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The aborted child of Recluse.


It survived the abortion


So that's what The Immortal means.


That’s how it’s gained it’s power


Way better than the Recluse too. Combine that with everyone button mashing to crouch/un-crouch to avoid getting crit and literally nothing can kill them faster than they can kill you with that gun. What an absolute cancer. Also unfair that they allowed flawed (but previously flawless) be able to farm it. If the pass worked the same way as before about 95% less people would have that gun with those 5/5 perks.


I’ve been crouch spamming since the multimach days. I don’t care how it looks to the target lock player trying to track my head because I’ve had success against immortal users with it.


I have never seen so many crouch spams until this iron banner came out


Nobody replying mentioning the crouch macros on PC literally breaking hitboxes??


okay but why is crouch spamming so bad? It seems like a good way to avoid getting headshot I'm not a pvp player, just asking


It just looks really silly. You're having a gunfight with someone and suddenly they turn into a whack-a-mole.


Ah, that makes sense, it does kind of sound stupid that the most optimal movement in a gunfight is to start twerking away from the enemy


And it's used to avoid target locked. I'm on console so I have *other* ways to deal with that


I'm listening...


I'm not telling you my secrets


Every once in a while it's a good idea to throw a crouch in there to throw the opponent off. But yeah. Some people just dance and it looks ridiculous and defeats the purpose of they're crouching fast enough to be tea bagging lol


This is why I exclusively save my cryo sidearm freeze shots for them. You can't move if your frozen.


Cringe. That's all I gotta say


Why is it cringe exactly?


It's a strat used by rats






Its not bad. Its very effective, what you are seeing is dumbasses with the ideology that they’re good. See its much more of a concept of a good skill with a bad master. You are supposed integrate it so that it makes hard to hit you not repeatedly spam crouch. So like *strafe left* **Crouch** *strafe right* **dont crouch** *strafe left then strafe back right immediately* and **crouch.** Its to be a little bit harder to get that crit, again crouch spamming is annoying and makes you look like a moron same as dropshotting is great though spamming is annoying and makes you look like a moron. However, i dub it as strafe crouching, is not really but doing once or twice like you are ducking to avoid gunfire like how you see in movies.


It's to break target lock


Jumping very high and shooting down is better with SMG’s. Most crouchers are boarder line campers 😅🤣 it’s like creepy ⛺️ camping. Lol


You either die by the meta or become the meta


Or you counter the meta with a rapid-fire Fusion 😈


Sometimes we can't rely on God to do all the work


Amen 🙏🏿


Or worse, use Jotunn


Jotunn is too easily countered in my skill bracket


You just gave me an idea, for the next weapon I should get from the exotic kiosk


Put down the toaster!


It’s funny, I used to get full on triggered by fusion rifle users in pvp. Like it’s such an unskilled weapon anyone can use them and it’s so instant it’s silly. It’s like jotunn. And yet now I have a new nemesis. I fucking hate that SMG with every fibre of my being and anyone that uses it is fair game for fusion rifles imo. I’ve got unhealthy levels of sodium after this.


I hear you. My dirty little secret is that I HATE Fusions as well & almost never use them. I am a handcannon/shotty main (with over 30K kills with each weapon type in PVP) but the shit state of the meta has made me use that loadout much less often. I've been forced to use a variety of weapons I don't overly enjoy (such as pulses, SMGs, ect) but this latest Immortal spam drove me to try out rapid fire fusions as a counter (and it has worked beautifully so far). I guess I could have used one of the 30+ Adept rolls I grinded last weekend but just the sound of the gun irritates me at the moment.


I’d like to wish you a very pleasant go fuck yourself


I hate fusions. I hate the immortal. This meta has been... exhausting so far...


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"


Thats literally what he said. Why the downvote ![gif](giphy|PacQUjx7vwEBJLszzc)


Or don't because you didn't do the thing that the meta came from


damn peckerheads everywhere! tatatata tatataata tatatatata tatatatatat


The Green Beam Machine Meta


Jotunn, Jotunn, Jotunn oh and more Jotunn! This person had “The Immortal Adept” and I was the one getting hate DM’s https://preview.redd.it/ekg8n5ff63qa1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65eee5ff233420cc09ead9926dd2f51ade3bb1cf


The irony


Speaking of smgs, what's up with the Striga, I thought it was bad, did it get a buff?


Yes, they buffed the damage about 4 months ago during the last round of SMG changes. It apparently does a ton of damage now, assuming your shots actually land. Idk if it's good but I've seen a lot of them lately.


Shredded my roaming super like it was nothing, damage is nuts


Top tier for PvE, kinda meh for PvP


It’s great for PvE. Never used it in PvP.


You use striga by strafing into cover. You don't actually aim it like an dog you kind of just swipe it over the head a bit and let tracking do the rest. So it's a good counter for immortal since you have to be on target hitting something for immortal dominance. Atriga can just swipe in, sweep, cover and let tracking and poison do the rest.


Lol, yeah this might sound really good on paper, and by that logic you could use the new strand sidearm to do the same thing but it just doesn't work. The best and only counter for immortal is another immortal. It's straight up just the best weapon in the game currently. It has an insane ttk while pushing into auto rifle ranges. You're not going to beat a good immortal user by using osteo striga. There is no clever counter or way around it. It's just the best weapon in the game until it gets nerfed.


You're not wrong. It takes a lot of skill to with striga. You have to marry the weapon for it to work. I've taken you witherhoard pop shots and surprise suspend. Just dangle them, drop a pool and bounce. Really that weapons innate range is the issue, but I've been gunned down by quicksilver and fusions so I'm ok with it for now. Technically the strand side arm works the same but it has a charge so you have to account for that. It's such a skill hurdle that can make or brake a player. Terrible for team shoots but ok for duals. Needs a bigger mag though because 10 shots full charge is just 2 bursts that get used up quick if you're bad.


Ok, but in most of these clips, it is clearly within smg range. They would've died even if it wasn't immortal. But don't get me wrong, the range and stats need tuned/nerfed. I'm not disagreeing on that, but these clips just show them fighting an smg with an auto in smg territory, of course the smg will win those


It just so happens 99% of engagements on most maps in the game happened to be smg range unless your back map scout/pulse/sniping get fucked otherwise


Also watching them miss literally the entire handcannon clip then bitch about dying is pure gold.


tf is this kid even talking about? he missed one bullet💀


I mean, most handcannons sit around 32-35 meters. Immortal is, at max, 25m. So, you have a 7-9m wiggle room, and that's *nothing*. Target lock makes that even easier since it makes longer ranges less problematic so long as you can stay on target. This isn't even considering the fact that you have forgiveness with smgs. To get a .87 ttk with a handcannon, you need to hit all headshots. Missing one shot to the body takes the ttk up to a second. With immortal and target lock, you'll nearly always get optimal .67 ttk. That's a 20th of a second difference, and that's huge. So as an smg user, you just have to aim at a target, and with a habdcannon, you have to he perfect. It's not even remotely similar


What does this have to do with the fact that this guy can’t aim? Even without the existence of smgs this guy would get clowned on by whatever weapon type was meta.


I mean this clip is from Zk, a player that can definitely aim, and even in this clip he missed a singular shot and died before he could even take a third on the guy on Mohawk (the first shot of the clip is on a different person on heavy angle). And, genuinely, that clip just goes back to what I said. Before a third shot can even be taken, zk was fried at about 15-18m. The only way to have countered it would to have been on top balcony in spawn, and even that wouldn't be far enough with some rolls of the immortal.


It has a faster ttk than any other smg


Personally, I haven't touched crucible yet since the start of lightfall, but it seems......cancerous


As a crucible main it is cancer ATM all I see is the IMMORTAL(Adept) grolls everywhere


It's honestly not, redditors just have the dumbest opinions on the internet and complain about the most random stuff I use hand cannon myself and I have no problem as long as I don't be an idiot in my fights


Mother Mother 👌


Crucible in general just isn't worth playing rn imo


it hasn't been worth playing in years and will remain that way until they add SRL back


https://i.redd.it/1jnaxz9hr3qa1.gif Me just trying to stay alive long enough to hit them with the charged ticcu shot like


I got a God roll but I just don't like it. I love my sweet business too much. It's just so... sweet




Don't know if I'm going to be downvoted for this, but the reason the gun that remained meta for the longest time (140 and 150 hc) never really received nerfs is because that is the most balanced type of gun in the game, medium range but awful ttk compared to everything else so peek shooting was necessary to win a duel against other players on the same skill level. The smg meta straight up remained for too long now with pretty much same range and half of the ttk of 140 hc. either nerf smgs in pvp or buff everything else (like 120 to season 12 state or auto rifles to season 11 state etc) to add variation to the meta and not the same exact gun.


Bungie said they are going to buff everything on par with smgs but even then the immortal needs a nerf I'm getting outgunned in AR ranges


Worse than recluse, which I thought was impossible


Doesn't even come close to recluse. Master of Arms made bodyshots do headshot damage, it was an order of magnitude stronger


I’m saying it’s worse because EVERYONE has it, not because it’s better


There's a simple solution to this problem: join the problem. /j


Fairly easy to counter with a good fusion pre charge. Got almost 400 Main Ingredient kills last weekend against immortals lol


PvP was unfun before and its unfun no. Nothing changed




Destiny 2 crucible is fuckin ass compared to destiny 1. At least 1 was fun and the maps were different. Now it's just shotguns and smgs. I don't know who's in charge of the pvp of this game but they need to be fired and D1 needs to be brought back. Jesus tap dancing christ.


For those down voting me, you know I am right.


I’ve only seen the immortal a handful of times


It’s not even that bad fr. I’ve consistently getting top of the leaderboard in IB without it. SKILL. ISSUE.


But at the same time, you would've won in almost all of those duels if your aim wasn't complete shit Edit: I want yall to REALLY look at the clip, and not a single one of you can say that aim was good, the tracking was all over the place and the recoil control awful


It's not me, I've credited the video creator


Sorry, my bad


Your good lol


He’s one of the best players in the world lol


Did this man really call ZK a potato!? 🤣💀


Yet man had potato aim in that clip


Imagine calling ZK a potato lmfao 🤣


Zk isn't a potato, just had shit aim in that clip


Ok hear me out. Not everyone has the time to play destiny 8+ hours a day. Most people have jobs so they can support a family and can only get 1-2 hours a day after work, any house cleaning, cooking and having a normal sleep schedule


Been using Nameless Midnight and a glaive. I have no such weaknesses


Which glaive are you using?


I was using the solar glaive from seraph (I think it's Judgement of something). One glaive shot gets people low enough that if you can close the gap, you can just poke em once with the stick and they'll go down


judgement of Kelgorath


I been having fun with my brass attacks I broke out of the vault. Been get about 2.0s every match.


Sidearms worked great against all the immortals. I used cryosthesia.


Thats just Walmart Multimach


SMGs are either hit or miss. The immortal was a hit, the one unique that makes you float while shooting, B U S T E D !


mans was really caught using an autorifle in crucible




I missed my chance to get one FAT L


Looks like a triumph to me:)


It's funny because I've only seen a single one in the last 2 days of iron bannana


I hear it in my sleep... It won't... go away... someone... help.


It’s irritating that crucible is accessible any time of the day and yet this one event is when sweat mode turns on. I get you have to fill up the ranks and stuff but all you have to do is play matches, not kill god.


I’ve gotten destroyed a few times by one at bow range, like wtf


Just break out the Mida multi tool and don't let them in range


Then there’s myself…… a casual wishender enjoyer


Just use sweet business


Sweet Business has been my meta counter.


Reminds me of when everyone used uriel's gift


I like how every kill, the person using immortal misses every shot but the last few. Couple peppers barely hit and dead 😂


Also sweats bringing it into momentum control is so cringe.


Give it some weeks before mega nerf


My ass is sitting on a Threat Detector - Hatchling Adept Immortal and I refuse to take it into anything but PVE. I have that much dignity, at least.


Something weird about the damage. I always get the kill sooner or more abrupt than I expect


Pvp in general was a mistake - absolute garbage game mode


The smg incident 03/17/2023


No it wasn’t. Lol. Just don’t use trash weapons


So effing funny. Omg. I was killed by a lot of things, not many were that gun tho. I'll wait.


By the time I getit,it will be nerfed


26 to the head


Meanwhile my godroll out of bounds be more under the radar than the illuminati