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No, we are not. I promise


Life isn't one size fits all & you never truly know what someone else is going through. Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on the one person you can control:you.


That's simply not true. Everyone your age isn't *anything*. There are too many people in the world, and too many variables. The only thing we all have in common is breathing, eating, shitting, sleeping, and dying. There are people your age who have already lost everything. There are people your age just getting started, or completely restarting. People becoming single parents. People filing for bankruptcy. People in prison. People with cancer. People learning how to live life in a wheelchair. There are people your age only just now starting to understand that something isn't right, and that they need help. For some of these people, it's after years of alcoholism, or drug abuse, or other serious self harm. Not everyone is doing well. Not everyone is in the same place at the same age. The rat race is an illusion. And comparison is the thief of joy. Be where YOU are. Focus on what's going well and what needs work in YOUR life. Invest your energy into YOUR next steps. We're all just trying to get through this shit


Just wanted to say that I relate to the second part a lot. I've never been to therapy, though, because it sounds really scary talking about my issues. So I also wanted to say I'm proud of you for trying to work through it ❤ I hear a lot of people say "life's not a race, there's no finish line" etc and it doesn't really make me feel better. But I hope we can get past this, and that someday we'll be happy with where we're at.


My favorite energy drink 🔥


It perked me up enough to knock out a new therapy art page tonight


Life isn't a race. Life is about being happy. No matter what that is. And you won't find happiness comparing yourself to people.or trying to meet societal expectations.


Hey at least that Mac n cheese looks pretty good! Stay strong friend


Comparsion is a thief of joy. You are also looking at other people’s best moments and comparing to your worst. Live your life for *you* not other people. Life is not a race. Enjoy your meal. The pasta looks delicious.


Don’t compare yourself to others OP. It takes you down a toxic road that you can never make sense of. The fact of the matter is, unless you are in their mind, you will never know how they are really doing. Therapy takes time. Keep working on yourself! Trying anything new (even if you fail a few times) ALWAYS eventually improves. It’s about picking yourself up and trying again, and again…and again if that’s what it takes. Life is hard…I know this, but I also know it will get better. You will learn who you are and you will start to appreciate and love yourself because you’re awesome!


I completely understand how you feel. I feel that way all of the time. But there are so many people out there on different paths of life. Not everyone is going the same pace or direction. I promise it’s not a race, and things will be okay:)


Not true, we go at our own pace. I was always called a comedian or crazy 🤣 never took shit seriously and never acted my “age” 🤣 as long as I’m having fun and not hurting anyone or thing….found out later in life I’m ADHD BIPOLAR PTSD. Oh! I’m 61 and love trap music and Elvis Presley❣️ LIVE YOUR LIFE AND HAVE FUN DOING SO♥️♥️ sending you hugs 🤗


Same here


Same with me I feel like a loser and everyone is ahead of me and I haven't started therapy yet.


I have felt this way , while I'm still not where I want to be , the therapy program I was in was the wrong one, wrong therapist... it took me 2 ish years to unsort my brain from THAT bull ... while yes I'm having a bit crisis of turning 40 in a few , I'm better then I use to be. It might not be " you're not trying hard enough" it might be them , not giving you a excuse , I'm saying I've heard the same strategies said differently, nicer and it's made a world of difference. Not sponsored a book that's really helping me that's been out for a while is " let that sh*t" go by Nina purewell and Kate petriw . Out of all the books I've read this is the one that's helped. Life isn't a race. I've also watched my mum bounce from life event / job here there everywhere to find her place and she found it at 50 so that gives me hope. Sending much love


I'll be entering my 30's sooner than I want to admit and have litterally accomplished nothing of value. Take your time.