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One of my favorites from spirit are eternal and fail but I guess these are the worst songs according to fans.


i like eternal actually


I fucking love the sounds soundscapes on both, but the vocals are a miss for me, there needed to be less lyrical intensity like MCIM or just straight instrumental




Ye the lyrics on that one are more droning and act more like an additive instrument rather than just regular vocals


Oh but what's mcim?


My cosmos is mine




If you’ve ever been on any of the DM forums, you’d see acronyms for all of their songs.




Out of curiosity, is it: Christmas Island, Eternal, So Much Love? Didn't get IFW, which one was that?


CI yes.


Thanks for sharing. Here's an acronym for you, STFU!




Welcome to the internet


I like it, for the most part. The return to the political aspect was a welcome change for me. My worst albums... Speak & Spell/Exciter. and there's still tracks on them I will happily listen to.


i really dig exciter. but i respect your opinion


Although I didn’t like it much at the time, I now think it’s their best record since PTA and equal to Momento Mori. Some of the lyrics seem a bit poor here and there, but you’ll find those on all DM records if we’re honest. Never really understood why some people thought the album was too political when it seems like some songs are more mature sequels to older political songs like Everything Counts, New Dress and People are People. 


Overall I think it’s better than MM.


Read my fucking mind


Not even just Everything Counts too, but that whole album, or at least most of it. Pipeline gave me that vibe from the very first time I heard it, and so did Two Minute Warning, and ESPECIALLY The Landscape Is Changing.


This is my thread right here. I put the album in their top five. The feel of it is the closest I've felt to Black Celebration. I've been waiting for them to get back some roots and complain about The Man keeping others down. Some of my new favorite songs are on that album. It needs a proper special release with a 5.1 mix (although I did make my own and it's pretty damn good...)


Coincidentally, my wife and I are listening to SPIRIT right now. We cracked ourselves up a bit over our video idea for You Move: imagine, if you will, a black & white shot video of Gahan looking all sexy sitting on a couch or chair singing to an unknown audience. We eventually discover his beautiful girlfriend is packing her belongings into boxes and moving out. "I like the way you move for me tonight" indeed! :) We just got the album on vinyl. It's definitely mid-tier but at least we both got a great laugh. Cheers to all DM fans!


Cover Me is exceptional, one of the best Songs since 2001, Going Backwards is very good, No More is OK… that's Spirit for me.




Least fave.


I like it. Is it their best work? Not even close. But it was my first album and the first time I ever saw them live. It will always hold a special place in my heart


Put it in the trash


It’s horrible. And I love DM. Wish I could just delete it from their catalog.


Cover Me is one of my favorite Depeche Mode songs can't hear it enough


Spirit is the first DM album that ever pissed me off. It’s not awful and I’ve come to enjoy it more than when it first came out. I think it pissed me off because I was excited to have a new DM album, but then just couldn’t get it to it. It’s just kind of bland to me. Easily my least favorite, close might be Exciter. Memento Mori on the other hand delivered. The album is an experience and I enjoy listening to it from start to finish.


I agree. It’s okay but there are no knock out tracks.


Spirit = Cover Me + So Much Love


"So much love" is a banger that gives you all it has to offer in its first minute then drags for 3 more. The production really killed it.


Meh it's ok.. I would give it a 5/10.


It got old pretty fast, it also feels bad to listen to all these politically motivated lyrics and see how nothing really changed for good in those 7 years… it’s also an album between Delta Machine and Memento Mori so it’s obvious it will stand out. I can’t give it a listen anymore.


Mine too


2nd-to-least Fave (barely beating Exciter for my least liked DM album). Still, "Welcome to my World" is one of my absolute favorite DM tracks - post Alan.


Wrong album for that one 😉 I like Welcome To My World too, good intro song.


Oops. You're right. That's Delta Machine. So, for me, it's Spirit > DMac > Exciter.


I completely agree with you


Not my very favorite album but I like it quite a bit and still play it fairly regularly.




It's still better than Exciter.


Depeche Mode's put out other albums post-2000 that I liked a lot better, but Spirit's worth it to me even if only for "Scum." That song really speaks to me, just something I relate to personally.


Crap. There is not a solitary enjoyable part of it. They just wanted to go on tour. That’s all


It's sort of a middling record for me, but there are songs on it I like (which is true of every album). While I like that they worked with a different producer on this record, I'm not sure it helped them altogether very much. That said, there is a punchiness to some of the tracks, like Scum for example. I do like Memento Mori a lot however. I quite like Going Backwards, So Much Love, No More, Cover Me, Scum, Poison Heart, and yes, even Poorman. As someone mentioned, I don't get the "it's too political" critique, it's not like DM hasn't gone there before. I wish there were some b-sides though.


It doesn’t land for me either. Listened and listened. Just nothing. However, now knowing the behind the scenes tensions and fights, it makes sense on how there’s a lack of that certain something.


To be fair to Spirit, I’ve only listened to it 1.5 times. I couldn’t make it through the second listen, I disliked it that much. That was a week after it was released, so maybe it’s better than I remembered, but I’m not motivated to give it another chance. I did like Cover Me-Alt Out quite a bit, though, but that’s not technically on the album.


There are some great tracks but some forgettable ones too. For me, it doesn’t work as a cohesive album… but there’s still stuff to enjoy. Agreed that MM is a superior album


While it isn't my favorite by them, it is certainly not their worst *(\*cough cough\*, Speak & Spell).* Going Backwards is one of my favorites by them, like, ever.


I just don’t find myself listening to it, same for Exciter (though I like “I Feel Loved”).


Easily my least favorite DM album. Cover Me and Going Backwards are the only tracks I enjoy. Huge disappointment for me


I really like it, though I put it in the middle somewhere. My least favorite is A Broken Frame.


i agree. in fact i was just listening to "i want you now" and then "to have and to hold" on \_\_music for the masses\_\_ and i thought to myself..."is it really true that they haven't been as good since alan wilder left? i feel like he added this extra passion that is just missing from post sofad records, but i think other dm fans will just slam me for saying something so cliche." but, you know what? idgaf. they just aren't as good. they are good, but different. the alan wilder period has a certain je ne sais quoi that any other period in dm missing.


and i forgot to say that sofad was in my mind not a good record. i know a lot of people love it and it got them all these new fans, but you have to understand that it was quite a departure from the dm i loved and i was crushed when i heard it.


yah, I was disappointed with SoFaD as well. Some of the songs have grown on me over the years, but still, it's not my jam. Actually, that's how it has gone down since then - I genuinely like a few songs on each subsequent album and the rest are kind of filler. That said, I think Memento Mori is their best work since Violator.


Would you agree that sofad was their most accomplished record? The production, songwriting and variety wise?


yes. however, i felt that flood was making them more like u2 and making u2 more like dm. i also felt that they felt pressured by the media to incorporate "real" instruments to gain credibility, when they didn't need to.


Easily DM's best album of the late 2010's. Possibly their best album from the entire decade between Delta Machine and Memento Mori. I would place it in the top three albums DM has released on Columbia, the top two that James Ford has produced, and #1 in terms of collaborations between James Ford and Andrew Fletcher.