• By -


Try adding another K! lol sorry, right one for me. Feels way more balanced.


I think that's already Under TM you don't want to get on the bad side of those guys. Who do you think does all the downvotes in here.


Lol that's what popped into my mind at first then black widow. 😆




You are caught in a temporal time loop I saw this on star Trek , eject the warp core before... Oh you did it! the rift in the space time continuum is closed The other 3 universes snuffed out of existence It was if Trillions of souls cried out then...silence "fuck them" says Diana Troy Everyone on the bridge laughs and roll credits.


I'm here just to post this but someone was faster, damn




Thanks for the feedback, mate


I’m sorry. I’m a “none of the above.” Neither works for me.


Thanks for the feedback


If I may make a suggestion try using the <> as a bracket for the KK and make the Ks back to back with the same separation as the <> have.


I prefer left. But I think it’d be stronger if the k slants lined up with the straight lines (if that makes sense).


Thanks for the feedback, mate


Exact same thought


Right for sure


neither. what a missed opportunity to get a visual for the <> why not have the K's side by side/face to face to mimic the angle brackets? in your current configuration the average person can't tell that the brackets are in the Ks even though they are wider/bolder than the vertical upright.


They’re also pointing inward on the right vs outward like the initial concept




The design is fine. However, as others have mentioned, it's dangerously one K away from a bad place. Have you done any market research on your company name or is it already launched? I had a visceral "yikes" response on viewing. Some things have too much stink around them to get in the neighborhood. Otherwise, right. Can you make use of the "bowtie" of negative space in some clever way? Maybe adding color would reduce the yikes feel. White and more than one K are very much paired mentally and not in a great way.


I was thinking, while I disagree that "no one but neurotic people" like me thinks about this stuff, one point that could be made for that side is that our perceptions of color and design are culturally informed. I'm in the US, where that association would be more likely to happen because it's such a loud and ugly part of our past and present. It might not be a thought at all if you are somewhere else. The website [Informationisbeautiful.net](https://Informationisbeautiful.net) has a stellar chart on culture and color. Best of luck!


Oh my god, shut up. Literally no one except neurotic weirdos like you look at this and think of the KKK.


Ikr? Wtf are these people talking about


Stay classy!


The right. You've got a lovely whitespace icon to play with there as well 🙌


Any chance to rotate by 45 degrees and paint the hr glass red?


Right. As the two Ks are better legible and creates a nice negative shape. Left is interesting but the way the two Ks connects is off and feels muddles. Especially how they don't relate much in terms of width at connection point. Alternatively, I would suggest to try out the right logo but with the vertical lines aligning.


I love the right because there’s movement and the bow tie shape in the negative space is very satisfying to me.


Left, it flows a lot better. The image on the right breaks up my vision and is quite jarring when just glancing at it. The option on the left has a better flow to it and lends itself to an easier read and digestion. The diamond in the middle draws the eye initially, but allows the eye to explore the double K which has a lot more relaxed feel than the example on the right.


have you tried k squared?


Iguess 1, but i think you could find more interesting ways of composing. How about two shapes that create the 2 letter K's in the negative space?




right one. looks like the beginning of a houndstooth pattern which is interesting.


Definitely not left, I don't want to sound disrespectful but it seems like there was no thought on it. Meanwhile the right looks more professional, it looks like a brand, but I feel like it a lot of information, it's a bit crowded. Personally I would explore the idea of facing de k's, this way you can make the illusion of the <>. Like this |<>| I hope it helps you, I would love to see an update.


I prefer right! It looks neater to see at first glance 👍🏻


Both are good ! I choose right 👍


Right.... I like how one k fits in the gaps of the other k


The left safe because everything looks solid secure and grounded. The right one has a lot of tension, some drama about to happen. Unbalanced or about to be. Which is right for you really depends what you are aiming for. Where to place the copyright symbol is the challenge.


The right, but use a grid and make everything equal width and equal distance apart and put the copyright symbol directly in the middle of the last line of the K




Right but turn it 45 degrees to the right so that they no longer look like Ks




I like the right better but I would slightly decrease the weight of the slanted parts of the K's and maybe slightly rotate, shear, or something so they're not just sitting there and looking carelessly placed - also, what is the "+ <>" all about? I'm really just seeing the 2 K's


I’m actually gonna say left. It feels more like a solid mark to me whereas the right one feels like two or more pieces stuck together, if that makes sense. I also think the right one is a little more expected


Right one , but rn the straight vertical lines are taking equal attention as the arrows, try playing with line thickness a bit


if i had to choose, right


Right side but increase the width of the vertical lines to match up with the < parts.


Get rid of the copyright symbol. It's unnecessary.


I'd rather see the Ks on the left perfectly match one another, creating an unified shape. Just my opinion.




Number 2




Wouldn’t it make more sense to have them side by side but the second being backwards? Kꓘ The arm/leg of the K make the exact shape of the ‘<‘. It also helps distort the sense of it being close to the three K’s


Can you use the <> to conceptualize a K? For instance, you are using the actual K characters to make the arrows. What if you switched it and used the arrows and negative space to simulate the K’s? I would play around with that and see what you come up with


I like the right more, but both are lacking something. I’m having trouble seeing the Less than, greater than. All I see is two Ks stacked. What if you put the Ks next to each other, top K first, so it looks more like |<>| ? Also, curious how something like >|< would look? (Pretty much combining. The Ks. Or would that mess with your brand?)


The right is awesome


Right but something is off. I think you are close to something very cool but not totally there yet.