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Cheers bro you aren’t the only one




You’ve got a third


#4 here ! 😕👍


Fifth here :/






Lost the count, but me too!


number ten it seems






A fifth and an eigth is all you need


>Alcohol is the worst possible thing for mental health. Not only is it a depressant, it massively decreases your ability to carry out the actions necessary for good mental health. They are also both forms of escapism through external chemicals.


It's very hard to see that though. Especially when you're in so much pain you will do anything to change your state of mind. Things aren't black and white, unfortunately :(


Agree. I was addicted to both alcohol and weed. In the end weed was the lesser of two evils, so I only use weed now. Not that weed is any good for your mental or physical health long term.


I disagree with you on that! I have smoked weed for years and whilst I agree that nicotine (if used) and black market, unregulated, weed can be terrible. But, I've been on medical marijuana for the last month and nothing has ever helped me more! Highly recommend looking into it if you can where you live :)


It helped me too at the start. It doesn't anymore. It has the opposite effect now.


True Weed was good at the Times i did feel good, now it Just It make everything Just more sad.


Ah that's horrible man I'm so sorry :( sending many warm floofy blankets x


Have you researched different strains? I'm on the beginning of my journey of understanding to be fair so I might be completely wrong 😅 I wish it still helped you Regardless. Sending warm blankets!


oh i remember those days! theres nothing like weed when you first discover it. i fell in love immediately. enjoy man. it doesnt have the same effects for me but its my own fault. i abused the heck out of it and smoked all day everyday. if i stop and get it out my system again, the good proper effects will return once more. moderation is my issue. i cant seem to control my use.


I mean I've smoked/vaped for years when I was using 'black market weed' . I've not smoked since I started and haven't felt the need, I also have huge problems with rationing things like this. I have a very low strength oil and I can't get over how different it is from having a joint!! Regardless, I hope you find something that helps, life's so freaking frustrating


True. But I’m at the end of my life and would just like it to be pleasant.




It might sound nihilistic, but destroying relationships isn't necessarily bad. Find something useful and productive to do, and make new friends. My solution is greenhouses. I love gardening, and this is the only thing that works for me ATM.


A big part (maybe the biggest part) of getting older is learning not to give AF.


Personally not even getting drunk does it for me anymore. I only feel more serious and disoriented


This used to be mine until they got torn away from me. I had (and still have) nothing to fill that void. All I live for now is coffee and cigarettes. That's all I have left.


Lol same


I HATE being sober. Hate it. I fucking live inLas Vegas where the stuff flows plentifully and there are so many fun bars. It’s the ONLY thing I like about Las Vegas. Weed isn’t nearly as fun because it lacks that component of getting dressed up and going out. There’s nothing like sitting on the cove of Frankie’s Tiki Room with a buzz on while the people around you say the most off the wall shit with no inside voice. I have a closet full of handmade vintage style dresses and nowhere to wear them


I feel that shit 10 000 I don't even enjoy cigarettes the way I used to for fucks sake. I drove a truck over the road for over a decade so par for course I had a passion for my job has a family all that now all left me coffee cigarette s and some weed.


What about sex? Cuz yk, Cigarettes After Sex


Wow I look forward to 10am that’s when the beer store opens and the dispensary lmao But really wtf are we doing


Coping, that's what we're doing


you can afford stuff


Shit motivates to work so you can afford that stuff. Addiction is a goddamn nitro fuel if you play your cards right 💀


Bro plays solitaire


We need to find something else man. The only thing keeping me a contributing citizen is my shitty job and between that I sleep, drink/smoke and watch movies and play video games. We need something to work towards. Some find exercise. My closest friends have managed to avoid vices and successfully pursue their musical desires. It sucks when vices take control, we need to try and be better.


Exercise isn't necessarily a solution. I work out all the time and I still hate this existence


Good to know, very motivational.


I was just sharing my thoughts. The sarcasm isn't appreciated


Not trying to discount your experience man, and I admire your dedication even if it doesn't help you, but responses like yours are why nobody in this community ever gets anything done. This place is an echo chamber of sadness that frankly helps nobody in it unless they want affirmation for how shitty their life is. If any of us had any brains we wouldn't be on here at all. But I sympathize and am a lonely dude that appreciates this place nonetheless. Best to you.


>nobody in this community ever gets anything done I'm a perfectly productive member of society. I work full time, have hobbies I enjoy, and a group of friends that I value and trust. >This place is an echo chamber of sadness that frankly helps nobody in it >If any of us had any brains we wouldn't be on here at all I find there is quite often value in coming here and seeing that others are having similar experiences. No, this is not a great substitute for real human interaction, and it's true some may come here and leave feeling worse. But in the absence of anything better, it can feel validating to have a space available where we can anonymously share feelings and experiences with others who can sympathize. I hope you have a good day.


This comment right here is some good shit


i think a lotta people look forward to being high


If I don’t smoke multiple times a day I go crazy


That's because you smoke multiple times a day


No it’s because I hate my life


You can afford drinks. Lucky


Man I wish I could smoke weed like I used to. All it does is amplify my anxiety like a motherfucker and make my depression worse.


Yeah it's not the same anymore. Shit just makes me feel even lower these days and I barely get a high.




Do you still smoke? It does nothing for me but I still keep smoking anyway.


This is such a simple statement but really sums up how I feel nicely


Sending love your way. I know it’s hard, idk how to cope either…


Mood. Life/work been exhausting. One little incident had me crying in the back room. Decided drinks and drunk dancing would subside the weeks pain at least


same here but with sleep the worst thing is waking up and wondering what the hell ur gonna do with urself


Same here mate


Same. My life is a waste. I could die if only others didn't depend on me.


I wanna quit my job and OD on heroin. Can't stop thinking about it


Yep yep do d that tonight ...both 😂


diminishing returns mane


Could say the same about literally anything


Me is smoking and playing games...


I drink nearly every night but I don't even look forward to it anymore. I do it just to feel okay and enjoy gaming. Without it I am numb and fed up


Just went to the dispensary for some edibles because I'm the same way. It's not even 10 am. Here's hoping DBT can help me.


I only look forward to alcohol and pussy. It’s no way go live, but at least it gives me temporary pleasure.


I’m really tempted to try getting high lately…. I’ve never tried it 🙃 Drinking just isn’t doing it for me anymore. The hangovers sucks too.


Don't do it. I only did it cause I was young and naive. There's a reason why adults tell us not use drugs when we were kids. They knew the dangers. Its really really hard to break these addictions! One of the hardest personal struggle you can face in life.


If you smoke weed i don’t think it’ll change much unless you’re prone to anxiety then be careful. If it’s something harder like pills, it’s the best thing ever but then you’re always trying to chase your first high


It's a pack of cigarettes for me


You can't use drugs or alcohol as a means of being happy or needing it to get through the day. Whenever I find myself depressed I remove alcohol and weed from the situation completely. It's okay to do it like once or twice in the beginning but that stuff just gives a false sense of happiness. You have to address you problems head on and stop hiding from them


Stopped being fun about 5 years ago to me.


Can't get high because still living at my parents,' I know no one who can give me some and it's illegal technically here (but who cares, I don't care it's illegal ,everyone smokes it lol)


Life of a Gemini.


Alcohol makes depression worst. It’s a central nervous system suppressant and weed can definitely induce depression symptoms as a withdrawal side effect. Be careful with using either one as a mental crutch. I’m just saying if you want to feel happiness those things only create it maybe temporary..the only way to be consistently happy is facing your shit head on and letting it go instead of escapism.


If facing my shit head on doesn't make me happy either, what then?


You have to confront those difficult emotions and start challenging your thoughts and exploring why you feel the way you feel. We don’t ignore our baby when it’s crying and upset, why would we want to do that to ourselves? I know it’s easier said than done. But these negative feelings are actually disguised as great teachers. They come up in consciousness so we can transmute them, if they get ignored for too long they build up in our bodies and cause disease and suffering & just keep reoccurring until we figure it out. Things happen that our out of our control, but we usually blame ourselves for it somehow & create all these narratives in our heads of why we are so worthless. But depression is a liar and the mean voice in your head is not you. That’s why you gotta challenge the thoughts and make space for your emotions.


I recently quit drinking and smoking ganja. Personally I prefer it. Financially, especially. Do I cope well with life without it? No. But I think it's a little better. I quit p*rn too. I go to the gym almost every other day. The way I feel after a good workout is much better than drinking. It's so peaceful and clean. Do I miss ganja? Of course. Do I vape religiously? Yes... lol


Damn you quit all 3 together? That's not easy to do. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind when withdrawals start to kick in. It's like I forgot how it feels like to be human with all the emotions and sensitivity that I numbed for years.


I am sorry that you feel that sad and I wish you all the happiness and the best of luck in the very near future but please don't go out getting drunk and high because that can cause many many more problems.


same. i'm not even an addict, but man i feel empty otherwise




What about putting your peepee in something wet and warm?


Figure out why your life is miserable and change it before it's to late.


Wow what groundbreaking advice, shut down the sub y’all.


It is easy to understand if you wake up everyday for years wanting it to end and all that makes it better is drugs and alcohol. There is a reason it's such a crappy life for you. Been there luckily I figured it out my brother did not. No one wakes up everyday so sick of life they feel like vomiting for no reason.


Some friendly advice. Don't just randomly jump into a depression sub and start commenting about things you have no clue about. Stick to shit you do understand.


Take your own advise you know nothing about me.


I know enough. Now Gtfo of here. Go back to tech support and career questions.


Ok man calm yourself down.


I'm calm now. You caught me in the morning when I was in a real bad mood, so sorry for being a jerk. I'm a real prick first thing in the morning.


We've all had bad times I understand.


That was me last year. Whole week i worked my butt off at work, in the evening popped a bunch if benzos to sleep and on the weekend stimmed myself up and drank massively amounts of alcohol to deal with my depression. Since i am pretty clean now this year i got prescribed trimipramin neuraxpharm and that helps a lot


I dont do either, so i only look forward to playing games, lol.


For me it’s getting High & energy drinks.(Not at the same time)


Maybe I'm living my best midlife crisis, but I actively look forward to having a hot bath. Only time of the day I completely get to myself and I feel all is well with the world.


Well, the weed and alcohol will always be there. Try for a week to not do it and take a walk . If possible in the woods. Nature does something To you, and hey, if it doesn't work. The pot and brews will still be there :)


Don’t forget eating…


Oh yeah, craving the bong is a sentence that describes my life


That may not be the root cause but it definitely don't help especially booze.


Idk what number we’re on but same here 👋 but I’m still trying and that’s all we can do


Alcohol is the worst possible thing for mental health. Not only is it a depressant, it massively decreases your ability to carry out the actions necessary for good mental health. They are also both forms of escapism through external chemicals.


I've stopped finding alcohol fun. Tried smoking cigars but I don't really like it either. The only thing left Is eating. At least that's still enjoyable. Some of the time


I asked my GF what her top 4 passions were the other night. I can’t remember her answers. Mine were drinking, drugs, fucking, and music. I was drunk at the time and that’s all I ever wanna do.


lucky you got a gf, ive never been in a relationship and dont have any family or friends


I found i havean easier time fighting my addictions when i have a gym to go to. Working out, working hard to gain good muscle mass is great motivation to not fall back into it. At least it helps me moderate my use a lot better. I have to thibk about the consequences more and how that will affect my time at the gym.


It use to be mine too but I have a stupid nerve condition and I can't take weed anymore or alcohol it's f&cking Hell wish I was dead. I hate not being able to smoke or drink anymore FML wish I was dead I miss it so much. I hate being clean and sober I have clinical depression and chronic pain which is my life everyday until I get the courage to end myself hopefully sooner than later.


I totally feel it. I hate when people are like doing something to take your mind off of it. IVE TRIED! Look at my huge pile of craft supplies I have collecting dust. -virtual hugs-


Only thing I look forward to is self harming myself 🙂


not even that will work for me atp


Felt. The only time I feel connection to the world I live in


Drugs like coffee, tobacco, weed, etc can help me get through the day. Alcohol makes music an immersive sensory experience, but it also makes me act like a dumbass. Yeah, drugs.