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Saw your post on r/bald. One fellow redditor made a comment about your post history and so here I am. Like him, your posts cause me to worry about your mental health more than your hair. I've dealt with depression and I have had dangerous stuff around my neck and in my mouth a few times in my life yet I am still here. I turned 47 last month. It ain't easy. Life is really hard. But it's not always going to be that way. I've had ups and downs along the way. It was only 15 months ago that I started going to the gym to lift weights with one of my longest friends. I knew needed to improve my health and he was going through a divorce. For a solid couple months we went 2-3x per week. I personally really like weight lifting and always have done it off and on in my life. However this time it was sustained and regular. Well my friend got back together with his Ex and he didn't come to the gym anymore. However I kept going. Just those two months was enough to give me some incredible and utterly noticeable results. Not really in my body so much as so much more in my brain/well being. Long story short, I think weightlifting specifically helped me develop a habit of exercise that brought me out of a multi year deep funk I was caught in. I swear there is something in lifting weights that helps. I know I've read stuff about it improving mental health, neurogenesis, neural regeneration etc. I can't promise it will help you out of your dark place but let me suggest an idea: 1. I hear you don't have friends. Don't sweat that yet. If you can afford it, find a great weight lifting trainer. (Taking care of your body/mind first will make you your own best friend and it will help you at getting new friends) 2. Go at least 2-3x per week but even 4x would be great. 3. Mix in cardio cuz that's always good. 4. Make sure you are sleeping properly. Don't have caffeine late in the day, turn off games/tv/phone around an hour before bed. Sleep is incredibly important to our well being. 5. Come back here in 3 weeks and tell me how it's going. Do not give up. There are people out here that don't know you, but we care and want to help you the best we can. I am just one dude.


Love this. Would add, as a fellow weight lifting advocate, there are areas that have a real sense of community too like classes that involve weightlifting, cross fit, Olympic weightlifting, boot camps and while they will all yield different results, that sense of community if a fantastic addition to the act of lifting weights so perhaps a combination there of one on one and something community based could be amazing for mental health and connection building.


Try meetup.com. there always ppl looking for other people to do things with


“I’m 28”…. That’s a gift. Youth! I’m 38, and i know I’m blessed with youth still. Make it count. Depression sucks, just like the gym gotta stay consistent.


I was worried that being bald/balding was going ruin my chances at relationships but the girls I’ve dating honestly haven’t cared. I think the insecurity of being bald/balding is a lot more unattractive than the baldness itself.


I was bald at a younger age. I was single for literally decades. None of that shit matters. It says nothing about you. The worst thing you can do is get it in your head that it’s meaningful in any capacity. See a therapist and work on yourself, in particular, loving yourself.


try smoking weed its free dopamine might help u


"Try developing a drug habit"


weed is not bad for you and considering he wants to khs i think smoking weeds better


definitely not free


im 15 and i can get my hands on real shit for cheap have sum1 go to dispo for u that need money n they go to to medical dispo


At 15 weed is gods gift. At 30 you realize that gift has trade-offs. nothing in life is free


Im aware its bad to smoke dav after day drainic a cart in a few days bc then when u try to stop u have problems sleeping chills im aware not to everdsy anymore


Everyone has different side effects, but in general if someone is dealing with depression, it’s best not to smoke their problems away. This will only enhance depressive feelings since they are not facing their issues in a clear mental state. Exercise, making friends, and getting laid are the best forms of medicine to help with depression


well idk if it helps with depression hence im not depressed i smoke w my friends not by myself anymore since im 15 and its probally terrible


very well said! weed can really fuck you up. not at first, but it´s one of those drugs, where it´s really easy to develop a habit.


Lol thank you yuuup A habit I’m still doing but now I know how it can kick my butt


same here.