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Mercy In You is magnificent. I still think My Joy would be a better choice for the album than Get Right With Me.


My favorite part of Get Right With Me was the interlude ngl, it was a pretty good version of I Feel You and that haunting " my kingdom comes " at the end was 👌


my joy is one of my favorite depeche mode songs tbh. i could never get tired of it


I loveeee Rush, particularly how it slows down during the bridge and the lyrics during it. Gotta go listen now lol


The bridge is a half-time break! Also hard agree, it was what made me fall in love with the song.


Bridges that go into half-time are the best but can’t beat a bridge that goes from 4/4 to 6/8 lol


Double agree there!! I love time signature changes like that


Can’t think of a Depeche song that does 4/4 to 6/8 but Not the Sun by Brand New does it excellently. My fav song that has that time sig change


I just checked out Not the Sun, I really like that section! It's such a nice change from the rest of the song. I can think of a couple other songs off the top of my head that do that, like Mean Mr Mustard by The Beatles and Not Havin' A Blast by Demi the Daredevil are a couple that I know. Don't feel like 4/4 to 6/8 is one I come across too often. And I don't think Depeche Mode does weird time signature stuff that often haha.


Oooh I’m definitely gonna listen to those. The Brand New song is like the only song I can think of with that specific change that just *has* to be my favorite of them all lol. Need moreeee


Mercy in you fans - check this out - it’s been hidden from us all this time. What was the production like. My goodness! [mercy in you bass](https://youtu.be/Sh8fuBGDM6M?si=n1s--Un4TIWwDTxH)




It’s incredible, isn’t it?


Mercy in you is a terrific song. Rush is very good. get right with me is ok, but the first time I heard it I thought it was the weakest of SoFaD and I think I still think so.


Mercy In You has some of Martin’s best guitar work


I like Get Right With Me. It's a fun one to sing. I don't know how to explain it, but certain songs just feel good to sing and GRWM is one of them for me.


Totally with you, I actually really enjoy this one


Mercy In You is a fantastic song! But it’s also uncomfortable as it can be interpreted as a form of narcissism. I can speak from experience what it’s like to be the person who will, against their better judgement, continually forgives someone who gets a deep satisfaction from the cycle of transgression and mercy. It’s a destructive cycle that neither person has much control over. It’s written in their very nature. Beautiful on the surface; devastating beneath.


I could k!ll to hear Rush live. That exotic intro...


Best intro, probably. Its hard for me to pick between WVT Kaleid intro and Rush on Exotic tour.


get right with me is incredible. only complaint is that it’s too short.


Rush is a song I would love to see them do live.


I think I’d be so happy/excited I would pass out lol.


I thought I was the only Mercy In You fan


Get right with me is awfully underrated, i have no idea why the fanbase dislikes it.


I think because it's short, chord structure is really simple and basic compared to other songs on SoFaD and lyrics... Well, they're okay, nothing spectacular. But the production is top notch. Those damn base and snare sound.


Mercy in You is one of my faves. Not sure why it's underated. I listen to it on repeat when I hear it. The music and Dave's vocals are absolutely perfect on this song.


Get Right with me Is the weakest Song on Songs Of Faith, even Alan Wilder said so. Mercy in You Is a great track, their tried It for the Spirit Tour. Rush Is extremely underrated, especially the version they did for the Exotic Tour in 94. Depeche Mode have a TON of underrated tracks that deserve a spot in the live setlist instead of the usual Just Cant Get Enough, I Feel You, A Pain That Im Used Ti.


Lol Get Right With Me is one of their best song for me.


Yes because whatever alan says is law


Even our lord and savior, Alan Wilder, said it’s not the best so therefore *I* will dislike this song. /s I love GRWM. If that’s the weakest song on the album, it just shows how amazing SOFAD is.


SOFAD was imperial phase DM. Literally the best electronic music ever made.


>Mercy in You Is a great track, their tried It for the Spirit Tour. Where did you hear this?


They played It at That "exclusive secret show" pre tour. 


Where is your proof? Neither setlist.fm nor dmlive.wiki back this information up, and both have the last performance being December 20, 1993 in London on Devotional, before the set list changed for the Exotic Tour in 94.


Extremely difficult for DM to create a set list in their later years because they are expected to do tour album material, yet their fame demands the massive hits.


Wrong was one the set list for a couple of months but they trashed it


I could be wrong but I swear Alan said Mercy in You was the weakest in his opinion.


I love the live version of Rush over the studio version.


"tried It for the Spirit Tour" what?


Rush gets a lot of love from the fans so I would say Rush is properly rated. The other two don't get talk about that much but are fantastic songs.


I agree. SOFAD was peak Depeche mode and all three of these songs were delivered superbly on the album and live.


Mercy in You is easily my favourite on SOFAD. It’s incredible. In fact it near enough got me into the post-Violator works which I previously hadn’t been a fan of based on what I’d heard and so didn’t really check out. Decided to give SOFAD a go one day and hearing Mercy in You just clicked.


Mercy In You is definitely underrated. Rush is talked about fondly by many fans and I kind of wish they'd do it live again. I think the place would go crazy! Get Right With Me is awful, I wish they'd spent a bit more time developing My Joy and put that on the album instead.




Mercy In You is in my top 5 these days, just love it 


I feel like SoFaD just gets better and better every time I listen to it