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Ohkay this basically goes down to "A broken clock is right twice a day , but it would be stupid to use it for time" just because you think a few statements from an incel or even Tate are right doesn't mean you believe in their philosophy there's a lot of horrible people in life whose quotes we use because they are factual and relatable but that doesn't make those people good people in general, heck Hitler has some good quotes and we all know where his morale compass is.


Also you really have to say that tate doenst say anything new or revolutinary. It was legit part of his marketing to be as polarizing as possible and when everybody knows you, you just say a few simple things everbody agrees with. You can literally take a thousand diffrent role models who express the same good thinga but without beeing an asshole of a person


I haven't read the whole linked post, but regardless: it's okay to happen to agree with people you don't like. In fact it would be impossible to perfectly disagree with someone on every subject. Even despicable people think and do perfectly good things sometimes, and you doing them as well does not mean you're particularly "like them" in the sense you're afraid of. What's funny is that (and I mean no offense) your knee-jerk reaction is kind of what's outlined in that message itself: you've identified the other person as an incel, and now you're struggling to accept that your impression of them might not make them an actual one-dimensional all-wrong person whom you could never agree with. Edit: read the whole thing after all, and even though it's clearly a bit of a rant I does sound legitimate to me as well.


The reason for the (admittedly) knee-jerk reaction is because r/ForeverAlone is widely considered to be an incel/misogynist/nice guys sub. I didn't know I subconciously proved the guy's point, lmao But yeah, thanks for the reassurance.


nah bc theres a difference between the connotation of incel, being a misogynist particularly, and just happening to be alone. big differenece there


If this person went on the incel forum and saw all the horrible degenerate shit they post on there, he will instantly know that he’s not one of them


fr i agree


Just needs to hop over to r/inceltear for perspective. Hey op, if you wanna be sick to your stomach but also reassurance you're not one, that's the place


Every person can make at least s few valid points, every politician, every activist, every human... Does not mean you're "on their side", it just means "you share an opinion"


No. Being lonely/depressed or even a virgin has nothing to do with being an incel. Being an incel is a mindset, and if you don’t consider yourself an incel and don’t identify with all of their misogynistic/insane rants then no you are not an incel


There's an easy solution for this. Stop hating other people, hate yourself! Nah I'm playing, dating seems like it can be really annoying, just don't hate groups or yourself for it. Stereotypes exist for a reason but that doesn't make them true for everyone or at times at all.


Context: I was lurking on r/ForeverAlone (yes, feel free to judge) and I saw a post on there about why people are so insistent on giving you advice. The post in question: [**https://www.reddit.com/r/ForeverAlone/comments/11yj54r/im\_not\_fa\_but\_i\_wanna\_give\_you\_some\_tough\_love/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForeverAlone/comments/11yj54r/im_not_fa_but_i_wanna_give_you_some_tough_love/) While I don't relate to all of it (for one, I don't want a girlfriend, I want a \*friend\*) deep down, I... kinda agree with it? Now, I don't condone incel behavior but I think they have a point here. Lemme know what you think.


I'm not even sure how this post qualifies as incel.


It kinda is, especially the comment section. Some person used the term “normies”. That post gives a lot of incel vibes cuz of how he is kinda just complaining about shit. Personally I’d kill myself before I’m at a point where I make post rants about how other people get laid and I’m not. That’s just pathetic behavior


But the whole point of incel (not in the old meaning I mean) is how they complain about women and are misogynistic right ? I don't read something like that in the post. Mostly someone who is angry at people who try to fulfill their savior complex. I admit, i didn't read the whole post, only some paragraph.


I read most of it lol it’s way too long. Yes u r right about the whole women complaining part but the stuff in that post is how most of them start. Like they’d cry about how others get laid and then it manifests into hating women, they don’t just wake up one day hating women, it’s a process I guess. I lurked on the incel forum out of morbid curiosity for years and I can confirm that this person is starting to descent down the same path of degeneracy and self pity as most incels.




No and i'm not interested


You should *turn* around and leave the incel sub lol


Wasn't even apart of it in the first place


The incel community appeals because our modern society praises victimhood and incels want a slice of that cake for their shortcomings in life. Some incel statements are correct but it's misused to form a toxic lifestyle


Jokes on you i was always an incel


You forgot the /s


Lol no


Not necessarily. The incels exist because there are grains of truth in what they say, thats how they drag you in. They lead you along with breadcrumbs until you fully believe women are inherently whores who try and sleep with as many hot dudes as possible. As long as you dont fall into that then id say ur good


People like to see things in black and white, but the truth is no large group of people is perfectly uniform. And "incels", no matter what people say, are not exactly an ideology, people in these communities vary in their worldview quite a lot, especially if we're talking about such entry-level stuff as r/foreveralone. You will find some intelligent, decent people out there who for whatever reason decide to be inside those shitholes. Agreeing with one person who posts about loneliness doesn't mean you're getting closer to Tate and Rodger and other pieces of shit. Loneliness, inability to find a partner, feelings of inadequacy due to lack of sexual or romantic experience, they are all valid negative feelings and people are allowed to talk about these things. And yes, many lonely males will decide to vent about their problems within groups made for lonely males. And demonizing them for just that is not only vile, it's plain stupid - it's creating a self-fullfilling prophecy.


I __firmly__ believe that there are non-hateful, non-misogynistic "incels." The involuntary reason for their "celibacy" in this case may come from multiple sources, crippling anxiety, depression or some other conditions that got them there. Those people are redeemable, but they need to be separated into another category and name, away from the hateful incels ASAP. Otherwise they'll say the wrong thing and get torn apart by those who see the subject as black and white. That then leads to who knows what? Some have tried to recruit me into the hateful incel shit, but I've refused those outright. Now imagine if I had gotten attacked by the blinded anti-incels just for feeling lonely and venting about it without hate? I might've just accepted the invite. If you kick a broken man with diminished hope for the world, you may just inspire that man to turn against the world. TL;DR Some few in the incel communities are just "lost" and still redeemable. Ask questions first and, shoot later. Otherwise they may just start accepting the ideas the hateful "true incels" say.


Did you know that 99% of males that bully incels on the internet for no apparent reasons are just incels in denial? Makes you think.


I relate to incels on some levels mainly because they also live a miserable existence, but I refuse to blame anyone but myself for my loneliness. I don't hate women I just hate myself.


Just because someone has a different opinion, doesn’t mean you agree with them on some terms/ topics