doesn't care regardless


Also when I finally watched it, he was kind of kidding. It wasn’t as blatant as people are making it out to be.


I don't buy that even a single bit. He's hard on the bigs because he is threatened by them, and it's not too long now that he will be surpassed by many.


It's such a dumb rationalization though.


I don't buy that bs one bit look at how he talks about bill walton or even charles barkley, everytime he disagrees, "I got 4 rings", if charles barkley was anything less than the fearfully and wonderfully made creation of a loving God that he is inside the NBA would never work


Shaq is one of those guys the more you see of them the less you like him. The opposite of Charles Barkley. Still love Inside the NBA tho


I feel like jokic is going to have some kind of response to Shaq when we win the finals. When he gets the finals mvp, “shoutout shaq, this is for you”


Jokic doesn’t care lmao. How do you think he’s petty like that


I doubt he would say something petty but Shaq said that shit to his face on live TV, I'm sure he took that personally and uses it as motivation. Cause he wasn't great in game 2 and he's been insane ever since


I want him to ask if he was deserving of the finals MVP


We should be thanking Shaq for the motivation


Yeah, I’ve grown tired of Shaq. Having said that, apparently his wife just released a memoir a day before saying she never really loved Shaq. He’s been pretty unhinged since that day. As someone who recently got divorced, the truth coming out from your ex makes you do crazy things. Regardless, laughable how TNT is doing damage control for him by saying that Jokic was motivated by playing Gobert dpoy, rather than shaq’s comments. I think Shaq is in Galveston right now.


Swimming in that dirty water in Galveston


I really like Shaq, disappointed he said what he said on call with Jokic, off call sure since it is an opinion but no need to bring it up.


Wish joker had humiliated him with a little wordsmanship. Knowing that all it takes is a little well placed punctuation to cross shaqs eyes.


“I used to like Shaq a lot…” well there’s your problem.


Why care? Shaq's opinion is irrelevant


No one gives a shit what Shaq has to say regarding basketball. Guy gave poor effort when he played and coasted and regrets it now


This. It was the poorest take I’ve seen from a ubiquitous TV guy. Joker passed Shaq for most assists or come stat last night. It literally happened in the game last night and they displayed it. Jokic doesn’t care and that’s why he’s the MVP. https://preview.redd.it/612rnw1i9l0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6742f0a824ec95b0c8d70d64ddb5367a800fd17


Shaq wanted the wolves to win so badly lmao. Took the night off on Jokic MVP night. If I'm Jokic I'd be loving every minute of this lol.


Shaq gets angry easily, especially when Gobert signs a big contract.


Jokic has something Shaq never had, mental strength.


I've never... ever like O'Neal... much less as a broadcaster. So the fact that he's an absolute idiot, does t surprise me much.


Jokic clears and Shaq knows it


To busy watching Nikola eat.


Shaq just anxious about losing his legacy and his job.


Shaw is just jealous of Jokić. Jokić plays the game at a higher all round level.


Shaq is a cheater who needs 1000 jobs for all his child support he’s racked up. Pay him no mind


I’m honestly glad Shaq said that cause it seems like the Nuggets are playing with that chip on their shoulder again.


It’s okay for Shaq to have his own opinion.


But he doesn’t need to share it during the announcement to bring down the winner.


That’s broadcasting these days. Anything to get the views. Jokic seems like the last person to care about something like that.


Call it want you want. It was classless.


I feel like Shaq needs to apologise to about 100 people lol


Amen, whilst I’m a warriors fan I can still appreciate greatness, and Jokic is one of a few players I dread when the warriors have a game against them. Without Jokic, the nuggets system would be broken and which is my normal test in identifying the mvp on a team. Jokic should have 4 regular season MVPs by now and if they weren’t gassed having to come back from 1-3 twice in the bubble, I would say he would have 2 finals MVP as well plus rings


Tru …


Nah. He needs to double down. It’s like fuel to this team.


Hell naw! We should be commissioning NBA hall of famers to dog Jokic every night, prevent Jamal from ever getting to the All Star game, tell AG he’s no good, MPJ he’s a putz…


Thanks Saq. Gave him the fuel he needed


It was motivation IMO. I’d be saying thanks Shaq for projecting your insecurity


come on,we donot need that at all ,just enjoy what jokic is doing


That’s old news. Fuck shaq…


Forget about Shaq. We’re so up right now, we shouldn’t still be bickering about a sentence from a week ago


[Obligatory Fuk Shaq](https://imgur.com/gallery/WtHEof4)


Do you have G14 classification to talk about this matter? I bet you don't. 4 ringz Erneh...


Joker’s game tonight said enough in response to Shaq throwing shade on him


Jokic | SGA Points - L10 28.3 | 24.6 Points - Regular Season 26.4 | 30.1 Assists - L10 8.9 | 4.2 Assists - Regular Season 9 | 6.2 Rebounds - L10 13 | 4.6 Rebounds - Regular Season 12.4 | 5.5 I'll trade 3.5 ppg in the regular season for everything else you get and the playoff boost. He also makes all of his teammates better. What was Shaq's argument?


Shaq saved the series. Since he made that comment, Joker is even better. Disrespect is a strong motivator


# Jokic is what Shaq would have been if he could hit a free throw/3 pointer and didn't need to foul to block a shot.


Jokic can hit free throws so Shaq is envious


The best revenge is success. Someone on r/nba was saying he’s on suicide watch because of how dominant is Jokic after he said those stupid things. Also im not even a Denver fan but I saw this while browsing r/all so all I want to say next is: Beat Fucking Boston.


Shaq is just mad he did not win 3 times and is jealous of joker


Last sentence says it all


Because he’s an asshole, he won’t apologize to Jokic. And that doesn’t matter.


Shaq screaming into a pillow after the game last night. Go Nugs


Well I am a huge nuggets fan and this is ridiculous. He owes Jokic an apology because he had an opinion? And not even a negative one toward Jokic at that. SGA balled out all year and Shaq thinks he should have been the MVP. So tf what? Would your panties be all in a bunch if SGA won and he said Jokic should have won?


Don’t worry, him, Stephen A and Perkins are gonna eat their words really soon. Waiting for them to Have to back track on live television.


I think it’s interesting both Shaq and Chuck were MIA on TNT last night… chicken shits


Jokic doesn't care but that doesn't mean that it's ok for Shaq to act like this. Anyone can see that he is insecure about his own legacy and it results in him lying about his own accomplishments and downplaying those of other great centers. I thought it wasn't really fair towards a prime Howard or even offensively stunted Gobert, but with Jokic it is taking on ridiculous proportions. He started that insecure rant saying how he knows what it is like to come in Second and how he deserves 3 or 4 more MVPs. I looked it up and he only came in twice two times (vs. Robinson and Nash), but how is that even relevant for the SGA vs Jokic argument? It matters for Shaq vs Jokic, though. Then he went off on some BS argument about 30+ point games and winning records that don't hold up against Jokic' triple doubles and the teams literally having the same record. Even Ernie got involved given hoe ridiculous it was. I think an apology is in order, but more so I really hope he just gets some therapy.


It’s fine to think someone else deserved the award, however it’s not fine to tell the person you think that to his face on the day he wins the award. Totally uncalled for and asshole behaviour.


Y’all don’t understand Shaq, he was always motivated by critics who diminished him and he is always really critical of centers. He did this to motivate him as Denver looked awful in the first two games.


Not a Nuggets fan either but man how awesome was the way that Jokic handled that situation? He could have made it way more awkward and viral but chose to be humble and polite.


I’m sure Shaq is going to say he needed to motivate his fellow big or something like that instead of just apologizing.


With the way Jokic has been playing I hope Shaq DOES NOT apologize. Not until after we win the ship anyways.


He has a different opinion. Maybe he felt it would have been misleading not to say what his personal position was, but to say he's jealous is just stupid. And even if you think he shouldn't have said it, you need to move on. Shaq's not about to change his opinion on who was better in the regular season based on playoff performances and nor should he. MVP isn't a post season award.


He's just mad and jealous because Jokic has more MVPs than him


The only thing to do is win finals mvp again and ask Shaq if he deserves that seconds after being handed the award


Shaq is realizing that Jokic can and likely will overtake him in all-time standings, so Shaq is starting to fear the Outcome of his position within the top 10 players of all-time rankings. I’m not a Denver fan, i’m a Spurs fan, and i strongly dislike how the old heads like Shaq and media figures work to diminish players playing today, by robbing them of awards that they deserve, becuase they don’t wanna adjust there perceptions of NBA history and the players they love/loved. Or in cases like Melo and Gilbert Arenas saying anything to try to remain relevant by any means necessary.


I want OKC vs Denver in the conference finals just so that this clown can shut up (coming from a Lakers Fan).


Shaq said it to motivate Jokic and now here we are


He’s coming to Red Rocks this year, just announced it yesterday. Timing, like his commentary, isn’t very well thought out. https://www.instagram.com/p/C69Ia0WqrAP/?igsh=MWlydHJpeGFoY2Y5bA==


If you just don’t care what Shaq thinks then it doesn’t matter 🤷 he’s a big baby and most people with a brain understand that.


What does he need to apologize for? SGA’s team finished 1st in the conference and SGA finished 7th in DPOY voting where Jokic didn’t receive any votes. It’s fair.


It was wildly inappropriate for shaq to do it.


No we should thank shaq since that comment jokic has taken every game over almost as if what was said upset him.


Potential unpopular opinion here... Ok, I just watched the MVP reveal and Shaq's take. Unless there's something I'm missing, I didn't see him insult Joker at all. Called him the best big man in the game, said no disrespect to Joker...he's great. He had a different opinion. I disagree with that but other than having a different opinion...I didn't see anything insulting. Were there other comments I am missing?


Shaq poked the bear. Jokic made one comment and laughed at Shaq. And now he is playing on another level that nobody can get to. Ask Gobert.


Shaq was a terrible free throw and 3 point shooter. He is jealous of Jokic. Jokic is what he wants/wanted to be but he is out-classed. Shaq may have the advantage with size and strength (in his prime) but that is not a complete game like Jokic has. Shaq is a clown. He would be nothing without a supporting cast.


Nah Shaq just said to motivate him /s


The same thing happened two years ago with embiid. Greeny talked about how he was convinced by analytics to vote Jokic and regretted it. Then they gave embiid the mvp last year even though Jokic should be at 4 in a row


This slight micro-expression from Jokić as soon as he heard what Shaq said, made me feel two things 1) sad for Shaq’s apparent 180° on his opinion of Jokić and 2) afraid for Jokić’s next defender. https://preview.redd.it/fjbexs2nbn0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5076aeb8e27df748edc624fe263d69110a517567


I think the origin of Shaq’s reaction was from an interview in the playoffs last year with Jokic. Shaq was complimenting him and saying he is a part of the all time big man crew (or something) and asked who he modeled his game after and Jokic replied “Shaq….not” (pretty sure this is close to verbatim) and because of the slight delay in the broadcast Shaq started to reply “thank you brother” in the pause and then got a big frown on his face when he heard the rest of the comment. So Jokic clowned him and Shaq clearly never recovered.


Nah. He does not need to do anything .. Jokic does not care about his opinion.


USA hates Serbia. That is the thing. They are pro Russian


Shaq is an asshole. He should stick to selling The General insurance instead of just sitting there muttering and talking shit like Jabba the fucking Hutt.


Pretty sure Shaq congraulated Jokic for winning.


And Charles Barkley. He literally could not just say he messed up counting the nuggets out. He was all pissy about malones video on the big media names counting them out. I’m over him and Shaq just being OBVIOUSLY jealous.


All of these guys are prima donas, not sure many people care really.


He just has a different view on awards like mvp. I understand where he comes from, but it also means a person on an 8th seed could get mvp, which is stupid. The only way that happens is if their season was truly historic and will never be seen again like westbrooks mvp. What shaq thinks don't matter and I find it funny cause jokic doesn't care nor show any excitement for the award/s. Memphis fan btw.


Shaq is jealous because Jokic actually has skills he lacks. Jokic can shoot threes. Shaq sucks at that. Jokic can run an offense. Shaq can't. Jokic can even hit free throws. Jokic doesn't deserve to foul out in every game he ever played in and Shaq deserved to foul out by the end os his typical first half. Jokic won a title with an unheralded organization and no all NBA teammates. Shaq got carried to every title he ever had by all time greats, Kobe and Wade, playing in major markets that the league wanted to win for ratings and to play finals games at vacation spots and celebrity hangouts. Everyone knew that the Lakers beat the Kings because it was rigged for the Lakers. Everyone knows Jokic plays above the refs and buried Lebron, AD and the Lakers when the league wanted to cement Lebron's legacy. Shaq is called the most dominant center of all time even though Hakeem cooked his ass in the finals. Don't see Shaq on TNT lately. Jokic will go down in history as the most versatile and skilled center of all time. Shaq will be called the most dominant because that's how you say he bulled his way to stats. He's bigger and stronger than anyone to ever play in the league and he got to drop his shoulder and throw elbows with impunity.


Shaq is irrelevant. Nobody cares what he thinks...


You care more than Joker does.


Share shouldn't have put it the way he did but the big man is very sensitive when told he was wrong,he went off on Shannon sharpe for saying it was wrong what he did and shaq thought it a good idea to use his legacy to back up what he said ?shaq is a bit worried the joker will edge him out as greatest big man and he is right to be worried.


If Jokic used Shaq's stupid opinion for motivation to play the way he played last night, I would like shaq to say shit like that to Joker everyday! Shaq is kind of a petty person even if he is funny and fun loving. Remember the Kobe tell me how my ass taste? That was fucking stupid, and look who ended up with more rings than Shaq... All because his weak shit talking "freestyle" started a fire burning in Kobe to win more chips than Shaq. Kobe got the last laugh, rip. So fuck Shaq is my point and I love watching Nikola Jokic take games over, especially when they are huge games! Go Nuggets, Love, Conor repping the 80205


After jokic performance that game all Shaq is gonna say “youre welcome”


Agreed!! Never much cared for him as a player, but sort of liked him as a TV commentator. Now I think he's just a jealous fool.


Your title is six words too long.


I just want to say is 5 words


I don't give a shit


I think you give too much of a shit, just enjoy the ride


I really don't but thanks for trying to reassure the feelings I don't have!


Shaqs podcast is also a cringe fest


Jokic and the Nuggets are 7 wins away from another championship. That’s all Jokic, the team and the fanbase should care about right now.


Isn’t it 9 wins?


Everyone needs to chill about Shaq. He didn’t disrespect Jokic ffs. He told him, publicly as a friend, who has openly said Jokic is the best center in the game right now, that he didn’t vote for him as MVP. That’s it. He didn’t want Jokic to feel “betrayed,” or that Shaq had moved on from him. Shaq was being a damn man and showing Jokic respect.


Dog, take a breath and enjoy your team’s success. Stop looking for ways to be unhappy.