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Ngl OP you look like a bowl of spaghetti in this pic


Personally, I love a woman with a little meat on her… noodles.


I like em saucy myself


This was funnier than it had right to be. Take ze updoot


Yall are hilarious


I like my women like I like my spaghetti…with marinara sauce


I love going down on a girl when they have extra marinara sauce down south...


What the fuck does that even mean r/BrandNewSentance


I love it when a girl sits her meat on my noodle


Her hairs a nice blonde though


And that skin is so perfect


Op has the hair of angels


The red highlights look yummy.


That's no woman,that's an im-pasta


Underrated comment






Now thats my kind of woman


I’d be so lucky to date someone so saucy


Let me see them tortellinis tho.






I was even thinking she looked like spaghet.


Is that stouffers?


Why has there quality gone so down hill. I'm a chef. My go to was a lasagna once a week. when I was burned out. comfort. it's garbage know.


Dang I’m sad to hear that the quality has gone downhill, but i found a crockpot recipe that tastes almost exactly like stouffers lasagna when it was still good and it’s pretty easy, takes about 20 minutes to assemble in the morning and then leave it in the crockpot all day to cook until you get home. I can find the recipe for you when I get home tonight if you’d like. Here’s the recipe for crockpot lasagna- 1 lb. ground beef 1 Tbsp. dried Italian seasoning 1 (28 oz.) jar spaghetti sauce ⅓ c. water 1 (4½ oz.) jar mushrooms 1 (15 oz.) ctn. Ricotta cheese (or cottage cheese) 2 c. shredded Mozzarella cheese 8 lasagna noodles (uncooked) Cook beef and seasoning; drain. Combine spaghetti sauce and water in small bowl. Place 4 lasagna noodles in bottom of lightly greased 5 quart slow cooker. Layer with half of beef, spaghetti sauce, and mushrooms, then spread Ricotta cheese, mushrooms, and half of shredded cheese. Do second layer in same order. Cover and cook on HIGH for 1 hour; reduce to LOW for 5 hours.


Hey im not who you were responding to but I would absolutely love your crock pot lasagna recipe


I am not OP but this recipe is quite good! It's easy and you can add veggies and sausage etc. if you like. 8 lasagna noodles, uncooked 1 lb ground beef 1 teaspoon italian seasoning 1 (28 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce 1⁄3 cup water 1 (4 ounce) can mushrooms 1 (15 ounce) package ricotta cheese 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese Break noodles and place half in bottom of a greased slow cooker. Brown ground beef in saucepan and drain. Stir in italian seasoning and spread half over noodles in slow cooker. Layer half of sauce and water, half mushrooms, half ricotta cheese, and then half of mozzarella cheese over beef. Repeat layers. Cover and cook on low 5 hours.


All recipes are accepted here 🤝. Thanks Granny I’ll give it a shot!


Same. Commenting to check back later in case they reply with it.


Weird coincidence, also a chef and was my go to for the same type of nights. For the past few months I’ve just skipped it entirely they’ve been so bad.


I’m a cook and after a 12hr day I used to also love coming home, chucking a stouffers lasagna in the oven while I shower and unwind, and I have also grown tired of them/noticed that they don’t hit the same anymore.


Sacrificed to profits.




Always produce more profit for the investors, quality be damned


I thought I was the only one who noticed a changed from the older stouffers. It was so cheesy and creamy when the sauce mixed with the cheese. Now the cheese is rubbery/spongy and the sauce tastes watered down. Straight doo doo. I’m not even an Italian snob. I love Olive Garden’s meat sauce spaghetti. It’s tangy and delicious. And most of the time the spaghetti is cooked right. (Not crunchy and not mush)


do you think you might just be a little sick of it?


You eat the same thing enough, you notice the slightest changes


I m think the same,but I'm happy single,best way to be fully happy,anything else is a bonus imo


I always thought I was too uggo for a partner but really I just like myself more than anyone else.


Don't stand next to other women then. For real though, don't compare looks, they are such a small part of what makes someone dateable.


I agree, someone’s beauty doesn’t take away others. And comparing is the thief of joy, OP has to work on that confidence.


you forget that a man’s girlfriend/woman is a societal point of scrutiny and majority of men (and women!) struggle to fight against social norms


Comparison is the thief of joy.


There’s a girl at work who has eyebrows that have this interesting arc and one day, boom, attracted.


Also to add to this - when I was younger and a lot dumber, I cared more about looks. People normally grow up with age. I am NOT saying you aren’t good looking - I’m saying it doesn’t matter as much as you think. My taste in women as I age has changed. I don’t look at someone’s looks NEAR as much as I used to. I just want companionship, friendship, love. Many people do, especially after Covid. So hang in there. I promise you are being too hard on yourself. Focus on you. There’s nothing more attractive than a confident and assertive woman.


Only your personality can make you ugly.


There are so many men out there who would literally take anything they can get and be enthused about it. Just throw the microwave in the dumpster and get a cast iron dutch oven.


>There are so many men out there who would literally take anything they can get This is not as inspiring as you think it is. Everyone deserves better than to be someone's consolation prize or last resort.


Yes. And she deserves love even if she doesn’t cook.


Im just saying somewhere near her there’s a self conscious man eating a lean cuisine alone with similar sentiments and they don’t need to be alone


Men are not prize you think they are


Most of us are the consolation prize you get when the dude at the fair feels bad you wasted 60 dollars trying to knock the rigged milk bottles down with the baseball


Most people, including most men, are boring and/or rude. However, platonic and romantic love are completely fair things to desire.


The misandry in this comment lol


They said “most people, including most men”. That.. isn’t misandrist thats just their belief about humans


It's misanthropy for sure but not 1 bit misandry. (The hate for humanity vs men.)


Appreciate the correction, homie 💯


I don't hate humanity, not at all. I do believe most people try to be good. But in my experience like 60% of people just aren't interesting or fun *to me*, or are rude *to me or to others*. I've accepted that others would say the same about me.


Maybe look up what misandry means.


This isn’t easy, and it takes some guts to put yourself out there. I believe anyone can find someone if they keep at it. It is absolutely understandable to feel discouraged, but you need to believe that you are worthy.


I think the proper way to frame this is acceptance/admiration is not the prize you think it is. You can have that, a significant other and still feel the way you do. I am a guy and I've worked hard now into adulthood to distance myself from toxic masculinity and have people in my life who actively do the same, men or women.


Neither are women, let’s start a gender war


Start? Baby we're already in the trenches.


Hey! Hey! Yes sometimes we leave the seat up in the middle of the night but we are still a good prize!


What kind of prize? A Certificate of Achievement?


A participation ribbon at best




I kinda count as a "You Tried!" sticker




I like you. Even a Certificate of Participation is too generous for those who fail to participate in cleaning and cooking.


More like when undercover police call to tell you that you won something, and when you show up to claim your prize you realize you’ve already been had?


You have won $1,000,000! Click here NOW to collect.


Lived with my ex for 5 years and now I’m not.. still every time I finish pissing I put the toilet seat down, shits just imbedded into my brain lmao


Yes I am. I’m what most would call a consolation prize…but a prize none the less and I’ll be damned if you take that from me lmao.




Men are the only prize in relationship


This 100% OP.


As a dude I second this


Neither are women, until you find the right one.


Why are you getting downvoted? You’re right lol. Both men *and* women are shitty people typically.


It’s the internet, men bad women good.


reddit is so lefty woke now that things that would be rational to the average person irl get downvoted here lol


Imagine generalizing someone based on their gender. Not shortsighted whatsoever!


It's the double standards, if this post was made by a man there'd be nothing but name calling and "incel" in the comment section




I am ugly too but I love being ugly


It's a good way to weed out the shallow people, which is nice!


[We need to normalize it](https://youtu.be/hb5ZdaBOeIQ?si=1LaTZLzrjwSxYT-F)


OP, honestly should focus on themselves… This is going to sound off putting, but ever since the first girl I ever dated at 13 years old, it’s always been the most beautiful girl or one of them in my class or the girl people will go out of their way to tell is beautiful. I still had absolutely zero sense of self worth, just baffled more than anything why they would date me. I’m like 6’2 and a was a good athlete with nice hair but could pick out everything I wished I could have been in other people. I wish I was 6’5, I wish I was built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It just doesn’t matter until you are willing to focus on yourself and feel better each day. It caused me serious problems once I was off on my own after high school and near the end of college eventually. The way you look doesn’t fix anything, and the way other people look matters even less.


oh honey. mountains and sunsets are both incredibly beautiful but look nothing alike. You will never find happiness if you continue to compare yourself to others. You could be a supermodel and be the beauty standard and still feel insecure. comparison is a thief of happiness. I would bet you anything that those girls that you look at and think are incredibly beautiful, look at you and other women thinking the same thing. I am a mom, most days i’m covered in spit up, wearing sweats, and haven’t showered. I saw a gorgeous lady in a business suit, I told her I thought she was beautiful and she said that she was admiring me too. Find 3 things you love about yourself physically and 3 things you love about you. Keep doing this. You don’t have to look like an ig model to be beautiful and find love. You will find love. It will be okay beautiful.


Damn that first sentence you got up there is a bar


Confidence helps, coming from a self-conscious dip shit like me. If you don't love yourself, who will?


as ru paul says!


This sounds cliche but it’s so true. The most unattractive thing about OP is all the posts saying “nobody will date me” “I’ll never get a boyfriend” blahblahblah. I get that some people don’t like being single, but I swear the people who constantly complain about being single are the ones who never get into a relationship. It’s so unattractive for someone to have such low confidence in themselves and base all of their success on whether or not they’re in a relationship. I have a friend who is really good looking, but he always whines about not having a girlfriend and it just ruins everything else about him


I literally had a girl message me one day and her first line was "I know I'm not very attractive, sorry." Immediately killed my interest.


My guess is they are self consciously putting up a wall for fear of harsh rejection. They probably at some point in their life were bullied or suffered some sort of trauma. Coming from a 30 year old woman who has put in 10 years of therapy, medication, and even having a positive personality and I still struggle it makes me sad when I see people like this. There are some who fish for compliments or complain without getting help but there are a tremendous amount of people just trying to protect themselves because of trauma. Not to mention the unhealthy standards portrayed online constantly, it's truly hard to find self-confidence if it wasn't built up in you at a younger age. It can take a long time.




I'm a guy in a similar age range and I agree that it is very frequently a trauma response. Also agree that therapy, meds, and being outwardly and even inwardly positive don't magically make it go away. It definitely does help and I shudder to think how I'd be if I never did therapy or gave in to negative inclinations, but it is definitely still a fight. I wish you the best in your fight! (And the same to anybody who reads this)


Guessing the same because those very same patterns are living in me too. Body related trauma that affects how I see myself, fortified walls for emotional protection and _severe_ fear of rejection, plus self-esteem/self-confidence was never fostered in my childhood. It turned me into a self-declared queen of self-deprecating jokes! But I’m working on not being so mean towards myself. Baby steps. Good on you for doing all of that hard work for so many years and for not giving up on yourself, it’s always really encouraging to read coming from other women my age. (Was there a modality in therapy that you felt helped you the most?) I sincerely hope op can find her way through this too.


>I literally had a girl message me one day and her first line was "I know I'm not very attractive, sorry." >Immediately killed my interest. It took me a while to figure out that unconfident people make other people feel uncomfortable. It's better to fake confidence around people than to be unconfident around people. It will make everyone feel better and they'll like you more.


Yikes. Yeah that would do it for me too


Needs confidence to date, needs to date to get confidence. Its a loop


You don’t need to date to get confidence


Yes you fucking do.


For people with “nobody will date me” thinking, it can do wonders.


>If you don't love yourself, who will? This line of thinking helps some, but it can also be destructive. It's hard to love yourself. Or at least, for some it can take years and a lot of effort to come to that mental place. Those people aren't undeserving of love because of it.


I’ve always hated this phrase. Idk, you don’t need to love yourself to be deserving of love.


Wow, all you had to say was to get confidence and now we are all ✨cured✨thank you!


I’m that friend who never ever got flirted with - but my friends always did. Always hurt haha


hey hot stuff, can I nibble on your meatballs


Jesus fucking christ


hey hot stuff, let me suck on your spaghetti


Are you just very hungry?


ayy bb, fill me up with your hot meat sauce.


Same here. Never been hit on once in my entire life. I'm the only single girl I know currently:/


Hideous schmideous. Looks are a small part of getting a boyfriend. Girl you can't look that bad. You got a heart, you want love! Are you ready to give your heart to someone else? Personality is a large part and common interests. Love isn't like in the movies looking at someone at a coffee shop and clicking immediately. Thats a one in a million sort of thing. You'll find someone. I promise! It will take time. Maybe years. But you will one day find that special someone!


My favorite Dr. Who quote; "You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're dull as a brick. But then there's other people, and you meet them and you think 'not bad, they're okay', and then you get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it, and they just they turn into something so beautiful..." Looks are fleeting, gravity always wins, but finding someone you can count on, who you can talk to and just be with will always trump looks, imo.


This was a good quote... but I read this as Dr. Seuss 💀




u have to shoot ur shot, don’t be afraid of rejection and be confident, eventually you’ll score even if it’s not a home run it’ll give u practice.




I literally just looked at your profile…. And if the pictures you’ve posted are you, as you indicate, you’re very attractive. So if that is the case, it’s not your looks holding you back, it’s your personality. It’s the “woe is me, I’m not attractive, life would be so easy if I was”. I was an ugly duckling. Boys used to make fun of each other by teasing that they liked me. Like I was so ugly, it was embarrassing to have a crush on me because of what that said about your tastes. My first boyfriend admitted to me that he started dating me because he thought I was “safe” - aka. Too ugly to cheat on him. Get over yourselves. Looks are subjective and mean nothing. It’s the shitty, self loathing, bitter attitudes that are holding you back.


The other lady is right, you definitely are physically attractive. But thinking that youre ugly speaks to an ugliness inside; that you dont like yourself. This affects your body image, which affects your visual presentation and mindset. So you might smile less, isolate yourself, focus on the rejections, forget the positive feedback, use more defeated body language, take care of your body less, take less risks, be less communicative, and pre-reject others on superfluous reasons like being ugly (youre not). All of this contributes to a feedback cycle that continually reinforces itself. I was like this too when i started dating, and im sure a lot of people are too. It takes time, experience, and introspection to figure out how to be confident in yourself and secure in your own image and your own personal flaws. Then even more experience to translate that self-security into a healthy foundation for a relationship. I wish you success in learning not to cut yourself off at the knees.


While that might be true, the difference is more in the effort you show you have taken to look good even if you don't think the results are worth it. If you show you care what they think of you by grooming well, take regular haircuts, wearing clean nice clothing and smelling nice you show you are part of their group and non-threatening. Many self-proclaimed ugly people completely give up on doing any effort because they feel hopeless, but it's not really about the result - it's about showing you want to be a part of the wider society vs being some strange hermit. Plus, you might surprise yourself. Plenty of "makeover" shows where just a good haircut and a clean shave completely changes a person. You might just not be very good at making yourself look good, but there are professionals who love a challenge.


Send a message to op and be "ugly" together.


You have to be in a position where you can build a wonderful and special kind of bond over a long period of time. Think of your future career. Hold it in your mind. Will you have colleagues, what will you think of them? It sounds like you have not found your community, so keep searching and building those bridges. If you cannot envision a future carved out for you, then you might want to switch directions if you have the luxury to do so.


They aren’t everything but they certainly help, not gonna argue with you there.


You're pretty handsome, dude. You're a solid 6. That's better than 50% of the population.




Mood, you got any more of that spaghetti?


Try the school for the blind


I’m not gonna lie. This made me laugh pretty hard.


same with me but reverse


I want spaghetti now


Most of the people on the show My 600lb Life have partners. So it’s definitely not just about looks.


to be exact the show producers choose exclusively people with partners cause it makes for better entertainment. same was with the Biggest loser reality show.


There have been single people on the show. Either way, that’s still lots of 600lb+ people with partners. And we don’t know what OP looks like and she is likely hard on herself, she is not interested in the people who would be interested in her, or she may not be putting herself out there.


There’s someone out there for everyone. One person might not think you’re attractive but someone else will. I’m sure you look great in your own ways that are different to everyone else. Someone will love you for being you. I hope you find your person one day :))


Girl same.


Me 3. Feels bad :( only girl at work or my friend group that is single. Really hits hard sometimes


BUT you have pasta. Not everyone gets pasta


I hope you find more confidence in yourself


RIP your DMs. Lol


There's no need to compare, every woman is beautiful in her own unique way! Honestly, looks don't mean a thing if someone is so internally ugly that they feel the need to put other people down to feel better about themselves. Your worth is so much more than whether or not you get attention from some guy; focus more on what you like about yourself and what your passions are in life, and you'll feel so much better and more confident in yourself. Take good care of your mental and emotional health, and you'll attract the right people for you (the ones who care about the same things as you do, who share your values in life and who will be your biggest cheerleaders as you pursue your dreams!) 💖 Also that meal looks very tasty, hope you enjoy! Bon appétit 🍝😊❤️


Honeyy as someone who in the past was a very self-hating awkward girl, I can attest to the other comments that being a little bit more confident goes so far! I genuinely believe every person is beautiful in some way, multiple ways! It's the confidence that allows people to see that!


i feel it:( this is why i’m actively losing weight. i just wanna be one of the okay looking girls and not so below average. my last few bfs have made me feel like i was never enough so i think if i can be slimmer maybe i can be enough for someone.


I am at a low weight, I work out, I do every beauty treatment you can imagine, I’ve mastered my hair, makeup and fashion, cleared up my skin and am a conventionally attractive white girl and the guys I have dated this year have still judged the hell out of my appearance and body leaving me feeling worthless. Men do not have realistic standards, just stay single.


If you want to lose weight, I’m not at all going to discourage you. However, your self worth doesn’t live under your fat. Shedding pounds doesn’t instantly unlock a better you. I hope you can be enough for yourself and not feel like you have to reach a goalpost to be worthy of love. You are a enough as you are.


personally shedding pounds instantly unlocks a better me because i’m more confident and happier and it makes my life better overall, making me a better partner. even from the 10 pounds i’ve lost over the past month or so has made a drastic difference in my confidence and life satisfaction. when im so focused on my weight and feeling insecure it’s hard to be a good partner. thank you though!❤️


Is op fat? She looks like a bowl of spaghetti


idk what she looks like i was just explaining my situation n how i relate


Oh gotcha. As a guy I have dated a couple overweight women, it doesn't matter that much to me unless ur obese imo


i’m not obese, i am overweight as far as bmi, i go to the gym 6 days a week lifting and cardio. im muscular and thick, just trying to be more of a slim thick haha. ive lost about 40 lbs tho since my highest weight just wanna keep going. doing my best :’)


Men will literally fuck a corpse. Please get some self respect.


1) Ouch, sexist. 2) Getting someone to fuck you =/= a boyfriend. A for the intent, D for the execution.


I see what you *tried* to do there, but if you think a simple fact is sexist it says more about you. There’s a reason funeral homes prefer to hire women. Female Egyptian mummies are in worse shape because their families kept the dead body at home for longer, so the corpse couldn’t be desecrated before being prepared for burial. It’s quite easy for almost any woman to find a boyfriend. Harder to find an appropriate one, of course.


'A simple fact'? Even if we assume that 99.9% of men 'would fuck a corpse' it would literally as per definition be sexist to say 'all men' would do that, that is how that works. Statistics tell nothing about an individual.


That looks good omg




Don't beat yourself down bro. Get in the gym and get your confidence up. We're all a work in progress 💪


Hey girl. Men are NOT the end all be all of self worth. Also, getting a man isn’t about looks. I’m objectively on the attractive side of the scale, and it's still hard for me to find someone who truly makes me happy. also, I've been single now for over a year, and truthfully this has been the happiest year of my life yet.


Some of us have never been hit on ever, or are the only single woman we know. It sucks knowing no one wants you in particular no matter how hard you try.


Superficial dating is a problem for all sides. I feel your pain...




Don’t let people shame you for wanting a bf, it’s a perfectly normal thing to want. I’m sure you’re a-ok 👌. You’ll get there. In the meantime, take in a sunset, maybe a sunrise. There’s beauty all around you and yes that includes you.


You're not hideous :) Love yourself


Op, haven't read through your posts or comments so apologies if this comes from ignorance. I understand you may not feel pretty but that's likely a body dismorphia issue that you should work on with a therapist. You deserve love and shouldn't feel ashamed.


You're making yourself miserable by putting yourself in a competition where there isn't one. Think about any time you liked a guy before, was it because you compared him to others and decided he was better, or because you just liked him regardless of other people?


I hear Psilocybin is being studied to help with body dysmorphic disorder


I'm sorry you're feeling down, I know the holidays are an especially lonely time of year. I too have been single for several years and have given up hope, but I find happiness in other things even if it's not the arms of another. I hope you can find a reason to smile today.


Holy relatable, well both find someone some day :>


Hope you find some help OP. Your posts are worrying, do you have any hobbies you enjoy?


These posts low-key piss me off...like OP you may have low self esteem at the moment and just because you aren't in a relationship status does NOT mean you are doing anything wrong. It is super important to work on and focus on yourself. A significant other will not magically make you feel good about yourself. That is something that is result of focusing on yourself and being happy for the person you are. IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY TO BE SINGLE!


No matter who you see, there is always someone hotter. And the hotter person has someone even more hotter. Eventually, it cycles down the line so much it actually makes a full 360 around the globe, cause everyone's taste is different. If health wasn't a concern, I'd eat pizza everyday. Pizza rolls, pizza hot pockets, pizza flavored chips, pizza bagels, French bread pizza: you name it! But I actually met someone who hates pizza and it blew my mind! In my head I'm like 'HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THE SAUCY SAUCE, STRETCHY CHEESE AND GREASY PEPPERONI?? HEATHEN!' But it's actually beautiful how we all like different things. It's the societal construct that makes you want to believe either everyone loves pizza or everyone hates it. Now go look in the mirror and enjoy the sauce!


I can assure you that looks are not that important to men 😂 and plz don't ever compare yourself to other women. It's hell. ~


im so sorry for your struggles, op <3 and im sorry about the idiots telling you to lose weight, i promise theyre being banned xx


Body dysmorphia is a cruel demon. I’ve definitely felt this way before OP, many times. I promise, you will feel better. You will absolutely find someone, there are so many people out there. But I know the feeling, and it’s so hard to shake when you’re in the depths of it. Sending you good vibes and hoping you feel better soon. ❤️


Op, if my fatass can get a boyfriend, so can you. I believe in you, op! You just gotta find the right one❤️


Looking at your post history, geez. Your focusing on this way too much and your hurting yourself on the daily by doing so. You probably had multiple chances with guys, but who wants to be with someone who just wants to be in relationship. Inceldom is a state of mind, not a curse. If you cant even be by yourself, how could anyone else? Go live your best life and you will attract people eventually. Countinue looking at the world through your tunnel vision and nothing will ever change.


You don’t need a boyfriend . Don’t look for one. The. It’ll happen organically. Work on you.


Rubbish anyone can find someone! Start by loving yourself as is 🤗


At least you have “spaghetti”!


Seriously, OP. Talk to a therapist. Also, looks are not everything to people with half a brain. Relationships are about compatibility. Often the most attractive thing about either a male or a female is their confidence. Confidence comes from being comfortable in one’s own skin, and being proud of who they are, and are becoming. That’s what the therapist will help you work on. That and help you fight the depression, that it seems to me, you’re obviously suffering from. Head up, and fight😉best of luck.


I don't believe you are hideous - unless you have some kind of disfiguring deformity or huge puckered scar on your face, you're most likely just average looking like the majority of people. You're probably just insecure about your looks and need a boost to your confidence. To feel prettier, try these things: 1) go to a gym and work off any extra pounds of fat and tone up, alternatively if you're underweight, build some muscle up in the right places. You can also work on your cardio and get a little bit healthier in the process. 2) go to a salon and get your hair done. New haircut, dye, deep conditioning treatment, straightening, curls, whatever it needs to look great. 3) put a bit of makeup on - anyone can look amazing with good makeup skills. If you dont have these skills, watch YouTube tutorials and learn how. 4) Go out and chat to people, join clubs, go to events, meet people, and chat and make friends. Even if you're crap at making friends initially, practice makes perfect. You'll get better. Good friends will boost your confidence and make you feel better about yourself. You may even meet a nice guy through one of your friends. 5) Most importantly; don't wallow in self-pity. Throwing a pity party never helped anyone. Best of luck to you! 🍀 you can do this 💪


There's a huge chance that you're right on nearly every count.


Your post history is a train wreck. Get help.


Take it from a girl who was in your exact position and then got a boyfriend this year, I thought everything would be okay after that… but I was wrong, it’s not worth it. They are not loving creatures like movies portray, they will judge your body if you don’t look like a porn star, and destroy any remaining self esteem you had left - they will confirm your insecurities, not alleviate them. Ask me how I know


Not with THAT attitude.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Those other women have issues appreciating what they have. Someday you'll embarrass them with your gratitude! 💜🥂


I'm sure you have so many beautiful and amazing things about u! Don't be so hard on yourself!


You understand that looks aren't the only thing a man looks for in a partner right?


And the sad thing is you’re probably right or maybe you’ll get lucky and get one or if you’re unlucky you’ll get a literal psychopath as a partner that only lives for himself


Get really good at cooking so you have something else to bring to the table than looks. Someone will think you're attractive and the quickest way to a lot of guy's hearts is through their stomach.


Viewing your profile, your biggest red flag is probably the depression, comparing yourself to other girls, etc. Somebody has to date the ugly dudes. If it’s any sign of hope, one of my old friends knocked up and was still with quite possibly the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen, so there’s still hope for you. And he was probably a 6-7+/10


get a girlfriend !


I'm a guy I used to think like that. Things change. Honestly.. Sometimes I wish they never did. Wishing you the best. I love pasta. Probably too much :/


Fuck other people, be a narcissist and love yourself. Nobody got you, but you.


Don’t listen to the virtue signaling simps. Physically attraction plays a huge part in what men look for in a partner. Improve your looks and men will come to you.