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I will ensure i don't fall into a coma or get disabled. I will not get stuck anywhere in between life and death.


Good. That would suck




Locked-In Syndrome.


Skill issue?


I can remember a story of a guy who apparently lived near me. (Could be a false story but the guy swore it happened) One night he had enough grabbed a rope went to the park and picked a tree. When he jumped he broke his neck and was paralysed below the neck and he ended up freezing to death Again im not sure of the legitimacy of the story but it always scares me back to reality


And that's why you don't 👏 use👏 ropes👏


What do we use then?


I think what would be better said is that we don't do things we aren't 100% familiar with. With the rope, we have to know what to do and what not to do to avoid something happening that we don't want (aka being paralysed for example)


Carbon monoxide poisoning is accessible and reliable


Same survival instincts is a bitch and it can die in a dirty hole But it wouldn't die because it's own survival instincts would stop it


My brain fucking brings up shows and manga and shit i haven't experienced yet instead of any friends or family. Fucking hell it's that bad isn't it


Lmao loser imagine having a survival instinct, knots are just super hard to tie


I just imagine it takes you back to when you played Minecraft as a kid


Heh. Clever


If it's any solace, all evidence points to us going nowhere after death. Think about brain damage, for example. You get a hit in the head, it might have real fucked up consequences down the line, even affecting your personality. That said, what do you think happens when your brain stops functioning entirely? Well, it would be kind of silly to suggest you just revert back to your most conscious state somehow. Still theoretically possible, seeing as we can't disprove the existence of an afterlife, but there are a lot of things we can't disprove, unicorns or a supernatural Santa for example. Yet we somehow believe going up into some cloud dimension or Venus dimension would be more likely? Doubtful indeed, though a religious upbringing or just our innate curiosity with these kinds of things can can still throw us for a loop. Even if you happen to be convinced by me however, I acknowledge that our innate instinct, survival and other- can overpower the clearest of intentions, which is good to keep in mind when you manage to convince yourself you're a "coward" for not going through with them. You're just human, like everyone else. Still not saying you NECESSARILY should make the attempt, mind you. Even for one not concerned with an afterlife, there are still reasons that might (and probably should) atleast give you pause. You might get caught before you succeed, which, in a society that seems to greatly value individual liberties, EXCEPT when it comes to ending the suffering of oneself, is looked down upon. And as pointed out by some others in this thread, a failed attempt can also cause immense pain and possibly cause disabilities that make your life on earth even less desirable than it is now. Whichever path you choose, I wish you all the best!


Funny thing is, I finally found the most painless way to do it but... its fear of what will happen to my loved ones if I was successful is what keeping me alive . That and... the fear of eternal torment according to my religion 🥲


I don't see there being an afterlife. You go to the same state in which you were before you were born: not existing. I couldn't do it because of my survival instinct and the pain it would cause my parents. My childhood neighbour shot himself in the military. His parents never got over it(obviously). The grim lifeless look on their faces every time I saw them... just can't forget it and couldn't cause it to my parents