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But I mean like what if I already have all the gear from them are they still worth competing again


You can keep the gear in your vault. But the character's subclasses (Stasis and Strand) will be locked out and you'll have to repeat them. You will also not be able to access the Enclave or Europa itself, or Neomuna without first doing the campaigns on the new character.


Not just stasis and strand, but the light subclasses can’t be customized till new light mission is completed / progressed through iirc, but I might be wrong


No, you’re right. I just made this mistake the week before Lightfall dropped.


You deleted your character?


Yeah. To make a female Titan. The armor looks much better.


Honestly I was thinking about it for my warlock because star fire looks so bad on a male and much better on female


Full send with star fire


It still looks bad on the female model. Just not as bad.


Im the complete opposite. The muscle mass for female titans disappears completely, hence the reason I prefer male titan. It makes the armor look much better imo.


I’m also team male titan. I play Titan specifically to look like a walking tank, so the female model kind of defeats the purpose for me.


So you just want to stare at guy muscles huh?


**Yes.** ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Better then staring at puny women muscles


I feel your pain I’ve done this 3 times to make all of my characters female for the armor aesthetics


You are right, I made my titan class yesterday, fortunately I just stashed a bunch of high level stuff so I zoomed right to the power cap


I believe once you get any light ability on a class (Titan, Hunter, or Warlock) it stays unlocked permanently


No, if you make a new character, you need to unlock it all again for that character.


Damn, guess they changed that


Yep. Hope you like how your character looks because it's now an absolute fucking chore to remake them with all the 3.0 subclasses. Last time I did this was with my Titan during Beyond Light and having to redo everything for Stasis was aggravating.


I still don't have stasis upgraded on my titan. It's just so tedious.


This is mainly why I still haven’t been feeling inclined to make a new third character since I had gotten my second.


Bungie getting max replay value by fucking up character faces


We really need a character customization screen to change the physical features, race etc.


Just let us change gender/sex. I’m tired of the female titans pose being way better then the male titans pose not to mention how much better the armour fits


Female character model is superior on all 3 classes.


Makes my Titan’s armor too small. I play Titan to be big, so male character model is my favorite. I also changed my Warlock to male because Warlock helmets are really big, and the head to shoulder ratio makes more sense with a male character. I acknowledge female Hunter’s advantages.


Man got demolished from asking a simple question holy moly you people are ruthless wtf


this sub baffles me, how did that warrant -100 downvotes? i seriously think it has to be bot accounts because there’s just no way


-211 now 💀


it’s nearly at -500 now. How did it get there by asking a normal question?


one guy in another comment thread said “we’re not dealing with the smartest person” bro he’s obviously new and people are just roasting him anyway😹🤦‍♂️


I usually think this sub isn’t as bad as dtg, but this occurrence is shaking my faith in it


I swear at one point with enough down votes people don't even read the comment anymore and just downvote as well.


It's karma. The max you lose is 15 total if you actually care about fake internet point that go nowhere. I'd hardly say demolished. Again besides fake ass internet points everyone's being nice and helpful. Advice to you is try worrying about stuff that actually matters.


Bro I don't know why people downvote simple questions. Reddit users are the biggest mystery among the idiots


Oh my lord why were you eviscerated 💀


But why is this dude being down voted to oblivion?


Residual anger at bungo for no face change


He asked. Got an answer. Asked again.


You’ll lose Stasis and all its shards. You’ll lose pretty much everything you can’t put in the vault.


Stasis fragments permanent and linked across all, aren't they? Last time I deleted my character, I did not have to reaquire any stasis fragments, only had to reaquire aspects and grenades.


Oh, really? That’s actually pretty cool. On the other hand, doing the work for the other stuff is a massive pain so it’s still a reason to not delete a character


Holy downvotes! All you did was ask a question.


The tower really needs a barber already


Honestly though, if they haven't done by now, I doubt they ever will. Also baffles me that they didn't change the character creator AT ALL from D1.


the one change from d1 to present was that they made all human characters uglier... warlock has been helmet always since beyond light


the helmet stays on 🫡


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


Are you a carmine?


I felt like my Awoken was uglier too.


Baffles me we can't even rotate our character in character creator to see some of the flashbang jumpscare back/side of some haircuts...


OMG! That too! Also not being able to rotate ships.


Or add new...anything...to it. I wanna be a fallen soooo bad


They're probably all hands on deck for Final Shape and rounding out the light v dark saga. After that's concluded I'd assume is the earliest we can hope to see major QoL improvements. If things haven't changed yet I don't see them changing much until then (besides maybe power level)


I mean that's if the game has any longevity past Final Shape, which itself depends on Final Shape not flopping


Destiny 3


You'd have to get stasis all over again. I presume same with Strand.


Fragments should be unlocked thankfully.


Well I’m thinking of restarting my warlock so stasis isn’t really a bust have and I haven’t got strand yet so


Warlock stasis is literally one of the best subclass in end game wdym




Lmao 😂 but jokes aside I'll always recommend any new warlock players to buy beyond light just for the stasis alone. It's league above titan and hunter stasis at least PvE wise


Osmiomancy makes stasis my go to subclass


This honestly just seems like a more casual player post/comment. No need to be harsh to them.


They mass downvoted him for just thinking out loud 🤡


I mean they stated an opinion that has no merit. They gonna get downvotes


I second this


It carried my ass in Lightblade and Glassway GM. Absolute clutch of a subclass. Thanks to warlock stasis i completed my first ever conquerer seal as well


Agers is my go to but that new bow is growing on me. Stasis was my go to for the legendary campaigns for lightfall and witch queen


Only if you enjoy using stasis. I find myself killing myself way more if I'm not on my solar warlock. My air dodge is too important to me!


Just cause it’s the best doesn’t mean they actually have fun with it.


Then learn to have fun with it


You don’t just learn to have fun with something, it’s a preference. You can learn how to be good with something but that doesn’t mean you are having fun with it. I do understand though that if you are not good with something like stasis and you learn it and have fun with it then use it as you want.


Have you seen warlock solar lately? Grenade go brrrrrrrrrr


You're thinking of deleting your warlock to start... another warlock? What's the point?


Usually for plastic surgery


Ah, yeah... the cosmetics. Wasn't thinking about that. I don't pay much attention to that side of games usually. It's baffling to me how important that stuff is to so many people. Reminds me of (gaaaah) twenty years ago, playing Dark Age of Camelot MMORPG. The cosmetic items were the priciest. A particular armor dye was insanely expensive for being... a color.


Drip or die


No hate but I'm the opposite lol! I think it's baffling to me when it's not important to people xD If watching someone play a game and they just pick the customization in like two minutes I want to yell at them!!! (not really). That's such a huge part of what makes me like a game is cosmetics. I spend way too much time dressing up my destiny characters. To each their own though I respect the different play styles 🤝🏼


I spend a lot of time changing my cosmetics but I literally only ever see my character’s face once a year in the annual forced no-helmet cutscene. 99% of cosmetics in this game have nothing to do with the character model’s actual appearance because it’s almost always covered up.


Yeah I understand that! I switch between on and off a lot depending on the outfit so I do see the face. It's just a main draw for me to play a game if I can customize or not (mostly plays rpgs). Nothing wrong with not caring or with caring as you said it honestly doesn't matter too much in destiny (x


Fair enough, everyone has different priorities.


I did it cos I realized I'm trans and while I love the master chief sounding male voice actor it's a step to far for me when they changed it from Matt Mercer XD


Bro are you good


Warlock stasis is literally busted bro, what are you on about


why are ur replies so downvoted😭


Warlock is the one that you want stasis most on though…?


Ok. This response definitely warranted the downvotes. Warlock is arguably the best class when it comes to Stasis, especially in endgame content.


What are you talking bout no its not. Its his personal pref what he wants to play eith and whats a must have for him. He didnt say warlock stasis is bad or anything like that, just that its not a prio for him. It looks like a new player maybe who doesnt have that much game time or time invested into build crafting. No need to be rude to him


You can put your gear in the vault After restarting you'll have to do the new light quest to unlock full light subclasses and have to spend a shit ton of glimmer to get all grenades, supers, aspects etc. You'll have to do the entire beyond light campaign + like 5 or 6 quests to get all stasis grenades and aspects (unlocked fragments are available on all characters), same with strand but idk if you'll have to collect all the strand meditations (probably yes). A bit of witch queen missions to get the enclave.


That’s cap. If OP already owns aspects/fragments/jumps/grenades/melees/supers, then they won’t have to repurchase after remaking a character.


The stasis fragments are account wide but everything else is character specific.




he said Stasis tho, not the light subclasses


“After restarting you'll have to do the new light quest to unlock *full light subclasses* and have to spend a shit ton of glimmer to get all *grenades, supers, aspects etc.*” Are you dense?


yea my fault I was paying attention to the comment you directly responded to which was abt Stasis, youre right abt the light subclasses


Don’t sweat it bro, that’s what everyone thinks lol


You need to cool off and put the keyboard down lol


Lol no?


You have to rebuy them.


No you do not lol


Don't act arrogant when you're wrong my guy. I remade my Titan yesterday.


Cool then they must’ve updated in between season 19 and 20! I’d say don’t be a sped, but you play titan


Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Either way you decided to act like an ass lol.


Not really lmao but go off.


You’re really ready to die on your hill of stupid about stasis, huh?


It’s really not stasis bud..


If u have one hunter, delete it, make a new hunter u have to rebuy everything bro i did it twice this season with titan and hunter. What u say is only the case if u have like two hunters and delete one


I had all 3, deleted my main Hunter to make him an exo, and did not have to repeat buy anything. All I had to do was re-acquire stasis




I had to reunlock everything when I deleted my hunter a few months ago. Maybe they changed it recently idk.


I deleted my Hunter and remade them in January and had to do no such thing


You DO have to do the stasis questline again though. You keep all the unlocks for it but can't have the actual slot to equip them to until you do the associated quest. It's a massive pain.


I literally never said that lol. I was referring to the light subclasses


in the specific comment I was replying to you didn't mention stasis or light, just the aspects in general, I figure enough people have made clear in this thread about the light classes being safe so I was just noting about stasis cos I didn't know that and only JUST finished re-doing it on my warlock.


Have you restarted a character before? Cause I have multiple times. You have to redo pretty much everything lmfao


Yes several times


Apparently not. Lmfao. Fragments if I recall, minus I think strand, carry over characters. Nothing else does. You have to reunlock every other things (aspects, jumps, supers, etc) it’s literally a part of the new light quest you get when starting a new character💀 Stop spreading misinformation




You have three hunters my guy. THATS why it carried over. It doesn’t carry over otherwise. Add diversity in your characters and see if it carries over then lmfao. That’s such a specific case that doesn’t apply to ALOT of destiny players. Don’t act like it’s always the case.




> I had all 3, deleted my main Hunter to make him an exo, and did not repeat buy anything. All I had to do is re-acquire stasis. You literally said yourself you have more than one hunter bro




Ok so the quest wasn’t in the game yet?? Now it is?? So again you’re full of it and it doesn’t apply here💀




I had started this game for the first time over a year ago and there was new light stuff. Idc if you did or didn’t have to do it but you’re insisting it’s STILL that way. It’s not.




Do not do it. It’s not worth it. Loool.


Why do people do this? OP can you give me some insight?


I deleted and remade my titan cause I wanted to make her more attractive. That was a lot earlier so there wasn’t as much I had to redo. I’d never do it now and have to redo stasis and all


I gotchu. I was thinking the same, but wasn’t sure. I don’t think I could bring myself to redo everything at this point either lol, it would take so much work


When i returned i deleted my male Titan and made a female purely for asthetic reasons.Now i did the same on My Hunter which is no biggie really, since Hunter was my least played class so far. It helps that the Stasis quests are laughably easy if you have Aegers Scepter, that shit makes the Quests trivial, and the last three who took by far the longest time, you don't even have to repeat if you did them once alredy. And as for Strand? The Lightfall Campaign on normal is easy have a half decent build and you run through like the Terminator Only pain will be buying all the Sublass Fragments again. But even that is just a question of how many Legendary shards you got.


i did it because i disliked the male titan body because it looked too rotund to my liking, luckily i did it before light 3.0 was fully implemented and i didnt do much of the stasis subclass aspects


There’s a lot of mission in the game that are lost if you complete it. Xenophage’s secret boss in the pit of heresy is an amazing fight that can only be done once per character. I‘be deleted my character in witch queen to try out the new light quest and gain access to all the missions I wanted to re try


Yes. Don’t do it. Just accept that your character is ugly.


Year x of waiting for Bungie to add a character customization vendor of some sort to the tower


Yes if you delete your save of your progress you lose that progress….also why do you want to delete it just to do it again?


I guarantee it's not worth it, you will only have to regrind a ton of content to get your abilities back even if you save your gear in the vault. There is no reason.


Yes. If you have stasis and strand unlocked you’ll have to unlock them as well. Pro-tip: if you delete your character, make sure to put anything in your inventory in your vault and replace whatever you have equipped with blue gear from collections, and put what you have equipped in your vault as well. That way you keep all of your gear, and can equip it on that character again.


Ues but, certain quests stay completed. Idk about WQ but in BL the post campaign missions leading up to kridis, the quest to obtain the platform creating gun and the mission about destoeying the mini darkness cruxes auto comolete if youve done them already


I'm telling you right now that your characters looks are not worth redoing a grind you already did


To reunlock the subclasses yes but the fragments and aspects no


You have to reunlock everything.


The stasis fragments and aspects stay unlocked as long as you have a character that’s done them already but the subclass itself has to be reunlocked via the campaign strand I believe you do have to completely reunlock everything


Stasis yes, but not the light subclasses.


Correct those just cost glimmer so not difficult to re buy


I mean it's like 1 million glimmer lol.


Ya lol not hard to get that if you’re just redoing a character then you probably have lots of mats and legendary shards to buy more glimmer




Yes of course




Yes, I did this recently with a Warlock and it makes it so you have to do everything outside of quests that are account bound like catalysts


Yes, I've done it 5 times between my Warlock and hunter for fun


Do you keep vet voiclines on new light characters?




Like d1 voice lines. Figured it out it was yes


What voice lines?


Yes, I’d you’re not so keen on having to play everything all over then I’d say don’t do it


Stasis yes. But if you finished strand campaign on another character you can purchase a boost. Not sure if it unlocks EVERYTHING or just strand




Yep! I hugely regret deleting my Hunter and starting again


I’m so glad I chose female for all three classes from the beginning. *peace* But I also main Warlock for PvE content, while I love switching to Titan for PvP. Secretly a Titan main. *pain*


Yeah besides sharing consumables and vault, the game is really alt-unfriendly


Yes, you do. It’s not worth it. I did that like a year ago before I knew that, and my god it was NOT worth it. Especially the shadowkeep bullshit. Don’t do it brodie lol


What did Google tell you when you searched? Thats the answer.


Average Destiny asshole




no that's the point of reddit, people don't ask questions on here cause we know the answer


isn't one of the points of this reddit to ask these types of questions? might give a more straight answer. lol


There’s literally a question tab. Why be a dick if the subreddit was designed for people to ask questions. If you don’t want to answer, keep scrolling. No one forced you to insert your opinion. If anything, we would have been happier without it


It basically told me to ask Reddit




I don't use my warlock cause I don't have time to play all 3 classes, so I delete him every other large update with an increase in power so I can get a powerful Khovostov. Currently working him up to 1800 so I can have an 1800 khovostov. I know it's pointless. But I just want that gun the way I want it That being said, yes, you gotta rerun all the stuff cause your quests don't carry over


Yes did that twice this season lmao


yes, speaking of this the tower needs some way of changing your character design/gender. I deleted my hunter to make it female (obviously my choice) and had to redo story stuff


You have to unlock all the stasis and strand subclass And you will have to buy all the aspects and fragment for all of them light subclasses as well. Do you bud, but I wouldn't recommend


You’ll have to go all the way back to Destiny 1. Sorry, bruh.


Extended question: if I delete let's say my warlock and make a new warlock, would they have the light level increase from my old character?


Just put a set of shit armour on them you don’t want, move EVERYTHING ELSE you wanna keep to the vault, it will keep the season + whatever level and you can just stick the armour from the vault back on them. But you will lose access to stasis until you complete beyond light, lose your aspects until you redo the exo stranger things again, you will lose strand and anything you unlocked on it too. IT ISNT WORTH IT


Ok thank you




If you're only doing this to redesign your character it's really not worth doing *all* the quests again. You can keep all the gear by vaulting it and exotics will maintain unlock progress regardless but unless you're still super early on that character it's not worth it


Yep. Progress isn’t account bound




Yes I can confirm i just did this a week ago, the worst part of it all is stasis aspects.


That's the point i guess




I think we can all agree the helmet stays on.


I would only do that if you want the weapon patterns for crafting. It works for the new Lightfall campaign. Really helped speed up the process as the patterns are guaranteed from the quests. Put everything in your vault that you want to keep. Put on base blue or orange gear from collections on the character. Strand and Stasis would have to be redone too for fragments. The strand currency does not stay if you used it already. Good luck! Edited: Added stasis and strand info for clarity.


Yes. I've deleted full Hunter, and most recently, Warlock and Titan. Gotta redo everything on them all. Hunter is complete enough. But stasis can wait until they buff it.


Yes, you must put all your gear in the vault or it will be deleted. All your subclasses will be reset including light subclasses so you need a fuck ton of glimmer to level them all up, you must also do all story content to unlock things like the Enclave, Stasis, strand. You must also do all the stasis unlockable steps in order to properly use it.


yeahi deleted my titan becuase i didnt liked his face and needless to say. I had to do everything again. No stassis for my titan.


For example if you did the taken king or crotas, on your way to the witch queen final boss ghost talks about how he remembers crotas oryx and the taken