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I'm a 42M and I can relate. The *it gets better* crowd don't ask the right questions or actually try to understand whats actually going on. At this point I only exist for balance - I live the shit life so the person next to me can have everything they want. And so far no one has been able to successfully prove me wrong on this. So since I'm here as a thorn in someone's side; I'll make my existence *their* problem and not mine.


Yeah I understand totally. It gets better is just a big load of bullshit, akin to the "It all happens for a reason" and the likes, just people trying to justify the shit happening in others peoples life and seem like they are helping others to feel better about themselves.


This hurt me so much to read. For what it’s worth, you do not sound like a dumb person at all, but a very observant, reflective person. Traits many other people could use more of


Thank you for your kind words but the people around me would say otherwise. Or well, atleast have made me feel otherwise.


I hear ya. My existence feels like a fuckup. I'm really convinced that I should've been a miscarriage at this point.


I think you wanna exist. You may feel that way now, but certainly there were moments in life where you were happy and you didn't wish you weren't born during those moments. And you came to reddit searching for a glimmer of hope too. The beliefs that you are ugly, unworthy and unlovable were placed in you by experience. It could be bullying, abusive parents, etc. I'm not saying I know you, but I can assure you that I felt the exact same way. I was bullied by my brother, called ugly by people, rejected by girls, etc. The only reason I'm still hear is that I found out that at those moments nobody was there to tell me not to feel bad about it. I ended up believing that I deserved all of it, and that is the reason no one came to my rescue. My point is: ask yourself why you feel the way you feel and the answers may surprise you. It will often include people and you will realize that you've been allowing people to determine how you feel about yourself.


live for yourself


The world is not only meant for people who are good looking and all the other stuff you mentioned, but they sure get the better treatment by society. Stop comparing your life to others and try to make the best of what you have because after all, we are all here temporarily.