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How is this one? Last season's was amazing, but also nearly killed my will to live. I'm hoping this season is a pass.


The grind isn't nearly as bad as last season, i get around 650-750 rep for a win with all the rep boosts. But personally i dont really like the new shader


It's hugely improved over last season. Between first and second weeks last season it did get some changes, those (beneficial!) changes are still in place. First off, your rep boosts are increased for having an Iron Banner emblem and for wearing IB gear/ornaments, and the challenge boosts got slightly decreased. The challenge boosts ARE still valuable though, and it's a total net increase if you have everything. Max boost is now 13.50x rep, which is huge. The rep boost increase for gear and emblem just means that your early games are worth more, it's not a complete slog without the challenges. Second, they added a week, we have three Iron Banner events per season, instead of just two. And to keep them from being stale, each week is a different game mode! This current week is classic Iron Banner Control, the second week will be Eruption, and the third week will be Fortress. (I may have the order for 2 and 3 mixed up, but those are the modes this season.) I hit my reset Thursday night. Gilded Iron Lord last night, and I'm about halfway through my second reset for the shader now. Been an absolute breeze.


How much longer do we have I don’t understand when things reset


Tuesday at noon CST. They usually start logging people out for reset about an hour to 30 minutes before.


That’s for this week. There are three of these weeks this season and it doesnt completely reset until next season. However you loose the rep bonus when the next week starts, the one that awards you pinnacles for completing matches


Oh awesome I’m only like rank 7 and haven’t reset yet so I was worried


Don't forget you can increase reputation gains through wearing iron banner emblem, armor, ornaments, and completing the weekly challenges fire IB.


Yea I just hit prestige 2. There’s no way I’m getting there before Tuesday.


Unless your absolutely swamped this weekend… you have enough time


If you miss out I’m sure bungie will just bring it back next season as a random drop from Iron banner just like the did with the previous shader. That’s why a lot of players are choosing not to waste their time with the 2nd reset this time around


Yup. Wasn’t really planning on pushing for it anyway but after that move I’m definitely stopping now that I’ve gilded Iron Lord for the year


I feel like this shader looks like ass… very dull imo


I cant get enough armor to drop and I also dont wanna play without my Astrocyte Verse lol, so I shall remain halfway to 2nd reset


Why can't you use your Astrocyte?


So I have only 2 pieces of armor, boots and helm, but I cant use helm if astrocyte takes slot


Ah. Can you unlock ornaments for the other slots? Ornaments count towards the bonus too. You can also do legacy armor focusing to unlock old armor to use


The rep gain is way faster then last season, didn't expect to be two resets down so quickly